
過去の記録 ~01/23本日 01/24 | 今後の予定 01/25~


17:00-18:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea : 16:30-17:00 Common Room
中村 信裕 氏 (学習院大学)
Pin(2)-monopole invariants for 4-manifolds (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
The Pin(2)-monopole equations are a variant of the Seiberg-Witten equations
which can be considered as a real version of the SW equations. A Pin(2)-mono
pole version of the Seiberg-Witten invariants is defined, and a special feature of
this is that the Pin(2)-monopole invariant can be nontrivial even when all of
the Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants vanish. As an application, we
construct a new series of exotic 4-manifolds.


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
田中 雄一郎 氏 (九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所)
複素球多様体へのコンパクトリー群の可視的作用について (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
With the aim of uniform treatment of multiplicity-free representations of Lie groups, T. Kobayashi introduced the theory of visible actions on complex manifolds.

In this talk we consider visible actions of a compact real form U of a connected complex reductive algebraic group G on G-spherical varieties. Here a complex G-variety X is said to be spherical if a Borel subgroup of G has an open orbit on X. The sphericity implies the multiplicity-freeness property of the space of polynomials on X. Our main result gives an abstract proof for the visibility of U-actions. As a corollary, we obtain an alternative proof for the visibility of U-actions on linear multiplicity-free spaces, which was earlier proved by A. Sasaki (2009, 2011), and the visibility of U-actions on generalized flag varieties, earlier proved by Kobayashi (2007) and T- (2013, 2014).



16:50-17:50   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Hans Rudolf Kuensch 氏 (ETH Zurich)
Modern Monte Carlo methods -- Some examples and open questions (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Probability and statistics once had strong relations, but in recent years the two fields have moved into opposite directions. Despite this, I believe that both fields would profit if they continued to interact. Monte Carlo methods are one topic that is of interest to both probability and statistics: Statisticians use advanced Monte Carlo methods, and analyzing these methods is a challenge for probabilists. I will illustrate this, using as examples rare event estimation by sample splitting, approximate Bayesian computation and Monte Carlo filters.


10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
安福 悠 氏 (日本大学)
Campana's Multiplicity and Integral Points on P^2 (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
We analyze when the complements of (possibly reducible) curves in P^2 have Zariski-dense integral points. The analysis utilizes the structure theories for affine surfaces based on logarithmic Kodaira dimension. When the log Kodaira dimension is one, an important role is played by Campana's multiplicity divisors for fibrations, but there are some subtleties. This is a joint work with Aaron Levin (Michigan State).


15:30-17:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
Frédéric Campana 氏 (Université de Lorraine)
An orbifold version of Miyaoka's semi-positivity theorem and applications (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
This `orbifold' version of Miyaoka's theorem says that if (X,D)
is a projective log-canonical pair with K_X+D pseudo-effective,
then its 'cotangent' sheaf $¥Omega^1(X,D)$ is generically semi-positive.
The definitions will be given. The original proof of Miyaoka, which
char 0 and char p>0 arguments could not be adapted. Our proof is in char
0 only.

A first consequence is when (X,D) is log-smooth with reduced boudary D,
in which case the cotangent sheaf is the classical Log-cotangent sheaf:
if some tensor power of $¥omega^1_X(log(D))$ contains a 'big' line
bundle, then K_X+D is 'big' too. This implies, together with work of
the `hyperbolicity conjecture' of Shafarevich-Viehweg.

The preceding is joint work with Mihai Paun.

A second application (joint work with E. Amerik) shows that if D is a
non-uniruled smooth divisor in aprojective hyperkaehler manifold with
symplectic form s,
then its characteristic foliation is algebraic only if X is a K3 surface.
This was shown previously bt Hwang-Viehweg assuming D to be of general
type. This result has some further consequences.



