Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~01/17|Today's seminar 01/18 | Future seminars 01/19~
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Francis Sergeraert (L'Institut Fourier, Univ. de Grenoble)
Discrete vector fields and fundamental algebraic topology.
Robin Forman invented the notion of Discrete Vector Field in 1997.
A recent common work with Ana Romero allowed us to discover the notion
of Eilenberg-Zilber discrete vector field. Giving the topologist a
totally new understanding of the fundamental tools of combinatorial
algebraic topology: Eilenberg-Zilber theorem, twisted Eilenberg-Zilber
theorem, Serre and Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequences,
Eilenberg-MacLane correspondence between topological and algebraic
classifying spaces. Gives also new efficient algorithms for Algebraic
Topology, considerably improving our computer program Kenzo, devoted
to Constructive Algebraic Topology. The talk is devoted to an
introduction to discrete vector fields, the very simple definition of
the Eilenberg-Zilber vector field, and how it can be used in various
Number Theory Seminar
Naoki Imai (University of Tokyo)
Good reduction of ramified affinoids in the Lubin-Tate perfectoid space (ENGLISH)
Recently, Weinstein finds some affinoids in the Lubin-Tate perfectoid space and computes their reduction in equal characteristic case. The cohomology of the reduction realizes the local Langlands correspondence for some representations of GL_h, which are unramified in some sense. In this talk, we introduce other affinoids in the Lubin-Tate perfectoid space in equal characteristic case, whose reduction realizes "ramified" representations of conductor exponent h+1. We call them ramified affinoids. We study the cohomology of the reduction and its relation with the local Langlands correspondence. This is a joint work with Takahiro Tsushima.
Kavli IPMU Komaba Seminar
Atsushi Kanazawa (University of British Columbia)
Calabi-Yau threefolds of Type K (ENGLISH)
We will provide a full classification of Calabi-Yau threefolds of Type
K studied by Oguiso and Sakurai. Our study completes the
classification of Calabi-Yau threefolds with infinite fundamental
group. I will then discuss special Lagrangian T3-fibrations of
Calabi-Yau threefolds of type K. This talk is based on a joint work
with Kenji Hashimoto.
Numerical Analysis Seminar
Hirofumi Notsu (Waseda Institute for Advanced Study)
Pressure-stabilized characteristics finite element schemes for flow problems (JAPANESE)
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Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Andrei Pajitnov (Univ. de Nantes)
Twisted Novikov homology and jump loci in formal and hyperformal spaces (ENGLISH)
Let X be a CW-complex, G its fundamental group, and R a repesentation of G.
Any element of the first cohomology group of X gives rise to an exponential
deformation of R, which can be considered as a curve in the space of
representations. We show that the cohomology of X with local coefficients
corresponding to the generic point of this curve is computable from a spectral
sequence starting from the cohomology of X with R-twisted coefficients. We
compute the differentials of the spectral sequence in terms of Massey products,
and discuss some particular cases arising in Kaehler geometry when the spectral
sequence degenerates. We explain the relation of these invariants and the
twisted Novikov homology. This is a joint work with Toshitake Kohno.
Stefano Olla (Univ. Paris-Dauphine)
Thermal conductivity and weak coupling (ENGLISH)
We investigate the macroscopic thermal conductivity of a chain of anharmonic oscillators and more general systems, under weak coupling limits and energy conserving stochastic perturbations of the dynamics. In particular we establish a series expansion in the coupling parameter.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Professor Igor Reider (Universite d'Angers / RIMS)
Kodaira-Spencer classes, geometry of surfaces of general type and Torelli
theorem (ENGLISH)
In this talk I will explain a geometric interpretation of Kodaira-Spencer classes and apply
it to the study of the differential of the period map of weight 2 Hodge structures for surfaces
of general type.
My approach is based on interpreting Kodaira-Spencer classes as higher rank bundles and
then studing their stability. This naturally leads to two parts:
1) unstable case
2) stable case.
