Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~02/12|Today's seminar 02/13 | Future seminars 02/14~
Numerical Analysis Seminar
Sei-ichiro Nagoya (ARK Information Systems)
Development of multi-dimensional compact difference formulas with the aid of formula manipulation software (JAPANESE)
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Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Yuichiro Tanaka (the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences)
Geometry of multiplicity-free representations of SO(N) and visible actions (JAPANESE)
For a connected compact simple Lie group of type B or D,
we find pairs $(V_{1},V_{2})$ of irreducible representations of G such that the tensor product representation $V_{1}¥otimes V_{2}$ is multiplicity-free by a geometric consideration based on
a notion of visible actions on complex manifolds,
introduced by T. Kobayashi. The pairs we find exhaust
all the multiplicity-free pairs by an earlier
combinatorial classification due to Stembridge.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Takayuki Koike (The University of Tokyo)
Minimal singular metrics of a line bundle admitting no Zariski decomposition (JAPANESE)
We give a concrete expression of a minimal singular metric of a big line bundle on a compact Kähler manifold which is the total space of a toric bundle over a complex torus. In this class of manifolds, Nakayama constructed examples which have line bundles admitting no Zariski decomposition even after any proper modifications. As an application, we discuss the Zariski closedness of non-nef loci and the openness conjecture of Demailly and Kollar in this class.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Chen Jiang (University of Tokyo)
Weak Borisov-Alexeev-Borisov conjecture for 3-fold Mori Fiber spaces (ENGLISH)
We investigate $\\epsilon$-klt log Fano 3-folds with some Mori fiber space structure, more precisely, with a del Pezzo fibration structure, or a conic bundle structure over projective plane. We give a bound for the log anti-canonical volume of such pair. The method is constructing non-klt centers and using connectedness lemma. This result is related to birational boundedness of log Fano varieties.
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
MURATA, Noboru (Waseda University)
Sparse coding and structured dictionary learning (JAPANESE)
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Geometry Colloquium
Yohsuke Imagi (Kyoto University)
Some Uniqueness Theorems for Smoothing Singularities in Special Lagrangian Geometry (JAPANESE)
Special Lagrangian submanifolds are area-minimizing Lagrangian submanifolds of Calabi--Yau manifolds. I'll talk mainly about the singularities of two special Lagrangian planes intersecting transversely. I'll determine a class of smoothing models for the singularities.
By some results of Abouzaid and Smith one can determine the smoothing models up to quasi-isomorphism in a Fukaya category. I'll combine it with a technique of Thomas and Yau.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Makoto Yamashita (Ochanomizu Univ.)
Classification of quantum homogeneous spaces (ENGLISH)
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
Mark Podolskij (Universität Heidelberg)
Limit theorems for ambit processes (ENGLISH)
We present some recent limit theorems for high frequency observations of ambit processes. Ambit processes constitute a flexible class of models, which are usually used to describe turbulent motion in physics. Mathematically speaking, they have a continuous moving average structure with additional random component called intermittency. In the first part of the lecture we will demonstrate the asymptotic theory for ambit processes driven by Brownian motion. The second part will deal with Levy driven ambit processes. We will see that these two cases deliver completely different limiting results.
PDE Real Analysis Seminar
Armin Schikorra (MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)
Fractional harmonic maps and applications (ENGLISH)
Fractional harmonic mappings are critical points of a generalized Dirichlet Energy where the gradient is replaced with a (non-local) differential operator.
I will present aspects of the regularity theory of (non-local) fractional harmonic maps into manifolds, which extends (and contains) the theory of (poly-)harmonic mappings.
I also will mention, how one can show regularity for critical points of the Moebius (Knot-) Energy, applying the techniques developed in this theory.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Rei Inoue (Chiba University)
Cluster algebra and complex volume of knots (JAPANESE)
The cluster algebra was introduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky around
2000. The characteristic operation in the algebra called `mutation' is
related to various notions in mathematics and mathematical physics. In
this talk I review a basics of the cluster algebra, and introduce its
application to study the complex volume of knot complements in S^3.
Here a mutation corresponds to an ideal tetrahedron.
This talk is based on joint work with Kazuhiro Hikami (Kyushu University).
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Benjamin Harris (Louisiana State University (USA))
Representation Theory and Microlocal Analysis (ENGLISH)
Suppose $H\\subset K$ are compact, connected Lie groups, and suppose $\\tau$ is an irreducible, unitary representation of $H$. In 1979, Kashiwara and Vergne proved a simple asymptotic formula for the decomposition of $Ind_H^K\\tau$ by microlocally studying the regularity of vectors in this representation, thought of as vector valued functions on $K$. In 1998, Kobayashi proved a powerful criterion for the discrete decomposability of an irreducible, unitary representation $\\pi$ of a reductive Lie group $G$ when restricted to a reductive subgroup $H$. One of his key ideas was to restrict $\\pi$ to a representation of a maximal compact subgroup $K\\subset G$, view $\\pi$ as a subrepresentation of $L^2(K)$, and then use ideas similar to those developed by Kashiwara and Vergne.
In a recent preprint the speaker wrote with Hongyu He and Gestur Olafsson, the authors consider the possibility of studying induction and restriction to a reductive Lie group $G$ by microlocally studying the regularity of the matrix coefficients of (possibly reducible) unitary representations of $G$, viewed as continuous functions on the (possibly noncompact) Lie group $G$. In this talk, we will outline the main results of this paper and give additional conjectures.
