List of talks of Yasuyuki Kawahigashi

The symbol * indicates an invited talk at an international conference.

1. Centrally ergodic one-parameter automorphism groups of semifinite von Neumann algebras
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), May 1987.
2. Centrally ergodic one-parameter automorphism groups of semifinite von Neumann algebras
Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Warwick (U.K.), June 1987.
3. Centrally ergodic one-parameter automorphism groups of semifinite von Neumann algebras
The 22nd Functional Analysis Meeting, Oita (Japan), August 1987.
4. One-parameter automorphism groups of the hyperfinite II1 factor
Conference "Operator Algebras", U.S. Naval Academy (U.S.A.), June 1988.
5. One-parameter automorphism groups of the hyperfinite II1 factor
Tokyo Metropolitan University Colloquium (Japan), July 1988.
6. One-parameter automorphism groups of the hyperfinite II1 factor
Seminar, Mittag-Leffler Institute (Sweden), September 1988.
7. One-parameter automorphism groups of the hyperfinite II1 factor
Seminar, Collège de France (France), October 1988.
8. One-parameter automorphism groups of the irrational rotation C*-algebra
Algebraic Analysis Seminar, the University of Tokyo (Japan), December 1988.
9. One-parameter automorphism groups of the irrational rotation C*-algebra
Seminar, Mittag-Leffler Institute (Sweden), May 1989.
10. One-parameter automorphism groups of the irrational rotation C*-algebra
Colloquium, the University of Tokyo (Japan), July 1989.
11. Injective factors and their automorphism groups
The 24th Functional Analysis Meeting, Kusatsu (Japan), July 1989.
12. One-parameter automorphism groups of the irrational rotation C*-algebra
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Ito (Japan), October 1989.
13. Classification of actions on compact abelian groups on injective factors
Algebraic Analysis Seminar, the University of Tokyo (Japan), October 1989.
14. Classification of actions on compact abelian groups on injective factors
Colloquium, Nihon University (Japan), November 1989.
15. 1-cocyles on a hyperfinite II1 groupoid
Symposium "Ergodic theory and related fields", Kyoto (Japan), January 1990.
16. Cohomology of discrete group actions on II1 factors
Colloquium, Nihon University (Japan), May 1990.
17. Group actions on injective factors
*ICM-satellite Conference "Current Topics in Operator Algebras", Nara (Japan), August 1990.
18. Automorphisms preserving subfactors with finite Jones index
Annual meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), October 1990.
19. Flat connections on Dynkin diagrams and classification of subfactors
Analysis Seminar, the University of Tokyo (Japan), November 1990.
20. Flat connections on Dynkin diagrams and classification of subfactors
Seminar, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), January 1991.
21. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
The 13th Applied Analysis Symposium, Tokyo (Japan), April 1991.
22. Introduction to paragroups
Workshop on paragroups and combinatorics, University of Tsukuba (Japan), April 1991.
23. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Colloquium, Hokkaido University (Japan), April 1991.
24. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Colloquium, the University of Tokyo (Japan), May 1991.
25. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Colloquium, Nihon University (Japan), June 1991.
26. Introduction to paragroups
Geometry Colloquium, the University of Tokyo (Japan), July 1991.
27. Introduction to paragroups
The 26th Functional Analysis Meeting, Kobe (Japan), July 1991.
28. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
The 26th Functional Analysis Meeting, Kobe (Japan), July 1991.
29. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
*Conference "Functional Analysis and Related Topics", RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), July 1991.
30. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Functional Analysis Colloquium, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), September 1991.
31. Flat connections, the Yang-Baxter equation, and orbifold subfactors
*Conference "C*-Algebren", Oberwolfach (Germany), October 1991.
32. The Yang-Baxter equation, flat connections and Hecke algebra subfactors
Colloquium, Odense University (Denmark), October 1991.
33. On Haagerup's construction of subfactors with finite depth and small index
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), November 1991.
34. Exactly solvable orbifold models and subfactors
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), January--February 1992.
