過去の記録 ~02/06|本日 02/07 | 今後の予定 02/08~
17:00-18:00 オンライン開催
Chenghan Zha 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Integral structures in the local algebra of a singularity (ENGLISH)
Chenghan Zha 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Integral structures in the local algebra of a singularity (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
We compute the image of the Milnor lattice of an ADE singularity under a period map. We also prove that the Milnor lattice can be identified with an appropriate relative K-group defined through the Berglund-Huebsch dual of the corresponding singularity. Furthermore, we figure out the image of the Milnor lattice of the singularity of an invertible polynomial of chain type using the basis of middle homology constructed by Otani-Takahashi. We calculated the Seifert form of the basis as well.
[ 参考URL ]We compute the image of the Milnor lattice of an ADE singularity under a period map. We also prove that the Milnor lattice can be identified with an appropriate relative K-group defined through the Berglund-Huebsch dual of the corresponding singularity. Furthermore, we figure out the image of the Milnor lattice of the singularity of an invertible polynomial of chain type using the basis of middle homology constructed by Otani-Takahashi. We calculated the Seifert form of the basis as well.
10:30-12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
小池貴之 氏 (大阪公立大学)
Holomorphic foliation associated with a semi-positive class of numerical dimension one (Japanese)
小池貴之 氏 (大阪公立大学)
Holomorphic foliation associated with a semi-positive class of numerical dimension one (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
Let $X$ be a compact Kähler manifold and $\alpha$ be a Dolbeault cohomology class of bidegree $(1,1)$ on $X$.
When the numerical dimension of $\alpha$ is one and $\alpha$ admits at least two smooth semi-positive representatives, we show the existence of a family of real analytic Levi-flat hypersurfaces in $X$ and a holomorphic foliation on a suitable domain of $X$ along whose leaves any semi-positive representative of $\alpha$ is zero.
As an application, we give the affirmative answer to a conjecture on the relation between the semi-positivity of the line bundle $[Y]$ and the analytic structure of a neighborhood of $Y$ for a smooth connected hypersurface $Y$ of $X$.
[ 参考URL ]Let $X$ be a compact Kähler manifold and $\alpha$ be a Dolbeault cohomology class of bidegree $(1,1)$ on $X$.
When the numerical dimension of $\alpha$ is one and $\alpha$ admits at least two smooth semi-positive representatives, we show the existence of a family of real analytic Levi-flat hypersurfaces in $X$ and a holomorphic foliation on a suitable domain of $X$ along whose leaves any semi-positive representative of $\alpha$ is zero.
As an application, we give the affirmative answer to a conjecture on the relation between the semi-positivity of the line bundle $[Y]$ and the analytic structure of a neighborhood of $Y$ for a smooth connected hypersurface $Y$ of $X$.
13:15-14:45 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Andy Hone 氏 (University of Kent)
An infinite sequence of Heron triangles with two rational medians (English)
Andy Hone 氏 (University of Kent)
An infinite sequence of Heron triangles with two rational medians (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
Triangles with integer length sides and integer area are known as Heron triangles. Taking rescaling freedom into account, one can apply the same name when all sides and the area are rational numbers. A perfect triangle is a Heron triangle with all three medians being rational, and it is a longstanding conjecture that no such triangle exists. However, despite an assertion by Schubert that even two rational medians are impossible, Buchholz and Rathbun showed that there are infinitely many Heron triangles with two rational medians, an infinite subset of which are associated with rational points on an elliptic curve E(Q) with Mordell-Weil group Z x Z/2Z, and they observed a connection with a pair of Somos-5 sequences. Here we make the latter connection more precise by providing explicit formulae for the integer side lengths, the two rational medians, and the area in this infinite family of Heron triangles. The proof uses a combined approach to Somos-5 sequences and associated Quispel-Roberts-Thompson (QRT) maps in the plane, from several different viewpoints: complex analysis, real dynamics, and reduction modulo a prime.
