List of talks of Yasuyuki Kawahigashi
The symbol * indicates an invited talk at an international conference.
- 1. Centrally ergodic one-parameter automorphism groups of semifinite
von Neumann algebras
Functional Analysis Seminar,
UCLA (U.S.A.), May 1987.
- 2. Centrally ergodic one-parameter automorphism groups of semifinite
von Neumann algebras
Operator Algebra Seminar,
University of Warwick
(U.K.), June 1987.
- 3. Centrally ergodic one-parameter automorphism groups
of semifinite von Neumann algebras
The 22nd Functional Analysis Meeting, Oita (Japan), August 1987.
- 4. One-parameter automorphism groups of the
hyperfinite II1 factor
Conference "Operator Algebras", U.S. Naval Academy (U.S.A.), June 1988.
- 5. One-parameter automorphism groups of the hyperfinite II1 factor
Metropolitan University Colloquium (Japan), July 1988.
- 6. One-parameter automorphism groups of the
hyperfinite II1 factor
Seminar, Mittag-Leffler
Institute (Sweden), September 1988.
- 7. One-parameter automorphism groups of the
hyperfinite II1 factor
Seminar, Collège de
France (France), October 1988.
- 8. One-parameter automorphism groups of the irrational rotation
Algebraic Analysis Seminar,
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
December 1988.
- 9. One-parameter automorphism groups of the irrational
rotation C*-algebra
Seminar, Mittag-Leffler
Institute (Sweden), May 1989.
- 10. One-parameter automorphism groups of
the irrational rotation C*-algebra
the University of Tokyo
(Japan), July 1989.
- 11. Injective factors and their automorphism groups
The 24th Functional Analysis Meeting, Kusatsu (Japan), July 1989.
- 12. One-parameter automorphism groups of the irrational
rotation C*-algebra
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras,
Ito (Japan), October 1989.
- 13. Classification of actions on compact abelian groups on
injective factors
Algebraic Analysis Seminar,
the University of Tokyo
(Japan), October 1989.
- 14. Classification of actions on compact abelian groups on
injective factors
Nihon University
(Japan), November 1989.
- 15. 1-cocyles on a hyperfinite II1 groupoid
Symposium "Ergodic theory and related fields", Kyoto (Japan),
January 1990.
- 16. Cohomology of discrete group actions
on II1 factors
Nihon University
(Japan), May 1990.
- 17. Group actions on injective factors
*ICM-satellite Conference "Current Topics in Operator Algebras",
Nara (Japan), August 1990.
- 18. Automorphisms preserving subfactors with finite Jones index
Annual meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras,
RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), October 1990.
- 19. Flat connections on Dynkin diagrams and
classification of subfactors
Analysis Seminar, the University
of Tokyo (Japan), November 1990.
- 20. Flat connections on Dynkin diagrams
and classification of subfactors
Seminar, RIMS,
Kyoto University (Japan), January 1991.
- 21. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
The 13th Applied Analysis Symposium, Tokyo (Japan), April 1991.
- 22. Introduction to paragroups
Workshop on paragroups and combinatorics,
University of
Tsukuba (Japan), April 1991.
- 23. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Colloquium, Hokkaido University (Japan), April 1991.
- 24. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Colloquium, the University of Tokyo
(Japan), May 1991.
- 25. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Colloquium, Nihon University
(Japan), June 1991.
- 26. Introduction to paragroups
Geometry Colloquium, the University of Tokyo (Japan), July 1991.
- 27. Introduction to paragroups
The 26th Functional Analysis Meeting, Kobe (Japan), July 1991.
- 28. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
The 26th Functional Analysis Meeting, Kobe (Japan), July 1991.
- 29. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
*Conference "Functional Analysis and Related Topics",
RIMS, Kyoto University
(Japan), July 1991.
- 30. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Functional Analysis Colloquium, UC Berkeley
(U.S.A.), September 1991.
- 31. Flat connections,
the Yang-Baxter equation, and orbifold subfactors
*Conference "C*-Algebren",
Oberwolfach (Germany), October 1991.
