Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~09/10|Today's seminar 09/11 | Future seminars 09/12~
Seminar on Mathematics for various disciplines
10:30-11:30 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Etsuro Yokoyama (Gakushuin University)
Analysis of growth rates of an ice crystal from supercooled heavy water under microgravity condition in KIBO of International Space Station
--basal plane growth rate and dendritic growth velocity
Etsuro Yokoyama (Gakushuin University)
Analysis of growth rates of an ice crystal from supercooled heavy water under microgravity condition in KIBO of International Space Station
--basal plane growth rate and dendritic growth velocity
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Christian Kassel (CNRS, Univ. de Strasbourg)
Torsors in non-commutative geometry (ENGLISH)
Christian Kassel (CNRS, Univ. de Strasbourg)
Torsors in non-commutative geometry (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
G-torsors or principal homogeneous spaces are familiar objects in geometry. I'll present an extension of such objects to "non-commutative geometry". When the structural group G is finite, non-commutative G-torsors are governed by a group that has both an arithmetic component and a geometric one. The arithmetic part is given by a classical Galois cohomology group; the geometric input is encoded in a (not necessarily abelian) group that takes into account all normal abelian subgroups of G of central type. Various examples will be exhibited.
G-torsors or principal homogeneous spaces are familiar objects in geometry. I'll present an extension of such objects to "non-commutative geometry". When the structural group G is finite, non-commutative G-torsors are governed by a group that has both an arithmetic component and a geometric one. The arithmetic part is given by a classical Galois cohomology group; the geometric input is encoded in a (not necessarily abelian) group that takes into account all normal abelian subgroups of G of central type. Various examples will be exhibited.
Tuesday Seminar of Analysis
16:30-18:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Jean-Marc Bouclet (Toulouse University, France)
Strichartz estimates and the Isozaki-Kitada parametrix
on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds (ENGLISH)
Jean-Marc Bouclet (Toulouse University, France)
Strichartz estimates and the Isozaki-Kitada parametrix
on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds (ENGLISH)
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
千葉 優作 (東大数理)
Degeneracy of holomorphic curves into the complements of hypersurfaces in a complex projective space
[ Reference URL ]
千葉 優作 (東大数理)
Degeneracy of holomorphic curves into the complements of hypersurfaces in a complex projective space
[ Reference URL ]
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
16:30-18:00 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
加藤周 (京都大学)
On the characters of tempered modules of affine Hecke
algebras of classical type
加藤周 (京都大学)
On the characters of tempered modules of affine Hecke
algebras of classical type
[ Abstract ]
We present an inductive algorithm to compute the characters
of tempered modules of an affine Hecke algebras of classical
types, based on a new class of representations which we call
"tempered delimits". They have some geometric origin in the
eDL correspondence.
Our new algorithm has some advantage to the Lusztig-Shoji
algorithm (which also describes the characters of tempered
modules via generalized Green functions) in the sense it
enables us to tell how the characters of tempered modules
changes as the parameters vary.
This is a joint work with Dan Ciubotaru at Utah.
We present an inductive algorithm to compute the characters
of tempered modules of an affine Hecke algebras of classical
types, based on a new class of representations which we call
"tempered delimits". They have some geometric origin in the
eDL correspondence.
Our new algorithm has some advantage to the Lusztig-Shoji
algorithm (which also describes the characters of tempered
modules via generalized Green functions) in the sense it
enables us to tell how the characters of tempered modules
changes as the parameters vary.
This is a joint work with Dan Ciubotaru at Utah.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
16:40-18:10 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Alexandru Dimca (Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
From Lang's Conjecture to finiteness properties of Torelli groups
Alexandru Dimca (Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
From Lang's Conjecture to finiteness properties of Torelli groups
[ Abstract ]
First we recall one of Lang's conjectures in diophantine geometry
on the interplay between subvarieties and translated subgroups in a
commutative algebraic group
(proved by M. Laurent in the case of affine tori in 1984).