35. The Yang-Baxter equation, flat connections and Hecke algebra subfactors
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), February 1992.
36. The Yang-Baxter equation, flat connections and Hecke algebra subfactors
Colloquium, UCLA (U.S.A.), April 1992.
37. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), April 1992.
38. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Colloquium, University College of Swansea (U.K.), May 1992.
39. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Conference "Algebres d'Operateurs 92", Orléans (France), July 1992.
40. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols, and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Seminar, Nagoya University (Japan), August 1992.
41. Orbifold construction and an analogue of Connes chi(M) for subfactors
*Symposium "Invariants in Operator Algebra", Copenhagen (Denmark), August 1992.
42. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Seminar, Osaka Kyoiku University (Japan), October 1992.
43. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols, and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Seminar, Osaka Kyoiku University (Japan), October 1992.
44. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols, and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Seminar, the University of Tokyo (Japan), October 1992.
45. Orbifold construction, a discrete analogue of modular automorphism group, and a relative version of Connes' chi(M) for subfactors
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Niigata (Japan), November 1992.
46. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols, and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Geometry Colloquium, University of Tokyo (Japan), November 1992.
47. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols, and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Meeting "Algebraic Combinatorics and low-dimensional topology", RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), December 1992.
48. Subfactors, rational conformal field theory, and topological quantum field theory
Colloquium, Hokkaido University (Japan), December 1992.
49. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols, and Turaev-Viro type topological invariants of 3-manifolds
Meeting "Quantum Groups and Operator Algebras", Yokohama City University (Japan), January 1993.
50. Subfactors, rational conformal field theory, and topological quantum field theory
Seminar, Yokohama City University (Japan), February 1993.
51. Subfactors, rational conformal field theory, and topological quantum field theory
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 1993.
52. Subfactors, rational conformal field theory, and topological quantum field theory
Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan), March 1993.
53. Classification of paragroup actions on subfactors
Meeting "Finite discrete structures arising from subfactors", RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), January 1993.
54. Quantum symmetry in operator algebras
Seminar, the University of Tokyo (Japan), June 1993.
55. Classification of paragroup actions on subfactors
*Taniguchi Symposium "Operator Algberas", Katata (Japan), July 1993.
56. Quantum symmetry in operator algebras
Symposium on Real Analysis and Functional Analysis, Hiroshima University (Japan), July 1993.
57. Quantum symmetry in operator algebras
*Workshop on operator algebras, Pohang (Korea), July 1993.
58. Paragroups and their actions on subfactors
*CBMS Conference "Classification of amenable subfactors and related topics", University of Oregon (U.S.A.), August 1993.
59. Subfactors and topological quantum field theory
Colloquium, University College of Swansea (U.K.), October 1993.
60. Topological quantum field theory, quantum double, and subfactors
Seminar, Nihon University (Japan), November 1993.
61. Topological quantum field theory, quantum double, and subfactors
Meeting "Operator Algebras and related fields", Tokyo (Japan), December 1993.
62. Topological quantum field theory, chirality, and subfactors
Meeting "Operator Algebras and related fields", Tokyo (Japan), December 1993.
63. Topological quantum field theory, quantum double, and subfactors
Seminar, the University of Tokyo (Japan), February 1994.
64. Orbifold subfactors, central sequences, and the relative Jones invariant kappa
*Conference "C*-Algebren", Oberwolfach (Germany), February 1994.
65. Topological quantum field theory, quantum double, and subfactors
Colloquium, Nihon University (Japan), March 1994.
66. Topological quantum field theory, quantum double, and subfactors
Mathematical Society of Japan, Kobe University (Japan), April 1994.
67. Orbifold subfactors, central sequences, and the relative Jones invariant kappa
*West Coast Operator Algebra Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), September 1994.
68. Central sequences in von Neumann algebras
Video Seminar, University of Wales Swansea (U.K.), October 1994.
69. From paragroups to rational conformal field theory
Meeting "Operator Algebras and Hopf Algebras", Tokyo (Japan), December 1994.