- 32. The Yang-Baxter equation, flat connections and
Hecke algebra subfactors
Colloquium, Odense University
(Denmark), October 1991.
- 33. On Haagerup's construction of subfactors with finite depth and
small index
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley
(U.S.A.), November 1991.
- 34. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.),
January--February 1992.
- 35. The Yang-Baxter equation, flat connections and Hecke
algebra subfactors
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley
(U.S.A.), February 1992.
- 36. The Yang-Baxter equation, flat connections and Hecke
algebra subfactors
Colloquium, UCLA (U.S.A.), April 1992.
- 37. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism
group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA
(U.S.A.), April 1992.
- 38. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism
group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Colloquium, University College
of Swansea (U.K.), May 1992.
- 39. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism
group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Conference "Algebres d'Operateurs 92",
(France), July 1992.
- 40. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols,
and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Seminar, Nagoya University
(Japan), August 1992.
- 41. Orbifold construction and an analogue of Connes chi(M)
for subfactors
*Symposium "Invariants in Operator Algebra",
Copenhagen (Denmark), August 1992.
- 42. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism
group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Seminar, Osaka
Kyoiku University (Japan), October 1992.
- 43. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols,
and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Seminar, Osaka
Kyoiku University (Japan), October 1992.
- 44. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols,
and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Seminar, the University of Tokyo
(Japan), October 1992.
- 45. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism
group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras,
Niigata (Japan), November 1992.
- 46. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols,
and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Geometry Colloquium, University of
(Japan), November 1992.
- 47. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols,
and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Meeting "Algebraic Combinatorics and low-dimensional topology",
RIMS, Kyoto University
(Japan), December 1992.
- 48. Subfactors, rational conformal field theory, and topological
quantum field theory
Colloquium, Hokkaido
University (Japan), December 1992.
- 49. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols,
and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Meeting "Quantum Groups and Operator Algebras",
City University
(Japan), January 1993.
- 50. Subfactors, rational conformal field theory, and topological
quantum field theory
City University (Japan), February 1993.
- 51. Subfactors, rational conformal field theory, and topological
quantum field theory
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), March 1993.
- 52. Subfactors, rational conformal field theory, and topological
quantum field theory
Mathematical Society of
Japan, Tokyo (Japan), March 1993.
- 53. Classification of paragroup actions on subfactors
Meeting "Finite discrete structures arising from subfactors",
Kyoto University (Japan), January 1993.
- 54. Quantum symmetry in operator algebras
Seminar, the University of Tokyo
(Japan), June 1993.
- 55. Classification of paragroup actions on subfactors
"Operator Algberas", Katata (Japan), July 1993.
- 56. Quantum symmetry in operator algebras
Symposium on Real Analysis and Functional Analysis,
Hiroshima University
(Japan), July 1993.
- 57. Quantum symmetry in operator algebras
*Workshop on operator algebras, Pohang (Korea), July 1993.
- 58. Paragroups and their actions on subfactors
*CBMS Conference "Classification of amenable
subfactors and related topics",
University of Oregon
(U.S.A.), August 1993.
- 59. Subfactors and topological quantum field theory
Colloquium, University
College of Swansea (U.K.), October 1993.
- 60. Topological quantum field theory, quantum double, and subfactors
Seminar, Nihon University
(Japan), November 1993.
- 61. Topological quantum field theory,
quantum double, and subfactors
Meeting "Operator Algebras and related fields", Tokyo (Japan),
December 1993.
- 62. Topological quantum field theory, chirality, and subfactors
Meeting "Operator Algebras and related fields", Tokyo (Japan), December 1993.
- 63. Topological quantum field theory,
quantum double, and subfactors
Seminar, the University of Tokyo (Japan),
February 1994.
- 64. Orbifold subfactors, central sequences, and the relative
Jones invariant kappa
*Conference "C*-Algebren",
Oberwolfach (Germany), February 1994.
