Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~01/17|Today's seminar 01/18 | Future seminars 01/19~
Numerical Analysis Seminar
Daisuke Koyama (The University of Electro-Communications)
Hybrid discontinuous Galerkin methods for nearly incompressible elasticity problems
A Hybrid discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for linear elasticity problems has been introduced by Kikuchi et al. [Theor. Appl. Mech. Japan, vol.57, 395--404 (2009)], [RIMS Kokyuroku, vol.1971, 28--46 (2015)]. We consider to seek numerical solutions of the plane strain problem by the HDG method, especially in the case when materials are nearly incompressible, that is, when the first Lam\'e parameter $\lambda$ is large. In this talk, we consider two cases when the HDG method uses a lifting term and does not use it. When the lifting term is used, the method can be free of volumetric locking. On the other hand, when the lifting term is not used, we have to take an interior penalty parameter of order $\lambda$ as $\lambda$ tends to infinity, in order to guarantee the coercivity of the bilinear form. Taking such an interior penalty parameter causes volumetric locking phenomena. We thus conclude that the lifting term is essential for avoiding the volumetric locking in the HDG method.
Tokyo Probability Seminar
Antar Bandyopadhyay (Indian Statistical Institute)
Random Recursive Tree, Branching Markov Chains and Urn Models (ENGLISH)
In this talk, we will establish a connection between random recursive tree, branching Markov chain and urn model. Exploring the connection further we will derive fairly general scaling limits for urn models with colors indexed by a Polish Space and show that several exiting results on classical/non-classical urn schemes can be easily derived out of such general asymptotic. We will further show that the connection can be used to derive exact asymptotic for the sizes of the connected components of a "random recursive forest", obtained by removing the root of a random recursive tree.
[This is a joint work with Debleena Thacker]
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Genki Hosono (The University of Tokyo)
On the proof of the optimal $L^2$ extension theorem by Berndtsson-Lempert and related results
We will present the recent progress on the Ohsawa-Takegoshi $L^2$ extension theorem. A version of the Ohsawa-Takegoshi $L^2$ extension with a optimal estimate has been proved by Blocki and Guan-Zhou. After that, by Berndtsson-Lempert, a new proof of the optimal $L^2$ extension theorem was given. In this talk, we will show an optimal $L^2$ extension theorem for jets of holomorphic functions by the Berndtsson-Lempert method. We will also explain the recent result about jet extensions by McNeal-Varolin. Their proof is also based on Berndtsson-Lempert, but there are some differences.
Yukari Ito (IPMU, Nagoya University)
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Keiichi Sakai (Shinshu University)
The space of short ropes and the classifying space of the space of long knots (JAPANESE)
We prove affirmatively the conjecture raised by J. Mostovoy; the space of short ropes is weakly homotopy equivalent to the classifying space of the topological monoid (or category) of long knots in R^3. We make use of techniques developed by S. Galatius and O. Randal-Williams to construct a manifold space model of the classifying space of the space of long knots, and we give an explicit map from the space of short ropes to the model in a geometric way. This is joint work with Syunji Moriya (Osaka Prefecture University).
PDE Real Analysis Seminar
Felix Schulze (University College London)
Optimal isoperimetric inequalities for surfaces in any codimension
in Cartan-Hadamard manifolds (English)
Let $(M^n,g)$ be simply connected, complete, with non-positive sectional
curvatures, and $\Sigma$ a 2-dimensional surface in $M^n$. Let $S$ be an area
minimising 3-current such that $\partial S = \Sigma$. We use a weak mean
curvature flow, obtained via elliptic regularisation, starting from
$\Sigma$, to show that $S$ satisfies the optimal Euclidean isoperimetric
inequality: $|S| \leq 1/(6\sqrt{\pi}) |\Sigma|^{3/2}$. We also obtain the
optimal estimate in case the sectional curvatures of $M$ are bounded from
above by $\kappa < 0$ and characterise the case of equality. The proof
follows from an almost monotonicity of a suitable isoperimetric
difference along the approximating flows in one dimension higher.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Frédéric Campana (Université de Lorraine/KIAS)
Orbifold rational connectedness (English)
The first step in the decomposition by canonical fibrations with fibres of `signed' canonical bundle of an arbitrary complex projective manifolds $X$ is its `rational quotient' (also called `MRC' fibration): it has rationally connected fibres and non-uniruled base. In general, the further steps (such as the Moishezon-Iitaka fibration) of this decomposition will require the consideration of 'orbifold base' of fibrations in order to deal with the multiple fibres (as seen already for elliptic surfaces). One thus needs to work in the larger category of (smooth) `orbifold pairs' $(X,D)$ to achieve this decomposition. The aim of the talk is thus to introduce the notions of Rational Connectedness and 'rational quotient' in this context, by means of suitable equivalent notions of negativity for the orbifold cotangent bundle (suitably defined. When $D$ is reduced, this is just the usual Log-version). The expected equivalence with connecting families of `orbifold rational curves' remains however presently open.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Yasufumi Nitta (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Relative GIT stabilities of toric Fano manifolds in low dimensions
In 2000, Mabuchi extended the notion of Kaehler-Einstein metrics to Fano manifolds with non-vanishing Futaki invariant. Such a metric is called generalized Kaehler-Einstein metric or Mabuchi metric in the literature. Recently this metrics were rediscovered by Yao in the story of Donaldson's infinite dimensional moment map picture. Moreover, he introduced (uniform) relative Ding stability for toric Fano manifolds and showed that the existence of generalized Kaehler-Einstein metrics is equivalent to its uniform relative Ding stability. This equivalence is in the context of the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture. In this talk, we focus on uniform relative Ding stability of toric Fano manifolds. More precisely, we determine all the uniformly relatively Ding stable toric Fano 3- and 4-folds as well as unstable ones. This talk is based on a joint work with Shunsuke Saito and Naoto Yotsutani.
