
過去の記録 ~01/14本日 01/15 | 今後の予定 01/16~



17:00-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 270号室
Guanghui Hu 氏 (WIAS, Germany)
Inverse elastic wave scattering from rigid diffraction gratings (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
In recent years, Schwarz reflection principles have been used to prove uniqueness in inverse scattering by bounded obstacles and unbounded periodic structures of polygonal or polyhedral type with only one or several incident plane waves.
Such a principle for the Navier equation is established by far only underthe third or fourth kind boundary conditions, and still remains unknown in the more practical case of the Dirichlet boundary condition.
In this talk we will discuss the uniqueness in inverse elastic scattering from rigid diffraction gratings of polygonal type, where the total displacement vanishes on the scattering surface. Mathematically, this can be modeled by the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Navier equation in periodic structures. We prove that such diffraction gratings can be uniquely
determined from the near-field data corresponding to a finite number of incident elastic plane waves.
This is a joint work with J. Elschner and M. Yamamoto.


17:00-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 270号室
Guanghui Hu 氏 (WIAS, Germany)
Inverse elastic wave scattering from rigid diffraction gratings (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
In recent years, Schwarz reflection principles have been used to prove uniqueness in inverse scattering by bounded obstacles and unbounded periodic structures of polygonal or polyhedral type with only one or several incident plane waves.
Such a principle for the Navier equation is established by far only underthe third or fourth kind boundary conditions, and still remains unknown in the more practical case of the Dirichlet boundary condition.
In this talk we will discuss the uniqueness in inverse elastic scattering from rigid diffraction gratings of polygonal type, where the total displacement vanishes on the scattering surface. Mathematically, this can be modeled by the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Navier equation in periodic structures. We prove that such diffraction gratings can be uniquely
determined from the near-field data corresponding to a finite number of incident elastic plane waves.
This is a joint work with J. Elschner and M. Yamamoto.
[ 参考URL ]



18:00-19:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 117号室
加藤和也 氏 (シカゴ大学)
Heights of motives (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
The height of a rational number a/b (a, b integers which are coprime) is defined as max(|a|, |b|). A rational number with small (resp. big) height is a simple (resp. complicated)  number. Though the notion height is so naive, height has played fundamental roles in number theory. There are important variants of this notion. In 1983, when Faltings proved Mordell conjecture, Faltings first proved Tate conjecture for abelian variaties by defining heights of abelian varieties, and then he deduced Mordell conjecture from the latter conjecture. I explain that his height of an abelian variety is generalized to the height of a motive. This generalization of height is related to open problems in number theory. If we can prove finiteness of the number of motives of bounded heights, we can prove important conjectures in number theory such as general Tate conjecture and Mordell-Weil type conjectures in many cases.
(本講演は「東京北京パリ数論幾何セミナー」として, インターネットによる東大数理, Morningside Center of MathematicsとIHESの双方向同時中継で行います.)



16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:00 - 16:30 コモンルーム
中村 伊南沙 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Satellites of an oriented surface link and their local moves (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
For an oriented surface link $F$ in $\\mathbb{R}^4$,
we consider a satellite construction of a surface link, called a
2-dimensional braid over $F$, which is in the form of a covering over
$F$. We introduce the notion of an $m$-chart on a surface diagram
$p(F)\\subset \\mathbb{R}^3$ of $F$, which is a finite graph on $p(F)$
satisfying certain conditions and is an extended notion of an
$m$-chart on a 2-disk presenting a surface braid.
A 2-dimensional braid over $F$ is presented by an $m$-chart on $p(F)$.
It is known that two surface links are equivalent if and only if their
surface diagrams are related by a finite sequence of ambient isotopies
of $\\mathbb{R}^3$ and local moves called Roseman moves.
We show that Roseman moves for surface diagrams with $m$-charts can be
well-defined. Further, we give some applications.


