Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~02/06|Today's seminar 02/07 | Future seminars 02/08~
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
金井 雅彦 (名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科)
Vanishing and Rigidity
The aim of my talk is to reveal an unforeseen link between
the classical vanishing theorems of Matsushima and Weil, on the one hand,
andrigidity of the Weyl chamber flow, a dynamical system arising from a higher-rank
noncompact Lie group, on the other. The connection is established via
"transverse extension theorems": Roughly speaking, they claim that a tangential 1- form of the
orbit foliation of the Weyl chamber flow that is tangentially closed
(and satisfies a certain mild additional condition) can be extended to a closed 1- form on the
whole space in a canonical manner. In particular, infinitesimal
rigidity of the orbit foliation of the Weyl chamber flow is proved as an application.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
川上 裕 (九大数理/大阪市立大)
Kavli IPMU Komaba Seminar
Kentaro Hori (University of Toronto / IPMU)
A pair of non-birational but derived equivalent Calabi-Yau
manifolds from non-Abelian gauge theories
We construct a family of (2,2) supersymmetric gauge theories
in 2-dimensions that flows to a family of (2,2) superconformal fields theories with \\hat{c}=3. The family has two limits and three singular points. The two limits correspond to two Calabi-Yau manifolds which are not birationally equivalent. The two are, however, derived equivalent
by general principle of supersymmetric quantum field theory.
Lecture Series on Mathematical Sciences in Soceity
中川 淳一 (新日本製鐵先端技術研究所)
川又雄二郎 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
代数多様体上に載っている曲線と因子の交点数を使うと、互いに双対な有限次元実ベクトル空間内の、互いに双対な閉凸錐体 -- 曲線の錐体と因子の錐体が定義される。極小モデル理論では、曲線の錐体の端射線から収縮写像が構成されるが、双有理同値な代数多様体をたくさん同時に考えるためには、因子の錐体のほうが便利である。標準環の有限生成定理は、因子の錐体の集まりの間の壁越えの様子を詳しく調べることによって証明された。一般の代数多様体に対する極小モデルの存在は未解決問題であるが、そのためには因子の錐体についてのより深い理解が必要と思われる。この講演ではそのあたりの事情を解説する。
GCOE lecture series
Andrei Pajitnov (Univ. de Nantes)
Circle-valued Morse theory
, Lecture 2
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Piotr Pragacz
(Banach Institute)
Diagonal subschemes and vector bundles
GCOE lecture series
Andrei Pajitnov (Univ. de Nantes)
Circle-valued Morse theory, Lecture 1
Morse theory of circle-valued functions, initiated by S. P. Novikov in 1980-1982 is now a rapidly developing domain with applications and connections to many other fields of geometry and topology such as dynamical systems, Lagrangian intersections,
knots and links in three-dimensional sphere.
We will start with the basics of the theory, discuss the construction of the Novikov complex, relations with the dynamical zeta functions, and the knot theory. We will conclude with a list of the open problems of the theory.
Number Theory Seminar
平田典子 (日本大学理工学部)
Lang's Observation in Diophantine Problems
In 1964, Serge Lang suggested the following problem, which reads now as follows:
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve defined over a number field $K$, and $\\varphi$ be a rational function on $E$. Then, for every point $P\\in E(K)$ where $\\varphi$ does not vanish at $P$, the logarithms of a norm of $\\varphi(P)$ is at worst linear in the logarithms of the Neron-Tate height of the point $P$.
We give a simultaneous Diophantine approximation for linear forms in elliptic logarithms which actually implies this conjecture. We also present Lang's observations in Diophantine problems.
Tuesday Seminar of Analysis
Ovidiu Calin (Eastern Michigan University)
Heat kernels for subelliptic operators
Subelliptic operators are differential operators with missing
directions. Their behavior is very different than the behavior or
elliptic operators. Among the most well known subelliptic operators
are the Grusin operator, the Heisenberg operator, and the Kolmogorov
operator. There are several methods of finding the heat kernels of
subelliptic operators. The heat kernels of subelliptic operators are
usually represented in integral form, but in the case of the
Kolmogorov operator we shall show that the heat kernel is of function
type. We shall spend some time on other subelliptic operators too.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Xavier Roulleau (東大)
Cotangent maps of surfaces of general type
Surfaces are usualy studied and classified via the properties of the pluricanonical maps. For surfaces of general type whose cotangent sheaf is generated by global sections, we propose to study an other map, called the cotangent map, in order to obtain geometric informations on the surface. In this way, we obtain informations on the ampleness of the cotangent sheaf of such a surface. We will illustate this talk with the example of the Fano surface of lines of cubic threefolds.
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
吉野太郎 (東工大)
$\\mathbb R^n$への$\\mathbb R^2$の固有な作用と周期性
Consider $\\R^2$ actions on $\\R^n$ which is free, affine and unipotent. Our concern here is to answer the following question:
"Does the quotient topology admits a manifold structure?"
Under some weak assumption, we classify all actions up to conjugate, and give a complete answer to the question.
If Lipsman's conjecture were true, all of the answer should be affirmative.
But, we shall find a unique action which gives a negative answer for each $n\\geq 5$. And, we also find a periodicity on such counterexamples.
As a key lemma, we use "proper analogue" of the five lemma on
exact sequence.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Andrei Pajitnov (Univ. de Nantes)
Circle-valued Morse theory for knots and links
We will discuss several recent developments in
this theory. In the first part of the talk we prove that the Morse-Novikov number of a knot is less than or equal to twice the tunnel number of the knot, and present consequences of this result. In the second part we report on our joint project with Hiroshi Goda on the half-transversal Morse-Novikov theory for 3-manifolds.
Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo
桂 法称 ((理化学研究所)
理化学研究所) 13:30-14:30
Quantum Entanglement in Exactly Solvable Models
特に基底状態におけるentanglementのvon Neumann(entanglement) entropyなどの
先ずentanglement entropyの定義などについての簡単な説明を行い、その後私が
1. Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki modelのvalence bond solid基底状態におけるenta
2. Calogero-Sutherland modelにおける粒子間entanglementと排他的分数統計
3. Bethe ansatz波動関数の行列積表示
尚、本研究は初田泰之(東大理), 平野嵩明(東大工)、丸山勲(大阪大)、初貝安弘(筑
波大)、Ying Xu, Vladimir E. Korepin(SUNY at Stony Brook)各氏との共同研究に基
Lecture Series on Mathematical Sciences in Soceity
大本 隆 (野村證券金融工学研究センター)
デリバティブ・プロダクツの価格付け II
平地健吾 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
What is Q-curvature?
共形幾何は次元の偶奇におうじて著しく異なった性質をもちます。その多くは n次元球面の共形自己同型群SO(n+1,1)が奇数次元ならB型,偶数次元ならD型になるといことから説明できます。この講演では偶数次元にのみ現れるQ-曲率とよばれる局所不変量とその周辺に現れる共形不変量および不変作用素の理論を紹介します。Q-曲率はAdS/CFT対応にも自然に現れることもあり,最近の共形幾何の主要テーマになっていますが,その定義は簡単ではありません。Q-曲率の(短い)歴史と表現論の結果をふまえて,なっとくのできる定義を与えることを目指します。
次回開催日は11月28日(金)(講演者:川又雄二郎 氏)です。ご注意下さい。
Applied Analysis
Jan Haskovec
(Vienna University of Technology(オーストリア))
Stochastic Particle Approximation for Measure Valued Solutions of the 2D Keller-Segel System
We construct an approximation to the measure valued, global in time solutions to the Keller-Segel model in 2D, based on systems of stochastic interacting particles. The advantage of our approach is that it reproduces the well-known dichtomy in the qualitative behavior of the system and, moreover, captures the solution even after the possible blow-up events. We present a numerical method based on this approach and show some numerical results. Moreover, we make a first step toward the convergence analysis of our scheme by proving the convergence of the stochastic particle approximation for the Keller-Segel model with a regularized interaction potential. The proof is based on a BBGKY-like approach for the corresponding particle distribution function.
Number Theory Seminar
Olivier Fouquet (大阪大学)
Dihedral Iwasawa theory of ordinary modular forms
According to Hida theory, the Galois representation attached to a nearly-ordinary Hilbert eigencuspform belongs to a p-adic analytic family of Galois representations parametrized by varying weights. After restricting it to the absolute Galois group of a quadratic totally complex extension, it also belongs to a p-adic family coming from classical dihedral Iwasawa theory. We will explain the proofs of part of the main conjecture in Iwasawa theory in these situations, i.e divisibilities of characteristic ideals when equalities are actually expected.
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Jorge Vargas (FAMAF-CIEM, C\'ordoba)
Liouville measures and multiplicity formulae for admissible restriction of Discrete Series
Let $H \\subset G$ be reductive matrix Lie groups. We fix a square integrable irreducible representation $\\pi$ of $G.$
Let $\\Omega $ denote the coadjoint orbit of the Harish-Chandra parameter of $\\pi.$
Assume $\\pi$ restricted to $H$ is admissible. In joint work with Michel Duflo, by means of "discrete" and "continuos" Heaviside functions we relate the multiplicity of each irreducible $H-$factor of $\\pi$ restricted to $H$ and push forward to $\\mathfrak h^\\star$ of the Liouville measure for $\\Omega.$ This generalizes work of Duflo-Heckman-Vergne.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
宍倉 光広 (京都大学大学院理学研究科)
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
野沢 啓 (東大数理)
Deformation of Sasakian metrics
Lecture Series on Mathematical Sciences in Soceity
中川 淳一 (新日本製鐵先端技術研究所)
Applied Analysis
杉山 由恵 (津田塾大学・学芸学部・数学科)
Aronson-Benilan type estimate and the optimal Hoelder continuity of weak solutions for the 1D degenerate Keller-Segel systems
We consider the Cauchy problem for the 1D Keller-Segel system of degenerate
type (KS)_m with $m>1$:
u_t= \\partial_x^2 u^m - \\partial_x (u^{q-2} \\partial_x v),
-\\partial_x^2 v + v - u=0.
We establish a uniform estimate from below of $\\partial_x^2 u^{m-1}$.
The corresponding estimate to the porous medium equation is well-known
as an Aronson-Benilan type.
As an application of our Aronson-Benilan type estimate,
we prove the optimal Hoelder continuity of the weak solution $u$ of (KS)_m.
In addition, we find that the positive region $D(t):=\\{x \\in \\R; u(x,t)>0\\}$
of $u$ is monotonically non-decreasing with respect to the time $t$.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Mikael Pichot (IPMU)
Groups of friezes and property RD
Tuesday Seminar of Analysis
新國 裕昭 (首都大学東京)
Rotation number approach to spectral analysis of the generalized Kronig-Penney Hamiltonians
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