過去の記録 ~02/11|本日 02/12 | 今後の予定 02/13~
13:50-14:50 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside)
On a subfactor generalization of Wall's conjecture (ENGLISH)
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside)
On a subfactor generalization of Wall's conjecture (ENGLISH)
10:00-16:10 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
植田好道 氏 (九州大学) 10:00-11:00
On the predual of non-commutative $H^\\infty$ (ENGLISH)
松井宏樹 氏 (千葉大学) 11:20-12:20
${\\mathbf Z}^N$-actions on UHF algebras of infinite type (ENGLISH)
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside) 13:50-14:50
On a subfactor generalization of Wall's conjecture (ENGLISH)
泉正己 氏 (京都大学) 15:10-16:10
Group actions on Kirchberg algebras (ENGLISH)
植田好道 氏 (九州大学) 10:00-11:00
On the predual of non-commutative $H^\\infty$ (ENGLISH)
松井宏樹 氏 (千葉大学) 11:20-12:20
${\\mathbf Z}^N$-actions on UHF algebras of infinite type (ENGLISH)
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside) 13:50-14:50
On a subfactor generalization of Wall's conjecture (ENGLISH)
泉正己 氏 (京都大学) 15:10-16:10
Group actions on Kirchberg algebras (ENGLISH)
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
廣惠一希 氏 (東京大学)
Euler transform and Weyl groups of symmetric Kac-Moody Lie algebras (JAPANESE)
廣惠一希 氏 (東京大学)
Euler transform and Weyl groups of symmetric Kac-Moody Lie algebras (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Fuchs型連立常微分方程式にEuler変換(middle convolution)を施して新たなFuchs型方程式が得られるが, 特にrigidな既約方程式はこの変換でサイズ1の方程式に帰着されることがN.Katzによって示されている.
またW.Crawley-Boeveyによれば, Euler変換はKac-Moody Lie環のルートの単純鏡映に対応し, Katzの定理はrigidな既約方程式と実ルートの対応に換言される.
今回の講演では大島利雄によって整備された単独高階方程式のEuler変換の理論を用いて, Euler変換とルートの鏡映との関係を不分岐な不確定特異点をもつ場合に拡張する. そしてEuler変換と方程式が, 対称Kac-Moody Lie環のWeyl群と, その作用を保つルート格子の商格子の元に対応することを紹介したい. 商格子の核は一般に自明ではないが, Fuchs型や不確定特異点が高々1つの場合には自明となり既存の対応の自然な拡張になっている.
Fuchs型連立常微分方程式にEuler変換(middle convolution)を施して新たなFuchs型方程式が得られるが, 特にrigidな既約方程式はこの変換でサイズ1の方程式に帰着されることがN.Katzによって示されている.
またW.Crawley-Boeveyによれば, Euler変換はKac-Moody Lie環のルートの単純鏡映に対応し, Katzの定理はrigidな既約方程式と実ルートの対応に換言される.
今回の講演では大島利雄によって整備された単独高階方程式のEuler変換の理論を用いて, Euler変換とルートの鏡映との関係を不分岐な不確定特異点をもつ場合に拡張する. そしてEuler変換と方程式が, 対称Kac-Moody Lie環のWeyl群と, その作用を保つルート格子の商格子の元に対応することを紹介したい. 商格子の核は一般に自明ではないが, Fuchs型や不確定特異点が高々1つの場合には自明となり既存の対応の自然な拡張になっている.
15:00-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
小沢登高 氏 (東大数理) 15:00-16:00
Quasi-homomorphism rigidity with noncommutative targets (ENGLISH)
緒方芳子 氏 (東大数理) 16:30-17:30
Ruelle-Lanford functions for quantum spin systems (ENGLISH)
小沢登高 氏 (東大数理) 15:00-16:00
Quasi-homomorphism rigidity with noncommutative targets (ENGLISH)
緒方芳子 氏 (東大数理) 16:30-17:30
Ruelle-Lanford functions for quantum spin systems (ENGLISH)
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Thomas Sinclair 氏 (Vanderbilt Univ.)
Strong solidity of factors from lattices in SO(n,1) and SU(n,1) (ENGLISH)
Thomas Sinclair 氏 (Vanderbilt Univ.)