I will give a geometric characterization of the first case and show how to relate the second
case to a special family of vector bundles giving rise to a family of rational curves. This family
of rational curves is used to recover the surface in question.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Yusaku Tiba (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Kobayashi hyperbolic imbeddings into low degree surfaces in three dimensional projective spaces (JAPANESE)
We construct smooth irreducible curves of the lowest possible degree in quadric and cubic surfaces whose complements are Kobayashi hyperbolically imbedded into those surfaces. This is a joint work with Atsushi Ito.
Harmonic Analysis Komaba Seminar
Hiroki Saito (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 13:30-15:00
Directional maximal operators and radial weights on the plane
Let $\\Omega$ be a set of unit vectors and $w$ be a radial weight on the plane. We consider the weighted directional maximal operator defined by
$M_{\\Omega,w}f(x):=\\sup_{x\\in R\\in \\cB_{\\Omega}}\\frac{1}{w(R)}\\int_{R}|f(y)|w(y)dy$,
where $\\cB_{\\Omega}$ denotes the all rectangles on the plane whose longest side is parallel to some unit vector in $\\Omega$ and $w(R)$ denotes $\\int_{R}w$.
In this talk we give a sufficient condition of the weight
for an almost-orthogonality principle related to these maximal operators to hold. The condition allows us to get weighted norm inequality
$\\|M_{\\Omega,w}f\\|_{L^2(w)}\\le C \\log N \\|f\\|_{L^2(w)}$,
when $w(x)=|x|^a$, $a>0$, and $\\Omega$ is a set of unit vectors on the plane with cardinality $N\\gg 1$.
Boundedness of Trace operator for Besov spaces with variable
PDE Real Analysis Seminar
Katsuyuki Ishii (Kobe University)
An approximation scheme for the anisotropic and the planar crystalline curvature flow (JAPANESE)
In 2004 Chambolle proposed an algorithm for the mean curvature flow based on a variational problem. Since then, some extensions of his algorithm have been studied.
In this talk we would like to discuss the convergence of the anisotropic variant of his algorithm by use of the anisotropic signed distance function. An application to the approximation for the planar motion by crystalline curvature is also discussed.
Geometry Colloquium
Yasuyuki Nagatomo (Meiji University)
Harmonic maps into Grassmannian manifolds (JAPANESE)
A harmonic map from a Riemannian manifold into a Grassmannian manifold is characterized by a vector bundle, a space of sections of the bundle and the Laplace operator. This characterization can be considered as a generalization of Theorem of Takahashi on minimal immersions into a sphere (J.Math.Soc.Japan 18 (1966)) and implies the well-known fact that the Kodaira embedding is a harmonic map.
We apply the main result to generalize a Theorem of do Carmo and Wallach (Ann.of Math. 93 (1971)) and describe a moduli space of harmonic maps with constant energy densities and some properties about pull-back bundles and connections from a Riemannian homogeneous space into a Grassmannian. We give some applications including a rigidity of minimal immersions from the complex projective line to complex projective spaces (S.Bando and Y.Ohnita, J. Math. Soc. Japan 39 (1987)).
The ADHM-construction of instantons gives a family of maps into Grassmannians via monad theory on the twistor space. These maps are, in general, not harmonic maps, but are similar to maps obtained in our generalized do Carmo-Wallach theorem. We compare these two constructions of moduli spaces.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Tamar Friedmann (Univ. Rochester)
Singularities, algebras, and the string landscape (ENGLISH)
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Michael Pevzner (Reims University) 16:30-17:30
Non-standard models for small representations of GL(n,R) (ENGLISH)
We shall present new models for some parabolically induced
unitary representations of the real general linear group which involve Weyl symbolic calculus and furnish very efficient tools in studying branching laws for such representations.
Degenerate principal series of symplectic groups (ENGLISH)
We will discuss properties of representations of symplectic groups induced from maximal parabolic subgroups of Heisenberg type, including K-types formulas, expressions of intertwining operators and the study of their spectrum.
