Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~01/17|Today's seminar 01/18 | Future seminars 01/19~
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
KATAYAMA, Shota (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Sparse and robust linear regression: Iterative algorithm and its statistical convergence
Tuesday Seminar of Analysis
Kenichi Ito (Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)
Stationary scattering theory on manifold with ends (JAPANESE)
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Masahico Saito (University of South Florida)
Quandle knot invariants and applications (JAPANESE)
A quandles is an algebraic structure closely related to knots. Homology theories of
quandles have been defined, and their cocycles are used to construct invariants for
classical knots, spatial graphs and knotted surfaces. In this talk, an overview is given
for quandle cocycle invariants and their applications to geometric properties of knots.
The current status of computations, recent developments and open problems will also
be discussed.
Kavli IPMU Komaba Seminar
Naichung Conan Leung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Donaldson-Thomas theory for Calabi-Yau fourfolds.
Donaldson-Thomas theory for Calabi-Yau threefolds is a
complexification of Chern-Simons theory. In this talk I will discuss
my joint work with Cao on the complexification of Donaldson theory.
This work is supported by a RGC grant of HK Government.
Harmonic Analysis Komaba Seminar
Denny Hakim (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 13:30-14:30
On the Inclusion of Generalized Morrey Spaces and the Boundedness of the Generalized Fractional Maximal Operators (ENGLISH)
In this talk, we shall prove a necessary and sufficient condition for an inclusion property of generalized Morrey spaces. We use this property in our proof of the boundedness of the generalized fractional maximal operators on these spaces. Our result also cover the generalized weak Morrey spaces.
This research is a joint work with Y. Sawano, H. Gunawan, K.M. Limanta and A.A. Masta.
Hardy-type inequality for 0 < p < 1 and hypodecreasing functions (ENGLISH)
Sharp spectral stability estimate for uniformly elliptic differential operators (EMGLISH)
Operator Algebra Seminars
Reiji Tomatsu (Hokkaido University)
Introduction to Haagerup's bicentralizer paper (English)
Operator Algebra Seminars
Reiji Tomatsu (Hokkaido University)
Introduction to Haagerup's bicentralizer paper (English)
Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo
Fumihiko Nomoto (Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate school of science and Engineering) 15:00-16:30
An explicit formula for the specialization of nonsymmetric
Macdonald polynomials at $t = \infty$ (JAPANESE)
Orr-Shimozono obtained an explicit formula for nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials with Hecke parameter $t$ set to $\infty$, which is described in terms of an affine root system
and an affine Weyl group. On the basis of this work, we give another explicit formula for the specialization above, which is described in terms of the quantum Bruhat graph associated with a finite root system and a finite Weyl group.
More precisely, we interpret the specialization above as the graded character of an explicitly specified set of quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri (LS) paths. Here we note that the set of quantum LS paths (of a given shape) provides an explicit realization of the crystal basis of a quantum Weyl module over the quantum affine algebra.
In this talk, I will explain our explicit formula
by exhibiting a few examples.
Also, I will give an outline of the proof.
divisor function and strict partition (JAPANESE)
We know that the q-series identity of Uchimura-type is related with the divisor function.
It is obtained also as a specialization of basic hypergeometric series.
In this seminar, we interprete this identity from the point of view of combinatorics of partitions of integers.
We give its proof by using the mock involution map.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Reiji Tomatsu (Hokkaido University)
Introduction to Haagerup's bicentralizer paper (English)
Number Theory Seminar
Fabien Pazuki (Univ Bordeaux and Univ Copenhagen)
Bad reduction of curves with CM jacobians (English)
An abelian variety defined over a number field and having complex multiplication (CM) has potentially good reduction everywhere. If a curve of positive genus which is defined over a number field has good reduction at a given finite place, then so does its jacobian variety. However, the converse statement is false already in the genus 2 case, as can be seen in the entry $[I_0-I_0-m]$ in Namikawa and Ueno's classification table of fibres in pencils of curves of genus 2. In this joint work with Philipp Habegger, our main result states that this phenomenon prevails for certain families of curves.
We prove the following result: Let F be a real quadratic number field. Up to isomorphisms there are only finitely many curves C of genus 2 defined over $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ with good reduction everywhere and such that the jacobian Jac(C) has CM by the maximal order of a quartic, cyclic, totally imaginary number field containing F. Hence such a curve will almost always have stable bad reduction at some prime whereas its jacobian has good reduction everywhere. A remark is that one can exhibit an infinite family of genus 2 curves with CM jacobian such that the endomorphism ring is the ring of algebraic integers in a cyclic extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ of degree 4 that contains $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{5})$, for example.
