Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~09/15|Today's seminar 09/16 | Future seminars 09/17~
16:00-17:00 Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Noriko Yui (Queen's University)
On the modularity of Calabi-Yau varieties over $\\mathbf{Q}$
Noriko Yui (Queen's University)
On the modularity of Calabi-Yau varieties over $\\mathbf{Q}$
Seminar on Mathematics for various disciplines
10:30-11:30 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Andrei Constantinescu (Ecole Polytechnique)
Identification of residual stresses: problem settings and results.
Andrei Constantinescu (Ecole Polytechnique)
Identification of residual stresses: problem settings and results.
[ Abstract ]
Identification of residual stresses is an important task in many engineering fields such as fatigue or fracture mechanics, where their presence can significantly increase or decrease the apparent strength of mechanical components.
The present talk will try to make a review of existing problem settings identification results.
More precisely we shall:
1. discuss the linearization procedure strain and materials behaviour in finite elasticity around a stressed state in order to define in a mathematical precise way the problem settings for the identification of residual stresses.
2. present a series of measurement techniques currently used in industry and research for the measurement of residual stresses like the X-ray technique and strain measurements.
3. present existing results in the identification of residual stresses for the different
Identification of residual stresses is an important task in many engineering fields such as fatigue or fracture mechanics, where their presence can significantly increase or decrease the apparent strength of mechanical components.
The present talk will try to make a review of existing problem settings identification results.
More precisely we shall:
1. discuss the linearization procedure strain and materials behaviour in finite elasticity around a stressed state in order to define in a mathematical precise way the problem settings for the identification of residual stresses.
2. present a series of measurement techniques currently used in industry and research for the measurement of residual stresses like the X-ray technique and strain measurements.
3. present existing results in the identification of residual stresses for the different
Seminar on Mathematics for various disciplines
10:30-14:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
伊東一文 (North Carolina State University) 10:30-11:30
Adaptive Tikhonov Regularization for Inverse Problems
On mixed and componentwise condition numbers for Moore-Penrose inverse and linear least squares problems
伊東一文 (North Carolina State University) 10:30-11:30
Adaptive Tikhonov Regularization for Inverse Problems
[ Abstract ]
Tikhonov regularization method plays a critical role in ill-posed inverse problems, arising in applications including computerized tomography, inverse scattering and image processing. The goodness of the inverse solution heavily depends on selection of the regularization parameter. Commonly used methods rely on a priori knowledge of the noise level. A method that automatically estimates the noise level and selects the regularization parameter automatically is presented.
Yimin Wei (Fudan University) 13:00-14:00Tikhonov regularization method plays a critical role in ill-posed inverse problems, arising in applications including computerized tomography, inverse scattering and image processing. The goodness of the inverse solution heavily depends on selection of the regularization parameter. Commonly used methods rely on a priori knowledge of the noise level. A method that automatically estimates the noise level and selects the regularization parameter automatically is presented.
On mixed and componentwise condition numbers for Moore-Penrose inverse and linear least squares problems
[ Abstract ]
Classical condition numbers are normwise: they measure the size of both input perturbations and output errors using some norms. To take into account the relative of each data component, and a possible data sparseness, componentwise condition numbers have been increasingly considered. These are mostly of two kinds: mixed and componentwise. In this talk, we give explicit expressions, computable from the data, for the mixed and componentwise condition numbers for the computation of the Moore-Penrose inverse as well as for the computation of solutions and residues of linear least squares problems. In both cases the data matrices have full column (row) rank.
Classical condition numbers are normwise: they measure the size of both input perturbations and output errors using some norms. To take into account the relative of each data component, and a possible data sparseness, componentwise condition numbers have been increasingly considered. These are mostly of two kinds: mixed and componentwise. In this talk, we give explicit expressions, computable from the data, for the mixed and componentwise condition numbers for the computation of the Moore-Penrose inverse as well as for the computation of solutions and residues of linear least squares problems. In both cases the data matrices have full column (row) rank.