70. Introduction to Ocneanu's paragroup theory
Seminar, Fields Institute (Canada), April 1995.
71. Orbifold subfactors
*Workshop "Low dimensional topology, statistical mechanics and quantum field theory", Fields Institute (Canada), April 1995.
72. Classification of automrophisms of subfactors
Canadian Operator Symposium, Fields Institute (Canada), June 1995.
73. A new outer conjugacy invariant and a classification of automorphisms of subfactors
*Workshop "Operator Algebras and Topology", University of Aarhus (Denmark), June 1995.
74. Classification of automrophisms of subfactors
Seminar, University of Wales, Swansea (U.K.), July 1995.
75. A new outer conjugacy invariant and a classification of automorphisms of subfactors
*Conference "C*-algebras and their invariants", University College, Cork (Ireland), July 1995.
76. Classification of automrophisms of subfactors
Meeting "Bimodules in operator algebras theory", RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), September 1995.
77. Classification of automrophisms of subfactors
*Conference "C*-Algebras and their applications", Yamanaka-ko (Japan), February 1996.
78. Subfactors and the quantum double construction
Video Seminar, University of Wales, Swansea (U.K.), March 1996.
79. Quantum doubles of the Hecke algebra subfactors and orbifolds
*Conference "C*-Algebren", Oberwolfach (Germany), April 1996.
80. Quantum doubles, orbifold subfactors and braiding
*Conference "Operator algebras and quantum field theory", Rome (Italy), July 1996.
81. Introduction to 3-dimensional topology for operator algebraists
31st Functional Analysis Meeting, Kobe (Japan), July 1996.
82. Quantum double and degenerate braiding
Tokyo Operator Algebra Seminar, Ochanomizu Women's University (Japan), July 1996.
83. Quantum doubles of the Hecke algebra subfactors and orbifolds
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Takatsuki (Japan), October 1996.
84. Quantum doubles and orbifold subfactors
*International Conference on Opearator Algebras, Madras (India), January 1997.
85. A rigidity theorem on 6j-symbols (after Ocneanu)
Meeting "Topics around operator algebras", the University of Tokyo (Japan), February 1997.
86. Commuting squares and equivalent systems of bimodules
Operator algebra seminar, Odense University (Denmark), March 1997.
87. Subfactors and quantum doubles
Colloquium, Odense University (Denmark), March 1997.
88. Commuting squares and equivalent systems of bimodules
Operator algebra seminar, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), April 1997.
89. Topological quantum field theories and operator algebras
Colloquium, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), April 1997.
90. Subequivalent systems of bimodules
Meeting "Profound development in operator algebras", RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), May 1997.
91. Equivalent subfactors and quantum Galois correspondence
*International Conference on Operator Algebras and Operator Theory, Shanghai (China), July 1997.
92. Equivalent subfactors and quantum Galois correspondence
*Conference "Von Neumann algebras and dynamical systems", Nordfjordeid (Norway), August 1997.
93. Equivalent subfactors and quantum Galois correspondence
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), September 1997.
94. Quantum Galois correspondence for subfactors and sublattices of a standard lambda-lattice
*Conference on C*-algebras and its applications, Yamanaka-ko Seminar House of Nihon University (Japan), January 1998.
95. Quantum Galois correspondence for subfactors and sublattices of a standard lambda-lattice
*Conference "C*-Algebren", Oberwolfach (Germany), February 1998.
96. Double triangle algebras for subfactors and conformal inclusions
Video Seminar, University of Wales, Swansea (U.K.), April 1998.
97. The quantum Galois theory for operator algebras
Colloquium, UCLA (U.S.A.), April 1998.
98. Modular invariants, conformal inclusions, and double triangle algebras for subfactors
*Conference "C*-algebras and non-commutative geometry", University of Copenhagen (Denmark), August 1998.
99. Application of Ocneanu's graphical methods to nets of subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), September 1998.