Strong solidity of factors from lattices in SO(n,1) and SU(n,1) (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Generalizing techniques found in Ozawa and Popa,
``On a class of II$_1$ factors with at most one Cartan subalgebra, II''
(Amer. J. Math., to appear), we show that the group factors of ICC
lattices in SO(n,1) and SU(n,1), $n\\ge2$, are strongly solid. If
time permits, we will also discuss applications to $L^2$-rigidity.
Generalizing techniques found in Ozawa and Popa,
``On a class of II$_1$ factors with at most one Cartan subalgebra, II''
(Amer. J. Math., to appear), we show that the group factors of ICC
lattices in SO(n,1) and SU(n,1), $n\\ge2$, are strongly solid. If
time permits, we will also discuss applications to $L^2$-rigidity.
16:00-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
村川 秀樹 氏 (富山大学大学院理工学研究部)
非線形拡散問題の反応拡散系近似 (JAPANESE)
村川 秀樹 氏 (富山大学大学院理工学研究部)
非線形拡散問題の反応拡散系近似 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
16:00-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
村川 秀樹 氏 (富山大学大学院理工学研究部)
非線形拡散問題の反応拡散系近似 (JAPANESE)
村川 秀樹 氏 (富山大学大学院理工学研究部)
非線形拡散問題の反応拡散系近似 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
村川 秀樹 氏 (富山大学大学院理工学研究部(理学))
非線形交差拡散系の数値解法―反応拡散系近似理論の応用― (JAPANESE)
村川 秀樹 氏 (富山大学大学院理工学研究部(理学))
非線形交差拡散系の数値解法―反応拡散系近似理論の応用― (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
[ 参考URL ]多成分反応拡散系において、他の成分同士、拡散が相互に依存しあっているときに、拡散が交差していると言い、そのような系は交差拡散系と呼ばれる。2種生物種の競合問題におけるお互いの動的な干渉作用を記述する重定-川崎-寺本モデルは非線形交差拡散を含む問題の代表例である。非線形交差拡散系に対する効果的な数値解法は個別の問題に対して構成され、解析されるのが現状である。現象のモデリングを行う場合など、パラメータの変更のみでなく、非線形項そのものを変えて多くの数値実験を行いたい場合がある。この様な状況に対応するために、汎用的で簡便な数値解法が望まれる。講演では、非線形交差拡散系を近似するある半線形反応拡散系を媒介することにより、そのような数値解法を導出、解析し、数値計算を通してその有用性を示す。時間が許せば、半線形反応拡散系を用いた退化放物型方程式の数値解法についても触れたい。
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
村川秀樹 氏 (富山大学大学院理工学研究部(理学))
非線形交差拡散系の数値解法―反応拡散系近似理論の応用― (JAPANESE)
村川秀樹 氏 (富山大学大学院理工学研究部(理学))
非線形交差拡散系の数値解法―反応拡散系近似理論の応用― (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
[ 参考URL ]多成分反応拡散系において、他の成分同士、拡散が相互に依存しあっているときに、拡散が交差していると言い、そのような系は交差拡散系と呼ばれる。2種生物種の競合問題におけるお互いの動的な干渉作用を記述する重定-川崎-寺本モデルは非線形交差拡散を含む問題の代表例である。非線形交差拡散系に対する効果的な数値解法は個別の問題に対して構成され、解析されるのが現状である。現象のモデリングを行う場合など、パラメータの変更のみでなく、非線形項そのものを変えて多くの数値実験を行いたい場合がある。この様な状況に対応するために、汎用的で簡便な数値解法が望まれる。講演では、非線形交差拡散系を近似するある半線形反応拡散系を媒介することにより、そのような数値解法を導出、解析し、数値計算を通してその有用性を示す。時間が許せば、半線形反応拡散系を用いた退化放物型方程式の数値解法についても触れたい。
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Ivana Alexandrova 氏 (East Carolina University)
Resonances for Magnetic Scattering by Two Solenoidal Fields at Large Separation (ENGLISH)
Ivana Alexandrova 氏 (East Carolina University)
Resonances for Magnetic Scattering by Two Solenoidal Fields at Large Separation (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
We consider the problem of quantum resonances in magnetic scattering by two
solenoidal fields at large separation in two dimensions, and we study how a trajectory
oscillating between the two fields gives rise to resonances near the real axis when
the distance between two centers of fields goes to infinity. We give a sharp lower
bound on resonance widths in terms of backward amplitudes calculated explicitly for
scattering by each solenoidal field. The study is based on a new type of complex
scaling method. As an application, we also discuss the relation to semiclassical
resonances in scattering by two solenoidal fields. This is joint work with Hideo Tamura.
