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thesis presentations
森 真樹 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
A cellular approach to the Hecke-Clifford superalgebra(セルラー代数の手法によるHecke-Clifford スーパー代数の研究) (JAPANESE)
thesis presentations
柗本 雄也 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Good reduction criterion for K3 surfaces(K3曲面の良い還元の判定法)
thesis presentations
池田 暁志 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)
Spaces of stability conditions on Calabi-Yau categories associated with quivers(箙に付随するCalabi-Yau圏の安定性条件の空間について)
Number Theory Seminar
Neven Grbac (University of Rijeka)
The Franke filtration of spaces of automorphic forms (ENGLISH)
The Franke filtration is a filtration of the space of all adelic automorphic forms on a reductive group defined over a number field. The filtration steps can be described as certain induced representations, which has applications to the study of Eisenstein cohomology. In this talk, we shall describe the Franke filtration in general, give several examples, and explain its connection to cohomology.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Kento Fujita (RIMS)
Classification of log del Pezzo surfaces of index three (JAPANESE)
Log del Pezzo surfaces constitute an interesting class of rational surfaces and naturally appear in the minimal model program. I will describe an algorithm to classify all the log del Pezzo surfaces of fixed (Q-Gorenstein) index $a$. Especially, I will focus on the case that $a$ is equal to three. This is joint work with Kazunori Yasutake.
GCOE Seminars
Fatiha Alabau (University of Lorraine)
On the influence of the coupling on the dynamics of under-observed cascade systems of PDE’s (ENGLISH)
We consider observability of coupled dynamical systems of hyperbolic and parabolic type when the number of observations is strictly less that the number of unknowns. A main issue is to understand how the lack of observations of certain components is compensated by the coupling information. This talk will present a mathematical approach based on energy methods and some recent positive and negative results on these questions.
GCOE Seminars
Piermarco Cannarsa (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Compactness estimates for Hamilton-Jacobi equations (ENGLISH)
For scalar conservations laws in one space dimension, P. Lax was the first to obtain compactness properties of the solution semigroup. Such properties were subsequently analyzed by several authors in quantitative terms using Kolmogorov's entropy. In this talk, we shall explain how to adapt such approach to the Hopf-Lax semigroup of solutions to first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations in arbitrary space dimension, and discuss related controllability issues.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
Bayarmagnai, G. (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-14:30
On the three dimensional Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) (ENGLISH)
The speaker will discuss the technical aspect to have explicit Whittaker functions belonging to principal series representations of SU(2,2) with non-trivial minimal K-types.
Minimal submanifolds on type IV symmetric domains (ENGLISH)
In the explicit constructions of fundamental domains in some typical classical domains with respect standard arithmetic discrete subgroups, there appears real minimal hypersurfaces. But this was known only for real rank one cases. We try to find the situation for the cases of rank 2 by some exapmles.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
Bayarmagnai, G. (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-14:30
On the three dimensional Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) (ENGLISH)
The speaker will discuss the technical aspect to have explicit Whittaker functions belonging to principal series representations of SU(2,2) with non-trivial minimal K-types.
Minimal submanifolds on type IV symmetric domains (ENGLISH)
In the explicit constructions of fundamental domains in some typical classical domains with respect standard arithmetic discrete subgroups, there appears real minimal hypersurfaces. But this was known only for real rank one cases. We try to find the situation for the cases of rank 2 by some exapmles.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
Bayarmagnai, G. (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-14:30
On the three dimensional Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) (ENGLISH)
The speaker will discuss the technical aspect to have explicit Whittaker functions belonging to principal series representations of SU(2,2) with non-trivial minimal K-types.
Minimal submanifolds on type IV symmetric domains (ENGLISH)
In the explicit constructions of fundamental domains in some typical classical domains with respect standard arithmetic discrete subgroups, there appears real minimal hypersurfaces. But this was known only for real rank one cases. We try to find the situation for the cases of rank 2 by some exapmles.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
Bayarmagnai, G. (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-14:30
On the three dimensional Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) (ENGLISH)
The speaker will discuss the technical aspect to have explicit Whittaker functions belonging to principal series representations of SU(2,2) with non-trivial minimal K-types.
Minimal submanifolds on type IV symmetric domains (ENGLISH)
In the explicit constructions of fundamental domains in some typical classical domains with respect standard arithmetic discrete subgroups, there appears real minimal hypersurfaces. But this was known only for real rank one cases. We try to find the situation for the cases of rank 2 by some exapmles.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
Bayarmagnai, G. (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-14:30
On the three dimensional Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) (ENGLISH)
The speaker will discuss the technical aspect to have explicit Whittaker functions belonging to principal series representations of SU(2,2) with non-trivial minimal K-types.