100. Topological invariants of 3-manifolds arising from operator algebras
Seminar, Università di Pisa (Italy), November 1998.
101. Modular invariants and subfactors
Video seminar, University of Wales, Cardiff (U.K.), December 1998.
102. Chiral projectors and alpha-induction for subfactors
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator Algebra Seminar, December 1998.
103. Modular invariants and subfactors
Seminar, University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy), January 1999.
104. Mutil-interval subfactors and modularity of representations in conformal field theory
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator Algebra Seminar, April 1999.
105. Multi-interval subfactors for a net of von Neumann algebras on R
*U.S.-Japan Seminar "Operator algebras and their applications", Kyushu (Japan), June 1999.
106. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
Video seminar, University of Wales, Cardiff (U.K.), September 1999.
107. Introduction to subfactors
*Workshop on modular invariants, operator algebras,and quotient singularities, University of Warwick (U.K.), September 1999.
108. Modular invariants and subfactors
Colloquium, Odense University (Denmark), September 1999.
109. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
Operator algebra seminar, Odense University (Denmark), October 1999.
110. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator Algebra Seminar, October 1999.
111. Modular invariants and subfactors
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Okayama University (Japan), November 1999.
112. Modular invariants and subfactors
Colloquium, Kyoto University (Japan), November 1999.
113. Introduction to Kazhdan's property T
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator Algebra Seminar, December 1999.
114. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2000.
115. Twisted Longo-Rehren subfactors
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator Algebra Seminar, April 2000.
116. Generalized Longo-Rehren subfactors and alpha-induction
Meeting on Operator Algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), June 2000.
117. Generalized Longo-Rehren subfactors and alpha-induction
*Conference Mathematical Physics in Mathematics and Physics, Siena (Italy), June 2000.
118. Alpha-induction and Longo-Rehren subfactors
*The 18th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), June 2000.
119. McKay correspondence in the theory of subfactors
*Japan-Britain joint research project 2000, University of Warwick (U.K.), August 2000.
120. Braiding, modular invariants, and subfactors
Operator Algebra Seminar, MSRI (U.S.A.), October 2000.
121. Braiding, modular invariants, and subfactors
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), October-November 2000.
122. Braiding and extension of endomorphisms of operator algebras
*Workshop "Modular Invariance, ADE, Subfactors, and Geometry of Moduli Spaces", Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto (Japan), November 2000.
123. Braiding and extension of endomorphisms of operator algebras
*Workshop "Subfactors and Algebraic Aspects of Quantum Field Theory", MSRI (U.S.A.), December 2000.
124. Subfactors and extensions of endomorphisms
Operator algebra seminar, UC Santa Barbara (U.S.A.), January 2001.
125. Operator algebras and topological quantum field theory
Colloquim, UC Santa Barbara (U.S.A.), January 2001.
126. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction
Operator Algebra Seminar, MSRI (U.S.A.), February 2001.
127. Multi-interval subfactors arising from nets of subfactors on the circle
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), April 2001.
128. Quantum doubles in operator algebra theory
Analysis Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (U.S.A.), April 2001.
129. Quantum field theory and subfactors
Wabash Extramural Modern Analysis Seminar (U.S.A.), April 2001.
130. Subfactors and extensions of endomorphisms
Analysis Seminar, University of Oregon (U.S.A.), May 2001.
131. Multi-interval subfactors arising from nets of subfactors on the circle
Functional Analysis Colloquium, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), May 2001.
132. Quantum field theory and subfactors
Colloquium, University of Oregon (U.S.A.), May 2001.
133. Nets of subfactors on the circle
*4th Operator Algebras International Conference, Constanta (Romania), July 2001.
134. Multi-interval subfactors arising from nets of subfactors on the circle
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), September 2001.
135. Quantum doubles in operator algebra theory
Colloquium, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China), October 2001.
136. Nets of subfactors on the circle
*International Workshop on Operator Algebras and Operator Theory, Linfen (China), October 2001.
137. Nets of subfactors on the circle
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Yufuin (Japan), November 2001.