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Fabricio Macia 氏 (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Dispersion and observability for completely integrable Schrödinger flows (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
I will present some results on weak dispersion and unique continuation (observability) for linear Schrödinger
equations that are obtained as the quantization of a completely integrable Hamiltonian system.
The model case corresponds to the linear Schrödinger equation (with a potential) on the flat torus.
Our results are obtained through a detailed analysis of semiclassical measures corresponding to
sequences of solutions, which is performed using a two-microlocal approach.
This is a joint work with Nalini Anantharaman and Clotilde Fermanian-Kammerer.


16:30-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
貝塚公一 氏 (筑波大学大学院 数理物質科学研究科)
[ 講演概要 ]
Characterizations of the joint eigenspaces of invariant
differential operators in terms of the Poisson transform have been one of the central problems in harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces.
From the point of view of spectral theory, Strichartz (J. Funct.
Anal.(1989)) formulated a conjecture concerning a certain image
characterization of the Poisson transform of the $L^{2}$-space on the boundary on symmetric spaces of noncompact type. In this talk, we employ techniques in scattering theory to present a positive answer to the Strichartz conjecture.



15:30-16:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Jon Nimmo 氏 (Univ. of Glasgow)
The discrete Schrodinger equation for compact support potentials (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
We consider the exact form of the Jost solutions of the discrete Schrodinger equation for arbitrary potentials with compact support. Remarkably, these solutions may be written in terms of certain explicitly defined polynomials in the non-trivial values of the potential. These polynomials also arise in the work of Yamada (2000) in connection with a birational representation of the symmetric group.
Applications of this approach to the udKdV are also discussed.
[ 参考URL ]


10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
千葉 優作 氏 (東京工業大学)
Shilov boundaries of the pluricomplex Green function's level sets (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk, we study a relation between the Shilov boundaries of the pluricomplex Green function's level sets and supports of Monge-Ampére type currents.



16:00-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
安田 勇輝 氏 (東京大学大学院理学系研究科(地球惑星科学専攻))
くりこみ群の方法による大気重力波の自発的放射メカニズムの解明 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
大気の運動は速いモード (重力波) と遅いモード (地衡流運動) に分けることができる。元の支配方程式系から、遅いモードの相互作用のみを取り出した方程式系をバランスモデルとよぶ。バランスモデルは、重力波を一切含まず、位相空間内の遅い多様体上の運動を記述する。バランスモデルによって大気の大規模運動は良く記述できる。しかし、近年、初期状態が遅い多様体上にあるにも関わらず、後の時間発展と共に重力波が放射され、解の軌道が遅い多様体上から離れることが分かってきた。この現象を重力波の自発的放射とよぶ。

本研究は逓減摂動法の一種であるくりこみ群の方法を用いて、自発的放射を記述する方程式系を導出した。遅いモードと重力波 (速いモード) が効率的に相互作用するためには、時間スケールの一致が必要である。そこで、ドップラー効果を取り込むことで、速いモードが遅い時間スケールを持つことを可能にした。一方で、ドップラー効果とは別に、遅いモード同士の相互作用により、遅い時間スケールを持つ速いモードも励起される。これら二種類の速いモードを別に考えるため、合計三つのモードを導入した。すなわち、遅いモード、「ドップラー効果」により遅い時間スケールを持つ速いモード、「非線形効果」により遅い時間スケールを持つ速いモードである。その上で、くりこみ群の方法を適用し、系の時間発展を記述するくりこみ群方程式系を導出した。くりこみ群方程式系は、遅いモードに従属した成分との準共鳴により、重力波が自発的に放射されることを明らかにする。

気象庁非静力学モデルによる元の支配方程式系の数値積分により、導出したくりこみ群方程式系の妥当性を確認した。さらに、くりこみ群方程式系を用いて、自発的放射の物理的解釈を行った。重力波の放射メカニズムは、山岳波的メカニズムと速度変化メカニズムの二つに分けられ、どちらが主要になるかは、大規模な流れ場の形状によって決定される。また、数値モデルのデータを解析したところ、重力波の振幅は系の無次元パラメータの約 3 乗に比例することがわかった。この結果は、理論的な見積りと整合的であり、実際の解の軌道が遅い多様体からどの程度離れるかの指標を与える。



13:00-14:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Erwin Bolthausen 氏 (University of Zurich)
Random walks in random environments (ENGLISH)
[ 参考URL ]


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:00 - 16:30 コモンルーム
丹下 基生 氏 (筑波大学)
Corks, plugs, and local moves of 4-manifolds. (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Akbulut and Yasui defined cork, and plug
to produce many exotic pairs.
In this talk, we introduce a plug
with respect to Fintushel-Stern's knot surgery
or more 4-dimensional local moves and
and argue by using Heegaard Fleor theory.


