過去の記録 ~11/09|本日 11/10 | 今後の予定 11/11~
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
保江かな子 氏 (宇宙航空研究開発機構)
高次精度流体解析法の開発および航空宇宙分野への適用 (JAPANESE)
保江かな子 氏 (宇宙航空研究開発機構)
高次精度流体解析法の開発および航空宇宙分野への適用 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
現在,数値流体力学(CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics)は様々な分野で用いられており,対象となる物体形状や流れ場はより複雑になってきている.特に航空宇宙分野では,航空機全機周りのよう に乱流が支配的となる流れ場が対象であるため,より高精度な解析手法が必要とされている.講演者らはこれまでに,複雑形状周りの流れ場であっ ても精度良く空力解析を実施することができるDiscontinuous Galerkin(DG)法に基づく非構造CFDソルバーの開発を行ってきた.本講演では,開発したセル緩和型陰的DG法の概要を説明し,計算例を紹介す る.また,航空宇宙分野におけるCFDと風洞試験との関わりについて簡単に紹介しながら,開発した手法の航空宇宙分野における実用問題への適 用例を示す.
[ 参考URL ]現在,数値流体力学(CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics)は様々な分野で用いられており,対象となる物体形状や流れ場はより複雑になってきている.特に航空宇宙分野では,航空機全機周りのよう に乱流が支配的となる流れ場が対象であるため,より高精度な解析手法が必要とされている.講演者らはこれまでに,複雑形状周りの流れ場であっ ても精度良く空力解析を実施することができるDiscontinuous Galerkin(DG)法に基づく非構造CFDソルバーの開発を行ってきた.本講演では,開発したセル緩和型陰的DG法の概要を説明し,計算例を紹介す る.また,航空宇宙分野におけるCFDと風洞試験との関わりについて簡単に紹介しながら,開発した手法の航空宇宙分野における実用問題への適 用例を示す.
15:30-17:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
那須 弘和 氏 (東海大学理学部情報数理学科)
Obstructions to deforming curves on a uniruled 3-fold (JAPANESE)
那須 弘和 氏 (東海大学理学部情報数理学科)
Obstructions to deforming curves on a uniruled 3-fold (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk, I review some results from a joint work with Mukai:
1. a generalization of Mumford's example of a non-reduced component of the Hilbert scheme, and
2. a sufficient condition for a first order deformation of a curve on a uniruled 3-fold to be obstructed.
As a sequel of the study, we will discuss some obstructed deformations of degenerate curves on a higher dimensional scroll.
In this talk, I review some results from a joint work with Mukai:
1. a generalization of Mumford's example of a non-reduced component of the Hilbert scheme, and
2. a sufficient condition for a first order deformation of a curve on a uniruled 3-fold to be obstructed.
As a sequel of the study, we will discuss some obstructed deformations of degenerate curves on a higher dimensional scroll.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 117号室
Spyridon Michalakis 氏 (Caltech)
Stability of topological phases of matter (ENGLISH)
Spyridon Michalakis 氏 (Caltech)
Stability of topological phases of matter (ENGLISH)
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
Dmitry Kaledin 氏 (Steklov Mathematics Institute/ KIAS)
Cyclic K-theory (ENGLISH)
Dmitry Kaledin 氏 (Steklov Mathematics Institute/ KIAS)
Cyclic K-theory (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Cyclic K-theory is a variant of algebraic K-theory introduced by Goodwillie 25 years ago and more-or-less forgotten by now. I will try to convince the audience that cyclic K-theory is actually quite useful -- in particular, it can be effectively computed for varieties over a finite field.
Cyclic K-theory is a variant of algebraic K-theory introduced by Goodwillie 25 years ago and more-or-less forgotten by now. I will try to convince the audience that cyclic K-theory is actually quite useful -- in particular, it can be effectively computed for varieties over a finite field.
15:00-16:10 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
広瀬 勇一 氏 (Victoria University of Wellington)
Information criteria for parametric and semi-parametric models (JAPANESE)
広瀬 勇一 氏 (Victoria University of Wellington)
Information criteria for parametric and semi-parametric models (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Since Akaike proposed an Information Criteria, this approach to
model selection has been important part of Statistical data analysis.