138. Quantum field theory and subfactors
Colloquium, Hokkaido University (Japan), December 2001.
139. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*Conference "C*-Algebren", Oberwolfach (Germany), December 2001.
140. Operator algebras and topological quantum field theory
*Conference "Low dimensional topology for tomorrow", RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), January 2002.
141. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2002.
142. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
Seminar, University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy), March 2002.
143. Subfactor theory and its applications --- Operator algebras and quantum field theory ---
Annual meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan, Plenary address, Meiji University (Japan), March 2002.
144. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*AMS Summer Research Conference "Advances in Quantum Dynamics", Mount Holyoke College (U.S.A.), June 2002.
145. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*Miniworkshop "Index theorems and modularity in operator algebras", Oberwolfach (Germany), June 2002.
146. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*The 19th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2002.
147. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*Frontier of Non Commutative Analysis and Mathematical Quantum Theory, Fukuoka (Japan), August 2002.
148. Classification of local conformal nets: case c < 1
*Operator Algebras and Applications (a satellite to ICM-2002), Chengde (China), August 2002.
149. Topological quantum field theories arising from operator algebras
*International Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Noncommutative Geometry, Tohoku University (Japan), November 2002.
150. Topological invariants of 3-manifolds arising from subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), December 2002.
151. Classification of operator algebraic conformal field theories by representation categories
*Workshop Categorical Algebra, Deformation Theory and Field Theory II, Kyoto University (Japan), December 2002.
152. Classification of operator algebraic conformal field theories
*Miniworkshop Conformal Field Theory: Introduction, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2003.
153. Classification of 2-dimensional conformal field theories and 2-cohomology vanishing for tensor categories
*Conference Recent Advances in von Neumann Algebras, UCLA (U.S.A.), May 2003.
154. Classification of 2-dimensional conformal field theories and 2-cohomology vanishing for tensor categories
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator Algebra Seminar, May 2003.
155. Classification of 2-dimensional conformal field theories and 2-cohomology vanishing for tensor categories
*Conference Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Sinaia (Romania), July 2003.
156. Classification of operator algebraic conformal field theories
*XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics - ICMP 2003, Lisbon (Portugal), July 2003.
157. Classification of operator algebraic conformal field theories
Mathematical Society of Japan, Chiba University (Japan), September 2003.
158. Classification of conformal field theories and operator algebras
"Interdisciplinary research on mathematical structures in string theory and gravity theory", Rikkyo University (Japan), September 2003.
159. On classification of local conformal nets (three talks)
"Dynamical systems related to C*-algebras", RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), January 2004.
160. Classification of 2-dimensional conformal field theories
Mini-Workshop on Operator Algebras and Quantum Physics, Rome (Italy), March 2004.
161. Local conformal nets and vertex operator algebras
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2004.
162. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras in quantum field theory
*Tensor Categories in Mathematics and Physics, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna (Austria), June 2004.
163. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*The 20th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2004.
164. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Quantum Groups, Haifa (Israel), July 2004.
165. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Perspectives arising from vertex algebra theory, Osaka (Japan), November 2004.
166. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
University of Tsukuba (Japan), Colloquium, December 2004.
167. Quantum field theory, operator algebra, and framed vertex operator algebras
Seminar "Algebraische Quantenfeldtheorie und Statistische Mechanik", Universität Göttingen (Germany), December 2004.
168. Nets of operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
Seminar, Univ. Southern Denmark (Denmark), February 2005.
169. Nets of operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
Operator algebra seminar, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), February 2005.
170. Vertex operator algebras and operator algebras
Miniworkshop Topics in Operator Algebras, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2005.
171. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
Mathematical Society of Japan, Special Lecture, Nihon University (Japan), March 2005.
172. Extensions of operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Symposium honoring the memory of Gert K. Pedersen, Copenhagen (Denmark), April 2005.
173. Classification of extensions in algebraic quantum field theory and vertex operator algebras
*Third Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras, Nashville (U.S.A.), May 2005.