Janna Lierl (University of Bonn)
Two-sided bounds for the Dirichlet heat kernel on inner uniform domains (ENGLISH)
I will present sharp two-sided bounds for the heat kernel in domains with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The domain is assumed to satisfy an inner uniformity condition. This includes any convex domain, the complement of any convex domain in Euclidean space, and the interior of the Koch snowflake.
The heat kernel estimates hold in the abstract setting of metric measure spaces equipped with a (possibly non-symmetric) Dirichlet form. The underlying space is assumed to satisfy a Poincare inequality and volume doubling.
The results apply, for example, to the Dirichlet heat kernel associated with a divergence form operator with bounded measurable coefficients and symmetric, uniformly elliptic second order part.
This is joint work with Laurent Saloff-Coste.
Amir Dembo (Stanford University)
Persistence Probabilities (ENGLISH)
Persistence probabilities concern how likely it is that a stochastic process has a long excursion above fixed level and of what are the relevant scenarios for this behavior. Power law decay is expected in many cases of physical significance and the issue is to determine its power exponent parameter. I will survey recent progress in this direction (jointly with Jian Ding, Fuchang Gao, and Sumit Mukherjee), dealing with random algebraic polynomials of independent coefficients, iterated partial sums and other auto-regressive sequences, and with the solution to heat equation initiated by white noise.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Nikolay Shcherbina (University of Wuppertal)
On defining functions for unbounded pseudoconvex domains (ENGLISH)
We show that every strictly pseudoconvex domain $\Omega$ with smooth boundary in a complex manifold $M$ admits a global defining function, i.e. a smooth plurisubharmonic function $\varphi \colon U \to \mathbf{R}$ defined on an open neighbourhood $U \subset M$ of $\Omega$ such that $\Omega =\{ \varphi < 0 \}$, $d\varphi \not= 0$ on $b\Omega$ and $\varphi$ is strictly plurisubharmonic near $b\Omega$. We then introduce the notion of the kernel $K(\Omega)$ of an arbitrary domain $\Omega \subset M$ as the set of all points where every smooth and bounded from above plurisubharmonic function on $\Omega$ fails to be strictly plurisubharmonic. If $\Omega$ is not relatively compact in $M$, then in general $K(\Omega)$ is nonempty, even in the case when $M$ is Stein. It is shown that every strictly pseudoconvex domain $\Omega \subset M$ with smooth boundary admits a global defining function that is strictly plurisubharmonic precisely in the complement of $K(\Omega)$. We then investigate properties of the kernel. Among other results we prove 1-pseudoconcavity of the kernel, we show that in general the kernel does not possess any analytic structure, and we investigate Liouville type properties of the kernel.
Geometry Colloquium
Jeff Viaclovsky (University of Wisconsin)
Critical metrics on connected sums of Einstein four-manifolds (ENGLISH)
I will discuss a gluing procedure designed to obtain critical metrics of quadratic Riemannian functionals on connected sums of certain Einstein four-manifolds. Start with two Einstein four-manifolds of positive scalar curvature which are "rigid". Using the Green's function for the conformal Laplacian, convert one of these into an asymptotically flat (AF) scalar-flat metric. A "naive" approximate critical metric is obtained by identifying the boundary of a large ball in the AF metric with the boundary of a small ball in the other compact Einstein metric, using cutoff functions to glue together the AF metric with a suitably scaled compact metric in order to obtain a smooth metric on the connected sum. It turns out that this naive approximate metric is too rough, and must be refined in order to compute the leading term of the Kuranishi map. The main application is an existence result using two well-known Einstein manifolds as building blocks: the Fubini-Study metric on $¥mathbb{CP}^2$ and the product metric on $S^2 ¥times S^2$. Using these factors in various gluing configurations, a zero of the Kuranishi map is then found for a specific quadratic Riemannian functional on certain connected sums. The exact functional depends on the geometry of the factors, and also on the mass of the AF metric. Using certain quotients of $S^2 ¥times S^2$ as one of the gluing factors, several non-simply connected examples are also obtained. This is joint work with Matt Gursky.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Takuya Takeishi (Univ. Tokyo)
On nuclearity of $C^*$-algebras associated with Fell bundles over \\'etale groupoids (ENGLISH)