Since then many Information Criteria have been proposed and it is still
an active field of research. Despite there are many contributors in this
topic, we have not have proper Information Criteria for semiparametric
models. In this talk, we give ideas to develop an Information Criteria
for semiparametric models.
[ 参考URL ]Since Akaike proposed an Information Criteria, this approach to
model selection has been important part of Statistical data analysis.
Since then many Information Criteria have been proposed and it is still
an active field of research. Despite there are many contributors in this
topic, we have not have proper Information Criteria for semiparametric
models. In this talk, we give ideas to develop an Information Criteria
for semiparametric models.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Spyridon Michalakis 氏 (Caltech)
Stability of topological phases of matter (ENGLISH)
Spyridon Michalakis 氏 (Caltech)
Stability of topological phases of matter (ENGLISH)
17:00-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:40 - 17:00 コモンルーム
Athanase Papadopoulos 氏 (IRMA, Univ. de Strasbourg)
Mapping class group actions (ENGLISH)
Tea: 16:40 - 17:00 コモンルーム
Athanase Papadopoulos 氏 (IRMA, Univ. de Strasbourg)
Mapping class group actions (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
I will describe and present some rigidity results on mapping
class group actions on spaces of foliations on surfaces, equipped with various topologies.
I will describe and present some rigidity results on mapping
class group actions on spaces of foliations on surfaces, equipped with various topologies.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
Daniel Sternheimer 氏 (Rikkyo Univertiry and Université de Bourgogne)
Symmetries, (their) deformations, and physics: some perspectives and open problems from half a century of personal experience (ENGLISH)
Daniel Sternheimer 氏 (Rikkyo Univertiry and Université de Bourgogne)
Symmetries, (their) deformations, and physics: some perspectives and open problems from half a century of personal experience (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
This is a flexible general framework, based on quite a number of papers, some of which are reviewed in:
MR2285047 (2008c:53079) Sternheimer, Daniel. The geometry of space-time and its deformations from a physical perspective. From geometry to quantum mechanics, 287–301, Progr. Math., 252, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 2007
This is a flexible general framework, based on quite a number of papers, some of which are reviewed in:
MR2285047 (2008c:53079) Sternheimer, Daniel. The geometry of space-time and its deformations from a physical perspective. From geometry to quantum mechanics, 287–301, Progr. Math., 252, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 2007
15:30-17:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
川谷康太郎 氏 (京都大学大学院理学研究科)
Comparison with Gieseker stability and slope stability via Bridgeland's stability (JAPANESE)
川谷康太郎 氏 (京都大学大学院理学研究科)
Comparison with Gieseker stability and slope stability via Bridgeland's stability (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk we compare two classical notions of stability (Gieseker stability and slope stability) for sheaves on K3 surfaces by using stability conditions which was introduced by Bridgeland. As a consequence of this work, we give a classification of 2 dimensional moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surface depending on the rank of the sheaves.
In this talk we compare two classical notions of stability (Gieseker stability and slope stability) for sheaves on K3 surfaces by using stability conditions which was introduced by Bridgeland. As a consequence of this work, we give a classification of 2 dimensional moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surface depending on the rank of the sheaves.
10:30-12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
松村慎一 氏 (東大数理)
An ampleness criterion with the extendability of singular positive metrics (JAPANESE)
松村慎一 氏 (東大数理)
An ampleness criterion with the extendability of singular positive metrics (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Coman, Guedj and Zeriahi proved that, for an ample line bundle $L$ on a projective manifold $X$, any singular positive metric on the line bundle $L|_{V}$ along a subvariety $V \subset X$ can be extended to a global singular positive metric of $L$. In this talk, we prove that the extendability of singular positive metrics on a line bundle along a subvariety implies the ampleness of the line bundle.
Coman, Guedj and Zeriahi proved that, for an ample line bundle $L$ on a projective manifold $X$, any singular positive metric on the line bundle $L|_{V}$ along a subvariety $V \subset X$ can be extended to a global singular positive metric of $L$. In this talk, we prove that the extendability of singular positive metrics on a line bundle along a subvariety implies the ampleness of the line bundle.