174. Conformal nets of operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Summer School "Vertex Algebras and Related Topics", Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna (Austria), June 2005.
175. Classification of conformal field theories with operator algebras
*Asian Mathematical Conference 2005, Singapore (Singapore), July 2005.
176. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
"Conformal Field Theory, Operator Algebras and Modular Tensor Categories", Osaka Senri Life Science Center, Osaka (Japan), September 2005.
177. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
Micro-Macro duality in quantum analysis, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), November 2005.
178. Operator algebras and Moonshine
Annual meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Okayama (Japan), November 2005.
179. Operator algebras and Moonshine
*International Conference on Operator Algebras and their connections to Mathematical Physics, Settat (Morocco), November 2005.
180. Operator algebras and boundary CFT
Kansai Operator Algebra Seminar, Osaka Kyoiku University (Japan), December 2005.
181. Noncommutative spectral invariants and black hole entropy
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator algebra seminar, January 2006.
182. Topological invariants of 3-manifolds arising from subfactors
Seminar, UC Riverside (U.S.A.), March 2006.
183. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
Seminar, UC Riverside (U.S.A.), March 2006.
184. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*Workshop "Generalized McKay correspondences and representation theory", MSRI (U.S.A.), March 2006.
185. Operator algebras and Moonshine
Probabilistic Operator Algebra Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), March 2006.
186. Operator algebras and Moonshine
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), March 2006.
187. Local conformal nets and their representation theory (three talks)
Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras and Local von Neumann Algebras in CFT, Banff International Research Station (Canada), May 2006.
188. Cyclotomic fields and subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), June 2006.
189. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
The XVth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Prague (Czech), June 2006.
190. Boundary conformal field theory and operator algebras
*The 21st International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2006.
191. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*International Congress on Mathematical Physics - ICMP 2006, (Plenary talk), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), August 2006. (slides)
192. Superconformal nets of factors and their classification
*Topics in von Neumann algebras, Banff International Research Station (Canada), September 2006.
193. Superconformal nets of factors and their classification
*Recent advances in operator algebras, Rome (Italy), November 2006.
194. Operator algebras and Moonshine
Seminaires de l'equipe de Mathematique Physique, Universite de Bourgogne (France), November 2006.
195. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*MSJ-IHES Joint Workshop on Noncommutativity, IHES (France), November 2006.
196. Operator algebraic approach to boundary CFT and classification results
Micro-macro duality in quantum analysis, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), December 2006.
197. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*Operator Algebras and Related Fields, Hawaii (U.S.A.), January 2007.
198. Quantum field theory and operator algebras
Fucntional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), February 2007.
199. Conformal field theory and operator algebra
Colloquium, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2007.
200. Classification of superconformal nets of factors
*Conference on Free Probability/Operator Spaces/von Neumann algebras, Sibiu (Romania), June 2007.
201. Supersymmetry in operator algebras
New Development of Operator Algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), September 2007.
202. Conformal field theory and representation theory of von Neumann algebras
Operator Algebras Seminars, Fields Institute (Canada), September 2007.
203. Supersymmetry in operator algebras
Noncommutative analysis and micro-macro duality, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), October 2007.
204. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*Workshop on von Neumann algebras, Fields Institute (Canada), October 2007.
205. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
Kolloquium für Reine Mathematik, Universität Hamburg (Germany), December 2007.
206. Super moonshine and operator algebras
*Topics in von Neumann algebras, Banff International Research Station (Canada), March 2008.
207. Moonshine and operator algebras
Colloquium, Vanderbilt University (U.S.A.), April 2008.
208. Superconformal field theory, super moonshine and operator algebras
*Shanks Workshop on Subfactors and Planar Algebras, Nashville (U.S.A.), April 2008.
209. Topological quantum field theory and operator algebras
Colloquium, Rice University (U.S.A.), April 2008.
210. Moonshine and operator algebras
Linear Analysis Seminar, Texas A&M University (U.S.A.), April 2008.