Operator Algebra Seminars
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
George Elliott (Univ. Toronto)
A canonical AF-algebra construction for rank two subgroups of R
(A new description of the Pimsner-Voiculescu embedding)
George Elliott (Univ. Toronto)
A canonical AF-algebra construction for rank two subgroups of R
(A new description of the Pimsner-Voiculescu embedding)
Number Theory Seminar
16:30-17:30 Room #117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Valentina Di Proietto (Padova大学)
On p-adic differential equation on semi-stable varieties
Valentina Di Proietto (Padova大学)
On p-adic differential equation on semi-stable varieties
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
松田 浩 (広島大学大学院理学研究科)
One-step Markov Theorem on exchange classes
松田 浩 (広島大学大学院理学研究科)
One-step Markov Theorem on exchange classes
[ Abstract ]
The main theorem in this talk claims the following.
``Let L_A and L_B denote a closed a-braid and a closed b-braid,
respectively, that represent one link type.
After at most (a^2 b^2)/4 exchange moves on L_A,
we can 'see' the pair of closed braids."
In this talk, we explain the main theorem in details, and
we present some applications.
In particular, we propose a strategy to construct an algorithm
that determines whether two links are ambient isotopic.
The main theorem in this talk claims the following.
``Let L_A and L_B denote a closed a-braid and a closed b-braid,
respectively, that represent one link type.
After at most (a^2 b^2)/4 exchange moves on L_A,
we can 'see' the pair of closed braids."
In this talk, we explain the main theorem in details, and
we present some applications.
In particular, we propose a strategy to construct an algorithm
that determines whether two links are ambient isotopic.
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
16:30-18:00 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
廣惠 一希 (東大数理)
廣惠 一希 (東大数理)
[ Abstract ]
[ Reference URL ]$GL(n,R)$の退化球主系列表現の一般Whittaker模型の空間は,対称空間$GL(n,R)/O(n)$上の$C^\\infty$級関数の中で,ある微分作用素達のkernelとして特徴付けられる.この微分作用素達は,大島利雄氏による退化主系列表現に対するPoisson変換の像の特徴付けに用いられたものであり,その明示的な表示が氏によって得られている.また,こうしたkernel定理は山下博氏のユニタリ最低ウエイト加群の一般Whittaker模型に対する定理の類似にあたる.こういった背景の下,$GL(4,R)$の退化主系列表現に対し、いくつかの具体例を考えたい.そこでは一般Whittaker模型は一変数変形Bessel関数、Hornの二変数合流型超幾何関数によって実現される.
Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms
13:30-16:00 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
刈山和俊 (尾道大学経済情報学部
) 13:30-14:30
On certain types and the Hecke algebras for unramified p-adic unitary groups
鍛治匠一 (東京大学数理科学研究科) 15:00-16:00
The $(\\mathfrak{g},K)$-module structures of the principal series resentations for $SL(4,R)$
刈山和俊 (尾道大学経済情報学部
) 13:30-14:30
On certain types and the Hecke algebras for unramified p-adic unitary groups
鍛治匠一 (東京大学数理科学研究科) 15:00-16:00
The $(\\mathfrak{g},K)$-module structures of the principal series resentations for $SL(4,R)$
[ Abstract ]
$SL(4,R)$ の主系列表現 $H$ の $(\\mathfrak{g},K)$-module としての構造を
具体的には、まず $H$ の基底として $K$-module の weight vector になっているものを取り、その基底が $\\mathfrak{g}$ の作用でどのように移るかを記述する。
$SL(4,R)$ の主系列表現 $H$ の $(\\mathfrak{g},K)$-module としての構造を
具体的には、まず $H$ の基底として $K$-module の weight vector になっているものを取り、その基底が $\\mathfrak{g}$ の作用でどのように移るかを記述する。
Operator Algebra Seminars
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
竹崎正道 (UCLA名誉教授)
The Structure of a Hyponormal Operator (a joint work with Kotaro
竹崎正道 (UCLA名誉教授)
The Structure of a Hyponormal Operator (a joint work with Kotaro
Applied Analysis
16:00-17:30 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
渡辺 達也 (早稲田大学・理工学術院)
Two positive solutions for an inhomogeneous scalar field equation
渡辺 達也 (早稲田大学・理工学術院)
Two positive solutions for an inhomogeneous scalar field equation
[ Abstract ]
We consider the following nonlinear elliptic equation:
$$-\\Delta u+u=g(u)+f(x), x \\in R^N,$$
where $N\\ge 3$. When $f(x)\\equiv 0$, it is known that there is a nontrivial solution for a wide class of nonlinearities. Even though $f(x) \\not\\equiv 0$, we can expect the existence of a nontrivial solution if $f(x)$ is small in a suitable sense. Our purpose is to show the existence of two positive solutions via the variational approach when $\\| f\\|_{L^2}$ is small. The first solution is characterized as a local minimizer. The second solution will be obtained by the Mountain Pass Method. Since we do not impose any global condition on the nonlinearity, we will need a presice interaction estimate.