Triangles with integer length sides and integer area are known as Heron triangles. Taking rescaling freedom into account, one can apply the same name when all sides and the area are rational numbers. A perfect triangle is a Heron triangle with all three medians being rational, and it is a longstanding conjecture that no such triangle exists. However, despite an assertion by Schubert that even two rational medians are impossible, Buchholz and Rathbun showed that there are infinitely many Heron triangles with two rational medians, an infinite subset of which are associated with rational points on an elliptic curve E(Q) with Mordell-Weil group Z x Z/2Z, and they observed a connection with a pair of Somos-5 sequences. Here we make the latter connection more precise by providing explicit formulae for the integer side lengths, the two rational medians, and the area in this infinite family of Heron triangles. The proof uses a combined approach to Somos-5 sequences and associated Quispel-Roberts-Thompson (QRT) maps in the plane, from several different viewpoints: complex analysis, real dynamics, and reduction modulo a prime.
16:50-18:35 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 123号室
鈴木 泰成 氏 (NTT)
誤り耐性量子計算の理論II (Japanese)
鈴木 泰成 氏 (NTT)
誤り耐性量子計算の理論II (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
16:00-17:00 オンライン開催
Prof. Yi-Hsuan Lin 氏 (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
The Calder'on problem for nonlocal parabolic operators (English)
Prof. Yi-Hsuan Lin 氏 (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
The Calder'on problem for nonlocal parabolic operators (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
We investigate inverse problems in the determination of leading coefficients for nonlocal parabolic operators, by knowing the corresponding Cauchy data in the exterior space-time domain. The key contribution is that we reduce nonlocal parabolic inverse problems to the corresponding local inverse problems with the lateral boundary Cauchy data. In addition, we derive a new equation and offer a novel proof of the unique continuation property for this new equation. We also build both uniqueness and non-uniqueness results for both nonlocal isotropic and anisotropic parabolic Calder'on problems, respectively.
This is a joint work with Ching-Lung Lin and Gunther Uhlmann.
[ 参考URL ]We investigate inverse problems in the determination of leading coefficients for nonlocal parabolic operators, by knowing the corresponding Cauchy data in the exterior space-time domain. The key contribution is that we reduce nonlocal parabolic inverse problems to the corresponding local inverse problems with the lateral boundary Cauchy data. In addition, we derive a new equation and offer a novel proof of the unique continuation property for this new equation. We also build both uniqueness and non-uniqueness results for both nonlocal isotropic and anisotropic parabolic Calder'on problems, respectively.
This is a joint work with Ching-Lung Lin and Gunther Uhlmann.
13:15-16:45 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Joe Harrow 氏 (University of Kent) 13:15-14:45
Determinantal expressions for Ohyama polynomials (English)
Discrete dynamics, continued fractions and hyperelliptic curves (English)
Joe Harrow 氏 (University of Kent) 13:15-14:45
Determinantal expressions for Ohyama polynomials (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
The Ohyama polynomials provide algebraic solutions of the D7 case of the Painleve III equation at a particular sequence of parameter values. It is known that many special function solutions of Painleve equations are expressed in terms of tau functions that can be written in the form of determinants, but until now such a representation for the Ohyama polynomials was not known. Here we present two different determinantal formulae for these polynomials: the first, in terms of Wronskian determinants related to a Darboux transformation for a Lax pair of KdV type; and the second, in terms of Hankel determinants, which is related to the Toda lattice. If time permits, then connections with orthogonal polynomials, and with the recent Riemann-Hilbert approach of Buckingham & Miller, will briefly be mentioned.