PDE Real Analysis Seminar
Björn Gustavsson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Some applications of partial balayage (ENGLISH)
Partial balayage is a rather recent tool in potential theory. One of its origins is the construction of quadrature domains for subharmonic functions by Makoto Sakai in the 1970's. It also gives a convenient way of describing weak solutions to a moving boundary problem for Hele-Shaw flow (Laplacian growth), and recently Stephen Gardiner and Tomas Sjödin have used partial balayage to make progress on an inverse problem in potential theory. I plan to discuss some of these, and related, matters.
GCOE Seminars
Fikret Goelgeleyen (Bulent Ecevit University)
Stability for Inverse problems for Ultrahyperbolic Equations (ENGLISH)
In this work, we consider inverse problems of determining a coefficient or a source term in an ultrahyperbolic equation by some lateral boundary data.
We prove Hoelder estimates which are global and local and the key is Carleman estimates.
GCOE Seminars
kazufumi Ito (North Carolina State University)
Fluid-structure interaction model and Levelset method (ENGLISH)
We derive a weak form and weak solution of the level set formulation of Cottet and Maitre for fluid-structure interaction problems with immersed surfaces. The method in particular exhibits appealing mass and energy conservation properties and a variational formulation of Peskin’s Immersed Boundary methods.
Number Theory Seminar
Peter Scholze (Universität Bonn)
Shimura varieties with infinite level, and torsion in the cohomology of locally symmetric spaces (ENGLISH)
We will discuss the p-adic geometry of Shimura varieties with infinite level at p: They are perfectoid spaces, and there is a new period map defined at infinite level. As an application, we will discuss some results on torsion in the cohomology of locally symmetric spaces, and in particular the existence of Galois representations in this setup.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Yusuke Isono (Univ. Tokyo)
Some prime factorization results for free quantum group factors (JAPANESE)
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
NAKATANI, Tomoaki (Hokkaido University)
統計解析環境Rにおける多変量GARCHモデルの推定とパッケージ化 (JAPANESE)
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Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Masamichi Takase (Seikei University)
Desingularizing special generic maps (JAPANESE)
This is a joint work with Osamu Saeki (IMI, Kyushu University).
A special generic map is a generic map which has only definite
fold as its singularities.
We study the condition for a special generic map from a closed
n-manifold to the p-space (n+1>p), to factor through a codimension
one immersion (or an embedding). In particular, for the cases
where p = 1 and 2 we obtain complete results.
Our techniques are related to Smale-Hirsch theory,
topology of the space of immersions, relation between the space
of topological immersions and that of smooth immersions,
sphere eversions, differentiable structures of homotopy spheres,
diffeomorphism group of spheres, free group actions on the sphere, etc.
Harmonic Analysis Komaba Seminar
Tomoya Kato (Nagoya University) 13:30-15:00
The global Cauchy problems for nonlinear dispersive equations on modulation spaces
Naoto Kumanogo (Kogakuin University) 15:30-17:00
Path Integrals--Analysis on path space by time-slicing method (JAPANESE)
Operator Algebra Seminars
Pierre Fima (Univ. Paris VII)
Graphs of quantum groups and K-amenability (ENGLISH)
GCOE Seminars
Oleg Emanouilov (Colorado State Univ.)
Determination of the first order terms for elliptic partial differential equations using the partial Cauchy data (ENGLISH)
In the bounded domain we consider the variant of the Calderon's problem for the second order partial differential equation with unknown first order terms. Under some geometric condition on domain we prove that the coefficients of this equation can be determined from the partial Cauchy data up to the gauge equivalence.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Tatsuro Shimizu (The Univesity of Tokyo)
An invariant of rational homology 3-spheres via vector fields. (JAPANESE)
In this talk, we define an invariant of rational homology 3-spheres with
values in a space $\\mathcal A(\\emptyset)$ of Jacobi diagrams by using
vector fields.
The construction of our invariant is a generalization of both that of
the Kontsevich-Kuperberg-Thurston invariant $z^{KKT}$
and that of Fukaya and Watanabe's Morse homotopy invariant $z^{FW}$.
As an application of our invariant, we prove that $z^{KKT}=z^{FW}$ for
integral homology 3-spheres.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Shin Kikuta (Sophia University)
The limits on boundary of orbifold Kähler-Einstein metrics and orbifold Kähler-Ricci flows over quasi-projective manifolds (JAPANESE)
In this talk, we consider a sequence of orbifold Kähler-Einstein metrics of negative Ricci curvature or corresponding orbifold normalized Kähler-Ricci flows on a quasi-projective manifold with ample log-canonical bundle for a simple normal crossing divisor. Tian-Yau, S. Bando and H. Tsuji established that the sequence of orbifold Kähler-Einstein metrics converged to the complete Käler-Einstein metric of negative Ricci curvature on the complement of the boundary divisor. The main purpose of this talk is to show that such a convergence is also true on the boundary for both of the orbifold Kähler-Einstein metrics and the orbifold normalized Kähler-Ricci flows.
Geometry Colloquium
Masayuki ASAOKA (Kyoto University)
A rigidity lemma for cocycles over BS(1,k)-actions (JAPANESE)
Existence of an invariant geometric structure is persistent for many known examples of group actions on homogeneous spaces. In this talk, I would like to report an attempt to explain such a rigidity from a unified point of view. We will see that some rigidity results are reduced to a rigidity lemma on Diff(R^n,0)-valued cocycles over BS(1,k)-actions, where BS(1,k) is the Baumslag-Solitar group .
Operator Algebra Seminars
Koichi Shimada (Univ. Tokyo)
A classification of flows on AFD factors with faithful Connes-Takesaki modules
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