Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~02/15|Today's seminar 02/16 | Future seminars 02/17~
Number Theory Seminar
Fabrice Orgogozo (CNRS, École polytechnique)
Constructibilité uniforme des images directes supérieures en
cohomologie étale
Motivé par une remarque de N. Katz sur le lien entre la
torsion de la Z_ℓ-cohomologie étale et les ultraproduits de groupes de
F_ℓ-cohomologie, nous démontrons un théorème d'uniformité en ℓ pour la
constructibilité des images directes supérieures entre schémas de type fini
sur un trait excellent. (Un tel théorème avait été considéré par
O. Gabber il y a plusieurs années déjà.)
La méthode est maintenant classique : on utilise des
théorèmes de A. J. de Jong et un peu de log-géométrie.
(This lecture is held as `Arithmetic Geometry Seminar Tokyo-Paris' and it is transmitted from IHES by the internet.)
Numerical Analysis Seminar
Junichi Matsumoto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
A bubble finite-element method with orthogonal property and applications to flow problems (JAPANESE)
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GCOE Seminars
松本 純一 (産業技術総合研究所)
直交基底気泡関数有限要素法による流体解析と応用計算 (JAPANESE)
[ Reference URL ]
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
KAMATANI, Kengo (Graduate school of Mathematical Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo)
Weak convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo method and its application to Yuima (JAPANESE)
We examine some asymptotic properties of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods by the weak convergence framework of MCMC. Our purpose is to compare this framework to the Harris recurrence framework. Numerical illustrations will be given via R. The connection to the YUIMA package will also be discussed.
This talk will be held at IT Studio.
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Soji Kaneyuki (Sophia University)
Automorphism groups of causal Makarevich spaces (JAPANESE)
Let G^ be a simple Lie group of Hermitian type and U^ be a maximal parabolic subgroup of G^ with abelian nilradical. The flag manifold M^= G^/ U^ is the Shilov
boundary of an irreducible bounded symmetric domain of tube type. M^ has the G-invariant causal structure. A causal Makarevich space is, by definition, an open symmetric G-orbit M in M^, endowed with the causal structure induced from that
of the ambient space M^, G being a reductive subgroup of G^. All symmetric cones fall in the class of causal Makarevich spaces.
In this talk, we determine the causal automorphism groups of all causal Makarevich spaces.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Xavier Roulleau (The University of Tokyo)
Genus 2 curve configurations on Fano surfaces (ENGLISH)
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Tomoyuki HISAMOTO (Univ. of Tokyo)
Restricted Bergman kernel asymptotics (JAPANESE)
Operator Algebra Seminars
Makoto Yamashita (Univ. Tokyo)
Fixed Points in the Stone-Cech boundary of Groups (ENGLISH)
We discuss the class of discrete groups which admit fixed points under the adjoint action on the Stone-Cech boundary. Such groups have vanishing $L^2$-Betti numbers, and nonamenable ones fail to have property (AO).
GCOE lecture series
Birgit Speh (Cornel University)
Introduction to the cohomology of locally symmetric spaces 2
I will give an introduction to the cohomology of noncompact locally symmetric spaces $X_\\Gamma =K \\backslash G / \\Gamma $.
If $X_\\Gamma $ is cocompact this cohomology can be expressed as the $(\\bg,K) $-cohomology of automorphic representations. I will explain how representation theory and automorphic forms can be used to study the cohomology in this case.
Number Theory Seminar
Ryoko Tomiyasu (KEK)
On some algebraic properties of CM-types of CM-fields and their
reflex fields (JAPANESE)
Shimura and Taniyama proved in their theory of complex
multiplication that the moduli of abelian varieties of a CM-type and their
torsion points generate an abelian extension, not of the field of complex
multiplication, but of a reflex field of the field. In this talk, I
introduce some algebraic properties of CM-types, half norm maps that might
shed new light on reflex fields.
For a CM-field $K$ and its Galois closure $K^c$ over the rational field $Q$,
there is a canonical embedding of $Gal (K^c/Q)$ into $(Z/2Z)^n \\rtimes S_n$.
Using properties of the embedding, a set of CM-types $\\Phi$ of $K$ and their
dual CM-types $(K, \\Phi)$ is equipped with a combinatorial structure. This
makes it much easier to handle a whole set of CM-types than an individual
I present a theorem that shows the combinatorial structure of the dual
CM-types is isomorphic to that of a Pfister form.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Taro Asuke (The University of Tokyo)
On Fatou-Julia decompositions (JAPANESE)
We will explain that Fatou-Julia decompositions can be
introduced in a unified manner to several kinds of one-dimensional
complex dynamical systems, which include the action of Kleinian groups,
iteration of holomorphic mappings and complex codimension-one foliations.