14:50-16:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Yacine Ait-Sahalia 氏 (Princeton University)
Principal Component Analysis of High Frequency Data (joint with Dacheng Xiu)
[ 講演概要 ]
We develop a methodology to conduct principal component analysis of high frequency financial data. The procedure involves estimation of realized eigenvalues, realized eigenvectors, and realized principal components and we provide the asymptotic distribution of these estimators. Empirically, we study the components of the constituents of Dow Jones Industrial Average Index, in a high frequency version, with jumps, of the Fama-French analysis. Our findings show that, excluding jump variation, three Brownian factors explain between 50 and 60% of continuous variation of the stock returns. Their explanatory power varies over time. During crises, the first principal component becomes increasingly dominant, explaining up to 70% of the variation on its own, a clear sign of systemic risk.



16:45-18:15   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
木田良才 氏 (東大数理)
On treeable equivalence relations arising from the Baumslag-Solitar groups


17:30-18:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
安田正大 氏 (大阪大学)
Integrality of $p$-adic multiple zeta values and application to finite multiple zeta values.
[ 講演概要 ]
I will give a proof of an integrality of p-adic multiple zeta values. I would also like to explain how it can be applied to give an upper bound of the dimension of finite multiple zeta values.
(本講演は「東京北京パリ数論幾何セミナー」として, インターネットによる東大数理, Morningside Center of MathematicsとIHESの双方向同時中継で行います.)



17:00-18:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea : 16:30-17:00 Common Room
植田 一石 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Potential functions for Grassmannians (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Potential functions are Floer-theoretic invariants
obtained by counting Maslov index 2 disks
with Lagrangian boundary conditions.
In the talk, we will discuss our joint work
with Yanki Lekili and Yuichi Nohara
on Lagrangian torus fibrations on the Grassmannian
of 2-planes in an n-space,
the potential functions of their Lagrangian torus fibers,
and their relation with mirror symmetry for Grassmannians.


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
Bent Orsted 氏 (Aarhus University)
Branching laws and elliptic boundary value problems
[ 講演概要 ]
Classically the Poisson transform relates harmonic functions in the complex upper half plane to their boundary values on the real axis. In some recent work by Caffarelli et al. some new generalizations of this appears in connection with the fractional Laplacian. In this lecture we
shall explain how the symmetry-breaking operators introduced by T. Kobayashi for studying branching laws may shed new light on the situation for elliptic boundary value problems. This is based on joint work with J. M\"o{}llers and G. Zhang.



10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
吉川 謙一 氏 (京都大学)
Analytic torsion for K3 surfaces with involution (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
In 2004, I introduced a holomorphic torsion invariant for 2-elementary K3 surfaces, i.e., K3 surfaces with involution. In the talk, I will report a recent progress in this invariant. Namely, for all possible deformation types, the holomorphic torsion invariant viewed as a function on the moduli space, is expressed as the product of an explicit Borcherds lift and an explicit Siegel modular form. If time permits, I will interpret the result in terms of the BCOV invariant, i.e., the genus-one string amplitude in B-model, for Calabi-Yau threefolds of Borcea-Voisin. This is a joint work with Shouhei Ma.



17:00-18:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Mina Aganagic 氏 (University of California, Berkeley)
Knots and Mirror Symmetry (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
I will describe two conjectures relating knot theory and mirror symmetry. One can associate, to every knot K, one a Calabi-Yau manifold Y(K), which depends on the homotopy type of the knot only. The first conjecture is that Y(K) arises by a generalization of SYZ mirror symmetry, as mirror to the conifold, O(-1)+O(-1)->P^1. The second conjecture is that topological string provides a quantization of Y(K) which leads to quantum HOMFLY invariants of the knot. The conjectures are based on joint work with C. Vafa and also with T.Ekholm, L. Ng.


18:00-19:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Piotr Pragacz 氏 (Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
A Gysin formula for Hall-Littlewood polynomials
[ 講演概要 ]
Schubert calculus on Grassmannians is governed by Schur S-functions, the one on Lagrangian Grassmannians by Schur Q-functions. There were several attempts to give a unifying approach to both situations.
We propose to use Hall-Littlewood symmetric polynomials. They appeared implicitly in Hall's study of the combinatorial lattice structure of finite abelian p-groups and in Green's calculations of the characters of GL(n) over finite fields; they appeared explicitly in the work of Littlewood on some problems in representation theory.
With the projection in a Grassmann bundle, there is associated its Gysin map, induced by pushing forward cycles (topologists call it "integration along fibers").
We state and prove a Gysin formula for HL-polynomials in these bundles. We discuss its two specializations, giving better insights to previously known formulas for Schur S- and P-functions.