- 65. Topological quantum field theory, quantum double, and subfactors
Colloquium, Nihon University
(Japan), March 1994.
- 66. Topological quantum field theory, quantum double, and subfactors
Mathematical Society of
Japan, Kobe University
(Japan), April 1994.
- 67. Orbifold subfactors, central sequences, and the relative
Jones invariant kappa
*West Coast Operator Algebra Seminar, UCLA
(U.S.A.), September 1994.
- 68. Central sequences in von Neumann algebras
Video Seminar, University of
Wales Swansea (U.K.), October 1994.
- 69. From paragroups to rational conformal field theory
Meeting "Operator Algebras and Hopf Algebras", Tokyo (Japan), December 1994.
- 70. Introduction to Ocneanu's paragroup theory
Seminar, Fields
Institute (Canada), April 1995.
- 71. Orbifold subfactors
*Workshop "Low dimensional topology, statistical mechanics and
quantum field theory", Fields
Institute (Canada), April 1995.
- 72. Classification of automrophisms of subfactors
Canadian Operator Symposium, Fields
Institute (Canada), June 1995.
- 73. A new outer conjugacy invariant and a classification
of automorphisms of subfactors
*Workshop "Operator Algebras and Topology",
University of Aarhus
(Denmark), June 1995.
- 74. Classification of automrophisms of subfactors
Seminar, University of Wales,
Swansea (U.K.), July 1995.
- 75. A new outer conjugacy invariant and a classification
of automorphisms of subfactors
*Conference "C*-algebras and
their invariants",
University College, Cork (Ireland),
July 1995.
- 76. Classification of automrophisms of subfactors
Meeting "Bimodules in operator algebras theory",
RIMS, Kyoto University
(Japan), September 1995.
- 77. Classification of automrophisms of subfactors
*Conference "C*-Algebras and their applications", Yamanaka-ko (Japan),
February 1996.
- 78. Subfactors and the quantum double construction
Video Seminar, University of Wales,
Swansea (U.K.), March 1996.
- 79. Quantum doubles of the Hecke algebra subfactors and orbifolds
*Conference "C*-Algebren",
Oberwolfach (Germany), April 1996.
- 80. Quantum doubles, orbifold subfactors and braiding
"Operator algebras and quantum field theory",
Rome (Italy), July 1996.
- 81. Introduction to 3-dimensional topology for operator algebraists
31st Functional Analysis Meeting, Kobe (Japan), July 1996.
- 82. Quantum double and degenerate braiding
Tokyo Operator Algebra Seminar,
Women's University (Japan), July 1996.
- 83. Quantum doubles of the Hecke algebra subfactors and orbifolds
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras,
Takatsuki (Japan), October 1996.
- 84. Quantum doubles and orbifold subfactors
*International Conference on Opearator Algebras,
Madras (India), January 1997.
- 85. A rigidity theorem on 6j-symbols (after Ocneanu)
Meeting "Topics around operator algebras",
the University of Tokyo (Japan), February 1997.
- 86. Commuting squares and equivalent systems of bimodules
Operator algebra seminar, Odense University
(Denmark), March 1997.
- 87. Subfactors and quantum doubles
Colloquium, Odense University (Denmark),
March 1997.
- 88. Commuting squares and equivalent systems of bimodules
Operator algebra seminar, University
of Copenhagen (Denmark), April 1997.
- 89. Topological quantum field theories and operator algebras
Colloquium, University of
Copenhagen (Denmark), April 1997.
- 90. Subequivalent systems of bimodules
Meeting "Profound development in operator algebras",
RIMS, Kyoto University
(Japan), May 1997.
- 91. Equivalent subfactors and quantum Galois correspondence
*International Conference on Operator
Algebras and Operator Theory,
(China), July 1997.
- 92. Equivalent subfactors and quantum Galois correspondence
*Conference "Von Neumann algebras and dynamical systems",
Nordfjordeid (Norway), August 1997.
- 93. Equivalent subfactors and quantum Galois correspondence
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), September 1997.