Then we present the technique of resonance and characteristic varieties,
a powerful tool in the study of fundamental groups of algebraic varieties.
Finally, using the two ingredients above, we show that the Torelli
groups $T_g$
have some surprising finiteness properties for $g>3$.
In particular, we show that for any subgroup $N$ in $T_g$ containing
the Johnson kernel $K_g$, the complex vector space $N_{ab} \\otimes C$
is finite dimensional.
All the details are available in our joint preprint with S. Papadima
First we recall one of Lang's conjectures in diophantine geometry
on the interplay between subvarieties and translated subgroups in a
commutative algebraic group
(proved by M. Laurent in the case of affine tori in 1984).
Then we present the technique of resonance and characteristic varieties,
a powerful tool in the study of fundamental groups of algebraic varieties.
Finally, using the two ingredients above, we show that the Torelli
groups $T_g$
have some surprising finiteness properties for $g>3$.
In particular, we show that for any subgroup $N$ in $T_g$ containing
the Johnson kernel $K_g$, the complex vector space $N_{ab} \\otimes C$
is finite dimensional.
All the details are available in our joint preprint with S. Papadima
GCOE Seminars
10:00-15:00 Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Masahiro Yamamoto (University of Tokyo) 10:00-10:50
産学連携による新たな数学の課題:非整数階拡散方程式への誘い (JAPANESE)
Shu Nakamura (University of Tokyo) 11:00-11:50
量子力学のスペクトル・散乱理論における数学的手法 (JAPANESE)
Kazufumi Ito (University of Tokyo, North Carolina State University) 13:20-14:10
Semismooth Newton法の理論、及び応用 (JAPANESE)
Georg Weiss (University of Tokyo) 14:10-15:00
Masahiro Yamamoto (University of Tokyo) 10:00-10:50
産学連携による新たな数学の課題:非整数階拡散方程式への誘い (JAPANESE)
Shu Nakamura (University of Tokyo) 11:00-11:50
量子力学のスペクトル・散乱理論における数学的手法 (JAPANESE)
Kazufumi Ito (University of Tokyo, North Carolina State University) 13:20-14:10
Semismooth Newton法の理論、及び応用 (JAPANESE)
Georg Weiss (University of Tokyo) 14:10-15:00
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
13:00-14:10 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Catherine Laredo (MIA, INRA)
Inference for partially observed Markov processes and applications
Catherine Laredo (MIA, INRA)
Inference for partially observed Markov processes and applications
[ Abstract ]
We present some statistical methods for estimating the param- eters of a population dynamics model of annual plants. It is modelled using multitype branching processes with immigration. The data consist of counts in each type that are measured in several populations for a few consecu- tive years. Parametric inference is first carried out when count data of all types are observed. We prove statistical identifiability for all the parameters ruling the population dynamics model and derive consistent and asymptot- ically Gaussian estimators. However, it often occurs that, in practice, one or more types cannot be observed, leading to partially observed processes. Parametric inference is first studied in the case of Poisson distributions. We characterize the parameter subset where identifiability holds and de- rive consistent and asymptotically normal estimators for this parameter subset. Theses results are then extended to other distributions.
We apply these results to feral oilseed data. The model takes account of reproduction, immigration, and seed survival in a seed bank. The data consist of the number of plants in several developmental stages that were measured in a number of populations for few consecutive years. They are incomplete since seeds could not be counted.
[ Reference URL ]We present some statistical methods for estimating the param- eters of a population dynamics model of annual plants. It is modelled using multitype branching processes with immigration. The data consist of counts in each type that are measured in several populations for a few consecu- tive years. Parametric inference is first carried out when count data of all types are observed. We prove statistical identifiability for all the parameters ruling the population dynamics model and derive consistent and asymptot- ically Gaussian estimators. However, it often occurs that, in practice, one or more types cannot be observed, leading to partially observed processes. Parametric inference is first studied in the case of Poisson distributions. We characterize the parameter subset where identifiability holds and de- rive consistent and asymptotically normal estimators for this parameter subset. Theses results are then extended to other distributions.