We consider the following nonlinear elliptic equation:
$$-\\Delta u+u=g(u)+f(x), x \\in R^N,$$
where $N\\ge 3$. When $f(x)\\equiv 0$, it is known that there is a nontrivial solution for a wide class of nonlinearities. Even though $f(x) \\not\\equiv 0$, we can expect the existence of a nontrivial solution if $f(x)$ is small in a suitable sense. Our purpose is to show the existence of two positive solutions via the variational approach when $\\| f\\|_{L^2}$ is small. The first solution is characterized as a local minimizer. The second solution will be obtained by the Mountain Pass Method. Since we do not impose any global condition on the nonlinearity, we will need a presice interaction estimate.
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
16:20-17:30 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
吉田 亮 (統計数理研究所)
Bayesian learning of biological pathways on genomic data assimilation
吉田 亮 (統計数理研究所)
Bayesian learning of biological pathways on genomic data assimilation
[ Abstract ]
States of living cells are controlled by networks of biochemical reactions, referred to as biological pathways, which comprise of, for instance, phosphorylation and binding of protein molecules, gene expressions mediated by transcription factor activities. In systems biology, mathematical modeling and simulation, based on biochemical rate equations, have proved to be a popular approach for unraveling complex machinery of cellular mechanisms. To proceed to simulations, however, it is vital to find the effective values of kinetic rate constants that are difficult to measure directly from in vivo and in vitro experiments. Furthermore, once a set of hypothetical models is given, a proper statistical criterion is needed to test the reliability of the constructed models in terms of predictability and biological robustness. The aim of this research is to present a new statistical technology, called Genomic Data Assimilation, for handling data-driven model construction of biological pathways. The method starts with a knowledge-based pathway modeling with hybrid functional Petri net. It then proceeds to the Bayesian learning of model parameters for which experimental data are available. This process uses time course measurements of biochemical reactants, e.g. gene expression profiles. Another important issue that we consider is statistical evaluation and comparison of the constructed hypothetical models. For this purpose, we developed a new Bayesian information-theoretic measure that assesses the predictability and the biological robustness of models. In this talk, I will detail mathematical aspects of the proposed method, and then, show some statistical issues to be addressed.
[ Reference URL ]States of living cells are controlled by networks of biochemical reactions, referred to as biological pathways, which comprise of, for instance, phosphorylation and binding of protein molecules, gene expressions mediated by transcription factor activities. In systems biology, mathematical modeling and simulation, based on biochemical rate equations, have proved to be a popular approach for unraveling complex machinery of cellular mechanisms. To proceed to simulations, however, it is vital to find the effective values of kinetic rate constants that are difficult to measure directly from in vivo and in vitro experiments. Furthermore, once a set of hypothetical models is given, a proper statistical criterion is needed to test the reliability of the constructed models in terms of predictability and biological robustness. The aim of this research is to present a new statistical technology, called Genomic Data Assimilation, for handling data-driven model construction of biological pathways. The method starts with a knowledge-based pathway modeling with hybrid functional Petri net. It then proceeds to the Bayesian learning of model parameters for which experimental data are available. This process uses time course measurements of biochemical reactants, e.g. gene expression profiles. Another important issue that we consider is statistical evaluation and comparison of the constructed hypothetical models. For this purpose, we developed a new Bayesian information-theoretic measure that assesses the predictability and the biological robustness of models. In this talk, I will detail mathematical aspects of the proposed method, and then, show some statistical issues to be addressed.