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Abel Klein 氏 (UC Irvine)
Quantitative unique continuation principle, local behavior of solutions, and bounds on the density of states for Schr\\"odinger operators (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
We establish bounds on the density of states measure for Schr\\"odinger operators. These are deterministic results that do not require the existence of the density of states measure, or, equivalently, of the integrated density of states. The results are stated in terms of a ``density of states outer-measure'' that always exists, and provides an upper bound for the density of states measure when it exists. We prove log-H\\"older continuity for this density of states outer-measure in one, two, and three dimensions for Schr\\"odinger operators, and in any dimension for discrete Schr\\"odinger operators. Our proofs use a quantitative unique continuation principle and the local behavior of approximate solutions of the stationary Schr\\"odinger equation.
(Joint work with Jean Bourgain.)
References: Jean Bourgain and Abel Klein: Bounds on the density of states for Schr\\"odinger operators. Invent. Math. 194, 41-72 (2013).



10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
満渕 俊樹 氏 (大阪大学)
Donaldson-Tian-Yau 予想と K-安定性について (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
最近 K\\"ahler-Einstein 計量に関する Donaldson-Tian-Yau 予想は, Tian および Chen-Donaldson-Sun によって解決されました. 一方, 一般偏極および extremal K\\"ahler 計量の場合については, この予想がどのように拡張されるかということも込めて未解決です. こういう一般の場合は, K-安定性の定義の修正が鍵になると思われ, 我々が「一般化された予想」について最近得た進展を述べたい.


15:30-17:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
岡田 拓三 氏 (佐賀大学)
On birationally tririgid Q-Fano threefolds (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
I will talk about birational geometry of Q-Fano threefolds. A Mori
fiber space birational to a given Q-Fano threefold is called a birational Mori fiber structure of the threefold. The existence of Q-Fano threefolds with a unique birational Mori fiber structure (resp. with two birational Mori fiber structures) is known. In this talk I will give an example of Q-Fano threefolds with three birational Mori fiber structures and also discuss about the behavior of birational Mori fiber structures in a family.



17:00-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 123号室
開始時間と開催場所などは変更されることがあるので, セミナーごとにご確認ください.
小島 定吉 氏 (東京工業大学)
擬アノソフ写像の正規化されたエントロピー vs 体積 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
最近の Jean-Marc Schlenker による擬フックス多様体の繰り込み体積に関する結果をもちいて,擬アノソフ写像の正規化されたエントロピーとその写像トーラスの双曲体積の間の明示的な線形不等式を与える(Greg McShane 氏との共同研究).


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 118号室
Simon Gindikin 氏 (Rutgers University)
Horospheres: geometry and analysis (II) (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
About 50 years ago Gelfand suggested a concepion of horospherical transform which, he hoped, must be an universal principle unifying non commutative harmonic analysis. I want to make several historic remarks (especialy, since this year is the centenial anniversary of Gelfand). I want to discuss the evolution of this fundamental conception for 50 years and how Gelfand’s dreams are looked today. I will discuss an elementary case of hyperboloids of any signature where there were not too much progress after old initial result of Gelfand-Graev.
[ 参考URL ]


16:30-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
お茶&Coffee&お菓子: 16:00~16:30 (コモンルーム)。

今井直毅 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
局所 Langlands 対応と Lubin-Tate パーフェクトイド空間 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
GL(n) に対する局所 Langlands 対応とその幾何学的実現は,Harris-Taylor によって,保型表現の大域的な議論を用いて証明された.しかし,対応が実現される幾何学的な仕組みについては,未だ十分に理解されているとは言い難い.
本講演では,幾何学的実現に対する,Lubin-Tate パーフェクトイド空間を用いたアプローチについて紹介する.