We consider the problem of quantum resonances in magnetic scattering by two
solenoidal fields at large separation in two dimensions, and we study how a trajectory
oscillating between the two fields gives rise to resonances near the real axis when
the distance between two centers of fields goes to infinity. We give a sharp lower
bound on resonance widths in terms of backward amplitudes calculated explicitly for
scattering by each solenoidal field. The study is based on a new type of complex
scaling method. As an application, we also discuss the relation to semiclassical
resonances in scattering by two solenoidal fields. This is joint work with Hideo Tamura.
16:40-18:10 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
月岡 透 氏 (大阪府立大学)
ファノ多様体の擬指数と端射線の長さの最小値 (JAPANESE)
月岡 透 氏 (大阪府立大学)
ファノ多様体の擬指数と端射線の長さの最小値 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
10:30-12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
濱野 佐知子 氏 (福島大学)
A remark on C^1 subharmonicity of the harmonic spans for discontinuously moving Riemann surfaces (JAPANESE)
濱野 佐知子 氏 (福島大学)
A remark on C^1 subharmonicity of the harmonic spans for discontinuously moving Riemann surfaces (JAPANESE)
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside)
On a relative version of Wall's conjecture (ENGLISH)
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside)
On a relative version of Wall's conjecture (ENGLISH)
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside)
On a relative version of Wall's conjecture (ENGLISH)
Feng Xu 氏 (UC Riverside)
On a relative version of Wall's conjecture (ENGLISH)
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
津田照久 氏 (九州大学)
あるシュレジンジャー系のクラスについて (JAPANESE)
津田照久 氏 (九州大学)
あるシュレジンジャー系のクラスについて (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
16:30-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Luc Illusie 氏 (Universite de Paris-Sud)
Vanishing theorems revisited, after K.-W. Lan and J. Suh (ENGLISH)
Luc Illusie 氏 (Universite de Paris-Sud)
Vanishing theorems revisited, after K.-W. Lan and J. Suh (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p and X,
Y proper, smooth k-schemes. J. Suh has proved a vanishing theorem of Kollar
type for certain nef and big line bundles L on Y and morphisms f : X -> Y
having semistable reduction along a divisor with simple normal crossings. It
holds both if p = 0 and if p > 0 modulo some additional liftability mod p^2
and dimension assumptions, and generalizes vanishing theorems of Esnault-
Viehweg and of mine. I'll give an outline of the proof and sketch some
applications, due to K.-W. Lan and J. Suh, to the cohomology of certain
automorphic bundles arising from PEL type Shimura varieties.
Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p and X,
Y proper, smooth k-schemes. J. Suh has proved a vanishing theorem of Kollar
type for certain nef and big line bundles L on Y and morphisms f : X -> Y
having semistable reduction along a divisor with simple normal crossings. It
holds both if p = 0 and if p > 0 modulo some additional liftability mod p^2
and dimension assumptions, and generalizes vanishing theorems of Esnault-
Viehweg and of mine. I'll give an outline of the proof and sketch some
applications, due to K.-W. Lan and J. Suh, to the cohomology of certain
automorphic bundles arising from PEL type Shimura varieties.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
滝口 孝志 氏 (防衛大学校 数学教育室)
Sato's counterexample and the structure of generalized functions (JAPANESE)
滝口 孝志 氏 (防衛大学校 数学教育室)
Sato's counterexample and the structure of generalized functions (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk, we discuss the relation between the structure and the microlocal unique continuation property of generalized functions. We also mention some applications of the microlocal unique continuation property.
In this talk, we discuss the relation between the structure and the microlocal unique continuation property of generalized functions. We also mention some applications of the microlocal unique continuation property.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:00 - 16:30 コモンルーム
市原 一裕 氏 (日本大学文理学部)
On exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots
(joint works with In Dae Jong and Shigeru Mizushima) (JAPANESE)
Tea: 16:00 - 16:30 コモンルーム
市原 一裕 氏 (日本大学文理学部)
On exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots
(joint works with In Dae Jong and Shigeru Mizushima) (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
I will report recent progresses of the study on exceptional
surgeries on Montesinos knots.
In particular, we will focus on how homological invariants (e.g.
khovanov homology,
knot Floer homology) on knots can be used in the study of Dehn surgery.