- 94. Quantum Galois correspondence for subfactors and sublattices
of a standard lambda-lattice
*Conference on C*-algebras and its applications,
Yamanaka-ko Seminar House of Nihon University (Japan), January 1998.
- 95. Quantum Galois correspondence for subfactors and sublattices
of a standard lambda-lattice
*Conference "C*-Algebren",
Oberwolfach (Germany), February 1998.
- 96. Double triangle algebras for subfactors and conformal inclusions
Video Seminar, University of Wales,
Swansea (U.K.), April 1998.
- 97. The quantum Galois theory for operator algebras
Colloquium, UCLA (U.S.A.), April 1998.
- 98. Modular invariants, conformal inclusions, and double triangle
algebras for subfactors
*Conference "C*-algebras and non-commutative geometry",
University of Copenhagen
(Denmark), August 1998.
- 99. Application of Ocneanu's graphical methods
to nets of subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), September 1998.
- 100. Topological invariants of 3-manifolds arising from operator
Seminar, Università di Pisa
(Italy), November 1998.
- 101. Modular invariants and subfactors
seminar, University
of Wales, Cardiff (U.K.), December 1998.
- 102. Chiral projectors and alpha-induction for subfactors
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator Algebra Seminar, December 1998.
- 103. Modular invariants and subfactors
Seminar, University of Rome
"La Sapienza" (Italy), January 1999.
- 104. Mutil-interval subfactors and modularity of
representations in conformal field theory
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator Algebra Seminar, April 1999.
- 105. Multi-interval subfactors for a net of
von Neumann algebras on R
*U.S.-Japan Seminar
"Operator algebras and their applications",
Kyushu (Japan), June 1999.
- 106. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
seminar, University
of Wales, Cardiff (U.K.), September 1999.
- 107. Introduction to subfactors
*Workshop on modular invariants,
operator algebras,and quotient singularities,
University of Warwick (U.K.),
September 1999.
- 108. Modular invariants and subfactors
Colloquium, Odense University
(Denmark), September 1999.
- 109. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
Operator algebra seminar,
Odense University (Denmark),
October 1999.
- 110. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator Algebra Seminar, October 1999.
- 111. Modular invariants and subfactors
Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras,
Okayama University (Japan),
November 1999.
- 112. Modular invariants and subfactors
Colloquium, Kyoto
University (Japan), November 1999.
- 113. Introduction to Kazhdan's property T
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator Algebra Seminar, December 1999.
- 114. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), March 2000.
- 115. Twisted Longo-Rehren subfactors
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator Algebra Seminar, April 2000.
- 116. Generalized Longo-Rehren subfactors and alpha-induction
Meeting on Operator Algebras,
RIMS, Kyoto University
(Japan), June 2000.
- 117. Generalized Longo-Rehren subfactors and alpha-induction
*Conference Mathematical Physics in
Mathematics and Physics, Siena (Italy), June 2000.
- 118. Alpha-induction and Longo-Rehren subfactors
*The 18th International Conference on
Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), June 2000.
- 119. McKay correspondence in the theory of subfactors
*Japan-Britain joint research project 2000,
University of Warwick (U.K.),
August 2000.
- 120. Braiding, modular invariants, and subfactors
Operator Algebra Seminar,
MSRI (U.S.A.),
October 2000.
- 121. Braiding, modular invariants, and subfactors
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), October-November 2000.
- 122. Braiding and extension of endomorphisms of operator algebras
*Workshop "Modular Invariance, ADE,
Subfactors, and Geometry of Moduli Spaces",
Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto (Japan), November 2000.
- 123. Braiding and extension of endomorphisms of operator algebras
*Workshop "Subfactors and Algebraic
Aspects of Quantum Field Theory",
MSRI (U.S.A.), December 2000.
- 124. Subfactors and extensions of endomorphisms
Operator algebra seminar, UC
Santa Barbara (U.S.A.), January 2001.