We apply these results to feral oilseed data. The model takes account of reproduction, immigration, and seed survival in a seed bank. The data consist of the number of plants in several developmental stages that were measured in a number of populations for few consecutive years. They are incomplete since seeds could not be counted.
17:00-18:00 Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Dr Bangti Jin (Center for Industrial Mathematics University of Bremen, Germany)
Heuristic Choice Rules for Convex Variational Regularization
Dr Bangti Jin (Center for Industrial Mathematics University of Bremen, Germany)
Heuristic Choice Rules for Convex Variational Regularization
[ Abstract ]
In this talk we shall consider heuristic rules for choosing regularization parameters for general convex variational regularization of linear inverse problems. Several rules of recent origin are described, and some theoretical issues, e.g. existence, convergence, and a posteriori error estimates, are discussed. Numerical examples will be presented to demonstrate their accuracy and practical utility.
In this talk we shall consider heuristic rules for choosing regularization parameters for general convex variational regularization of linear inverse problems. Several rules of recent origin are described, and some theoretical issues, e.g. existence, convergence, and a posteriori error estimates, are discussed. Numerical examples will be presented to demonstrate their accuracy and practical utility.
16:00-17:00 Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
M.M. Lavrentiev, Jr. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Modern computer architectures for tsunami simulation
M.M. Lavrentiev, Jr. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Modern computer architectures for tsunami simulation
[ Abstract ]
Simulation of tsunami wave propagation over the deep water is one of the most time consuming tasks of the tsunami warning system. The authors utilize Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) package, accepted by the National Ocean & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA. The software generates calculation of wave propagation at deep water by splitting along coordinate axis. Nonlinear shallow water system is used as the governing equations. Some tasks of the algorithm could be executed in parallel mode, however, direct application of multi processor systems results only in two times performance gain. After a number of optimizations, the authors achieved 16 times performance gain. OpenMP technology was applied. When utilizing Sony PlayStation3 platform (IBM CELL BE architecture) 60 times code acceleration was accomplished. The best result was achieved with modern GPU (GForce 8800 and TESLA), 100 times performance gain.
Simulation of tsunami wave propagation over the deep water is one of the most time consuming tasks of the tsunami warning system. The authors utilize Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) package, accepted by the National Ocean & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA. The software generates calculation of wave propagation at deep water by splitting along coordinate axis. Nonlinear shallow water system is used as the governing equations. Some tasks of the algorithm could be executed in parallel mode, however, direct application of multi processor systems results only in two times performance gain. After a number of optimizations, the authors achieved 16 times performance gain. OpenMP technology was applied. When utilizing Sony PlayStation3 platform (IBM CELL BE architecture) 60 times code acceleration was accomplished. The best result was achieved with modern GPU (GForce 8800 and TESLA), 100 times performance gain.
GCOE Seminars
15:00-17:15 Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Mourad Bellassoued (Univ. of Bizerte) 15:00-16:00
Stability estimates for the anisotropic wave and Schrodinger equations from
the Dirichlet to Neumann map
On uniqueness in inverse elastic obstacle scattering
Mourad Bellassoued (Univ. of Bizerte) 15:00-16:00
Stability estimates for the anisotropic wave and Schrodinger equations from
the Dirichlet to Neumann map
[ Abstract ]
In this talk we want to obtain stability estimates for the inverse problem of determining the electric potential or the conformal factor in a wave or Schrodinger equations in an anisotropic media with Dirichlet data from measured Neumann boundary observations. This information is enclosed in the dynamical Dirichlet-to-Neumann map associated to the wave equation. We prove in dimension $n\\geq 2$ that the knowledge of the Dirichlet to Neumann map for the wave equation measured on the boundary uniquely determines the electric potential and we prove H\\"older-type stability in determining the potential. We prove similar results for the determination of a conformal factor close to 1.