I will report recent progresses of the study on exceptional
surgeries on Montesinos knots.
In particular, we will focus on how homological invariants (e.g.
khovanov homology,
knot Floer homology) on knots can be used in the study of Dehn surgery.
16:40-18:10 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Yongnam Lee 氏 (Sogang University)
Slope of smooth rational curves in an anticanonically polarized Fano manifold (ENGLISH)
Yongnam Lee 氏 (Sogang University)
Slope of smooth rational curves in an anticanonically polarized Fano manifold (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Ross and Thomas introduce the concept of slope stability to study K-stability, which has conjectural relation with the existence of constant scalar curvature metric. Since K-stability implies slope stability, slope stability gives an algebraic obstruction to theexistence of constant scalar curvature. This talk presents a systematic study of slope stability of anticanonically polarized Fano manifolds with respect to smooth rational curves. Especially, we prove that an anticanonically polarized Fano maniold is slope semistable with respect to any free smooth rational curves, and that an anticanonically polarized Fano threefold X with Picard number 1 is slope stable with respect to any smooth rational curves unless X is the project space. It is a joint work with Jun-Muk Hwang and Hosung Kim.
Ross and Thomas introduce the concept of slope stability to study K-stability, which has conjectural relation with the existence of constant scalar curvature metric. Since K-stability implies slope stability, slope stability gives an algebraic obstruction to theexistence of constant scalar curvature. This talk presents a systematic study of slope stability of anticanonically polarized Fano manifolds with respect to smooth rational curves. Especially, we prove that an anticanonically polarized Fano maniold is slope semistable with respect to any free smooth rational curves, and that an anticanonically polarized Fano threefold X with Picard number 1 is slope stable with respect to any smooth rational curves unless X is the project space. It is a joint work with Jun-Muk Hwang and Hosung Kim.
10:30-12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
松本 和子 氏 (大阪府立大学)
C^n の Levi 平坦実超曲面への距離の Levi form の退化条件 (JAPANESE)
松本 和子 氏 (大阪府立大学)
C^n の Levi 平坦実超曲面への距離の Levi form の退化条件 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
C^nのC^2級の実超曲面への距離のLevi formは、超曲面の定義関数の2階微分から決まるHermite行列と対称行列を用いて表現できることを示す。また、その結果を用いて、距離のLevi formが至る所退化するLevi平坦実超曲面の性質を導く。その直接的な応用として、n次元複素トーラス内の滑らかな境界を持つ擬凸部分領域がSteinになるための条件が得られる。
C^nのC^2級の実超曲面への距離のLevi formは、超曲面の定義関数の2階微分から決まるHermite行列と対称行列を用いて表現できることを示す。また、その結果を用いて、距離のLevi formが至る所退化するLevi平坦実超曲面の性質を導く。その直接的な応用として、n次元複素トーラス内の滑らかな境界を持つ擬凸部分領域がSteinになるための条件が得られる。
17:00-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 123号室
お茶&Coffee&お菓子: 16:30~17:00 (コモンルーム)。
梅原雅顕 氏 (大阪大学大学院理学研究科)
ガウス・ボンネの定理と曲面上の特異点 (JAPANESE)
お茶&Coffee&お菓子: 16:30~17:00 (コモンルーム)。
梅原雅顕 氏 (大阪大学大学院理学研究科)
ガウス・ボンネの定理と曲面上の特異点 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
古典的な閉曲面のガウス・ボンネの定理を, 曲面が波面としての特異点を許す場合に拡張します. すると, 古典的なテーマであるにもかかわらず, 曲面の変曲点や位相の情報と, そのガウス写像の特異点の情報との間の関係など, 意外な視点が見えてきます.
古典的な閉曲面のガウス・ボンネの定理を, 曲面が波面としての特異点を許す場合に拡張します. すると, 古典的なテーマであるにもかかわらず, 曲面の変曲点や位相の情報と, そのガウス写像の特異点の情報との間の関係など, 意外な視点が見えてきます.
16:00-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
Christian Klingenberg 氏 (Wuerzburg 大学 )
Hydrodynamic limit of microscopic particle systems to conservation laws to fluid models
Christian Klingenberg 氏 (Wuerzburg 大学 )
Hydrodynamic limit of microscopic particle systems to conservation laws to fluid models
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk we discuss the hydrodynamic limit of a microscopic description of a fluid to its macroscopic PDE description.
