Seminar information archive

Seminar information archive ~07/26Today's seminar 07/27 | Future seminars 07/28~

thesis presentations

16:30-17:45   Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Naoki IMAI (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences the University of Tokyo )
On the moduli spaces of finite flat models of Galois representations (JAPANESE)



15:30-17:45   Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Leevan Ling (Hong Kong Baptist University) 15:30-16:30
A Spectral Method for Space--
Time Fractional Diffusion Equation (ENGLISH)
Mourad Choulli (University of Metz) 16:45-17:45
A multidimensional Borg-Levinson theorem (ENGLISH)

GCOE Seminars

15:00-16:30   Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Matthieu Alfaro (University Montpellier 2)
Motion by mean curvature and Allen-Cahn equations (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
After introducing the classical and the generalized motion by mean curvature, we give some connections with the singular limit of Allen-Cahn equations in both framework. New results and estimates shall be provided.



16:30-17:30   Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yongzhi Steve Xu (University of Louisville, USA)
Radiation Conditions for Wave in Stratified Medium and Related Inverse
Problems (ENGLISH)


16:30-17:30   Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yongzhi Steve Xu (University of Louisville, USA)
Radiation Conditions for Wave in Stratified Medium and Related Inverse Problems (ENGLISH)


GCOE Seminars

16:30-17:30   Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Oleg Emanouilov (Colorado State University)
Global uniqueness in determining a coefficient by boundary data on small subboundaries (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
We consider the Dirichlet problem for the stationary two-dimensional Schroedinger equation. We discuss an inverse boundary value problem of determining the potential from a pair of all Dirichlet data supported in a subboundary S+ and all the corresponding Neumann data taken only on a subboundary S-. In the case where S+ = S- are the whole boundary, the data are the classical Dirichlet to Neumann map and there are many uniqueness results, while in the case where S+=S- is an arbitrary subboundary, Imanuvilov-Uhlmann-Yamamoto (2010) proves the uniqueness. In this talk, for the case where S+ and S- are not same, we prove the global uniqueness for this inverse problem under a condition only on the locations of S+, S-. We note that within the condition, S+ and S- can be arbitrarily small. The key of the proof is the construction of suitable complex geometrical optics solutions by a Carleman estimate with singular weight function.


Algebraic Geometry Seminar

14:30-16:00   Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Masahiro Futaki (The University of Tokyo)
Homological Mirror Symmetry for 2-dimensional toric Fano stacks (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
Homological Mirror Symmetry (HMS for short) is a conjectural
duality between complex and symplectic geometry, originally proposed
for mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau manifolds and later extended to
Fano/Landau-Ginzburg mirrors (both due to Kontsevich, 1994 and 1998).

We explain how HMS is established in the case of 2-dimensional smooth
toric Fano stack X as an equivalence between the derived category of X
and the derived directed Fukaya category of its mirror Lefschetz
fibration W. This is related to Kontsevich-Soibelman's construction of
3d CY category from the quiver with potential.

We also obtain a local mirror extension following Seidel's suspension
theorem, that is, the local HMS for the canonical bundle K_X and the
double suspension W+uv. This talk is joint with Kazushi Ueda (Osaka


GCOE Seminars

16:30-18:00   Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
及川 一誠 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
定常移流拡散方程式に対するハイブリッド型不連続Galerkin法 (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
[ Reference URL ]

Numerical Analysis Seminar

16:30-18:00   Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Issei Oikawa (University of Tokyo)
Hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for a convection-diffusion equation (JAPANESE)
[ Reference URL ]


Tuesday Seminar on Topology

16:30-18:00   Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Ayumu Inoue (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Quandle homology and complex volume
(Joint work with Yuichi Kabaya) (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
For a hyperbolic 3-manifold M, the complex value (Vol(M) + i CS(M)) is called the complex volume of M. Here, Vol(M) denotes the volume of M, and CS(M) the Chern-Simons invariant of M.
In 2004, Neumann defined the extended Bloch group, and showed that there is an element of the extended Bloch group corresponding to a hyperbolic 3-manifold.
He further showed that we can compute the complex volume of the manifold by evaluating the element of the extended Bloch group.
To obtain an element of the extended Bloch group corresponding to a hyperbolic 3-manifold, we have to find an ideal triangulation of the manifold and to solve several equations.
On the other hand, we show that the element of the extended Bloch group corresponding to the exterior of a hyperbolic link is obtained from a quandle shadow coloring.
It means that we can compute the complex volume combinatorially from a link diagram.

thesis presentations

16:00-17:15   Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Ryoko TOMIYASU (graduate school of Mathematical Sciences)
On some algebraic properties of CM-types of CM-fields and their reflexes (JAPANESE)


Operator Algebra Seminars

16:30-18:00   Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Owen Sizemore (UCLA)
$W^*$ Rigidity for actions of wreath product groups (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
The past 8 years have seen much progress in the classification of
actions of groups on measure spaces. Much of this is due to new powerful
techniques in operator algebras. We will survey some of these results
as well as the new operator algebra techniques. We will then give new
results concerning the classification of actions of wreath product groups.


Tuesday Seminar on Topology

17:00-18:00   Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Keiko Kawamuro (University of Iowa)
A polynomial invariant of pseudo-Anosov maps (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
Thurston-Nielsen classified surface homomorphism into three classes. Among them, the pseudo-Anosov class is the most interesting since there is strong connection to the hyperbolic manifolds. As an invariant, the dilatation number has been known. In this talk, I will introduce a new invariant of pseudo-Anosov maps. It is an integer coefficient polynomial, which contains the dilatation as the largest real root and is often reducible. I will show properties of the polynomials, examples, and some application to knot theory. (This is a joint work with Joan Birman and Peter Brinkmann.)