Johannes Elschner (Weierstrass Institute Berlin, Germany) 16:15-17:15In this talk we want to obtain stability estimates for the inverse problem of determining the electric potential or the conformal factor in a wave or Schrodinger equations in an anisotropic media with Dirichlet data from measured Neumann boundary observations. This information is enclosed in the dynamical Dirichlet-to-Neumann map associated to the wave equation. We prove in dimension $n\\geq 2$ that the knowledge of the Dirichlet to Neumann map for the wave equation measured on the boundary uniquely determines the electric potential and we prove H\\"older-type stability in determining the potential. We prove similar results for the determination of a conformal factor close to 1.
On uniqueness in inverse elastic obstacle scattering
[ Abstract ]
The talk is on joint work with M. Yamamoto on the third and fourth exterior boundary value problems of linear isotropic elasticity. We present uniqueness results for the corresponding inverse scattering problems with polyhedral-type obstacles and a finite number of incident plane elastic waves.
Our approach is essentially based on a reflection principle for the Navier equation.
The talk is on joint work with M. Yamamoto on the third and fourth exterior boundary value problems of linear isotropic elasticity. We present uniqueness results for the corresponding inverse scattering problems with polyhedral-type obstacles and a finite number of incident plane elastic waves.
Our approach is essentially based on a reflection principle for the Navier equation.
11:00-12:00 Room #366 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
竹内 知哉 (North Carolina State University, USA)
A Regularization Parameter for Nonsmooth Tikhonov Regularization
竹内 知哉 (North Carolina State University, USA)
A Regularization Parameter for Nonsmooth Tikhonov Regularization
[ Abstract ]
We develop a novel criterion for choosing regularization parameters for nonsmooth Tikhonov functionals. The proposed criterion is solely based on the value function, and thus applicable to a broad range of functionals. It is analytically compared with the local minimum criterion, and a posteriori error estimates are derived. An efficient numerical algorithm for computing the minimizer is developed, and its convergence properties are also studied. Numerical results for several common nonsmooth functionals are presented.
We develop a novel criterion for choosing regularization parameters for nonsmooth Tikhonov functionals. The proposed criterion is solely based on the value function, and thus applicable to a broad range of functionals. It is analytically compared with the local minimum criterion, and a posteriori error estimates are derived. An efficient numerical algorithm for computing the minimizer is developed, and its convergence properties are also studied. Numerical results for several common nonsmooth functionals are presented.
16:30-17:30 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
三角 淳 (東大数理)
三角 淳 (東大数理)
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
15:00-16:00 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Cecilia Mancini (University of Florence)
Cecilia Mancini (University of Florence)
[ Abstract ]
We consider two processes driven by Brownian motions plus drift and possibly infinite activity jumps.
Given discrete observations we separately estimate the covariation between the two Brownian parts and the sum of the co-jumps. This allows to gain insight into the dependence structure of the processes and has important applications in finance.
Our estimator is based on a threshold principle allowing to isolate the jumps over a threshold.
The estimator of the continuous covariation is asymptotically Gaussian and converges at speed square root of n when the jump components have finite variation. In presence infinite variation jumps the speed is heavily influenced both by the small jumps dependence structure and by their jump activity indexes.
This talk is based on Mancini and Gobbi (2009), and Mancini (2010).
[ Reference URL ]We consider two processes driven by Brownian motions plus drift and possibly infinite activity jumps.
Given discrete observations we separately estimate the covariation between the two Brownian parts and the sum of the co-jumps. This allows to gain insight into the dependence structure of the processes and has important applications in finance.
Our estimator is based on a threshold principle allowing to isolate the jumps over a threshold.
The estimator of the continuous covariation is asymptotically Gaussian and converges at speed square root of n when the jump components have finite variation. In presence infinite variation jumps the speed is heavily influenced both by the small jumps dependence structure and by their jump activity indexes.
This talk is based on Mancini and Gobbi (2009), and Mancini (2010).