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Otto van Koert (北海道大学大学院理学研究科, JSPS)
Contact homology of left-handed stabilizations and connected sums
Otto van Koert (北海道大学大学院理学研究科, JSPS)
Contact homology of left-handed stabilizations and connected sums
[ Abstract ]
In this talk, we will give a brief introduction to contact homology, an invariant of contact manifolds defined by counting holomorphic curves in the symplectization of a contact manifold. We shall show that certain left-handed stabilizations of contact open books have vanishing contact homology.
This is done by finding restrictions on the behavior of holomorphic curves in connected sums. An additional application of this behavior of holomorphic curves is a long exact sequence for linearized contact homology.
In this talk, we will give a brief introduction to contact homology, an invariant of contact manifolds defined by counting holomorphic curves in the symplectization of a contact manifold. We shall show that certain left-handed stabilizations of contact open books have vanishing contact homology.
This is done by finding restrictions on the behavior of holomorphic curves in connected sums. An additional application of this behavior of holomorphic curves is a long exact sequence for linearized contact homology.
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
16:30-18:00 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
直井 克之 (東大数理)
construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras
直井 克之 (東大数理)
construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras
[ Abstract ]
affine Lie algebra の Kac-Moody Lie algebra とは異なる一般化として、extended affine Lie algebra と呼ばれる Lie algebra の class を考える。
ほとんどの extended affine Lie algebra は、有限次元 simple Lie algebra と、有限個の互いに可換な有限位数自己同型を用いて構成できることがすでに知られている。
この講演では、上の構成によって得られる extended affine Lie algebra がどのような場合に(適当な意味で)同型となるか、という問題に関する結果をお話ししたい。
[ Reference URL ]affine Lie algebra の Kac-Moody Lie algebra とは異なる一般化として、extended affine Lie algebra と呼ばれる Lie algebra の class を考える。
ほとんどの extended affine Lie algebra は、有限次元 simple Lie algebra と、有限個の互いに可換な有限位数自己同型を用いて構成できることがすでに知られている。
この講演では、上の構成によって得られる extended affine Lie algebra がどのような場合に(適当な意味で)同型となるか、という問題に関する結果をお話ししたい。
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
石井 豊 (九大数理)
Henon 写像の複素力学系
石井 豊 (九大数理)
Henon 写像の複素力学系
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
16:20-17:30 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
西山 陽一 (統計数理研究所)
西山 陽一 (統計数理研究所)
[ Abstract ]
独立同一分布に従う確率変数列に対する適合度検定問題を考えるとき, Kolmogorov-Smirnov 検定統計量が漸近的に分布不変であることはよく知られて いる.ところが,拡散過程モデルにおいて,例えばエルゴード性を仮定してその 不変分布の経験分布関数から Kolmogorov-Smirnov 型の検定統計量を構成しても, 漸近的分布不変にはならない.本報告では,この問題に対し,score marked empirical process に基づく新しいアプローチを用いて漸近的分布不変な検定統 計量を構成し,かつそれが一致性をもつことを紹介する.モデルとしては小拡散 過程とエルゴード的拡散過程を扱い,また連続観測・離散観測の双方を考察する ので,合計4通りの場合を調べ尽くす.同時期に提案された Dachian and Kutoyants (2008) の結果にも触れる.
本報告は Ilia Negri 氏と共同で執筆した3編の論文(うち1編は増田弘毅氏と も共同)にもとづくものであるが、概要は日本語によるサーベイ論文
[ Reference URL ]独立同一分布に従う確率変数列に対する適合度検定問題を考えるとき, Kolmogorov-Smirnov 検定統計量が漸近的に分布不変であることはよく知られて いる.ところが,拡散過程モデルにおいて,例えばエルゴード性を仮定してその 不変分布の経験分布関数から Kolmogorov-Smirnov 型の検定統計量を構成しても, 漸近的分布不変にはならない.本報告では,この問題に対し,score marked empirical process に基づく新しいアプローチを用いて漸近的分布不変な検定統 計量を構成し,かつそれが一致性をもつことを紹介する.モデルとしては小拡散 過程とエルゴード的拡散過程を扱い,また連続観測・離散観測の双方を考察する ので,合計4通りの場合を調べ尽くす.同時期に提案された Dachian and Kutoyants (2008) の結果にも触れる.
