
過去の記録 ~07/26本日 07/27 | 今後の予定 07/28~



16:50-18:35   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
高島 克幸 氏 (三菱電機/九州大学)
同種写像暗号 (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]



16:45-18:15   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Amine Marrakchi 氏 (京大数理研)
Tensor product decompositions and rigidity of full factors


17:00-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
佐藤謙 氏 (東京大学数理科学研究科)
Explicit calculation of values of the regulator maps on a certain type of Kummer surfaces (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
複素数に埋め込まれた体K上定義された射影代数多様体Xに対して、レギュレーター写像というモチヴィックコホモロジーからDeligneコホモロジーへの写像がBeilinsonにより定義された。特にKが有理数体の時、Beilinsonによりレギュレーター写像の値はモチーフのL関数の特殊値の無理数部分と結びつくと予想されているが、予想が成り立つことが知られている例は少ない。しかしながら、レギュレーター写像の値を超幾何関数のような特殊関数を用いて表す研究は朝倉政典氏や大坪紀之氏の研究に見られるように近年盛んである。本講演では、楕円曲線の直積に付随するようなKummer曲面に対し、高次Chow群との同型を用いてモチヴィックコホモロジーの中に具体的に元を構成し、その元のレギュレーター写像による値を考察する。またその応用として、上記の曲面のモチヴィックコホモロジーのindecomposal partが複素数体上十分一般の場合に消えていないことを示す。



17:00-18:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: Common Room 16:30-17:00
若月 駿 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Brane coproducts and their applications (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
The loop coproduct is a coproduct on the homology of the free loop space of a Poincaré duality space (or more generally a Gorenstein space). In this talk, I will introduce two kinds of brane coproducts which are generalizations of the loop coproduct to the homology of a sphere space (i.e. the mapping space from a sphere). Their constructions are based on the finiteness of the dimensions of mapping spaces in some sense. As an application, I will show the vanishing of some cup products on sphere spaces by comparing these two brane coproducts. This gives a generalization of a result of Menichi for the case of free loop spaces.



10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Yeping Zhang 氏 (京都大学)
BCOV invariant and birational equivalence (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
Bershadsky, Cecotti, Ooguri and Vafa constructed a real valued invariant for Calabi-Yau manifolds, which is now called BCOV invariant. Now we consider a pair (X,Y), where X is a Kaehler manifold and $Y ¥subseteq X$ is a canonical divisor. In this talk, we extend the BCOV invariant to such pairs. The extended BCOV invariant is well-behaved under birational equivalence. We expect that these considerations may eventually lead to a positive answer to Yoshikawa's conjecture that the BCOV invariant for Calabi-Yau threefold is a birational invariant.


17:00-18:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
18:30から 2階コモンルームで講演者を囲んで情報交換会を予定しております。
藤原 洋 氏 (株式会社ブロードバンドタワー 代表取締役会長兼社長CEO)
全産業デジタル化と数学力による日本創生戦略 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
AI や5G、IoT(モノのインターネット)は、近い将来、日本経済に多大な恩恵をもたらしうる。実際、AI やIoT を「武器」に、成長し続ける日本企業は少なくない。そこで本講演では、デジタル産業の創生に関わり続けてきた経験をもとに、「デジタルトランスフォーメーションという大きなうねり」によって、情報通信、流通、農業、金融・保険、医療・福祉がどう変わるかついて述べる。そして、急速に進化するデジタル社会を生き抜くには何が必要か? 変化の本質を見極め牽引するために不可欠な数学・数理科学の重要性を説く。
[ 参考URL ]


16:50-18:20   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 117号室
河原田秀夫 氏 (AMSOK, 千葉大学名誉教授)
セラミックス球によるスケール形成防止効果と人体に及ぼす効用 (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
セラミックス球を電解質溶液に浸したその界面に超強電場が発生することが知られている 。その電場に接触した炭酸カルシウム結晶に電気分極を生じ、それに基づく電気的エネル ギー(分極エネルギー)が化学ポテンシャルの一部として分配される。この分極エネルギ ーは核の生成を極端に妨害すると同時に生成した核の表面自由エネルギーを減少させる。 この現象がスケール形成防止効果を表現している。そのメカニズムが数理的手法を用いて 解明される。 更に、上記超強電場が水の分子集団に上記と同様な変化を生成することが 示される。この事実をもとにセラミックス球を人体に接触させたとき、如何なる現象が生 じるかについて議論する。


11:00-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 123号室
Joel E. Cohen 氏 (The Rockefeller University and Columbia University)
Taylor's Law of Fluctuation Scaling
[ 講演概要 ]
A family of nonnegative random variables is said to obey Taylor's law when the variance is proportional to some power b of the mean. For example, in the family of exponential distributions, if the mean is m, then the variance is m^2, so the family of exponential distributions obeys Taylor's law exactly with b=2. Many stochastic processes and the prime numbers obey Taylor's law (exactly or asymptotically). Thousands of empirical illustrations of Taylor's law have been published in many different fields including ecology, demography, finance (stock and currency trading), cancer biology, genetics, fisheries, forestry, meteorology, agriculture, physics, cell biology, computer network engineering, and number theory. This survey talk will review some empirical and theoretical results and open problems about Taylor's law, including recently proved versions of Taylor's law for nonnegative stable laws with infinite mean.
[ 参考URL ]