Andy Hone 氏 (University of Kent) 15:15-16:45The Ohyama polynomials provide algebraic solutions of the D7 case of the Painleve III equation at a particular sequence of parameter values. It is known that many special function solutions of Painleve equations are expressed in terms of tau functions that can be written in the form of determinants, but until now such a representation for the Ohyama polynomials was not known. Here we present two different determinantal formulae for these polynomials: the first, in terms of Wronskian determinants related to a Darboux transformation for a Lax pair of KdV type; and the second, in terms of Hankel determinants, which is related to the Toda lattice. If time permits, then connections with orthogonal polynomials, and with the recent Riemann-Hilbert approach of Buckingham & Miller, will briefly be mentioned.
Discrete dynamics, continued fractions and hyperelliptic curves (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
After reviewing some standard facts about continued fractions for quadratic irrationals, we switch from the real numbers to the field of Laurent series, and describe some classical and more recent results on continued fraction expansions for the square root of an even degree polynomial, and other functions defined on the associated hyperelliptic curve. In the latter case, we extend results of van der Poorten on continued fractions of Jacobi type (J-fractions), and explain the connection with a family of discrete integrable systems (including Quispel-Roberts-Thompson maps and Somos sequences), orthogonal polynomials, and the Toda lattice. If time permits, we will make some remarks on current work with John Roberts and Pol Vanhaecke, concerning expansions involving the square root of an odd degree polynomial, Stieltjes continued fractions, and the Volterra lattice.
After reviewing some standard facts about continued fractions for quadratic irrationals, we switch from the real numbers to the field of Laurent series, and describe some classical and more recent results on continued fraction expansions for the square root of an even degree polynomial, and other functions defined on the associated hyperelliptic curve. In the latter case, we extend results of van der Poorten on continued fractions of Jacobi type (J-fractions), and explain the connection with a family of discrete integrable systems (including Quispel-Roberts-Thompson maps and Somos sequences), orthogonal polynomials, and the Toda lattice. If time permits, we will make some remarks on current work with John Roberts and Pol Vanhaecke, concerning expansions involving the square root of an odd degree polynomial, Stieltjes continued fractions, and the Volterra lattice.
10:30-12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) ハイブリッド開催/002号室
東谷 章弘 氏 (大阪大情報)
Toric Fano varieties arising from posets and their combinatorial mutation equivalence (日本語)
東谷 章弘 氏 (大阪大情報)
Toric Fano varieties arising from posets and their combinatorial mutation equivalence (日本語)
[ 講演概要 ]
In 1986, Stanley introduced two polytopes arising from posets, called order polytopes and chain polytopes. Since then, those polytopes have been studied from viewpoints of combinatorics. Projective toric varieties arising from order polytopes are called Hibi toric varieties in these days. On the other hand, combinatorial mutations were introduced by Akhtar-Coates-Galkin-Kasprzyk in 2012 in the context of the classification problem of Fano varieties using mirror symmetry.
In this talk, after surveying two poset polytopes and combinatorial mutations, we discuss the combinatorial mutation equivalence of two poset polytopes. Those equivalence implies qG-deformation equivalence of projective toric varieties arising from two poset polytopes.
Moreover, it turns out that order polytopes, chain polytopes and their intermediate polytopes correspond to some toric Fano varieties.
In 1986, Stanley introduced two polytopes arising from posets, called order polytopes and chain polytopes. Since then, those polytopes have been studied from viewpoints of combinatorics. Projective toric varieties arising from order polytopes are called Hibi toric varieties in these days. On the other hand, combinatorial mutations were introduced by Akhtar-Coates-Galkin-Kasprzyk in 2012 in the context of the classification problem of Fano varieties using mirror symmetry.
In this talk, after surveying two poset polytopes and combinatorial mutations, we discuss the combinatorial mutation equivalence of two poset polytopes. Those equivalence implies qG-deformation equivalence of projective toric varieties arising from two poset polytopes.
Moreover, it turns out that order polytopes, chain polytopes and their intermediate polytopes correspond to some toric Fano varieties.