Number Theory Seminar
Deepam Patel (University of Amsterdam)
Motivic structure on higher homotopy of non-nilpotent spaces (ENGLISH)
In his fundamental paper on the projective line minus three points, Deligne constructed certain extensions of mixed Tate motives arising from the fundamental group of the projective line minus three points. Since then, motivic structures on homotopy groups have been studied by many authors. In this talk, we will construct a motivic structure on the (nilpotent completion of) n-th homotopy group of P^{n} minus n+2 hyperplanes in general position.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Hiroyuki Fuji (The University of Tokyo)
Colored HOMFLY Homology and Super-A-polynomial (JAPANESE)
This talk is based on works in collaboration with S. Gukov, M. Stosic,
and P. Sulkowski. We study the colored HOMFLY homology for knots and
its asymptotic behavior. In recent years, the categorification of the
colored HOMFLY polynomial is proposed in term of homological
discussions via spectral sequence and physical discussions via refined
topological string, and these proposals give the same answer
miraculously. In this talk, we consider the asymptotic behavior of the
colored HOMFLY homology \\`a la the generalized volume conjecture, and
discuss the quantum structure of the colored HOMFLY homology for the
complete symmetric representations via the generalized A-polynomial
which we call “super-A-polynomial”.
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Atsumu Sasaki (Tokai University)
A characterization of non-tube type Hermitian symmetric spaces by visible actions
We consider a non-symmetric complex Stein manifold D
which is realized as a line bundle over the complexification of a non-compact irreducible Hermitian symmetric space G/K.
In this talk, we will explain that the compact group action on D is strongly visible in the sense of Toshiyuki Kobayashi if and only if G/K is of non-tube type.
In particular, we focus on our construction of slice which meets every orbit in D from the viewpoint of group theory, namely,
we find an A-part of a generalized Cartan decomposition for homogeneous space D.
We note that our choice of A-part is an abelian.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Akito Futaki (University of Tokyo)
K\\"ahler-Einstein metrics and K stability (JAPANESE)
I will describe an outline of the proof of the equivalence between the existence of K\\"ahler-Einstein metrics and K-stablity after Chen-Donaldson-Sun and Tian.
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Yoshiki Oshima (Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo)
Discrete branching laws of Zuckerman's derived functor modules (JAPANESE)
We consider the restriction of Zuckerman's derived functor modules with respect to symmetric pairs of real reductive groups. When they are discretely decomposable, explicit formulas for the branching laws are obtained by using a realization as D-module on the flag variety and the generalized BGG resolution. In this talk we would like to illustrate how to derive the formulas with a few examples.
Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo
Simon Wood (Kavli IPMU)
On the extended algebra of type sl_2 at positive rational level (ENGLISH)
I will be presenting my recent work with Akihiro Tsuchiya
I will explain how to construct a certain VOA called the "extended
algebra of type sl_2 at positive rational level"
as a subVOA of a lattice VOA, by means of screening operators. I will
then show that this VOA carries a kind of exterior sl_2 action and then
show how one can compute the structure Zhu's algebra and the Poisson
algebra as well as classify all simple modules by using the screening
operators and the sl_2 action. Important concepts such as screening
operators or Zhu's algebra and the Poisson algebra of a VOA will be
reviewed in the talk.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Keiko Kawamuro (University of Iowa)
Open book foliation and application to contact topology (ENGLISH)
Open book foliation is a generalization of Birman and Menasco's braid foliation. Any 3-manifold admits open book decompositions. Open book foliation is a singular foliation on an embedded surface, and is define by the intersection of a surface and the pages of the open book decomposition. By Giroux's identification of open books and contact structures one can use open book foliation method to study contact structures. In this talk I define the open book foliation and show some applications to contact topology. This is joint work with Tetsuya Ito (University of British Columbia).
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