16:30-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
お茶&Coffee&お菓子: 16:00~16:30 (コモンルーム)。
下村 明洋 氏 (東京大学・大学院数理科学研究科)
非線型分散型発展方程式について (JAPANESE)
お茶&Coffee&お菓子: 16:00~16:30 (コモンルーム)。
下村 明洋 氏 (東京大学・大学院数理科学研究科)
非線型分散型発展方程式について (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 117号室
Spyridon Michalakis 氏 (Caltech)
Stability of topological phases of matter (ENGLISH)
Spyridon Michalakis 氏 (Caltech)
Stability of topological phases of matter (ENGLISH)
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
Spyridon Michalakis 氏 ( Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (Caltech))
Stability of topological phases of matter (ENGLISH)
Spyridon Michalakis 氏 ( Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (Caltech))
Stability of topological phases of matter (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
The first lecture will be an introduction to quantum mechanics and a proof of Lieb-Robinson bounds for constant range interaction Hamiltonians. The second lecture will build on the first to prove a powerful lemma on the transformation of the interactions of generic gapped Hamiltonians to a new set of rapidly-decaying interactions that commute with the groundstate subspace. I call this "The Energy Filtering Lemma". Then, the third lecture will be on the construction of the Spectral Flow unitary (Quasi-adiabatic evolution) and its properties; in particular, the perfect simulation of the evolution of the groundstate subspace within a gapped path. I will end with a presentation of the recent result on the stability of the spectral gap for frustration-free Hamiltonians, highlighting how the previous three lectures fit into the proof.
The first lecture will be an introduction to quantum mechanics and a proof of Lieb-Robinson bounds for constant range interaction Hamiltonians. The second lecture will build on the first to prove a powerful lemma on the transformation of the interactions of generic gapped Hamiltonians to a new set of rapidly-decaying interactions that commute with the groundstate subspace. I call this "The Energy Filtering Lemma". Then, the third lecture will be on the construction of the Spectral Flow unitary (Quasi-adiabatic evolution) and its properties; in particular, the perfect simulation of the evolution of the groundstate subspace within a gapped path. I will end with a presentation of the recent result on the stability of the spectral gap for frustration-free Hamiltonians, highlighting how the previous three lectures fit into the proof.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:00 - 16:30 コモンルーム
河野俊丈 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Quantum and homological representations of braid groups (JAPANESE)
Tea: 16:00 - 16:30 コモンルーム
河野俊丈 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Quantum and homological representations of braid groups (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Homological representations of braid groups are defined as
the action of homeomorphisms of a punctured disk on
the homology of an abelian covering of its configuration space.
These representations were extensively studied by Lawrence,
Krammer and Bigelow. In this talk we show that specializations
of the homological representations of braid groups
are equivalent to the monodromy of the KZ equation with
values in the space of null vectors in the tensor product
of Verma modules when the parameters are generic.
To prove this we use representations of the solutions of the
KZ equation by hypergeometric integrals due to Schechtman,
Varchenko and others.
In the case of special parameters these representations
are extended to quantum representations of mapping
class groups. We describe the images of such representations
and show that the images of any Johnson subgroups
contain non-abelian free groups if the genus and the
level are sufficiently large. The last part is a joint
work with Louis Funar.
Homological representations of braid groups are defined as
the action of homeomorphisms of a punctured disk on
the homology of an abelian covering of its configuration space.
These representations were extensively studied by Lawrence,
Krammer and Bigelow. In this talk we show that specializations
of the homological representations of braid groups
are equivalent to the monodromy of the KZ equation with
values in the space of null vectors in the tensor product
of Verma modules when the parameters are generic.
To prove this we use representations of the solutions of the
KZ equation by hypergeometric integrals due to Schechtman,
Varchenko and others.
In the case of special parameters these representations
are extended to quantum representations of mapping
class groups. We describe the images of such representations
and show that the images of any Johnson subgroups
contain non-abelian free groups if the genus and the
level are sufficiently large. The last part is a joint
work with Louis Funar.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
奥田隆幸 氏 (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
Smallest complex nilpotent orbit with real points (JAPANESE)
奥田隆幸 氏 (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
Smallest complex nilpotent orbit with real points (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Let $\\mathfrak{g}$ be a non-compact simple Lie algebra with no complex
In this talk, we show that there exists a complex nilpotent orbit
$\\mathcal{O}^{G_\\mathbb{C}}_{\\text{min},\\mathfrak{g}}$ in
$\\mathfrak{g}_\\mathbb{C}$ ($:=\\mathfrak{g} \\otimes \\mathbb{C}$)
containing all of real nilpotent orbits in $\\mathfrak{g}$ of minimal
positive dimension.