16:00-17:00 オンライン開催
Professor Salah-Eddine CHORFI 氏 (Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences, モロッコ)
Logarithmic convexity of semigroups and inverse problems for parabolic equations (English)
[ 参考URL ]
Professor Salah-Eddine CHORFI 氏 (Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences, モロッコ)
Logarithmic convexity of semigroups and inverse problems for parabolic equations (English)
[ 参考URL ]
17:00-18:00 オンライン開催
浅香 猛 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Some calculations of an earthquake map in the cross ratio coordinates and the earthquake theorem of cluster algebras of finite type (JAPANESE)
浅香 猛 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Some calculations of an earthquake map in the cross ratio coordinates and the earthquake theorem of cluster algebras of finite type (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Thurston defined an earthquake, which cuts the Poincaré half-plane model and shifts it. Though it is a discontinuous bijective map, it can be extended to a homeomorphism of a circumference. Also, if an earthquake is equivalent relative to a Fuchsian group, the homeomorphism is equivalent, too. Moreover, Thurston proved the earthquake theorem saying that there uniquely exists an earthquake for any orient-preserving homeomorphism of a circumference, and Bonsante-Krasnov-Schlenker extended it to the case of marked surfaces. We calculate some earthquake maps by the cross ratio coordinates. The cross ratio coordinates are deeply related by the cluster algebra (Fock-Goncharov). We prove the earthquake theorem of cluster algebras of finite type. It is a joint work with Tsukasa Ishibashi and Shunsuke Kano.
[ 参考URL ]Thurston defined an earthquake, which cuts the Poincaré half-plane model and shifts it. Though it is a discontinuous bijective map, it can be extended to a homeomorphism of a circumference. Also, if an earthquake is equivalent relative to a Fuchsian group, the homeomorphism is equivalent, too. Moreover, Thurston proved the earthquake theorem saying that there uniquely exists an earthquake for any orient-preserving homeomorphism of a circumference, and Bonsante-Krasnov-Schlenker extended it to the case of marked surfaces. We calculate some earthquake maps by the cross ratio coordinates. The cross ratio coordinates are deeply related by the cluster algebra (Fock-Goncharov). We prove the earthquake theorem of cluster algebras of finite type. It is a joint work with Tsukasa Ishibashi and Shunsuke Kano.
10:50-11:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 号室
井口優雅 氏 (University College London)
Parameter Estimation with Increased Precision for Elliptic and Hypo-elliptic Diffusions
(現地参加) https://forms.gle/qwssLccVgsAWcfps7 (Zoom参加) (1/8迄) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7OYeMDfaZ7pTLO42k43Tn5dWKpsyw
井口優雅 氏 (University College London)
Parameter Estimation with Increased Precision for Elliptic and Hypo-elliptic Diffusions
[ 講演概要 ]
Parametric inference for multi-dimensional diffusion processes has been studied over the past decades. Established approaches for likelihood-based estimation invoke a numerical time-discretisation scheme for the approximation of the (typically intractable) transition dynamics of the Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) over finite time periods. Especially in the setting of some class of hypo-elliptic models, recent research (Ditlevsen and Samson 2019, Gloter and Yoshida 2021) has highlighted the critical effect of the choice of numerical scheme on the behaviour of derived parameter estimates. In our work, first, we develop two weak second order ‘sampling schemes' (to cover both the hypo-elliptic and elliptic classes) and generate accompanying ‘transition density schemes' of the SDE (i.e., approximations of the SDE transition density). Then, we produce a collection of analytic results, providing a complete theoretical framework that solidifies the proposed schemes and showcases advantages from their incorporation within SDE calibration methods, in both high and low frequency observations regime. We also present numerical results from carrying out classical or Bayesian inference. This is a joint work with Alexandros Beskos and Matthew Graham, and the preprint is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.16384.