Minimal submanifolds on type IV symmetric domains (ENGLISH)
In the explicit constructions of fundamental domains in some typical classical domains with respect standard arithmetic discrete subgroups, there appears real minimal hypersurfaces. But this was known only for real rank one cases. We try to find the situation for the cases of rank 2 by some exapmles.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
Bayarmagnai, G. (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-14:30
On the three dimensional Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) (ENGLISH)
The speaker will discuss the technical aspect to have explicit Whittaker functions belonging to principal series representations of SU(2,2) with non-trivial minimal K-types.
Minimal submanifolds on type IV symmetric domains (ENGLISH)
In the explicit constructions of fundamental domains in some typical classical domains with respect standard arithmetic discrete subgroups, there appears real minimal hypersurfaces. But this was known only for real rank one cases. We try to find the situation for the cases of rank 2 by some exapmles.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
Bayarmagnai, G. (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-14:30
On the three dimensional Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) (ENGLISH)
The speaker will discuss the technical aspect to have explicit Whittaker functions belonging to principal series representations of SU(2,2) with non-trivial minimal K-types.
Minimal submanifolds on type IV symmetric domains (ENGLISH)
In the explicit constructions of fundamental domains in some typical classical domains with respect standard arithmetic discrete subgroups, there appears real minimal hypersurfaces. But this was known only for real rank one cases. We try to find the situation for the cases of rank 2 by some exapmles.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
Bayarmagnai, G. (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-14:30
On the three dimensional Whittaker functions on SU(2,2) (ENGLISH)
The speaker will discuss the technical aspect to have explicit Whittaker functions belonging to principal series representations of SU(2,2) with non-trivial minimal K-types.
Minimal submanifolds on type IV symmetric domains (ENGLISH)
In the explicit constructions of fundamental domains in some typical classical domains with respect standard arithmetic discrete subgroups, there appears real minimal hypersurfaces. But this was known only for real rank one cases. We try to find the situation for the cases of rank 2 by some exapmles.
Jean-Pierre Puel (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
Controllability of fluid flows (ENGLISH)
First of all we will describe in an abstract situation the various concepts
of controllability for evolution equations.
We will then present some problems and results concerning the
controllability of systems modeling fluid flows.
First of all we will consider the Euler equation describing the motion of an
incompressible inviscid fluid.
Then we will give some results concerning the Navier-Stokes equations,
modeling an incompressible viscous fluid, and some related systems.
Finally we will give a first result of controllability for the case of a
compressible fluid (in dimension 1) and some important open problems.
Kavli IPMU Komaba Seminar
Hans Jockers (The University of Bonn)
Characteristic classes from 2d renormalized sigma-models (ENGLISH)
The Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula relates the holomorphic Euler characteristic
of holomorphic vector bundles to topological invariants of compact complex manifold.
I will explain a generalization of the Mukai's modified first Chern character map, which
introduces certain characteristic classes that have not been considered in this form by
Hirzebruch. This naturally leads to the characteristic Gamma class based on the Gamma
function. The characteristic Gamma class has a surprising relation to the quantum theory
of certain 2d sigma-models with compact complex manifolds as their target spaces. I will
argue that the Gamma class describes perturbative quantum corrections to the classical
theory of those sigma models.
Numerical Analysis Seminar
Hideki Murakawa (Kyushu University)
Mathematical models of cell-cell adhesion (JAPANESE)
[ Reference URL ]
Tuesday Seminar of Analysis
Arnaud Ducrot (University of Bordeaux)
Asymptotic behaviour of a non-local diffusive logistic equation (ENGLISH)
In this talk we investigate the long time behaviour of a logistic type equation modelling the motion of cells. The equation we consider takes into account birth and death process using a simple logistic effect as well as a non-local motion of cells using non-local Darcy’s law with regular kernel. Using the periodic framework we first investigate the well-posedness of the problem before deriving some information about its long time behaviour. The lack of asymptotic compactness of the system is overcome by making use of Young measure theory. This allows us to conclude that the semiflow converges for the Young measure topology.
GCOE Seminars
Arnaud Ducrot (University of Bordeaux)
Asymptotic behaviour of a non-local diffusive logistic equation (ENGLISH)
In this talk we investigate the long time behaviour of a logistic type equation modelling the motion of cells. The equation we consider takes into account birth and death process using a simple logistic effect as well as a non-local motion of cells using non-local Darcy’s law with regular kernel. Using the periodic framework we first investigate the well-posedness of the problem before deriving some information about its long time behaviour. The lack of asymptotic compactness of the system is overcome by making use of Young measure theory. This allows us to conclude that the semiflow converges for the Young measure topology.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Junjiro Noguchi (The University of Tokyo)
Logarithmic 1-forms and distributions of entire curves and integral points (JAPANESE)
The Log-Bloch-Ochiai Theorem says, in the most general form so far, that every entire curve in a Zariski open $X$ of a compact Kahler manifold $\bar{X}$ must be degenerate, if $\bar{q}(X)> \dim X$ ([NW02] Noguchi-Winkelmann, Math.\ Z. 239, 2002). If $X$ is defined a quasi-projective algebraic variety defined over a number field, then there is no Zariski dense $(S, D)$-integral subset in $X$ ($D=\partial X=\bar{X}\subset X$). We discuss this kind of properties more.
