Seminar information archive
Seminar information archive ~03/06|Today's seminar 03/07 | Future seminars 03/08~
thesis presentations
MORI Michiya (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo)
On the geometry of projections of von Neumann algebras
( von Neumann 環の射影束の幾何構造について )
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thesis presentations
KITAOKA Wataru (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo)
Ray-Singer torsion and the Laplacians of the Rumin complex on lens spaces
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thesis presentations
SUDA Hayate (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo)
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thesis presentations
MUKAI Asato (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo)
Asymptotic analysis for solutions to semilinear heat equations
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thesis presentations
INATSUGU Haruhiko (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo)
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps:Global Filtering Approach
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thesis presentations
SUZUKI Masamitsu (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo)
Local in time solvability for reaction-diffusion systems with rapidly growing nonlinear terms
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thesis presentations
NAKANISHI Toru (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo)
Finite element analysis for radially symmetric solutions of nonlinear heat equations
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thesis presentations
TAKEUCHI Daichi (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo)
On the epsilon factors of ℓ-adic sheaves on varieties
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Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Young-Jun Choi (Pusan National University)
Existence of a complete holomorphic vector field via the Kähler-Einstein metric
A fundamental problem in Several Complex Variables is to classify bounded pseudoconvex domains in the complex Euclidean space with a noncompact automorphism group, especially with a compact quotient. In the results of Wong-Rosay and Frankel, they make use of the "Scaling method'' for obtaining an 1-parameter family of automorphisms, which generates a holomorphic vector field.
In this talk, we discuss the existence of a nowhere vanishing complete holomorphic vector filed on a strongly pseudoconvex manifold admtting a negatively curved Kähler-Einstein metric and discrete sequence of automorphisms by introducing the scaling method on potentials of the Kähler-Einstein metric.
Please register at the link below to attend this online colloquium
Hiraku Nakajima (Kavli IPMU)
Convolution algebras and a new proof of Kazhdan-Lusztig formula (JAPANESE)
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Information Mathematics Seminar
Yasunari Suzuki (NTT)
Topological quantum error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant quantum computing (Japanese)
Explanation on topological quantum error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant quantum computing
Tokyo-Nagoya Algebra Seminar
Please see the URL below for details on the online seminar.
Hideya Watanabe (Kyoto University)
Based modules over the i-quantum group of type AI (Japanese)
In recent years, i-quantum groups are intensively studied because of their importance in various branches of mathematics and physics. Although i-quantum groups are thought of as generalizations of Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum groups, their representation theory is much more difficult than that of quantum groups. In this talk, I will focus on the i-quantum group of type AI. It is a non-standard quantization of the special orthogonal Lie algebra so_n. I will report my recent research on based modules, which are modules equipped with distinguished bases, called the i-canonical bases. The first main result is a new combinatorial formula describing the branching rule from sl_n to so_n. The second one is the irreducibility of cell modules associated with the i-canonical bases.
Operator Algebra Seminars
Kan Kitamura (Univ. Tokyo)
On induction along a homomorphism of compact quantum groups
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Number Theory Seminar
Yuta Saito (University of Tokyo)
Overconvergent Lubin-Tate $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules for different uniformizers (Japanese)
$(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules are used for investigating p-adic Galois representations, which has an important role in constructing the p-adic local Langlands correspondence for GL_2(Q_p). When we try to construct the p-adic local correspondence for GL_2(F) for a general local field F, we want more useful and more suitable $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules. Lubin-Tate $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules are the candidates for such $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules. Lubin-Tate extensions are used for defining Lubin-Tate $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules. However, these extensions depend on the choice of uniformizers and the behavior of Lubin-Tate $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules for different uniformizers has not been discussed so much. We focus on overconvergency and discuss the coincidence for 2-dimensional triangulable $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules for different uniformizers.