- 125. Operator algebras and topological quantum field theory
Colloquim, UC Santa Barbara (U.S.A.),
January 2001.
- 126. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
Operator Algebra Seminar,
MSRI (U.S.A.), February 2001.
- 127. Multi-interval subfactors arising from nets of subfactors on
the circle
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA
(U.S.A.), April 2001.
- 128. Quantum doubles in operator algebra theory
Analysis Seminar, University
of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (U.S.A.), April 2001.
- 129. Quantum field theory and subfactors
Extramural Modern Analysis Seminar (U.S.A.), April 2001.
- 130. Subfactors and extensions of endomorphisms
Analysis Seminar,
University of
Oregon (U.S.A.), May 2001.
- 131. Multi-interval subfactors arising from nets of subfactors
on the circle
Functional Analysis Colloquium,
UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), May 2001.
- 132. Quantum field theory and subfactors
Colloquium, University of
Oregon (U.S.A.), May 2001.
- 133. Nets of subfactors on the circle
*4th Operator
Algebras International Conference, Constanta (Romania),
July 2001.
- 134. Multi-interval subfactors arising from nets of
subfactors on the circle
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), September 2001.
- 135. Quantum doubles in operator algebra theory
Colloquium, Chinese Academy of
Sciences (China), October 2001.
- 136. Nets of subfactors on the circle
Workshop on Operator Algebras and Operator Theory, Linfen (China),
October 2001.
- 137. Nets of subfactors on the circle
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras,
Yufuin (Japan), November 2001.
- 138. Quantum field theory and subfactors
Colloquium, Hokkaido
University (Japan), December 2001.
- 139. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*Conference "C*-Algebren",
Oberwolfach (Germany), December 2001.
- 140. Operator algebras and topological quantum field theory
*Conference "Low dimensional topology for tomorrow",
RIMS, Kyoto University
(Japan), January 2002.
- 141. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), March 2002.
- 142. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
Seminar, University of Rome
"La Sapienza" (Italy), March 2002.
- 143. Subfactor theory and its applications
--- Operator algebras and quantum field theory ---
Annual meeting of
Society of Japan, Plenary address,
Meiji University
(Japan), March 2002.
- 144. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*AMS Summer Research Conference
"Advances in Quantum Dynamics",
Mount Holyoke College (U.S.A.),
June 2002.
- 145. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
"Index theorems and modularity in operator algebras",
Oberwolfach (Germany), June 2002.
- 146. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*The 19th International Conference on
Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2002.
- 147. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*Frontier of Non Commutative Analysis
and Mathematical Quantum Theory, Fukuoka (Japan), August 2002.
- 148. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*Operator Algebras and Applications
(a satellite to ICM-2002), Chengde (China), August 2002.
- 149. Topological quantum field theories arising from
operator algebras
*International Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and
Noncommutative Geometry,
Tohoku University (Japan),
November 2002.
- 150. Topological invariants of 3-manifolds arising from
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), December 2002.
- 151. Classification of operator algebraic conformal field theories
by representation categories
*Workshop Categorical Algebra, Deformation
Theory and Field Theory II,
Kyoto University (Japan),
December 2002.
- 152. Classification of operator algebraic conformal
field theories
*Miniworkshop Conformal Field Theory:
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy),
March 2003.
- 153. Classification of 2-dimensional conformal field theories and
2-cohomology vanishing for tensor categories
*Conference Recent Advances in von Neumann Algebras,
UCLA (U.S.A.), May 2003.
- 154. Classification of 2-dimensional conformal field theories and
2-cohomology vanishing for tensor categories
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator Algebra Seminar, May 2003.
- 155. Classification of 2-dimensional conformal field theories and
2-cohomology vanishing for tensor categories
*Conference Operator Algebras and
Mathematical Physics, Sinaia (Romania), July 2003.
- 156. Classification of operator algebraic conformal field
*XIV International Congress
on Mathematical Physics - ICMP 2003, Lisbon (Portugal), July 2003.