本報告は Ilia Negri 氏と共同で執筆した3編の論文(うち1編は増田弘毅氏と も共同)にもとづくものであるが、概要は日本語によるサーベイ論文
Number Theory Seminar
16:30-17:30 Room #117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
近藤 智 (東京大学数物連携宇宙研究機構)
近藤 智 (東京大学数物連携宇宙研究機構)
Lie Groups and Representation Theory
16:30-18:00 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
奥田 隆幸 (東大数理)
奥田 隆幸 (東大数理)
[ Abstract ]
TypeIV extremal と呼ばれる不変式の無限列に対し、deg = 0 (mod 6) の場合には、対応する全ての zeta多項式の零点が同一円周上に乗るという事が証明されているが、deg = 2,4 (mod 6) の場合は未解決であった。
この講演では、不変式に対する微分作用素を用いて、deg = 4 (mod6) の場合にも全てのzeta多項式の零点が同一円周上に乗るということを示したい。
TypeIV extremal と呼ばれる不変式の無限列に対し、deg = 0 (mod 6) の場合には、対応する全ての zeta多項式の零点が同一円周上に乗るという事が証明されているが、deg = 2,4 (mod 6) の場合は未解決であった。
この講演では、不変式に対する微分作用素を用いて、deg = 4 (mod6) の場合にも全てのzeta多項式の零点が同一円周上に乗るということを示したい。
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
佐藤 隆夫 (大阪大学大学院理学研究科, JSPS)
On the Johnson homomorphisms of the automorphism group of
a free metabelian group
佐藤 隆夫 (大阪大学大学院理学研究科, JSPS)
On the Johnson homomorphisms of the automorphism group of
a free metabelian group
[ Abstract ]
The main object of our research is the automorphism group of a
free group. To be brief, the Johnson homomorphisms are studied in order to
describe one by one approximations of the automorphism group of a free group
. They play important roles on the study of the homology groups of the autom
orphism group of a free group. In general, to determine their images are ver
y difficult problem. In this talk, we define the Johnson homomorphisms of th
e automorphism group of a free metabelian group, and determine their images.
Using these results, we can give a lower bound on the image of the Johnson
homomorphisms of the automorphism group of a free group.
The main object of our research is the automorphism group of a
free group. To be brief, the Johnson homomorphisms are studied in order to
describe one by one approximations of the automorphism group of a free group
. They play important roles on the study of the homology groups of the autom
orphism group of a free group. In general, to determine their images are ver
y difficult problem. In this talk, we define the Johnson homomorphisms of th
e automorphism group of a free metabelian group, and determine their images.
Using these results, we can give a lower bound on the image of the Johnson
homomorphisms of the automorphism group of a free group.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
足助 太郎 (東大数理)
足助 太郎 (東大数理)
Kavli IPMU Komaba Seminar
17:00-18:30 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
J.Manuel Garcia-Islas (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Quantum topological invariants and black hole entropy
J.Manuel Garcia-Islas (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Quantum topological invariants and black hole entropy
[ Abstract ]
A type of topological invariants of three manifolds were
introduced by Turaev and Viro. We will define an invariant of graphs
embedded in a three dimensional manifold in a Turaev-Viro spirit.
The relation of these invariants to mathematical physics is
a really nice one. We will show how entropy of a three dimensional
black hole known as BTZ can be described using our formulation.
A type of topological invariants of three manifolds were
introduced by Turaev and Viro. We will define an invariant of graphs
embedded in a three dimensional manifold in a Turaev-Viro spirit.
The relation of these invariants to mathematical physics is
a really nice one. We will show how entropy of a three dimensional
black hole known as BTZ can be described using our formulation.