In the first part we consider flow through porous media, i.e. the macroscopic description is a scalar conservation law. Here the new feature is that we allow sudden changes in porosity and thereby the flux may have discontinuities in space. Microscopically this is described through an interacting particle system having only one conserved quantity, namely the total mass. Macroscopically this gives rise to a scalar conservation laws with space dependent flux functions
u_t + f(u, x)_x = 0 .
We are able to derive the PDE together with an entropy condition as a hydrodynamic limit from a microscopic interacting particle system.
In the second part we consider a Hamiltonian system with boundary conditions. Microscopically this is described through a system of coupled oscillators. Macroscopically this will lead to a system of conservation laws, namely the p-system. The proof of the hydrodynamic limit is restricted to smooth solutions. The new feature is that we can derive this with boundary conditions.
In this talk we discuss the hydrodynamic limit of a microscopic description of a fluid to its macroscopic PDE description.
In the first part we consider flow through porous media, i.e. the macroscopic description is a scalar conservation law. Here the new feature is that we allow sudden changes in porosity and thereby the flux may have discontinuities in space. Microscopically this is described through an interacting particle system having only one conserved quantity, namely the total mass. Macroscopically this gives rise to a scalar conservation laws with space dependent flux functions
u_t + f(u, x)_x = 0 .
We are able to derive the PDE together with an entropy condition as a hydrodynamic limit from a microscopic interacting particle system.
In the second part we consider a Hamiltonian system with boundary conditions. Microscopically this is described through a system of coupled oscillators. Macroscopically this will lead to a system of conservation laws, namely the p-system. The proof of the hydrodynamic limit is restricted to smooth solutions. The new feature is that we can derive this with boundary conditions.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Mikael Pichot 氏 (IPMU)
Random groups and nonarchimedean lattices (JAPANESE)
Mikael Pichot 氏 (IPMU)
Random groups and nonarchimedean lattices (JAPANESE)
16:15-17:15 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 052号室
Richard Hain 氏 (Duke大学)
Universal mixed elliptic motives (ENGLISH)
Richard Hain 氏 (Duke大学)
Universal mixed elliptic motives (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
This is joint work with Makoto Matsumoto. A mixed elliptic
motive is a mixed motive (MHS, Galois representation, etc) whose
weight graded quotients are Tate twists of symmetric powers of the the
motive of elliptic curve. A universal mixed elliptic motive is an
object that can be specialized to a mixed elliptic motive for any
elliptic curve and whose specialization to the nodal cubic is a mixed
Tate motive. Universal mixed elliptic motives form a tannakian
category. In this talk I will define universal mixed elliptic motives,
give some fundamental examples, and explain what we know about the
fundamental group of this category. The "geometric part" of this group
is an extension of SL_2 by a prounipotent group that is generated by
Eisenstein series and which has a family of relations for each cusp
form. Although these relations are not known, we have a very good idea
of what they are, thanks to work of Aaron Pollack, who determined
relations between the generators in a very large representation of
this group.
This is joint work with Makoto Matsumoto. A mixed elliptic
motive is a mixed motive (MHS, Galois representation, etc) whose
weight graded quotients are Tate twists of symmetric powers of the the
motive of elliptic curve. A universal mixed elliptic motive is an
object that can be specialized to a mixed elliptic motive for any
elliptic curve and whose specialization to the nodal cubic is a mixed
Tate motive. Universal mixed elliptic motives form a tannakian
category. In this talk I will define universal mixed elliptic motives,
give some fundamental examples, and explain what we know about the
fundamental group of this category. The "geometric part" of this group
is an extension of SL_2 by a prounipotent group that is generated by
Eisenstein series and which has a family of relations for each cusp
form. Although these relations are not known, we have a very good idea
of what they are, thanks to work of Aaron Pollack, who determined
relations between the generators in a very large representation of
this group.
17:30-18:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Fabrice Orgogozo 氏 (CNRS, École polytechnique)
Fabrice Orgogozo 氏 (CNRS, École polytechnique)
[ 講演概要 ]
N. Katz氏の指摘に基づいて、高次順像に於けるℓに対する
ここでは月並みな方法で有るが、A.J.de Jong氏の定理と
N. Katz氏の指摘に基づいて、高次順像に於けるℓに対する
ここでは月並みな方法で有るが、A.J.de Jong氏の定理と
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