- 157. Classification of operator algebraic conformal
field theories
Mathematical Society of
Japan, Chiba University (Japan), September 2003.
- 158. Classification of conformal field theories
and operator algebras
"Interdisciplinary research on mathematical structures in
string theory and gravity theory",
University (Japan), September 2003.
- 159. On classification of local conformal nets (three talks)
"Dynamical systems related to C*-algebras",
Kyoto University (Japan), January 2004.
- 160. Classification of 2-dimensional conformal field theories
Mini-Workshop on Operator Algebras and
Quantum Physics, Rome (Italy), March 2004.
- 161. Local conformal nets and vertex operator algebras
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), March 2004.
- 162. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras in
quantum field theory
*Tensor Categories in Mathematics and Physics,
Erwin Schrödinger Institute,
Vienna (Austria), June 2004.
- 163. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*The 20th International Conference on
Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2004.
- 164. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Quantum Groups, Haifa (Israel), July 2004.
- 165. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Perspectives arising from vertex algebra theory,
Osaka (Japan), November 2004.
- 166. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
University of Tsukuba
(Japan), Colloquium, December 2004.
- 167. Quantum field theory, operator algebra, and
framed vertex operator algebras
Seminar "Algebraische Quantenfeldtheorie und Statistische Mechanik",
Universität Göttingen (Germany), December 2004.
- 168. Nets of operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
Seminar, Univ. Southern
Denmark (Denmark), February 2005.
- 169. Nets of operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
Operator algebra seminar, University of
Copenhagen (Denmark), February 2005.
- 170. Vertex operator algebras and operator algebras
Miniworkshop Topics in Operator Algebras,
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), March 2005.
- 171. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and vertex
operator algebras
Mathematical Society
of Japan, Special Lecture, Nihon University (Japan), March 2005.
- 172. Extensions of operator algebras and vertex operator
*Symposium honoring the memory of Gert
K. Pedersen, Copenhagen (Denmark), April 2005.
- 173. Classification of extensions in algebraic
quantum field theory and vertex operator algebras
*Third Spring Institute on Noncommutative
Geometry and Operator Algebras, Nashville (U.S.A.), May 2005.
- 174. Conformal nets of operator algebras
and vertex operator algebras
*Summer School
"Vertex Algebras and Related Topics",
Erwin Schrödinger Institute,
Vienna (Austria), June 2005.
- 175. Classification of conformal field
theories with operator algebras
*Asian Mathematical Conference 2005,
Singapore (Singapore), July 2005.
- 176. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
"Conformal Field Theory, Operator Algebras
and Modular Tensor Categories",
Osaka Senri
Life Science Center, Osaka (Japan), September 2005.
- 177. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and vertex operator
Micro-Macro duality in quantum analysis,
Kyoto University (Japan), November 2005.
- 178. Operator algebras and Moonshine
Annual meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras,
Okayama (Japan), November 2005.
- 179. Operator algebras and Moonshine
*International Conference on Operator Algebras and
their connections to Mathematical Physics, Settat (Morocco), November 2005.
- 180. Operator algebras and boundary CFT
Kansai Operator Algebra Seminar,
Kyoiku University (Japan), December 2005.
- 181. Noncommutative spectral invariants and black hole entropy
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator algebra seminar, January 2006.
- 182. Topological invariants of 3-manifolds
arising from subfactors
Seminar, UC Riverside (U.S.A.),
March 2006.
- 183. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
Seminar, UC Riverside (U.S.A.),
March 2006.
- 184. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*Workshop "Generalized McKay
correspondences and representation theory",
MSRI (U.S.A.), March 2006.
- 185. Operator algebras and Moonshine
Probabilistic Operator Algebra Seminar,
UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), March 2006.
- 186. Operator algebras and Moonshine
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA
(U.S.A.), March 2006.
- 187. Local conformal nets and their representation theory
(three talks)
Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras and Local von Neumann Algebras in CFT,
Banff International Research Station (Canada), May 2006.
- 188. Cyclotomic fields and subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), June 2006.