13:30-15:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
Gadi Fibich 氏 (Tel Aviv University)
Asymmetric Auctions (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
Auctions are central to the modern economy, both on-line and off-line. A fundamental result in auction theory is that when bidders are symmetric (identical), then under quite general conditions, all auctions are revenue equivalent. While it is known that this result does not hold when bidders are asymmetric, the effect of bidders' asymmetry is poorly understood, since asymmetric auctions are much harder to analyze.

In this talk I will discuss the mathematical theory of asymmetric auctions. I will focus on asymmetric first-price auctions, where the mathematical model is given by a nonstandard system of $n$ nonlinear ordinary differential equations, with $2n$ boundary conditions and a free boundary. I will present various analytic and numerical approaches for this system. Then I will present some recent results on asymptotic revenue equivalence of asymmetric auctions.

Joint work with A. Gavious and N. Gavish.



9:00-11:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 大講義室号室
これらの講義はPrinceton-Tokyo workshop on Geometric Analysisの一環として3/17~19に行われます。
Matthew Gursky 氏 (Univ. Nortre Dame) 9:00-9:50
Critical metrics for quadratic Riemannian functionals in dimension four (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
In these lectures I will give an overview of a proof of existence, via gluing methods, of metrics which are critical points of quadratic Riemannian functionals. This is a joint project with J. Viaclovsky.
These are functionals on the space of metrics which are given by integrals of quadratic polynomials in the curvature tensor. Our approach is to construct these metrics on connected sums of Einstein four-manifolds, specifically the Fubini-Study metric on CP2 and the product metric on S2 X S2. Using these metrics in various gluing configurations, toric-invariant critical metrics are found on connected sums for a specific quadratic functional, which depends on the global geometry of the factors.
I will also explain some recent work which attempts to understand the moduli space of critical metrics.
[ 参考URL ]
Gábor Székelyhidi 氏 (Univ. Nortre Dame) 10:10-11:00
Hessian type equations on compact Kähler manifolds (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
I will discuss a priori estimates for a general class of nonlinear equations on compact Kähler manifolds. This unifies and generalizes several previous works on specific equations, such as the complex Monge-Ampère, Hessian, and inverse Hessian equations.
[ 参考URL ]



9:00-11:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 大講義室号室
これらの講義はPrinceton-Tokyo workshop on Geometric Analysisの一環として3/17~19に行われます。
Matthew Gursky 氏 (Univ. Nortre Dame) 9:00-9:50
Critical metrics for quadratic Riemannian functionals in dimension four (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
In these lectures I will give an overview of a proof of existence, via gluing methods, of metrics which are critical points of quadratic Riemannian functionals. This is a joint project with J. Viaclovsky.
These are functionals on the space of metrics which are given by integrals of quadratic polynomials in the curvature tensor. Our approach is to construct these metrics on connected sums of Einstein four-manifolds, specifically the Fubini-Study metric on CP2 and the product metric on S2 X S2. Using these metrics in various gluing configurations, toric-invariant critical metrics are found on connected sums for a specific quadratic functional, which depends on the global geometry of the factors.
I will also explain some recent work which attempts to understand the moduli space of critical metrics.
[ 参考URL ]
Gábor Székelyhidi 氏 (Univ. Nortre Dame) 10:10-11:00
Hessian type equations on compact Kähler manifolds (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
I will discuss a priori estimates for a general class of nonlinear equations on compact Kähler manifolds. This unifies and generalizes several previous works on specific equations, such as the complex Monge-Ampère, Hessian, and inverse Hessian equations.
[ 参考URL ]



13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) Balcony A, Kavli IPMU号室
3/16 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:30 3/17 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:30 の4講義 Kavli IPMU(柏キャンパス)での開催
入谷 寛 氏 (京都大学理学研究科)
シフト作用素とトーリックミラー対称性 (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Braverman, Maulik, Okounkov, Pandharipande らにより導入された.