211. Super moonshine and operator algebras
*The 22nd International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2008.
212. Super moonshine and operator algebras
*Conference "C*-Algebras", Oberwolfach (Germany), August 2008.
213. Moonshine, pariah groups and operator algebras
*Conference "Von Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory of Group Actions", Oberwolfach (Germany), October 2008.
214. Generalized Moonshine and operator algebras
Annual meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Osaka (Japan), November 2008.
215. Superconformal field theory, vertex algebras and operator algebras
Infinite-dimensional Algebra Seminar, MIT (U.S.A.), February 2009.
216. Supermoonshine, pariah groups and operator algebras
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2009.
217. The super Virasoro algebra and noncommutative geometry
Operator Algebra Seminar, UC Riverside (U.S.A.), May 2009.
218. The super Virasoro algebra and noncommutative geometry
Functional Analysis Colloquium, UCLA (U.S.A.), May 2009.
219. The super Virasoro algebra and noncommutative geometry
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator algebra seminar, June 2009.
220. Quantum field theory and operator algebra
*5th Asian Mathematical Conference, (Plenary talk), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), June 2009.
221. Subfactors and representation theory for von Neumann algebras
*12th Workshop: Non-commutative harmonic analysis, Będlewo (Poland), August 2009.
222. Superconformal field theory, Moonshine and operator algebras
*12th Workshop: Non-commutative harmonic analysis, Będlewo (Poland), August 2009.
223. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Subfactor Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), September 2009.
224. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
"Dualities and scales in qiuantum sciences", Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Japan), November 2009.
225. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
*"Mathematical Quantum Field Theory and Renormalization Theory", Fukuoka (Japan), November 2009.
226. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
*Special Session of Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Joint Meeting of KMS-AMS, Ewha Womans University (Korea), December 2009.
227. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
"Operator algebras and geometry of singularities", Kyoto (Japan), January 2010.
228. On the Jones index values for conformal subnets
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2010.
229. Conformal field theory, Moonshine and operator algebras
Neumann-szeminárium, Alfred Renyi Institute (Hungary), April 2010.
230. Superconformal field theories and operator algebras
Seminar, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna (Austria), April 2010.
231. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*The Eighth Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras, Nashville (U.S.A.), May 2010.
232. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*EU-NCG 3rd Annual Meeting, Cardiff (U.K.), June 2010.
233. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*The 23rd International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), June 2010.
234. N=2 superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*13th Workshop: Non-commutative harmonic analysis, Będlewo (Poland), July 2010.
235. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*ICM Satellite Conference on Operator Algebras, Chennai (India), August 2010.
236. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry (3 lectures)
*Geometry and Physics VIII, Scalea (Italy), September 2010.
237. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*Seminal Interactions between Mathematics and Physics, Rome (Italy), September 2010.
238. Nonstandard analysis for operator algebraists
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator algebra seminar, October 2010.
239. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
Lecture series (four talks), Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Tehran (Iran), October 2010.
240. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*NCTS (Taiwan)-CPT(France) Joint Workshop on Symplectic Geometry and Quantum Symmetries in Mathematical Physics, Hsinchu (Taiwan), February 2011.
241. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Infinite-dimensional Algebra Seminar, MIT (U.S.A.), March 2011.
242. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Operator algebra seminar, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), April 2011.
243. N=2 superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*EU-NCG 4th Annual Meeting, Bucharest (Romania), April 2011.
244. N=2 superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*II1 factors: rigidity, symmetries and classification, Paris (France), May 2011.
245. N=2 superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*Conformal field theories and tensor categories, Beijing (China), June 2011.
246. Spectral triples and the super Virasoro algebras
Seminar, Fudan University (China), June 2011.
247. Conformal field theory, von Neumann alegbras and noncommutative geometry
*The Special Week on Operator Algebras, East China Normal University (China), June 2011.
248. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and nonommutative geometry
Colloquium, Fudan University (China), June 2011.
249. Operator algebras and quantum field theory
Sendai Symposium 2011, Tohoku University (Japan), August 2011.