In this talk we will restrict ourselves mostly to the cases where the
dynamical systems have a certain compactness, however, we will mention
how to deal with dynamical systems without compactness.
GCOE lecture series
Birgit Speh (Cornel University)
Introduction to the cohomology of locally symmetric spaces
I will give an introduction to the cohomology of noncompact locally symmetric spaces $X_\\Gamma =K \\backslash G / \\Gamma $.
If $X_\\Gamma $ is cocompact this cohomology can be expressed as the $(g,K)$-cohomology of automorphic representations. I will explain how representation theory and automorphic forms can be used to study the cohomology in this case.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Atsushi Kanazawa (The University of Tokyo)
On Pfaffian Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry (JAPANESE)
We construct new smooth CY 3-folds with 1-dimensional Kaehler moduli and
determine their fundamental topological invariants. The existence of CY
3-folds with the computed invariants was previously conjectured. We then
report mirror symmetry for these non-complete intersection CY 3-folds.
We explicitly build their mirror partners, some of which have 2 LCSLs,
and carry out instanton computations for g=0,1.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Ken-ichi YOSHIKAWA (Kyoto Univ.)
Singularities and analytic torsion (JAPANESE)
Classical Analysis
Jiro Sekiguchi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
On solutions of uniformization equations (JAPANESE)
Operator Algebra Seminars
Catherine Oikonomides (Univ. Tokyo)
The C*-algebra of codimension one foliations which are almost without holonomy (ENGLISH)
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
FUKASAWA, Masaaki (CSFI, Osaka Univ.)
Financial data analysis with R-YUIMA (JAPANESE)
[ Reference URL ]
PDE Real Analysis Seminar
Giovanni Pisante (Department of Mathematics
Hokkaido University)
We deal with the system of eikonal equations |ðu/ðx1|=1, |ðu/ðx2|=1 in a planar Lipschitz domain with zero boundary condition. Exploiting the classical pyramidal construction introduced by Cellina, it is easy to prove that there exist infinitely many Lipschitz solutions. Then, the natural problem that has arisen in this framework is to find a way to select and characterize a particular meaningful class of solutions.
We propose a variational method to select the class of solutions which minimize the discontinuity set of the gradient. More precisely we select an optimal weighted measure for the jump set of the second derivatives of a given solution v of the system and we prove the existence of minimizers of the corresponding variational problem.
Numerical Analysis Seminar
Keisuke Matsuya (University of Tokyo)
Existence and non-existence of global solutions for a discrete semilinear heat equation (JAPANESE)
[ Reference URL ]
GCOE Seminars
松家 敬介 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Existence and non-existence of global solutions for a discrete semilinear heat equation (JAPANESE)
[ Reference URL ]
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Kaoru Hiraga (Kyoto University)
On endoscopy, packets, and invariants (JAPANESE)
The theory of endoscopy came out of the Langlands functoriality and the trace formula.
In this talk, I will briefly explain what the endoscopy is, and talk about packet, formal degree and Whittaker normalization of transfer.
I would like to talk about the connection between these topics and the endoscopy.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Hokuto Uehara (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
A counterexample of the birational Torelli problem via Fourier--Mukai transforms (JAPANESE)
We study the Fourier--Mukai numbers of rational elliptic surfaces. As
its application, we give an example of a pair of minimal 3-folds $X$
with Kodaira dimensions 1, $h^1(O_X)=h^2(O_X)=0$ such that they are
mutually derived equivalent, deformation equivalent, but not
birationally equivalent. It also supplies a counterexample of the
birational Torelli problem.
Seminar on Mathematics for various disciplines
Hiroshi Suito (Okayama University)
Mathematical sciences collaborating with clinical medicine (JAPANESE)
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
YOSHIDA, Nakahiro (University of Tokyo)
Estimation of the variance-covariance structure for stochastic processes and applications of YUIMA (JAPANESE)
We discuss limit theorems and asymptotic expansions in estimation of the variance-covariance structure for Ito processes. We will show some numerical examples by YUIMA, a package for statistical analysis and simulation of stochastic differential equations.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Naoyuki Monden (Osaka University)
On roots of Dehn twists (JAPANESE)
Let $t_{c}$ be the Dehn twist about a nonseparating simple closed curve
$c$ in a closed orientable surface. If a mapping class $f$ satisfies
$t_{c}=f^{n}$ in mapping class group, we call $f$ a root of $t_{c}$ of
degree $n$. In 2009, Margalit and Schleimer constructed roots of $t_{c}$.
In this talk, I will explain the data set which determine a root of
$t_{c}$ up to conjugacy. Moreover, I will explain the minimal and the
maximal degree.
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