16:30-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
お茶&Coffee&お菓子: 16:00~16:30 (コモンルーム)。

今井直毅 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
局所 Langlands 対応と Lubin-Tate パーフェクトイド空間 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
GL(n) に対する局所 Langlands 対応とその幾何学的実現は,Harris-Taylor によって,保型表現の大域的な議論を用いて証明された.しかし,対応が実現される幾何学的な仕組みについては,未だ十分に理解されているとは言い難い.本講演では,幾何学的実現に対する,Lubin-Tate パーフェクトイド空間を用いたアプローチについて紹介する.



10:00-11:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
開始時間と開催場所などは変更されることがあるので, セミナーごとにご確認ください.
山田澄生 氏 (学習院大学)
Variational characterizations of exact solutions of the Einstein equation (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
There are a set of well-known exact solutions to the Einstein equation. The most important one is the Schwarzschild metric, and it models a Ricci-flat space-time, which is asymptotically flat. In addition, there are the Reissner-Nordstrom metric and the Majumdar-Papapetrou metric, which satisfy the Einstein-Maxwell equation, instead of the vacuum Einstein equation. In a jointwork with Marcus Khuri and Gilbert Weinstein, it is shown that those metrics are characterized as the equality
cases of a set of so-called Penrose-type inequalities. The method of proof is a
conformal deformation of Riemannian metrics defined on the space-like slice of the space-time.



13:30-14:40   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 052号室
日野 英逸 氏 (筑波大学システム情報工学研究科)
分位点に基づくノンパラメトリック密度推定と,そのクラスタリングへの応用 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
[ 参考URL ]


15:00-16:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Simon Gindikin 氏 (Rutgers University)
Horospheres: geometry and analysis (I) (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
About 50 years ago Gelfand suggested a concepion of horospherical transform which, he hoped, must be an universal principle unifying non commutative harmonic analysis. I want to make several historic remarks (especialy, since this year is the centenial anniversary of Gelfand). I want to discuss the evolution of this fundamental conception for 50 years and how Gelfand’s dreams are looked today. I will discuss an elementary case of hyperboloids of any signature where there were not too much progress after old initial result of Gelfand-Graev.
[ 参考URL ]



17:00-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:30 - 17:00 コモンルーム
Bruno Martelli 氏 (Univ. di Pisa)
Hyperbolic four-manifolds with one cusp (cancelled) (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
(joint work with A. Kolpakov)

We introduce a simple algorithm which transforms every
four-dimensional cubulation into a cusped finite-volume hyperbolic
four-manifold. Combinatorially distinct cubulations give rise to
topologically distinct manifolds. Using this algorithm we construct
the first examples of finite-volume hyperbolic four-manifolds with one
cusp. More generally, we show that the number of k-cusped hyperbolic
four-manifolds with volume smaller than V grows like C^{V log V} for
any fixed k. As a corollary, we deduce that the 3-torus bounds
geometrically a hyperbolic manifold.


13:00-14:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Erwin Bolthausen 氏 (University of Zurich)
Random walks in random environments (ENGLISH)
[ 参考URL ]



10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Anne-Katrin Herbig 氏 (名古屋大学)
A smoothing property of the Bergman projection (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Let $D$ be a bounded domain with smooth boundary in complex space of dimension $n$. Suppose its Bergman projection $B$ maps the Sobolev space of order $k$ continuously into the one of order $m$. Then the following smoothing result holds: the full Sobolev norm of $Bf$ of order $k$ is controlled by $L^2$-derivatives of $f$ taken along a single, distinguished direction (of order up to $m$). This talk is based on joint work with J. D. McNeal and E. J. Straube.



10:40-12:10   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Erwin Bolthausen 氏 (University of Zurich)
Random walks in random environments (ENGLISH)
[ 参考URL ]

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