[ 参考URL ]Parametric inference for multi-dimensional diffusion processes has been studied over the past decades. Established approaches for likelihood-based estimation invoke a numerical time-discretisation scheme for the approximation of the (typically intractable) transition dynamics of the Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) over finite time periods. Especially in the setting of some class of hypo-elliptic models, recent research (Ditlevsen and Samson 2019, Gloter and Yoshida 2021) has highlighted the critical effect of the choice of numerical scheme on the behaviour of derived parameter estimates. In our work, first, we develop two weak second order ‘sampling schemes' (to cover both the hypo-elliptic and elliptic classes) and generate accompanying ‘transition density schemes' of the SDE (i.e., approximations of the SDE transition density). Then, we produce a collection of analytic results, providing a complete theoretical framework that solidifies the proposed schemes and showcases advantages from their incorporation within SDE calibration methods, in both high and low frequency observations regime. We also present numerical results from carrying out classical or Bayesian inference. This is a joint work with Alexandros Beskos and Matthew Graham, and the preprint is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.16384.
(現地参加) https://forms.gle/qwssLccVgsAWcfps7 (Zoom参加) (1/8迄) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7OYeMDfaZ7pTLO42k43Tn5dWKpsyw
17:00-18:00 ハイブリッド開催
伊藤和広 氏 (東京大学カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構)
G-displays over prisms and deformation theory (Japanese)
伊藤和広 氏 (東京大学カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構)
G-displays over prisms and deformation theory (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
The notion of display, which was introduced by Zink, has been successfully applied to the deformation theory of p-divisible groups. Recently, for a reductive group G over the ring of p-adic integers, Lau introduced the notion of G-display. In this talk, following the approach of Lau, we study displays and G-displays over the prismatic site of Bhatt-Scholze, and explain the deformation theory for them. As an application, we give an alternative proof of the classification of p-divisible groups over a complete discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristic (0, p) with perfect residue field, using our deformation theory.
The notion of display, which was introduced by Zink, has been successfully applied to the deformation theory of p-divisible groups. Recently, for a reductive group G over the ring of p-adic integers, Lau introduced the notion of G-display. In this talk, following the approach of Lau, we study displays and G-displays over the prismatic site of Bhatt-Scholze, and explain the deformation theory for them. As an application, we give an alternative proof of the classification of p-divisible groups over a complete discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristic (0, p) with perfect residue field, using our deformation theory.
17:00-18:00 オンライン開催
Professor Debora Presti 氏 (Messina University)
On the source of the catastrophic 1908 Messina tsunami, southern Italy (English)
[ 参考URL ]
Professor Debora Presti 氏 (Messina University)
On the source of the catastrophic 1908 Messina tsunami, southern Italy (English)
[ 参考URL ]
16:00-17:00 オンライン開催
Professor Salah-Eddine CHORFI 氏 (Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences, モロッコ)
Controllability and inverse problems for parabolic equations with dynamic boundary conditions. (English)
[ 参考URL ]
Professor Salah-Eddine CHORFI 氏 (Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences, モロッコ)
Controllability and inverse problems for parabolic equations with dynamic boundary conditions. (English)
[ 参考URL ]
16:50-18:35 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 123号室
鈴木 泰成 氏 (NTT)
誤り耐性量子計算の理論I (Japanese)
鈴木 泰成 氏 (NTT)
誤り耐性量子計算の理論I (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
13:00-14:00 or 14:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) ハイブリッド開催/056号室
いつもと部屋が異なります. 京大代数幾何セミナーと共催です.
Hsueh-Yung Lin 氏 (NTU)
Towards a geometric origin of the dynamical filtrations (English)
いつもと部屋が異なります. 京大代数幾何セミナーと共催です.