1. Giventalのミラー定理
2. Landau-Ginzburgポテンシャルと原始形式
3. 拡張されたI関数

[ 参考URL ]


9:00-11:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 大講義室号室
これらの講義はPrinceton-Tokyo workshop on Geometric Analysisの一環として3/17~19に行われます。
Matthew Gursky 氏 (Univ. Nortre Dame) 9:00-9:50
Critical metrics for quadratic Riemannian functionals in dimension four (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
In these lectures I will give an overview of a proof of existence, via gluing methods, of metrics which are critical points of quadratic Riemannian functionals. This is a joint project with J. Viaclovsky.
These are functionals on the space of metrics which are given by integrals of quadratic polynomials in the curvature tensor. Our approach is to construct these metrics on connected sums of Einstein four-manifolds, specifically the Fubini-Study metric on CP2 and the product metric on S2 X S2. Using these metrics in various gluing configurations, toric-invariant critical metrics are found on connected sums for a specific quadratic functional, which depends on the global geometry of the factors.
I will also explain some recent work which attempts to understand the moduli space of critical metrics.
[ 参考URL ]
Gábor Székelyhidi 氏 (Univ. Nortre Dame) 10:10-11:00
Hessian type equations on compact Kähler manifolds (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
I will discuss a priori estimates for a general class of nonlinear equations on compact Kähler manifolds. This unifies and generalizes several previous works on specific equations, such as the complex Monge-Ampère, Hessian, and inverse Hessian equations.
[ 参考URL ]



13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) Balcony A, Kavli IPMU号室
3/16 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:30 3/17 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:30 の4講義 Kavli IPMU(柏キャンパス)での開催
入谷 寛 氏 (京都大学理学研究科)
シフト作用素とトーリックミラー対称性 (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Braverman, Maulik, Okounkov, Pandharipande らにより導入された.

1. Giventalのミラー定理
2. Landau-Ginzburgポテンシャルと原始形式
3. 拡張されたI関数

[ 参考URL ]



14:00-15:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 大講義室号室
織田孝幸 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
[ 講演概要 ]
[ 参考URL ]


16:30-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 大講義室号室
楠岡成雄 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
[ 講演概要 ]
[ 参考URL ]


15:10-16:10   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 大講義室号室
宮岡洋一 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Bogomolov 不等式と Miyaoka-Yau 不等式 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
半安定ベクトル束に対する Bogomolov 不等式や,一般型多様体に対する Miyaoka-Yau 不等式は,第2Chern 類を第1Chern 類の2乗の定数倍で下から評価する不等式である.この講演では,この2つの不等式について,その誕生,意味付けと様々な応用,そしてHiggs 束を導入することによって二つの不等式が一つに統合できるという,最近の結果について解説する.
[ 参考URL ]



16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:00-16:30 Common Room ; This seminar will be held as FMSP Lectures.
Andrei Pajitnov 氏 (Univ. de Nantes)
Arnold conjecture, Floer homology,
and augmentation ideals of finite groups.
[ 講演概要 ]
Let H be a generic time-dependent 1-periodic
Hamiltonian on a closed weakly monotone
symplectic manifold M. We construct a refined version
of the Floer chain complex associated to (M,H),
and use it to obtain new lower bounds for the number P(H)
of the 1-periodic orbits of the corresponding hamiltonian
vector field. We prove in particular that
if the fundamental group of M is finite
and solvable or simple, then P(H)
is not less than the minimal number
of generators of the fundamental group.

This is joint work with Kaoru Ono.



15:00-16:15   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
小池 祐太 氏 (情報・システム研究機構 統計数理研究所)
Covariance Estimation from Ultra-High-Frequency Date(超高頻度データに対する共分散推定) (JAPANESE)



16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
Zhenghan Wang 氏 (Microsoft Research Station Q)
Classification of (2+1)-TQFTs and its applications to physics and quantum computation (English)

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