For many $\\mathfrak{g}$, the orbit
$\\mathcal{O}^{G_\\mathbb{C}}_{\\text{min},\\mathfrak{g}}$ is just the
complex minimal nilpotent orbit in $\\mathfrak{g}_\\mathbb{C}$.
However, for the cases where $\\mathfrak{g}$ is isomorphic to
$\\mathfrak{su}^*(2k)$, $\\mathfrak{so}(n-1,1)$, $\\mathfrak{sp}(p,q)$,
$\\mathfrak{e}_{6(-26)}$ or $\\mathfrak{f}_{4(-20)}$,
the orbit $\\mathcal{O}^{G_\\mathbb{C}}_{\\text{min},\\mathfrak{g}}$ is not
the complex minimal nilpotent orbit in $\\mathfrak{g}_\\mathbb{C}$.
We also determine $\\mathcal{O}^{G_\\mathbb{C}}_{\\text{min},\\mathfrak{g}}$
by describing the weighted Dynkin diagrams of these for such cases.
Let $\\mathfrak{g}$ be a non-compact simple Lie algebra with no complex
In this talk, we show that there exists a complex nilpotent orbit
$\\mathcal{O}^{G_\\mathbb{C}}_{\\text{min},\\mathfrak{g}}$ in
$\\mathfrak{g}_\\mathbb{C}$ ($:=\\mathfrak{g} \\otimes \\mathbb{C}$)
containing all of real nilpotent orbits in $\\mathfrak{g}$ of minimal
positive dimension.
For many $\\mathfrak{g}$, the orbit
$\\mathcal{O}^{G_\\mathbb{C}}_{\\text{min},\\mathfrak{g}}$ is just the
complex minimal nilpotent orbit in $\\mathfrak{g}_\\mathbb{C}$.
However, for the cases where $\\mathfrak{g}$ is isomorphic to
$\\mathfrak{su}^*(2k)$, $\\mathfrak{so}(n-1,1)$, $\\mathfrak{sp}(p,q)$,
$\\mathfrak{e}_{6(-26)}$ or $\\mathfrak{f}_{4(-20)}$,
the orbit $\\mathcal{O}^{G_\\mathbb{C}}_{\\text{min},\\mathfrak{g}}$ is not
the complex minimal nilpotent orbit in $\\mathfrak{g}_\\mathbb{C}$.
We also determine $\\mathcal{O}^{G_\\mathbb{C}}_{\\text{min},\\mathfrak{g}}$
by describing the weighted Dynkin diagrams of these for such cases.
10:30-12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
糟谷久矢 氏 (東大数理)
Techniques of computations of Dolbeault cohomology of solvmanifolds (JAPANESE)
糟谷久矢 氏 (東大数理)
Techniques of computations of Dolbeault cohomology of solvmanifolds (JAPANESE)
13:30-14:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Ernie Esser 氏 (University of California, Irvine)
A convex model for non-negative matrix factorization and dimensionality reduction on physical space (ENGLISH)
Ernie Esser 氏 (University of California, Irvine)
A convex model for non-negative matrix factorization and dimensionality reduction on physical space (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
A collaborative convex framework for factoring a data matrix X into a non-negative product AS, with a sparse coefficient matrix S, is proposed. We restrict the columns of the dictionary matrix A to coincide with certain columns of the data matrix X, thereby guaranteeing a physically meaningful dictionary and dimensionality reduction. We focus on applications of the proposed framework to hyperspectral endmember and abundances identification and also show an application to blind source separation of NMR data.
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Moeller, Stanley Osher, Guillermo Sapiro and Jack Xin.
A collaborative convex framework for factoring a data matrix X into a non-negative product AS, with a sparse coefficient matrix S, is proposed. We restrict the columns of the dictionary matrix A to coincide with certain columns of the data matrix X, thereby guaranteeing a physically meaningful dictionary and dimensionality reduction. We focus on applications of the proposed framework to hyperspectral endmember and abundances identification and also show an application to blind source separation of NMR data.