- 189. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
The XVth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries,
Prague (Czech), June 2006.
- 190. Boundary conformal field theory and operator algebras
*The 21st International Conference on
Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2006.
- 191. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*International Congress on Mathematical Physics -
ICMP 2006, (Plenary talk), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), August 2006.
- 192. Superconformal nets of factors and their classification
*Topics in von Neumann algebras,
Banff International Research Station (Canada), September 2006.
- 193. Superconformal nets of factors and their classification
*Recent advances in operator algebras,
Rome (Italy), November 2006.
- 194. Operator algebras and Moonshine
Seminaires de l'equipe de Mathematique Physique,
Universite de Bourgogne
(France), November 2006.
- 195. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*MSJ-IHES Joint Workshop on Noncommutativity,
IHES (France), November 2006.
- 196. Operator algebraic approach to boundary
CFT and classification results
Micro-macro duality in quantum analysis,
Kyoto University (Japan), December 2006.
- 197. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*Operator Algebras and Related Fields,
Hawaii (U.S.A.), January 2007.
- 198. Quantum field theory and operator algebras
Fucntional Analysis Seminar,
UCLA (U.S.A.), February 2007.
- 199. Conformal field theory and operator algebra
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), March 2007.
- 200. Classification of superconformal nets of factors
*Conference on Free Probability/Operator
Spaces/von Neumann algebras, Sibiu (Romania), June 2007.
- 201. Supersymmetry in operator algebras
New Development
of Operator Algebras,
Kyoto University (Japan), September 2007.
- 202. Conformal field theory and representation theory of
von Neumann algebras
Operator Algebras Seminars,
Fields Institute
(Canada), September 2007.
- 203. Supersymmetry in operator algebras
Noncommutative analysis and micro-macro duality,
Kyoto University (Japan), October 2007.
- 204. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*Workshop on von Neumann algebras,
Fields Institute
(Canada), October 2007.
- 205. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
für Reine Mathematik,
Universität Hamburg
(Germany), December 2007.
- 206. Super moonshine and operator algebras
*Topics in von Neumann algebras,
Banff International Research Station (Canada), March 2008.
- 207. Moonshine and operator algebras
Vanderbilt University
(U.S.A.), April 2008.
- 208. Superconformal field theory, super moonshine and
operator algebras
*Shanks Workshop on Subfactors and Planar Algebras,
Nashville (U.S.A.), April 2008.
- 209. Topological quantum field theory and operator
Colloquium, Rice University
(U.S.A.), April 2008.
- 210. Moonshine and operator algebras
Linear Analysis Seminar, Texas
A&M University (U.S.A.), April 2008.
- 211. Super moonshine and operator algebras
*The 22nd International Conference on
Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2008.
- 212. Super moonshine and operator algebras
*Conference "C*-Algebras",
Oberwolfach (Germany), August 2008.
- 213. Moonshine, pariah groups and operator algebras
*Conference "Von Neumann Algebras and
Ergodic Theory of Group Actions",
Oberwolfach (Germany), October 2008.
- 214. Generalized Moonshine and operator algebras
Annual meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Osaka (Japan), November 2008.
- 215. Superconformal field theory, vertex algebras and
operator algebras
Infinite-dimensional Algebra Seminar,
MIT (U.S.A.), February 2009.
- 216. Supermoonshine, pariah groups and operator algebras
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), March 2009.
- 217. The super Virasoro algebra and noncommutative geometry
Operator Algebra Seminar,
UC Riverside (U.S.A.), May 2009.
- 218. The super Virasoro algebra and noncommutative geometry
Functional Analysis Colloquium,
UCLA (U.S.A.), May 2009.
- 219. The super Virasoro algebra and noncommutative geometry
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator algebra seminar, June 2009.
- 220. Quantum field theory and operator algebra
*5th Asian Mathematical Conference,
(Plenary talk), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), June 2009.
- 221. Subfactors and representation theory for
von Neumann algebras
*12th Workshop: Non-commutative
harmonic analysis,
Będlewo (Poland), August 2009.