Mathematical Biology Seminar
Joe Yuichiro Wakano (Department of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis)
Introduction of Adaptive Dynamics and its application to finite population (JAPANESE)
本講演では、まず無限集団を仮定する通常のAdaptive Dynamicsを紹介し、
揺らぎの影響を解析的に示すために、無限集団のAdaptive Dynamicsを
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Charles Siegel (Kavli IPMU)
A Modular Operad of Embedded Curves (ENGLISH)
Modular operads were introduced by Getzler and Kapranov to formalize the structure of gluing maps between moduli of stable marked curves. We present a construction of analogous gluing maps between moduli of pluri-log-canonically embedded marked curves, which fit together to give a modular operad of embedded curves. This is joint work with Satoshi Kondo and Jesse Wolfson.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Reiji Tomatsu (Hokkaido University)
Introduction to Haagerup's bicentralizer paper (ENGLISH)
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Yasufumi Nitta (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
On strong K-stability of polarized algebraic manifolds (JAPANESE)
Operator Algebra Seminars
Reiji Tomatsu (Hokkaido University)
Introduction to Haagerup's bicentralizer paper (English)
Geometry Colloquium
Manabu Akaho (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Symplectic displacement energy for exact Lagrangian immersions
We give an inequality of the displacement energy for exact Lagrangian immersions and the symplectic area of punctured holomorphic discs. Our approach is based on Floer homology for Lagrangian immersions and Chekanov's homotopy technique of continuations. Moreover, we discuss our inequality and the Hofer--Zehnder capacity.
Number Theory Seminar
Ruochuan Liu (BICMR)
Relative (φ, Γ)-modules (English)
In this talk, we will introduce the theory of (φ, Γ)-modules for general adic spaces. This is a joint work with Kedlaya.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Kenneth Baker (University of Miami)
Unifying unexpected exceptional Dehn surgeries (ENGLISH)
This past summer Dunfield-Hoffman-Licata produced examples of asymmetric, hyperbolic, 1-cusped 3-manifolds with pairs of lens space Dehn fillings through a search of the extended SnapPea census.
Examinations of these examples with Hoffman and Licata lead us to coincidences with other work in progress that gives a simple holistic topological approach towards producing and extending many of these families. In this talk we'll explicitly describe our construction and discuss related applications of the technique.
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
Terada, Yoshikazu (CiNet / Center for Information and Neural Networks)
Local Ordinal Embedding
FMSP Lectures
Alfred Ramani (Ecole Polytechnique)
Discrete Painlevé equations with periodic coefficients (ENGLISH)
We present a series of results on discrete Painlevé equations with coefficients which are periodic functions of the independent variable. We show by explicit construction that for each affine Weyl group there exists an equation the coefficients of which have maximal periodicity. New results on equations associated to the affine Weyl group E_8 are also presented.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Yusaku Tiba (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
On a convex level set of a plurisubharmonic function and the support of the Monge-Ampere current (JAPANESE)
In this talk, we study a geometric property of a continuous plurisubharmonic function which is a solution of the Monge-Ampere equation and has a convex level set. By using our results and Lempert's results, we show a relation between the supports of the Monge-Ampere currents and complex $k$-extreme points of closed balls for the Kobayashi distance in a bounded convex domain in $C^n$.
Classical Analysis
Jean-Pierre RAMIS (Toulouse)
We will explain how to get obstructions to the integrability of analytic Hamiltonian Systems (in the classical Liouville sense) using Differential Galois Theory (introduced by Emile Picard at the end of XIX-th century). It is the so-called Morales-Ramis theory. Even if this sounds abstract, there exist efficient algorithms allowing to apply the theory and a lot of applications in various domains.
Firstly I will present basics on Hamiltonian Systems and integrability on one side and on Differential Galois Theory on the other side. Then I will state the main theorems. Afterwards I will describe some applications.
Geometry Colloquium
Shinpei KOBAYASHI (Hokkaido University)
Harmonic maps into the hyperbolic plane and their applications to surface theory (Japanese)
Harmonic maps from two-dimensional Riemannian manifolds into the hyperbolic plane have been well studied. Since constant mean curvature surfaces in the Minkowski space have harmonic Gauss maps into the hyperbolic plane, there exist applications to surface theory.
In 1998, Dorfmeister, Pedit and Wu established the construction method of harmonic maps into symmetric spaces via loop group method. Recently, harmonic maps into the hyperbolic plane appear in various classes of surfaces, e.g., minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group,
maximal surfaces in the anti-de Sitter space or constant Gaussian curvature surfaces in the hyperbolic space. In this talk I will talk about the general construction method of harmonic maps from surfaces into symmetric spaces via loop group method and the case of the hyperbolic plane in details.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Hiroshi Ando (Univ. Copenhagen)
On the noncommutativity of the central sequence $C^*$-algebra $F(A)$ (ENGLISH)
Mathematical Biology Seminar
Mayuko Nakamaru (Department of Value and Decision Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Ecological conditions favoring budding in colonial organisms under environmental disturbance (JAPANESE)
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