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Moeller, Stanley Osher, Guillermo Sapiro and Jack Xin.
Kavli IPMU Komaba Seminar
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
Siu-Cheong Lau 氏 (IPMU)
Enuemerative meaning of mirror maps for toric Calabi-Yau manifolds (ENGLISH)
Siu-Cheong Lau 氏 (IPMU)
Enuemerative meaning of mirror maps for toric Calabi-Yau manifolds (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
For a mirror pair of smooth manifolds X and Y, mirror symmetry associates a complex structure on Y to each Kaehler structure on X, and this association is called the mirror map. Traditionally mirror maps are defined by solving Picard-Fuchs equations and its geometric meaning was unclear. In this talk I explain a recent joint work with K.W. Chan, N.C. Leung and H.H. Tseng which proves that mirror maps can be obtained by taking torus duality (the SYZ approach) and disk-counting for a class of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds in any dimensions. As a consequence we can compute disk-counting invariants by solving Picard-Fuchs equations.
For a mirror pair of smooth manifolds X and Y, mirror symmetry associates a complex structure on Y to each Kaehler structure on X, and this association is called the mirror map. Traditionally mirror maps are defined by solving Picard-Fuchs equations and its geometric meaning was unclear. In this talk I explain a recent joint work with K.W. Chan, N.C. Leung and H.H. Tseng which proves that mirror maps can be obtained by taking torus duality (the SYZ approach) and disk-counting for a class of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds in any dimensions. As a consequence we can compute disk-counting invariants by solving Picard-Fuchs equations.
10:15-12:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 117号室
関口次郎 氏 (東京農工大学) 10:15-11:15
二面体群に関連する超楕円積分 (JAPANESE)
高い種数の代数関数体に対する、一般化された Bernoulli-Hurwitz 数と、関連する諸問題(概説) (JAPANESE)
関口次郎 氏 (東京農工大学) 10:15-11:15
二面体群に関連する超楕円積分 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
大西良博 氏 (山梨大学) 11:30-12:30正2面体群に関連した3次元空間の自由因子(ある条件をみたす超曲面)をあつかう。この超曲面にそって特異点をもち解空間が3次元である微分方程式を構成する。
高い種数の代数関数体に対する、一般化された Bernoulli-Hurwitz 数と、関連する諸問題(概説) (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
種数の高いある種の代数曲線に付随した代数函数 (楕円函数の自然な一般化) の Laurent 展開係数である generalized Bernoulli-Hurwitz 数が Bernoulli 数やBernoulli-Hurwitz 数と強く類似した性質 (Clausen von Staudt, von Staudt 第 2, Kummer 自身の得た合同式) を持つことについて survey をし, 最後に, その先にある問題について言及する.
種数の高いある種の代数曲線に付随した代数函数 (楕円函数の自然な一般化) の Laurent 展開係数である generalized Bernoulli-Hurwitz 数が Bernoulli 数やBernoulli-Hurwitz 数と強く類似した性質 (Clausen von Staudt, von Staudt 第 2, Kummer 自身の得た合同式) を持つことについて survey をし, 最後に, その先にある問題について言及する.
15:00-16:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 052号室
磯崎 洋 氏 (筑波大学)
Inverse problems for heat equations with discontinuous conductivities
磯崎 洋 氏 (筑波大学)
Inverse problems for heat equations with discontinuous conductivities
[ 講演概要 ]
In a bounded domain $\\Omega \\subset {\\bf R}^n$, consider the heat
equation $\\partial_tu = \\nabla(\\gamma(t,x)\\nabla u)$. The heat
conductivity is assumed to be piecewise constant : $\\gamma = k^2$ on
$\\Omaga_1(t) \\subset\\subset \\Omega$, $\\gamma(t,x) = 1$ on
$\\Omega\\setminus\\Omega_1(t)$. In this talk, we present recent results
for the inverse problems of reconstructing $\\gamma(t,x)$ from the
Dirichlet-to-Neumann map :
$u(t)|_{\\partial\\Omega} \\to $\\partial_{\\nu}u|_{\\partial\\Omega}$ for a time
interval $(0,T)$. These are the joint works with P.Gaitan, O.Poisson,
S.Siltanen, J.Tamminen.