Operator Algebra Seminars
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
酒匂宏樹 (東大数理)
Solid groups and orbit equivalence rigidity
酒匂宏樹 (東大数理)
Solid groups and orbit equivalence rigidity
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
16:20-17:30 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
日野 英逸 (早稲田大学)
アイテムの選好度のモデルとパラメタ推定法 - Plackett-Luceモデルの一般化 -
日野 英逸 (早稲田大学)
アイテムの選好度のモデルとパラメタ推定法 - Plackett-Luceモデルの一般化 -
[ Abstract ]
アイテムの比較やランキングデータが多数与えられたとき、一つ一つのアイテムが潜在的に持つ 価値を決定する問題は、心理学、経済学、政治学などの分野で古くから研究が行われているが、 近年機械学習の分野でも注目されている。 Plackett-Luceモデルはアイテムへのランキングの確率モデルであり、アイテム一つ一つに 多項分布のパラメタを割り当ててアイテム選択のプロセスを説明する。 本発表では、映画評の生成プロセスに注目し、Plackett-Luceの一般化として グループ化ランキングモデルを提案する。このモデルの尤度関数を直接評価することは 困難であるため、尤度関数の下界を与え、emアルゴリズムを用いて近似的に下界の 最大化を行うことでパラメタ推定を行う。 Toy exampleに対する実験結果と、映画評データに対する適用結果を紹介する。 時間が許せば、個人の嗜好に基づくパラメタの推定と、協調フィルタリングへの 応用についても言及する。
[ Reference URL ]アイテムの比較やランキングデータが多数与えられたとき、一つ一つのアイテムが潜在的に持つ 価値を決定する問題は、心理学、経済学、政治学などの分野で古くから研究が行われているが、 近年機械学習の分野でも注目されている。 Plackett-Luceモデルはアイテムへのランキングの確率モデルであり、アイテム一つ一つに 多項分布のパラメタを割り当ててアイテム選択のプロセスを説明する。 本発表では、映画評の生成プロセスに注目し、Plackett-Luceの一般化として グループ化ランキングモデルを提案する。このモデルの尤度関数を直接評価することは 困難であるため、尤度関数の下界を与え、emアルゴリズムを用いて近似的に下界の 最大化を行うことでパラメタ推定を行う。 Toy exampleに対する実験結果と、映画評データに対する適用結果を紹介する。 時間が許せば、個人の嗜好に基づくパラメタの推定と、協調フィルタリングへの 応用についても言及する。
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Kenneth Shackleton (東京工業大学, JSPS)
On computing distances in the pants complex
Kenneth Shackleton (東京工業大学, JSPS)
On computing distances in the pants complex
[ Abstract ]
The pants complex is an accurate combinatorial
model for the Weil-Petersson metric (WP) on Teichmueller space
(Brock). One hopes that many of the geometric properties
of WP are accurately replicated in the pants complex, and
this is the source of many open questions. We compare these
in general, and then focus on the 5-holed sphere and the
2-holed torus, the first non-trivial surfaces. We arrive at
an algorithm for computing distances in the (1-skeleton of the)
pants complex of either surface.
[ Reference URL ]The pants complex is an accurate combinatorial
model for the Weil-Petersson metric (WP) on Teichmueller space
(Brock). One hopes that many of the geometric properties
of WP are accurately replicated in the pants complex, and
this is the source of many open questions. We compare these
in general, and then focus on the 5-holed sphere and the
2-holed torus, the first non-trivial surfaces. We arrive at
an algorithm for computing distances in the (1-skeleton of the)
pants complex of either surface.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
橋本 健治 (東大数理)
橋本 健治 (東大数理)
16:30-17:30 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
村山斉 (数物連携宇宙研究機構)
IPMU, Mathematics, Physics, and me
村山斉 (数物連携宇宙研究機構)
IPMU, Mathematics, Physics, and me
[ Abstract ]
Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) was founded to promote synergy between mathematics and physics, and to address deep mysteries about the universe. In this colloquium, I will discuss the mysteries IPMU will address, and why the interaction between mathematicians and physicists are crucial for this purpose. I will also talk about my personal journey about mathematics and physics.
Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) was founded to promote synergy between mathematics and physics, and to address deep mysteries about the universe. In this colloquium, I will discuss the mysteries IPMU will address, and why the interaction between mathematicians and physicists are crucial for this purpose. I will also talk about my personal journey about mathematics and physics.
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