Hsueh-Yung Lin 氏 (NTU)
Towards a geometric origin of the dynamical filtrations (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
Let X be a smooth projective variety with an automorphism f. When X is a threefold, Serge Cantat asked whether X has a non-trivial equivariant rational fibration, if the action of f on the Néron-Severi space is non-trivial and unipotent. We will propose a precise conjecture related to Cantat's question for minimal varieties in arbitrary dimension, in light of the "dynamical filtrations" arising in the study of zero entropy group actions. This conjecture also suggests a geometric origin of dynamical filtrations, whose definition is purely cohomological. We will provide some heuristic evidence from the relative abundance conjecture.
If time permits, we will also explain how the study of dynamical filtrations leads to new results about solvable group actions, which are not necessarily of zero entropy.
Let X be a smooth projective variety with an automorphism f. When X is a threefold, Serge Cantat asked whether X has a non-trivial equivariant rational fibration, if the action of f on the Néron-Severi space is non-trivial and unipotent. We will propose a precise conjecture related to Cantat's question for minimal varieties in arbitrary dimension, in light of the "dynamical filtrations" arising in the study of zero entropy group actions. This conjecture also suggests a geometric origin of dynamical filtrations, whose definition is purely cohomological. We will provide some heuristic evidence from the relative abundance conjecture.
If time permits, we will also explain how the study of dynamical filtrations leads to new results about solvable group actions, which are not necessarily of zero entropy.
9:30-10:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) オンラインZoom号室
Takumi Murayama 氏 (パーデュー大学)
The relative minimal model program for excellent algebraic spaces and analytic spaces in equal characteristic zero (English)
Takumi Murayama 氏 (パーデュー大学)
The relative minimal model program for excellent algebraic spaces and analytic spaces in equal characteristic zero (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
In 2010, Birkar, Cascini, Hacon, and McKernan proved a relative version of the minimal model program for projective morphisms of complex quasi-projective varieties, called the relative minimal model program with scaling. Their result is now fundamental to our understanding of the birational classification of quasi-projective varieties and has numerous applications.
In this talk, I will discuss recent joint work with Shiji Lyu that establishes the relative minimal model program with scaling for excellent schemes, excellent algebraic spaces, and analytic spaces simultaneously in equal characteristic zero. This not only recovers previous results for complex varieties, complex algebraic spaces, and complex analytic spaces, but also greatly extends the scope of the relative minimal model program with scaling to a broader class of geometric spaces, including formal schemes, rigid analytic spaces, and Berkovich spaces, all in equal characteristic zero. Our results for (non-algebraic) schemes and rigid analytic spaces were previously only known in dimensions ≤3 and ≤2, respectively, and our results for formal schemes and Berkovich spaces are completely new.
In 2010, Birkar, Cascini, Hacon, and McKernan proved a relative version of the minimal model program for projective morphisms of complex quasi-projective varieties, called the relative minimal model program with scaling. Their result is now fundamental to our understanding of the birational classification of quasi-projective varieties and has numerous applications.
In this talk, I will discuss recent joint work with Shiji Lyu that establishes the relative minimal model program with scaling for excellent schemes, excellent algebraic spaces, and analytic spaces simultaneously in equal characteristic zero. This not only recovers previous results for complex varieties, complex algebraic spaces, and complex analytic spaces, but also greatly extends the scope of the relative minimal model program with scaling to a broader class of geometric spaces, including formal schemes, rigid analytic spaces, and Berkovich spaces, all in equal characteristic zero. Our results for (non-algebraic) schemes and rigid analytic spaces were previously only known in dimensions ≤3 and ≤2, respectively, and our results for formal schemes and Berkovich spaces are completely new.
16:00-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
片岡清臣 氏 (東京大学)
J.Boman氏の最近の2つの関連する結果,distributionの台と解析性,Radon変換と楕円体領域の特殊な関係性についての解説 (Japanese)
片岡清臣 氏 (東京大学)
J.Boman氏の最近の2つの関連する結果,distributionの台と解析性,Radon変換と楕円体領域の特殊な関係性についての解説 (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
Jan Boman's (Stockholm Univ.) recent two papers:
[1], Regularity of a distribution and of the boundary of its support, The Journal of Geometric Analysis vol.32, Article number: 300 (2022).