Lie Groups and Representation Theory

14:30-16:00   Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Soo Teck Lee (Singapore National University)
Pieri rule and Pieri algebras for the orthogonal groups (ENGLISH)

Operator Algebra Seminars

16:30-18:00   Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Narutaka Ozawa (Univ. Tokyo)
Type II$_1$ von Neumann representations for Hecke operators on Maass forms (after F. Radulescu) (ENGLISH)

Seminar on Probability and Statistics

15:00-16:10   Room #000 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
MASUDA, Hiroki (Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University)
Mighty convergence in LAD type estimation (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
We propose a LAD (least absolute deviation) type contrast function for estimating Levy driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes sampled at high frequency. The asymptotic behavior and polynomial-type large deviation inequality concerning the statistical random fields in question are derived, entailing an asymptotic normality and convergence of moments of the LAD estimator. Also, we will mention some numerical experiments done by the R software and some possible extensions of the framework.
[ Reference URL ]


Tuesday Seminar on Topology

16:30-18:00   Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Marion Moore (University of California, Davis)
High Distance Knots in closed 3-manifolds (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
Let M be a closed 3-manifold with a given Heegaard splitting.
We show that after a single stabilization, some core of the
stabilized splitting has arbitrarily high distance with respect
to the splitting surface. This generalizes a result of Minsky,
Moriah, and Schleimer for knots in S^3. We also show that in the
complex of curves, handlebody sets are either coarsely distinct
or identical. We define the coarse mapping class group of a
Heeegaard splitting, and show that if (S,V,W) is a Heegaard
splitting of genus greater than or equal to 2, then the coarse
mapping class group of (S,V,W) is isomorphic to the mapping class
group of (S, V, W). This is joint work with Matt Rathbun.

Tuesday Seminar of Analysis

17:00-18:00   Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Carlos Villegas Blas (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
On a limiting eigenvalue distribution theorem for perturbations of the hydrogen atom (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
Let H be the hydrogen atom Hamiltonian. We will show that
the operator H+P can have well defined clusters of eigenvalues
for a suitable perturbation P=f(h)Q where Q is a pseudo-differential
operator of order zero and f(h) is a small quantity depending of
the Planck's parameter h. We will show that the distribution of
eigenvalues in those clusters has a semi-classical limit involving
the averages of the principal symbol of Q along the classical orbits
of the Kepler problem.


Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis

10:30-12:00   Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yu KAWAKAMI (Kyushu Univ.)
The value distribution of the Gauss map of wave fronts and its applications (JAPANESE)

Algebraic Geometry Seminar

16:40-18:10   Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Ryo Ohkawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Flips of moduli of stable torsion free sheaves with $c_1=1$ on
$\\mathbb{P}^2$ (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
We study flips of moduli schemes of stable torsion free sheaves
on the projective plane via wall-crossing phenomena of Bridgeland stability.
They are described as stratified Grassmann bundles by variation of
stability of modules over certain finite dimensional algebra.


Applied Analysis

16:00-17:30   Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Anna Vainchtein (University of Pittsburgh, Department of Mathematics)
Effect of nonlinearity on the steady motion of a twinning dislocation (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
We consider the steady motion of a twinning dislocation in a Frenkel-Kontorova lattice with a double-well substrate potential that has a non-degenerate spinodal region. Semi-analytical traveling wave solutions are constructed for the piecewise quadratic potential, and their stability and further effects of nonlinearity are investigated numerically. We show that the width of the spinodal region and the nonlinearity of the potential have a significant effect on the dislocation kinetics, resulting in stable steady motion in some low-velocity intervals and lower propagation stress. We also conjecture that a stable steady propagation must correspond to an increasing portion of the kinetic relation between the applied stress and dislocation velocity.

Operator Algebra Seminars

16:30-18:00   Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Dave Penneys (UC Berkeley)
Killing weeds with annular multiplicities $*10$ via quadratic tangles (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
In recent work with Morrison, Peters, and Snyder, we eliminate two
families of possible principal graphs with graph norms less than 5 using
techniques derived from Jones' work on quadratic tangles.


Seminar on Mathematics for various disciplines

10:30-11:30   Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Masahide Sato (Information Media Center, Kanazawa University)
Instabilities of steps on a vicinal face induced by the
asymmetry of diffusion field. (JAPANESE)

GCOE Seminars

17:00-18:00   Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
天野 要 (愛媛大学大学院理工学研究科)
代用電荷法による多重連結領域の数値等角写像 (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
多重連結領域の等角写像では,平行スリット領域,円弧スリット領域,放射スリット領域,円弧スリット円板領域,円弧スリット円環領域という5種の正準スリット領域が広く知られている(Nehari, 1952).遡って,Koebe(1916)はこれらを含む39種の正準スリット領域を挙げている.近年,このような多重連結領域の問題が新たに注目されている.代用電荷法を適用して,このような様々な等角写像の表現が簡潔で精度の高い近似写像関数を簡単に構成することができる.ここでは,非有界な多重連結領域から(実軸となす角を任意に指定した一般的な)直線スリット領域と,円弧放射スリット(混在)領域への場合中心に,代用電荷法による多重連結領域の数値等角写像の方法を紹介する.
[ Reference URL ]

Numerical Analysis Seminar

17:00-18:00   Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Kaname Amano (Ehime University)
Numerical conformal mappings of multiply connected domains by the charge simulation method (JAPANESE)
[ Reference URL ]

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