In the talk we will fix an error in an application in [NW02], and we will show
Theorem 1. (i) Let $M$ be a complex projective algebraic manifold, and let $D=\sum_{j=1}^l D_j$ be a sum of divisors on $M$ which are independent in supports. If $l> \dim M+r(\{D_j\})-q(M)$, then every entire curve $f:\mathbf{C} \to M\setminus D$ must be degenerate.
(ii) Let $M$ and $D_j$ be defined over a number field. If $l> \dim M+r(\{D_j\})-q(M)$, then there is no Zariski-dense $(S,D)$-integral subset of $M\setminus D$.
For the finiteness we obtain
Theorem 2. Let the notation be as above.
(i) If $l \geq 2 \dim M+r(\{D_j\})$, then $M\setminus D$ is completehyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded into $M$.
(ii) Let $M$ and $D_j$ be defined over a number field. If $l> 2\dim M+r(\{D_j\})$, then every $(S,D)$-integral subset of $M\setminus D$ is finite.
Precise definitions will be given in the talk. We will also discuss an application of Theorem 1 (ii) to generalize Siegel's Theorem on integral points on affine curves,
recent due to A. Levin.
Harmonic Analysis Komaba Seminar
Jayson Cunanan (Nagoya University) 13:30-15:00
Unimodular Fourier multipliers on Wiener Amalgam Spaces (JAPANESE)
Satoshi Masaki (Hiroshima University) 15:30-17:00
Analysis of mass-subcritical nonlinear Schrödinger equation (JAPANESE)
Number Theory Seminar
Christopher Davis (University of Copenhagen) 16:40-17:40
An approach to p-adic Hodge theory over number fields (ENGLISH)
As motivation from classical Hodge theory, we will first compare singular cohomology and (algebraic) de Rham cohomology for a complex analytic variety. We will also describe a sense in which this comparison does not have a natural analogue over the real numbers. We think of the complex numbers as a "big" ring which is necessary for the comparison isomorphism to work. In the p-adic setting, the analogous study is known as p-adic Hodge theory, and the "big" rings there are even bigger. There are many approaches to p-adic Hodge theory, and we will introduce one tool in particular: (phi, Gamma)-modules. The goal of this talk is to describe a preliminary attempt to find an analogue of this theory (and analogues of its "big" rings) which makes sense over number fields (rather than p-adic fields). This is joint work with Kiran Kedlaya.
Canonical lifts of norm fields and applications (ENGLISH)
In this talk, we begin by outlining the Fontaine-Wintenberger theory of norm fields and explain its application to the classification of p-adic Galois representations on F_p-vector spaces. In order to lift this to a classification of p-adic representations on Z_p-modules, it is necessary to lift the characteristic p norm field constructions of Fontaine-Wintenberger to characteristic zero. We will explain how to canonically perform such lifting in many interesting cases, as well as applications to generalizing a theorem of Kisin on the restriction of crystalline p-adic Galois representations. This is joint work with Christopher Davis.
Bo Berndtsson (Chalmers University of Technology)
Complex Brunn-Minkowski theory (ENGLISH)
The classical Brunn-Minkowski theory deals with the volume of convex sets.
It can be formulated as a statement about how the volume of slices of a convex set varies when the slice changes. Its complex counterpart deals with slices of pseudo convex sets, or more generally fibers of a complex fibration. It describes how $L^2$-norms of holomorphic functions, or sections of a line bundle, vary when the fibers change, and says essentially that a certain associated vector bundle has positive curvature. In the presence of enough symmetry this implies convexity properties of volumes; the real Brunn-Minkowski theorem corresponding to maximal symmetry. There are also applications and relations in other directions, like variations of Kahler metrics, variations of complex structures and the study of plurisubharmonic functions.
Applied Analysis
Thomas Giletti (Univ. of Lorraine at Nancy)
Inside dynamics of pushed and pulled fronts (ENGLISH)
Mathematical analysis of reaction-diffusion equations is a powerful tool in the understanding of dynamics of many real-life propagation phenomena. A feature of particular interest is the fact that dynamics and their underlying mechanisms vary greatly, depending on the choice of the nonlinearity in the reaction term. In this talk, we will discuss the pushed/pulled front terminology, based upon the role of each component of the front inside the whole propagating structure.
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