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
HAMANO Sachiko (Osaka City University)
The hydrodynamic period matrices and closings of an open Riemann surface of finite genus
A closing of an open Riemann srface $R$ of finite genus is a shorter name of a closed Riemann surface of the same genus into which $R$ can be embedded by a homology type preserving conformal mapping. We observe the Riemann period matrices of all closings of $R$ in the Siegel upper half space. It is known that every hydrodynamic differential on $R$ yields a closing of $R$ called a hydrodynamic closing. (A hydrodynamic differential is a holomorphic which describes a steady flow on $R$ of an ideal fluid.) We study the period matices induced by hydrodynamic closings of $R$. This is a joint work with Masakazu Shiba.
Information Mathematics Seminar
Yasunari Suzuki (NTT)
Introduction to quantum computation and quantum error-correcting codes (Japanese)
Introduction to quantum computation and quantum error-correcting codes
Tokyo-Nagoya Algebra Seminar
Please see the URL below for details on the online seminar.
Ryo Ohkawa (Kobe University)
$(-2)$ blow-up formula (Japanese)
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Operator Algebra Seminars
Masato Mimura (Tohoku Univ.)
The Green-Tao theorem for number fields
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Mathematical Biology Seminar
Yusuke Asai (National Center for Global Health and Medicine)
Estimation of the evacuation effect from Wuhan, China, during COVID-19 outbreak
Discrete mathematical modelling seminar
This seminar will be held using Zoom. If you wish to participate, please contact R. Willox by email.
Akihito Yoneyama (Institute of Physics, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
Tetrahedron and 3D reflection equation from PBW bases of the nilpotent subalgebra of quantum superalgebras (in Japanese)
We study transition matrices of PBW bases of the nilpotent subalgebra of quantum superalgebras associated with all possible Dynkin diagrams of type A and B in the case of rank 2 and 3, and examine relationships with three-dimensional (3D) integrability. We obtain new solutions to the Zamolodchikov tetrahedron equation via type A and the 3D reflection equation via type B, where the latter equation was proposed by Isaev and Kulish as a 3D analog of the reflection equation of Cherednik. As a by-product of our approach, the Bazhanov-Sergeev solution to the Zamolodchikov tetrahedron equation is characterized as the transition matrix for a particular case of type A, which clarifies an algebraic origin of it. Our work is inspired by the recent developments connecting transition matrices for quantum non-super algebras with intertwiners of irreducible representations of quantum coordinate rings. We also discuss the crystal limit of transition matrices, which gives a super analog of transition maps of Lusztig's parametrizations of the canonical basis.
Seminar on Probability and Statistics
Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux (UNSW)
Depth of Curve Data and Applications (ENGLISH)
Numerical Analysis Seminar
Takaharu Yaguchi (Kobe University)
DGNet: Deep Energy-Based Modeling of Discrete-Time Physics and Related Topics (Japanese)
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Tuesday Seminar on Topology
Pre-registration required. See our seminar webpage.
Mitsuaki Kimura (The University of Tokyo)
Bounded cohomology of volume-preserving diffeomorphism groups (JAPANESE)
Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold of finite volume. Brandenbursky and Marcinkowski proved that the third bounded cohomology of the volume-preserving diffeomorphism group of M is infinite dimensional when the fundamental group of M is "complicated enough". For example, if M is two-dimensional, the above condition is satisfied if the Euler characteristic is negative. Recently, we have extended this result in the following two directions.
(1) When M is two-dimensional and the Euler characteristic is greater than or equal to zero.
(2) When the volume of M is infinite.
In this talk, we will mainly discuss (1). The key idea is to use the fundamental group of the configuration space of M (i.e., the braid group), rather than the fundamental group of M. If time permits, we will also explain (2). For this extension, we introduce the notion of "norm controlled cohomology".
Operator Algebra Seminars
Colin McSwiggen (Univ. Tokyo)
An extremely close look at the arithmetic-geometric inequality (English)
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Information Mathematics Seminar
Hiroshi Fujiwara (BroadBand Tower, Inc.)
The cyber attack to the Ministry of Defense-affiliated company and zero trust of Amazon/Google (Japanese)
Explanation on the cyber attack to the Ministry of Defense-affiliated company and zero trust of Amazon/Google
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