Mathematical Biology Seminar
Jun Nakabayashi (Yokohama City University)
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
PDE Real Analysis Seminar
Kaj Nyström (Uppsala University)
Boundary value problems for parabolic equations with measurable coefficients (English)
In recent joint works with P. Auscher and M. Egert we establish new results concerning boundary value problems in the upper half-space for second order parabolic equations (and systems) assuming only measurability and some transversal regularity in the coefficients of the elliptic part. To establish our results we introduce and develop a first order strategy by means of a parabolic Dirac operator at the boundary to obtain, in particular, Green's representation for solutions in natural classes involving square functions and non-tangential maximal functions, well-posedness results with data in $L^2$-Sobolev spaces together with invertibility of layer potentials, and perturbation results. In addition we solve the Kato square root problem for parabolic operators with coefficients of the elliptic part depending measurably on all variables. Using these results we are also able to solve the $L^p$-Dirichlet problem for parabolic equations with real, time-dependent, elliptic but non-symmetric coefficients. In this talk I will briefly describe some of these developments.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Meng Chen (Fudan)
A characterization of the birationality of 4-canonical maps of minimal 3-folds (English)
We explain the following theorem: For any minimal 3-fold X of general type with p_g>4, the 4-canonical map is non-birational if and only if X is birationally fibred by a pencil of (1,2) surfaces. The statement fails in the case of p_g=4.
Numerical Analysis Seminar
Ai Ishikawa (Kobe University)
Energy-preserving numerical method based on the variational principle and application to unconstrained optimization problems (Japanese)
Tokyo Probability Seminar
Masaki Wada (Faculty of Human Development and Culture, Fukushima University)
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Georg Schumacher (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Relative Canonical Bundles for Families of Calabi-Yau Manifolds
We consider holomorphic families of Calabi-Yau manifolds (here being defined by the vanishing of the first real Chern class). We study induced hermitian metrics on the relative canonical bundle, which are related to the Weil-Petersson form on the base. Under a certain condition the total space possesses a Kähler form, whose restriction to fibers are equal to the Ricci flat metrics. Furthermore we prove an extension theorem for the Weil-Petersson form and give applications.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Juan Orendain (UNAM)
Globularily generated double categories: On the problem of existence of internalizations for decorated bicategories (English)
Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo
Fabio Novaes (International Institute of Physics (UFRN))
Chern-Simons, gravity and integrable systems. (ENGLISH)
It is known since the 80's that pure three-dimensional gravity is classically equivalent to a Chern-Simons theory with gauge group SL(2,R) x SL(2,R). For a given set of boundary conditions, the asymptotic classical phase space has a central extension in terms of two copies of Virasoro algebra. In particular, this gives a conformal field theory representation of black hole solutions in 3d gravity, also known as BTZ black holes. The BTZ black hole entropy can then be recovered using CFT. In this talk, we review this story and discuss recent results on how to relax the BTZ boundary conditions to obtain the KdV hierarchy at the boundary. More generally, this shows that Chern-Simons theory can represent virtually any integrable system at the boundary, given some consistency conditions. We also briefly discuss how this formulation can be useful to describe non-relativistic systems.