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
14:00-15:00 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Alexandre Brouste (Université du Maine)
Statistical inference in the partial observation setting, in continuous time
Alexandre Brouste (Université du Maine)
Statistical inference in the partial observation setting, in continuous time
[ Abstract ]
In various fields, the {\\it signal} process, whose law depends on an unknown parameter $artheta \\in \\Theta \\subset \\R^p$, can not be observed directly but only through an {\\it observation} process. We will talk about the so called fractional partial observation setting, where the observation process $Y=\\left( Y_t, t \\geq 0 ight)$ is given by a stochastic differential equation: egin{equation} \\label{mod:modelgeneral} Y_t = Y_0 + \\int_0^t h(X_s, artheta) ds + \\sigma W^H_t\\,, \\quad t > 0 \\end{equation} where the function $ h: \\, \\R imes \\Theta \\longrightarrow \\R$ and the constant $\\sigma>0$ are known and the noise $\\left( W^H_t\\,, t\\geq 0 ight)$ is a fractional Brownian motion valued in $\\R$ independent of the signal process $X$ and the initial condition $Y_0$. In this setting, the estimation of the unknown parameter $artheta \\in \\Theta$ given the observation of the continuous sample path $Y^T=\\left( Y_t , 0 \\leq t \\leq T ight)$, $T>0$, naturally arises.
[ Reference URL ]In various fields, the {\\it signal} process, whose law depends on an unknown parameter $artheta \\in \\Theta \\subset \\R^p$, can not be observed directly but only through an {\\it observation} process. We will talk about the so called fractional partial observation setting, where the observation process $Y=\\left( Y_t, t \\geq 0 ight)$ is given by a stochastic differential equation: egin{equation} \\label{mod:modelgeneral} Y_t = Y_0 + \\int_0^t h(X_s, artheta) ds + \\sigma W^H_t\\,, \\quad t > 0 \\end{equation} where the function $ h: \\, \\R imes \\Theta \\longrightarrow \\R$ and the constant $\\sigma>0$ are known and the noise $\\left( W^H_t\\,, t\\geq 0 ight)$ is a fractional Brownian motion valued in $\\R$ independent of the signal process $X$ and the initial condition $Y_0$. In this setting, the estimation of the unknown parameter $artheta \\in \\Theta$ given the observation of the continuous sample path $Y^T=\\left( Y_t , 0 \\leq t \\leq T ight)$, $T>0$, naturally arises.
15:00-17:30 Room #050 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
岡本和夫 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科) 15:00-16:00
岡本和夫 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科) 15:00-16:00
[ Abstract ]
森田茂之 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科) 16:30-17:30ガルニエ系は,パンルヴェ方程式の拡張であり,完全積分可能な多時間ハミルトン系として与えられる。これは2階線型常微分方程式のホロノミック変形を与える非線型完全積分可能な偏微分方程式系であり,講演の対象である2次元系では,8つのタイプの基本形がある。ガルニエ系の研究は,初期値空間やソリトン方程式系の相似簡約などの立場から行われているが,材料が揃ってくれば,一般リーマン・ヒルベルト対応を経由して考察することが自然であるし,数学的であるだろう。パンルヴェ方程式の場合もそのような方向に進んでいる。一方,パンルヴェ方程式については,そのハミルトニアンの満足する非線型常微分方程式が,アフィンワイル群の対称性など数学的な材料を与える上で一定の役割を果たした。ガルニエ系についても,そのハミルトニアンについての非線型偏微分方程式系を具体的に書き下すことは,意味のあることと信じているが,未完である。この話題について,部分的な結果を紹介する。
[ Abstract ]
PDE Real Analysis Seminar
10:30-11:30 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Joachim Escher (Leibniz University of Hanover)
Shallow water waves with singularities
Joachim Escher (Leibniz University of Hanover)
Shallow water waves with singularities
[ Abstract ]
The Degasperis-Procesi equation is a recently derived shallow water wave equation, which is - similar as the Camassa-Holm equation - embedded in a family of spatially periodic third order dispersive conservation laws.