In a bounded domain $\\Omega \\subset {\\bf R}^n$, consider the heat
equation $\\partial_tu = \\nabla(\\gamma(t,x)\\nabla u)$. The heat
conductivity is assumed to be piecewise constant : $\\gamma = k^2$ on
$\\Omaga_1(t) \\subset\\subset \\Omega$, $\\gamma(t,x) = 1$ on
$\\Omega\\setminus\\Omega_1(t)$. In this talk, we present recent results
for the inverse problems of reconstructing $\\gamma(t,x)$ from the
Dirichlet-to-Neumann map :
$u(t)|_{\\partial\\Omega} \\to $\\partial_{\\nu}u|_{\\partial\\Omega}$ for a time
interval $(0,T)$. These are the joint works with P.Gaitan, O.Poisson,
S.Siltanen, J.Tamminen.
17:00-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 370号室
Oleg Emanouilov 氏 (Colorado State University)
Recovery of weakly coupled system from partial Cauchy data (ENGLISH)
Oleg Emanouilov 氏 (Colorado State University)
Recovery of weakly coupled system from partial Cauchy data (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
We consider the inverse problem for recovery of coefficients of weakly coupled system of elliptic equations in a bounded 2D domain.
We consider the inverse problem for recovery of coefficients of weakly coupled system of elliptic equations in a bounded 2D domain.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 117号室
山ノ内毅彦 氏 (東京学芸大学)
エルゴード的測度付き同値関係におけるヘッケペアーについて (JAPANESE)
山ノ内毅彦 氏 (東京学芸大学)
エルゴード的測度付き同値関係におけるヘッケペアーについて (JAPANESE)
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Franc Forstneric 氏 (University of Ljubljana)
Disc functionals and Siciak-Zaharyuta extremal functions on singular varieties (ENGLISH)
Franc Forstneric 氏 (University of Ljubljana)
Disc functionals and Siciak-Zaharyuta extremal functions on singular varieties (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
A disc functional on a complex space, $X$, is a function P that assign a real number $P(f)$ (possibly minus infinity) to every analytic disc $f$ in $X$. An examples is the Poisson functional $P_u$ of an upper semicontinuous function $u$ on $X$: in that case $P_u(f)$ is the average of u over the boundary curve of the disc $f$. Other natural examples include the Lelong and the Riesz functionals. The envelope of a disc functional $P$ is a function on $X$ associating to every point $x$ of $X$ the infimum of the values $P(f)$ over all analytic discs $f$ in $X$ satisfying $f(0)=x$. The main point of interest is that the envelopes of many natural disc functionals are plurisubharmonic functions solving certain extremal problems. In the classical case when $X=\mathbf{C}^n$ this was first discovered by E. Poletsky in the early 1990's. In this talk I will discuss recent results on plurisubharmonicity of envelopes of all the classical disc functional mentioned above on locally irreducible complex spaces. In the second part of the talk I will give formulas expressing the classical Siciak-Zaharyuta maximal function of an open set in an affine algebraic variety as the envelope of certain disc functionals. We establish plurisubharmonicity of envelopes of certain classical disc functionals on locally irreducible complex spaces, thereby generalizing the corresponding results for complex manifolds. We also find new formulae expressing the Siciak-Zaharyuta extremal function of an open set in a locally irreducible affine algebraic variety as the envelope of certain disc functionals, similarly to what has been done for open sets in $\mathbf{C}^n$ by Lempert and by Larusson and Sigurdsson.
A disc functional on a complex space, $X$, is a function P that assign a real number $P(f)$ (possibly minus infinity) to every analytic disc $f$ in $X$. An examples is the Poisson functional $P_u$ of an upper semicontinuous function $u$ on $X$: in that case $P_u(f)$ is the average of u over the boundary curve of the disc $f$. Other natural examples include the Lelong and the Riesz functionals. The envelope of a disc functional $P$ is a function on $X$ associating to every point $x$ of $X$ the infimum of the values $P(f)$ over all analytic discs $f$ in $X$ satisfying $f(0)=x$. The main point of interest is that the envelopes of many natural disc functionals are plurisubharmonic functions solving certain extremal problems. In the classical case when $X=\mathbf{C}^n$ this was first discovered by E. Poletsky in the early 1990's. In this talk I will discuss recent results on plurisubharmonicity of envelopes of all the classical disc functional mentioned above on locally irreducible complex spaces. In the second part of the talk I will give formulas expressing the classical Siciak-Zaharyuta maximal function of an open set in an affine algebraic variety as the envelope of certain disc functionals. We establish plurisubharmonicity of envelopes of certain classical disc functionals on locally irreducible complex spaces, thereby generalizing the corresponding results for complex manifolds. We also find new formulae expressing the Siciak-Zaharyuta extremal function of an open set in a locally irreducible affine algebraic variety as the envelope of certain disc functionals, similarly to what has been done for open sets in $\mathbf{C}^n$ by Lempert and by Larusson and Sigurdsson.