Kavli IPMU Komaba Seminar
Edouard Brezin (lpt ens, Paris)
Various applications of supersymmetry in statistical physics (English)
Supersymmetry is a fundamental concept in particle physics (although it has not been seen experimentally so far). But it is although a powerful tool in a number of problems arising in quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It has been widely used in the theory of disordered systems (Efetov et al.), it led to dimensional reduction for branched polymers (Parisi-Sourlas), for the susy classical gas (Brydges and Imbrie), for Landau levels with impurities. If has also many powerful applications in the theory of random matrices. I will briefly review some of these topics.
Number Theory Seminar
Xin Wan (Morningside Center for Mathematics)
Iwasawa theory and Bloch-Kato conjecture for modular forms (ENGLISH)
Bloch and Kato formulated conjectures relating sizes of p-adic Selmer groups with special values of L-functions. Iwasawa theory is a useful tool for studying these conjectures and BSD conjecture for elliptic curves. For example the Iwasawa main conjecture for modular forms formulated by Kato implies the Tamagawa number formula for modular forms of analytic rank 0.
In this talk I'll first briefly review the above theory. Then we will focus on a different Iwasawa theory approach for this problem. The starting point is a recent joint work with Jetchev and Skinner proving the BSD formula for elliptic curves of analytic rank 1. We will discuss how such results are generalized to modular forms. If time allowed we may also explain the possibility to use it to deduce Bloch-Kato conjectures in both analytic rank 0 and 1 cases. In certain aspects such approach should be more powerful than classical Iwasawa theory, and has some potential to attack cases with bad ramification at p.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Shin Hayashi (AIST-TohokuU MathAM-OIL)
On an explicit example of topologically protected corner states (JAPANESE)
In condensed matter physics, topologically protected (codimension-one) edge states are known to appear on the surface of some insulators reflecting some topology of its bulk. Such phenomena can be understood from the point of view of an index theory associated to the Toeplitz extension and are called the bulk-edge correspondence. In this talk, we consider instead the quarter-plane Toeplitz extension and index theory associated with it. As a result, we show that topologically protected (codimension-two) corner states appear reflecting some topology of the gapped bulk and two edges. Such new topological phases can be obtained by taking a ``product’’ of two classically known topological phases (2d type A and 1d type AIII topological phases). By using this construction, we obtain an example of a continuous family of bounded self-adjoint Fredholm quarter-plane Toeplitz operators whose spectral flow is nontrivial, which gives an explicit example of topologically protected corner states.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Takumi Murayama (University of Michigan)
Characterizations of projective space and Seshadri constants in arbitrary characteristic
Mori and Mukai conjectured that projective space should be the only n-dimensional Fano variety whose anti-canonical bundle has degree at least n + 1 along every curve. While this conjecture has been proved in characteristic zero, it remains open in positive characteristic. We will present some progress in this direction by giving another characterization of projective space using Seshadri constants and the Frobenius morphism. The key ingredient is a positive-characteristic analogue of Demailly’s criterion for separation of higher-order jets by adjoint bundles, whose proof gives new results for adjoint bundles even in characteristic zero.
FMSP Lectures
V. G. Romanov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)
Phaseless inverse problems for Maxwell equations (ENGLISH)
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
Tudor Ciprian (Université Lille 1)
Hermite processes and sheets
The Hermite process of order $\geq 1$ is a self-similar stochastic process with stationary increments living in the $q$th Wiener chaos. The class of Hermite processes includes the fractional Brownian motion (for $q=1$) and the Rosenblatt process (for $q=2$). We present the basic properties of these processes and we introduce their multiparameter version. We also discuss the behavior with respect to the self-similarity index and the possibility so solve stochastic equations with Hermite noise.
Discrete mathematical modelling seminar
Basile Grammaticos (Université de Paris VII・XI)
Discrete Painlevé equations associated with the E8 group (ENGLISH)
I'll present a summary of the results of the Paris-Tokyo-Pondicherry group on equations associated with the affine Weyl group E8. I shall review the various parametrisations of the E8-related equations, introducing the trihomographic representation and the ancillary variable. Several examples of E8-associated equations will be given including what we believe is the simplest form for the generic elliptic discrete Painlevé equation.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Yash Lodha (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Nonamenable groups of piecewise projective homeomorphisms (ENGLISH)
Groups of piecewise projective homeomorphisms provide elegant examples of groups that are non amenable, yet do not contain non abelian free subgroups. In this talk I will present a survey of these groups and discuss their striking properties. I will discuss properties such as (non)amenability, finiteness properties, normal subgroup structure, actions by various degrees of regularity and Tarski numbers.
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