The coexistence of globally in time defined classical solutions, wave breaking solutions, and spatially periodic peakons and shock waves is evidenced in the talk, and the precise blow-up scenario, including blow-up rates and blow-up sets, is discussed in detail. Finally several conditions on the initial profile are presented, which ensure the occurence of a breaking wave.
The Degasperis-Procesi equation is a recently derived shallow water wave equation, which is - similar as the Camassa-Holm equation - embedded in a family of spatially periodic third order dispersive conservation laws.
The coexistence of globally in time defined classical solutions, wave breaking solutions, and spatially periodic peakons and shock waves is evidenced in the talk, and the precise blow-up scenario, including blow-up rates and blow-up sets, is discussed in detail. Finally several conditions on the initial profile are presented, which ensure the occurence of a breaking wave.
15:00-16:30 Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Robert Penner (Aarhus University / University of Southern California)
Protein Moduli Space
Robert Penner (Aarhus University / University of Southern California)
Protein Moduli Space
[ Abstract ]
Recent joint works with J. E. Andersen and others
provide explicit discrete and continuous models
of protein geometry. These models are inspired
by corresponding constructions in the study of moduli
spaces of flat G-connections on surfaces, in particular,
for G=PSL(2,R) and G=SO(3). These models can be used
for protein classification as well as for folding prediction,
and computer experiments towards these ends will
be discussed.
Recent joint works with J. E. Andersen and others
provide explicit discrete and continuous models
of protein geometry. These models are inspired
by corresponding constructions in the study of moduli
spaces of flat G-connections on surfaces, in particular,
for G=PSL(2,R) and G=SO(3). These models can be used
for protein classification as well as for folding prediction,
and computer experiments towards these ends will
be discussed.
14:00-15:00 Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Bendong LOU (同済大学)
Homogenization Limit and Singular Limit of the Allen-Cahn equation
Bendong LOU (同済大学)
Homogenization Limit and Singular Limit of the Allen-Cahn equation
[ Abstract ]
We consider the Allen-Cahn equation in a cylinder with periodic undulating boundaries in the plane. Our problem involves two small parameters $\\delta$ and $\\epsilon$, where $\\delta$ appears in the equation to denote the scale of the singular limit and $\\epsilon$ appears in the boundary conditions to denote the scale of the homogenization limit. We consider the following two limiting processes:
(I): taking homogenization limit first and then taking singular limit;
(II) taking singular limit first and then taking homogenization limit.
We formally show that they both result in the same mean curvature flow equation, but with different boundary conditions.
We consider the Allen-Cahn equation in a cylinder with periodic undulating boundaries in the plane. Our problem involves two small parameters $\\delta$ and $\\epsilon$, where $\\delta$ appears in the equation to denote the scale of the singular limit and $\\epsilon$ appears in the boundary conditions to denote the scale of the homogenization limit. We consider the following two limiting processes:
(I): taking homogenization limit first and then taking singular limit;
(II) taking singular limit first and then taking homogenization limit.
We formally show that they both result in the same mean curvature flow equation, but with different boundary conditions.
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
16:30-18:00 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yves Benoist (Orsay)
Discrete groups acting on homogeneous spaces V
Yves Benoist (Orsay)
Discrete groups acting on homogeneous spaces V
[ Abstract ]
I will focus on recent advances on our understanding of discrete subgroups of Lie groups.
I will first survey how ideas from semisimple algebraic groups, ergodic theory and representation theory help us to understand properties of these discrete subgroups.
I will then focus on a joint work with Jean-Francois Quint studying the dynamics of these discrete subgroups on finite volume homogeneous spaces and proving the following result:
We fix two integral matrices A and B of size d, of determinant 1, and such that no finite union of vector subspaces is invariant by A and B. We fix also an irrational point on the d-dimensional torus. We will then prove that for n large the set of images of this point by the words in A and B of length at most n becomes equidistributed in the torus.
I will focus on recent advances on our understanding of discrete subgroups of Lie groups.