10:00-11:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 270号室
Alfred Ramani 氏 (Ecole Polytechnique)
All you never really wanted to know about QRT, but were foolhardy enough to ask (ENGLISH)
Alfred Ramani 氏 (Ecole Polytechnique)
All you never really wanted to know about QRT, but were foolhardy enough to ask (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
We discuss various extensions of the famous QRT second order, first degree, integrable mapping. We show how these extensions can be combined. A discussion of integrable correspondences related to these extended QRT mappings is also presented.
We discuss various extensions of the famous QRT second order, first degree, integrable mapping. We show how these extensions can be combined. A discussion of integrable correspondences related to these extended QRT mappings is also presented.
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:00 - 16:30 コモンルーム
Francois Laudenbach 氏 (Univ. de Nantes)
Singular codimension-one foliations
and twisted open books in dimension 3.
(joint work with G. Meigniez)
Tea: 16:00 - 16:30 コモンルーム
Francois Laudenbach 氏 (Univ. de Nantes)
Singular codimension-one foliations
and twisted open books in dimension 3.
(joint work with G. Meigniez)
[ 講演概要 ]
The allowed singularities are those of functions.
According to A. Haefliger (1958),
such structures on manifolds, called $\\Gamma_1$-structures,
are objects of a cohomological
theory with a classifying space $B\\Gamma_1$.
The problem of cancelling the singularities
(or regularization problem)
arise naturally.
For a closed manifold, it was solved by W.Thurston in a famous paper
(1976), with a proof relying on Mather's isomorphism (1971):
Diff$^\\infty(\\mathbb R)$ as a discrete group has the same homology
as the based loop space
$\\Omega B\\Gamma_1^+$.
For further extension to contact geometry, it is necessary
to solve the regularization problem
without using Mather's isomorphism.
That is what we have done in dimension 3. Our result is the following.
{\\it Every $\\Gamma_1$-structure $\\xi$ on a 3-manifold $M$ whose
normal bundle
embeds into the tangent bundle to $M$ is $\\Gamma_1$-homotopic
to a regular foliation
carried by a (possibily twisted) open book.}
The proof is elementary and relies on the dynamics of a (twisted)
pseudo-gradient of $\\xi$.
All the objects will be defined in the talk, in particular the notion
of twisted open book which is a central object in the reported paper.
The allowed singularities are those of functions.
According to A. Haefliger (1958),
such structures on manifolds, called $\\Gamma_1$-structures,
are objects of a cohomological
theory with a classifying space $B\\Gamma_1$.
The problem of cancelling the singularities
(or regularization problem)
arise naturally.
For a closed manifold, it was solved by W.Thurston in a famous paper
(1976), with a proof relying on Mather's isomorphism (1971):
Diff$^\\infty(\\mathbb R)$ as a discrete group has the same homology
as the based loop space
$\\Omega B\\Gamma_1^+$.
For further extension to contact geometry, it is necessary
to solve the regularization problem
without using Mather's isomorphism.
That is what we have done in dimension 3. Our result is the following.
{\\it Every $\\Gamma_1$-structure $\\xi$ on a 3-manifold $M$ whose
normal bundle
embeds into the tangent bundle to $M$ is $\\Gamma_1$-homotopic
to a regular foliation
carried by a (possibily twisted) open book.}
The proof is elementary and relies on the dynamics of a (twisted)
pseudo-gradient of $\\xi$.
All the objects will be defined in the talk, in particular the notion
of twisted open book which is a central object in the reported paper.
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