[2], A hypersurface containing the support of a Radon transform must be an ellipsoid. II: The general case; J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl. 2021; 29(3): 351–367.
In [1] he proved "Let $f(x_1,…,x_n,y)$ be a non-zero distribution with support in a $C^1$ surface $N=\{y=F(x)\}$. If $f(x,y)$ is depending real analytically on x-variables, then $F(x)$ is analytic". As an application, he reinforced the main result of [2]. These results are obtained essentially by means of matrix algebra and a number theoretic method.
[ 参考URL ]Jan Boman's (Stockholm Univ.) recent two papers:
[1], Regularity of a distribution and of the boundary of its support, The Journal of Geometric Analysis vol.32, Article number: 300 (2022).
[2], A hypersurface containing the support of a Radon transform must be an ellipsoid. II: The general case; J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl. 2021; 29(3): 351–367.
In [1] he proved "Let $f(x_1,…,x_n,y)$ be a non-zero distribution with support in a $C^1$ surface $N=\{y=F(x)\}$. If $f(x,y)$ is depending real analytically on x-variables, then $F(x)$ is analytic". As an application, he reinforced the main result of [2]. These results are obtained essentially by means of matrix algebra and a number theoretic method.
16:45-18:15 オンライン開催
窪田陽介 氏 (信州大学)
Band width and the Rosenberg index
窪田陽介 氏 (信州大学)
Band width and the Rosenberg index
[ 講演概要 ]
Band width is a concept recently proposed by Gromov. It is based on the idea that when a certain band (i.e., manifold with two boundaries) is openly immersed to a target manifold M with positive scalar curvature metric, then its width is bounded by a uniform constant called the band width of M. A qualitative consequence is that infiniteness of the band width of M obstructs to positive scalar curvature.
In this talk, infiniteness of a version of the band width, Zeidler's KO-band width, is dominated as a PSC obstruction by an existing obstruction, the Rosenberg index. This answers to a conjecture by Zeidler.
[ 参考URL ]Band width is a concept recently proposed by Gromov. It is based on the idea that when a certain band (i.e., manifold with two boundaries) is openly immersed to a target manifold M with positive scalar curvature metric, then its width is bounded by a uniform constant called the band width of M. A qualitative consequence is that infiniteness of the band width of M obstructs to positive scalar curvature.
In this talk, infiniteness of a version of the band width, Zeidler's KO-band width, is dominated as a PSC obstruction by an existing obstruction, the Rosenberg index. This answers to a conjecture by Zeidler.
10:30-11:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) ハイブリッド開催/002号室
講演者はZoomにて遠隔講演 002でも遠隔で流そうと思います。
山岸亮 氏 (NTU)
Moduli of G-constellations and crepant resolutions (日本語)
講演者はZoomにて遠隔講演 002でも遠隔で流そうと思います。
山岸亮 氏 (NTU)
Moduli of G-constellations and crepant resolutions (日本語)
[ 講演概要 ]
For a finite subgroup G of SL_n(C), a moduli space of G-constellations is a generalization of the G-Hilbert scheme and is important from the viewpoint of McKay correspondence. In this talk I will explain its basic properties and show that every projective crepant resolution of C^3/G is isomorphic to such a moduli space.
For a finite subgroup G of SL_n(C), a moduli space of G-constellations is a generalization of the G-Hilbert scheme and is important from the viewpoint of McKay correspondence. In this talk I will explain its basic properties and show that every projective crepant resolution of C^3/G is isomorphic to such a moduli space.