I will first survey how ideas from semisimple algebraic groups, ergodic theory and representation theory help us to understand properties of these discrete subgroups.
I will then focus on a joint work with Jean-Francois Quint studying the dynamics of these discrete subgroups on finite volume homogeneous spaces and proving the following result:
We fix two integral matrices A and B of size d, of determinant 1, and such that no finite union of vector subspaces is invariant by A and B. We fix also an irrational point on the d-dimensional torus. We will then prove that for n large the set of images of this point by the words in A and B of length at most n becomes equidistributed in the torus.
GCOE lecture series
10:30-17:00 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yves Benoist (Pars Sud) 10:30-11:30
Discrete groups acting on homogeneous spaces III
Discrete groups acting on homogeneous spaces IV
Yves Benoist (Pars Sud) 10:30-11:30
Discrete groups acting on homogeneous spaces III
[ Abstract ]
In this course I will focus on recent advances
on our understanding of discrete subgroups of Lie groups.
I will first survey how ideas from semisimple algebraic groups,
ergodic theory and representation theory help us to understand properties of these discrete subgroups.
I will then focus on a joint work with Jean-Francois Quint
studying the dynamics of these discrete subgroups on finite volume homogeneous spaces and proving the following result:
We fix two integral matrices A and B of size d, of determinant 1,
and such that no finite union of vector subspaces is invariant by A and B.
We fix also an irrational point on the d-dimensional torus. We will then prove that for n large the set of images of this point by the words in A and B of length at most n becomes equidistributed in the torus.
Yves Benoist (Paris Sud) 15:00-16:00In this course I will focus on recent advances
on our understanding of discrete subgroups of Lie groups.
I will first survey how ideas from semisimple algebraic groups,
ergodic theory and representation theory help us to understand properties of these discrete subgroups.
I will then focus on a joint work with Jean-Francois Quint
studying the dynamics of these discrete subgroups on finite volume homogeneous spaces and proving the following result:
We fix two integral matrices A and B of size d, of determinant 1,
and such that no finite union of vector subspaces is invariant by A and B.
We fix also an irrational point on the d-dimensional torus. We will then prove that for n large the set of images of this point by the words in A and B of length at most n becomes equidistributed in the torus.
Discrete groups acting on homogeneous spaces IV
Operator Algebra Seminars
16:30-18:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Roberto Longo (University of Rome, Tor Vergata)
Von Neumann Algebras and Boundary Quantum Field Theory
Roberto Longo (University of Rome, Tor Vergata)
Von Neumann Algebras and Boundary Quantum Field Theory
Applied Analysis
16:00-17:30 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Bendong LOU (同済大学)
Homogenization limit of a parabolic equation with nonlinear boundary conditions
Bendong LOU (同済大学)
Homogenization limit of a parabolic equation with nonlinear boundary conditions
[ Abstract ]
We consider a quasilinear parabolic equation with the following nonlinear Neumann boundary condition:
"the slope of the solution on the boundary is a function $g$ of the value of the solution". Here $g$ takes values near its supremum with the frequency of $\\epsilon$. We show that the homogenization limit of the solution, as $\\epsilon$ tends to 0, is the solution satisfying the linear Neumann boundary condition: "the slope of the solution on the boundary is the supremum of $g$".
We consider a quasilinear parabolic equation with the following nonlinear Neumann boundary condition:
"the slope of the solution on the boundary is a function $g$ of the value of the solution". Here $g$ takes values near its supremum with the frequency of $\\epsilon$. We show that the homogenization limit of the solution, as $\\epsilon$ tends to 0, is the solution satisfying the linear Neumann boundary condition: "the slope of the solution on the boundary is the supremum of $g$".
GCOE Seminars
10:10-11:00 Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
俣野 博 (数理科学)
俣野 博 (数理科学)
GCOE Seminars
11:00-11:50 Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
野口 潤次郎 (数理科学)
野口 潤次郎 (数理科学)
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