15:30-17:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 118号室
谷本 祥 氏 (熊本)
Rational curves on prime Fano 3-folds (TBA)
[ 講演概要 ]
One of important topics in algebraic geometry is the space of rational curves, e.g., the dimension and the number of components of the moduli spaces of rational curves on an algebraic variety X. One of interesting situations where this question is extensively studied is when X is a Fano variety since in this case X is rationally connected so that it does contain a lots of rational curves. In this talk I will talk about my joint work with Brian Lehmann which settles this problem for most Fano 3-folds of Picard rank 1, e.g., a general quartic 3-fold in P^4, and our approach is inspired by Manin’s conjecture which predicts the asymptotic formula for the counting function of rational points on a Fano variety. In particular we systematically use geometric invariants in Manin’s conjecture which have been studied by many mathematicians including Brian and me.


15:30-16:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
木田良才 氏 (東京大学数理科学研究科)
[ 講演概要 ]



16:50-18:35   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
高島 克幸 氏 (三菱電機/九州大学)
楕円曲線に基づく暗号の進展 (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]



16:45-18:15   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
吉田啓佑 氏 (北海道大学)
KMS states on operator algebras associated with self-similar group actions



17:00-18:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: Common Room 16:30-17:00
Tian-Jun Li 氏 (University of Minnesota)
Geometry of symplectic log Calabi-Yau surfaces (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
This is a survey on the geometry of symplectic log Calabi-Yau surfaces, which are the symplectic analogues of Looijenga pairs. We address the classification up to symplectic deformation, the relations between symplectic circular sequences and anti-canonical sequences, contact trichotomy, and symplectic fillings. This is a joint work with Cheuk Yu Mak.



10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
山盛 厚伺 氏 (工学院大学)
A certain holomorphic invariant and its applications (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk, we first explain a Bergman geometric proof of inequivalence of the unit ball and the bidisk. In this proof, the homogeneity of the domains plays a substantial role. We next explain a recent attempt to extend our method for non-homogeneous cases.



16:50-18:35   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
岡本 龍明 氏 (NTT)
関数型暗号 (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]



16:00-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 118号室
北川 潤 氏 (ミシガン州立大学)
最適輸送問題における自由境界の正則性および安定性について (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
最適輸送(モンジュ・カントロビッチ)問題では台が連結な測度を台が非連結なものへと輸送した場合、輸送写像はもちろん不連続である.このような場合に発生する不連続点の集合はモンジュ・アンペール方程式の特異点集合と一致し、一種の自由境界としてとらえられる.このような特異点集合の正則性、次元、および安定性について話す.本講演はR. McCann氏(Univ. of Toronto)との共同研究に基づく.


16:00-17:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Eric Foxall 氏 (University of Alberta)
Diffusion limit for the partner model at the critical value (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
The partner model is a stochastic SIS model of infection spread over a dynamic network of monogamous partnerships. In previous work, Edwards, Foxall and van den Driessche identify a threshold in parameter space for spread of the infection and show the time to extinction of the infection is of order log(N) below the threshold, where N is population size, and grows exponentially in N above the
threshold. Later, Foxall shows the time to extinction at threshold is of order sqrt(N). Here we go further and derive a single-variable diffusion limit for the number of infectious individuals rescaled by sqrt(N) in both population and time, and show convergence in distribution of the rescaled extinction time. Since the model has effectively four variables and two relevant time scales, the proof features a succession of probability estimates to control trajectories, as well as an averaging result to contend with the fast partnership dynamics.



16:45-18:15   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
佐藤僚亮 氏 (名古屋大学)
Type classification of extreme quantized characters


15:30-17:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 118号室
鈴木文顕 氏 (イリノイ州立シカゴ大学)
A pencil of Enriques surfaces with non-algebraic integral Hodge classes (TBA)
[ 講演概要 ]
The integral Hodge conjecture is the statement that the integral Hodge classes are algebraic on smooth complex projective varieties. It is known that the conjecture can fail in general. There are two types of counterexamples, ones with non-algebraic integral Hodge classes of torsion-type and of non-torsion type, the first of which were given by Atiyah-Hirzebruch and Kollar, respectively.

In this talk, we exhibit a pencil of Enriques surfaces defined over Q with non-algebraic integral Hodge classes of non-torsion type. This construction relates to certain questions concerning rational points of algebraic varieties.

This gives the first example of a threefold with the trivial Chow group of zero-cycles on which the integral Hodge conjecture fails. As an application, we construct a fourfold which gives the negative answer to a classical question on the universality of the Abel-Jacobi maps.

This is a joint work with John Christian Ottem.