16:45-18:15 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside)
Entropy in QFT
[ 参考URL ]
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside)
Entropy in QFT
[ 参考URL ]
17:30-18:30 オンライン開催
服部 広大 氏 (慶應義塾大学)
Spectral convergence in geometric quantization on K3 surfaces (JAPANESE)
服部 広大 氏 (慶應義塾大学)
Spectral convergence in geometric quantization on K3 surfaces (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk I will explain the geometric quantization on K3 surfaces from the viewpoint of the spectral convergence. We take a special Lagrangian fibrations on the K3 surfaces and a family of hyper-Kähler structures tending to large complex structure limit and show a spectral convergence of the d-bar-Laplacians on the prequantum line bundle to the spectral structure related to the set of Bohr-Sommerfeld fibers.
[ 参考URL ]In this talk I will explain the geometric quantization on K3 surfaces from the viewpoint of the spectral convergence. We take a special Lagrangian fibrations on the K3 surfaces and a family of hyper-Kähler structures tending to large complex structure limit and show a spectral convergence of the d-bar-Laplacians on the prequantum line bundle to the spectral structure related to the set of Bohr-Sommerfeld fibers.
16:00-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
只野之英 氏 (東京理科大学)
Continuum limit problem of discrete Schrödinger operators on square lattices (Japanese)
只野之英 氏 (東京理科大学)
Continuum limit problem of discrete Schrödinger operators on square lattices (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
We consider discrete Schrödinger operators on the square lattice with its mesh size very small. The aim of this talk is to introduce the rigorous setting of continuum limit problems in the view point of operator theory and then to give its proof for the above operators, the one of which is defined on the vertices and the other of which is defined on the edges. This talk is based on joint works with Shu Nakamura (Gakushuin University) and Pavel Exner (Czech Academy of Science, Czech Technical University).
[ 参考URL ]We consider discrete Schrödinger operators on the square lattice with its mesh size very small. The aim of this talk is to introduce the rigorous setting of continuum limit problems in the view point of operator theory and then to give its proof for the above operators, the one of which is defined on the vertices and the other of which is defined on the edges. This talk is based on joint works with Shu Nakamura (Gakushuin University) and Pavel Exner (Czech Academy of Science, Czech Technical University).
10:30-12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
稲山 貴大 氏 (東京理科大学)
$L^2$-extension index and its applications (Japanese)
稲山 貴大 氏 (東京理科大学)
$L^2$-extension index and its applications (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk, we introduce a new concept of $L^2$-extension indices. By using this notion, we propose a new way to study the positivity of curvature. We prove that there is an equivalence between how sharp the $L^2$-extension is and how positive the curvature is. As applications, we study Prekopa-type theorems and the positivity of a certain direct image sheaf.
[ 参考URL ]In this talk, we introduce a new concept of $L^2$-extension indices. By using this notion, we propose a new way to study the positivity of curvature. We prove that there is an equivalence between how sharp the $L^2$-extension is and how positive the curvature is. As applications, we study Prekopa-type theorems and the positivity of a certain direct image sheaf.
16:50-18:35 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 123号室
遠藤 傑 氏 (NTT)
Near-term 量子アルゴリズムと量子エラー抑制 (Japanese)
遠藤 傑 氏 (NTT)
Near-term 量子アルゴリズムと量子エラー抑制 (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
現在、量子コンピュータ研究が加速しているが、現在および近未来の量子コンピュータは小中規模で計算エラーもまだまだ大きい。この講演ではそのような量子コンピュータに適していると考えられているNear-term の量子アルゴリズムと、計算エラーを取り除くための量子エラー抑制について解説する。
現在、量子コンピュータ研究が加速しているが、現在および近未来の量子コンピュータは小中規模で計算エラーもまだまだ大きい。この講演ではそのような量子コンピュータに適していると考えられているNear-term の量子アルゴリズムと、計算エラーを取り除くための量子エラー抑制について解説する。
16:45-18:15 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
星野真生 氏 (東大数理)
Equivariant covering spaces of quantum homogeneous spaces
[ 参考URL ]
星野真生 氏 (東大数理)
Equivariant covering spaces of quantum homogeneous spaces
[ 参考URL ]
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