- 222. Superconformal field theory, Moonshine and
operator algebras
*12th Workshop: Non-commutative
harmonic analysis,
Będlewo (Poland), August 2009.
- 223. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Subfactor Seminar,
UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), September 2009.
- 224. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
"Dualities and scales in qiuantum sciences",
Yukawa Institute for
Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Japan), November 2009.
- 225. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and
noncommutative geometry
*"Mathematical Quantum Field Theory and Renormalization
Theory", Fukuoka (Japan), November 2009.
- 226. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and
noncommutative geometry
*Special Session of Operator Theory
and Operator Algebras,
Joint Meeting of KMS-AMS, Ewha Womans University (Korea), December 2009.
- 227. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and
noncommutative geometry
"Operator algebras and geometry of singularities",
Kyoto (Japan), January 2010.
- 228. On the Jones index values for conformal subnets
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
(Italy), March 2010.
- 229. Conformal field theory, Moonshine and operator algebras
Alfred Renyi Institute (Hungary),
April 2010.
- 230. Superconformal field theories and operator algebras
Seminar, Erwin Schrödinger Institute,
Vienna (Austria), April 2010.
- 231. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*The Eighth Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry
and Operator Algebras, Nashville (U.S.A.), May 2010.
- 232. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*EU-NCG 3rd Annual Meeting,
Cardiff (U.K.), June 2010.
- 233. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*The 23rd International Conference on
Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), June 2010.
- 234. N=2 superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*13th Workshop: Non-commutative
harmonic analysis,
Będlewo (Poland), July 2010.
- 235. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*ICM Satellite Conference on Operator Algebras,
Chennai (India), August 2010.
- 236. Superconformal field theory,
operator algebras and noncommutative geometry (3 lectures)
*Geometry and Physics VIII, Scalea
(Italy), September 2010.
- 237. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*Seminal Interactions between
Mathematics and Physics, Rome (Italy), September 2010.
- 238. Nonstandard analysis for operator algebraists
the University of Tokyo (Japan),
Operator algebra seminar, October 2010.
- 239. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and
noncommutative geometry
Lecture series (four talks), Institute
for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Tehran (Iran),
October 2010.
- 240. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*NCTS (Taiwan)-CPT(France) Joint Workshop on
Symplectic Geometry and Quantum Symmetries in Mathematical Physics,
Hsinchu (Taiwan), February 2011.
- 241. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Infinite-dimensional Algebra Seminar,
MIT (U.S.A.), March 2011.
- 242. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Operator algebra seminar,
University of Copenhagen
(Denmark), April 2011.
- 243. N=2 superconformal field theory and
noncommutative geometry
*EU-NCG 4th Annual Meeting,
Bucharest (Romania), April 2011.
- 244. N=2 superconformal field theory and
operator algebras
*II1 factors:
rigidity, symmetries and classification,
Paris (France), May 2011.
- 245. N=2 superconformal field theory and
operator algebras
*Conformal field theories and tensor categories,
Beijing (China), June 2011.
- 246. Spectral triples and the super Virasoro algebras
Seminar, Fudan University
(China), June 2011.
- 247. Conformal field theory, von Neumann alegbras and
noncommutative geometry
*The Special Week on Operator Algebras,
East China Normal University
(China), June 2011.
- 248. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and
nonommutative geometry
Colloquium, Fudan University
(China), June 2011.
- 249. Operator algebras and quantum field theory
Sendai Symposium 2011,
University (Japan), August 2011.
- 250. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras
and noncommutative geometry
Sendai Symposium 2011,
University (Japan), August 2011.
- 251. N=2 superconformal field theory
and noncommutative geometry
*NITheP Workshop 2011
"Constructive and Perturbative
Aspects of Quantum Field Theory", Durban (South Africa),
August 2011.
- 252. Superconformal field theory and
noncommutative geometry
*Operator Algebras & Quantum Groups,
Warsaw (Poland), September 2011.
- 253.