11:00-12:10   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 052号室
Xiaohui Chen 氏 (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign)
Gaussian and bootstrap approximations of high-dimensional U-statistics with applications and extensions ※変更の可能性あり

[ 講演概要 ]
We shall first discuss the Gaussian approximation of high-dimensional and non-degenerate U-statistics of order two under the supremum norm. A two-step Gaussian approximation procedure that does not impose structural assumptions on the data distribution is proposed. Subject to mild moment conditions on the kernel, we establish the explicit rate of convergence that decays polynomially in sample size for a high-dimensional scaling limit, where the dimension can be much larger than the sample size. We also provide computable approximation methods for the quantiles of the maxima of centered U-statistics. Specifically, we provide a unified perspective for the empirical, the randomly reweighted, and the multiplier bootstraps as randomly reweighted quadratic forms, all asymptotically valid and inferentially first-order equivalent in high-dimensions.

The bootstrap methods are applied on statistical applications for high-dimensional non-Gaussian data including: (i) principled and data-dependent tuning parameter selection for regularized estimation of the covariance matrix and its related functionals; (ii) simultaneous inference for the covariance and rank correlation matrices. In particular, for the thresholded covariance matrix estimator with the bootstrap selected tuning parameter, we show that the Gaussian-like convergence rates can be achieved for heavy-tailed data, which are less conservative than those obtained by the Bonferroni technique that
ignores the dependency in the underlying data distribution. In addition, we also show that even for subgaussian distributions, error bounds of the bootstrapped thresholded covariance matrix estimator can be much tighter than those of the minimax estimator with a universal threshold.

Time permitting, we will discuss some extensions to the infinite-dimensional version (i.e., U-processes of increasing complexity) and to the randomized inference via the incomplete U-statistics whose computational cost can be made independent of the order.


10:30-11:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Piotr Rybka 氏 (University of Warsaw)
Ways to treat a diffusion problem with the fractional Caputo derivative
[ 講演概要 ]
The problem
u_t = (D^\alpha u)_x + f
augmented with initial and boundary data appear in model of subsurface flows. Here, $D^\alpha u$ denotes the fractional Caputo derivative of order $\alpha \in (0,1)$.

We offer three approaches:
1) from the point of view of semigroups;
2) from the point of view of the theory of viscosity solutions;
3) from the point of view of numerical simulations.

This is a joint work with T. Namba, K. Ryszewska, V. Voller.


17:00-18:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: Common Room 16:30-17:00
谷口 正樹 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Filtered instanton homology and the homology cobordism group (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
We give a new family of real-valued invariants {r_s} of oriented homology 3-spheres. The invariants are defined by using some filtered version of instanton Floer homology. The invariants are closely related to the existence of solutions to ASD equations on Y×R for a given homology sphere Y. We show some properties of {r_s} containing a connected sum formula and a negative definite inequality. As applications of such properties of {r_s}, we obtain several new results on the homology cobordism group and the knot concordance group. As one of such results, we show that if the 1-surgery of a knot has the Froyshov invariant negative, then all positive 1/n-surgeries of the knot are linearly independent in the homology cobordism group. This theorem gives a generalization of the theorem shown by Furuta and Fintushel-Stern in ’90. Moreover, we estimate the values of {r_s} for a hyperbolic manifold Y with an error of at most 10^{-50}. It seems the values are irrational. If the values are irrational, we can conclude that the homology cobordism group is not generated by Seifert homology spheres. This is joint work with Yuta Nozaki and Kouki Sato.



10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Andrei Pajitnov 氏 (Universite de Nantes)
Inoue surfaces and their generalizations (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
In 1972 M. Inoue constructed complex non-algebraic surfaces that proved very important for classification of surfaces via the Enriques-Kodaira scheme. Inoue surface is the quotient of H ¥times C by action of a discreet group associated to a given matrix in SL(3, Z). In 2005 K. Oeljeklaus and M. Toma generalized Inoue’s construction to higher dimensions. Oeljeklaus-Toma manifold is the quotient of H^s ¥times C^n by action of a discreet group, associated to the maximal order of a given algebraic number field.
In this talk, I will give a brief overview of these works and related results. Then I will discuss a new generalization of Inoue surfaces to higher dimensions. The manifold in question is the quotient of H ¥times C^n by action of a discreet group associated to a given matrix in SL(2n+1, Z). This is joint work with Hisaaki Endo.



16:50-18:35   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
岡本 龍明 氏 (NTT)
完全準同型暗号 (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]



17:00-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
笠浦一海 氏 (東京大学数理科学研究科)
On extension of overconvergent log isocrystals on log smooth varieties (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
Kedlayaおよび志甫の研究により,k上の滑らかな代数多様体Xとその上の単純正規交叉因子Zについて,X ¥setminus Z上の過収束アイソクリスタルのうちZの周りである種のモノドロミーを持つものは,XにZから定まる対数的構造を入れた対数的代数多様体上の収束対数的アイソクリスタルに延長できることが知られている.

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