250. Superconformal field theory, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
Sendai Symposium 2011, Tohoku University (Japan), August 2011.
251. N=2 superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*NITheP Workshop 2011 "Constructive and Perturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theory", Durban (South Africa), August 2011.
252. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*Operator Algebras & Quantum Groups, Warsaw (Poland), September 2011.
253. N=2 superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*14th Workshop: Non-commutative harmonic analysis, Będlewo (Poland), September 2011.
254. Symmetries in conformal field theory, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry
*Todai Forum 2011 -- Geometry and Dynamics, Lyon (France), October 2011.
255. Classification and amenability in theory of von Neumann algebras
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator algebra seminar, January 2012.
256. Conformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Colloquium, Seoul National University (Korea), April 2012.
257. Conformal field theory and subfactors
Seminar, Seoul National University (Korea), April 2012.
258. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
*Noncommutative Geometry, Cardiff (U.K.), April 2012.
259. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*The Tenth Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras, Nashville (U.S.A.), May 2012.
260. Diagrammatical methods in theory of subfactors
the University of Tokyo (Japan), Operator algebra seminar, June 2012.
261. Mathematics of conformal field theory
Workshop "Mathematical Methods in Materials Sciences and Mathematical Physics", Riken (Japan), June 2012.
262. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*The 24th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2012.
263. Superconformal field theory and operator algebras (3 lectures)
*XXth Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics, Oporto (Portugal), July 2012.
264. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Conference on Groups, VOAs and Related Structures in Honor of Masahiko Miyamoto, Tsukuba (Japan), September 2012.
265. Framed local conformal nets
Essays in Low Dimensional Quantum Field Theory, Rome (Italy), October 2012.
266. Operator algebras and mathematical physics
East Asian Core-to-Core Meeting, Kyoto (Japan), January 2013.
267. Normal states on factors and finite dimensional subalgebras
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2013.
268. Normal states on factors and finite dimensional subalgebras
Operator Algebra Seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (France), April 2013.
269. Superconformal field theory, boundary conformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
*China-Japan Conference on Noncommutative Geometry and K-Theory, Changchun (China), June 2013.
270. Trivial representation theory in conformal field theory and operator algebras
*Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Romanian Mathematical Society, Alba Iulia (Romania), June 2013.
271. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and tensor categories
*Mathematics and Quantum Physics, Rome (Italy), July 2013.
272. Local conformal nets with trivial representation theory
*Subfactors in Maui, Hawaii (U.S.A.), July 2013.
273. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
*Mathematical Statisitical Physics, YITP, Kyoto (Japan), July 2013.
274. Boundary conformal field theory, operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Majorana Theory, the Monster and Beyond, Imperial College London (U.K.), September 2013.
275. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
Summer School Mathematical Physics 2013: Mathematics of Quantum Fields, the University of Tokyo (Japan), September 2013.
276. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*JSPS-DST Asian Academic Seminar 2013 "Discrete Mathematics & its Applications", Tokyo (Japan), November 2013.
277. Jones theory of subfactors and modular tensor categories
Seminar, Universität Göttingen (Germany), November 2013.
278. Superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Kolloquium über Reine Mathematik, Universität Hamburg (Germany), December 2013.
279. Conformal field theory and operator algebras II: Local conformal nets and vertex operator algebras
Seminar, Universität Göttingen (Germany), December 2013.
280. Conformal field theory and operator algebras III: Relations to the Connes noncommutative geometry
Colloquium, Universität Göttingen (Germany), December 2013.
281. Boundary conformal field theory and subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), April 2014.
282. Full conformal field theories, tensor categories and subfactors
*Subfactors and Fusion Categories , Banff International Research Station (Canada), April 2014.
283. Boundary conformal field theory, subfactors and tensor categories
*NCGOA Spring Institute 2014: Subfactors, CFT, and VOA, Nashville (U.S.A.), May 2014.
284. Full and boundary conformal field theory from operator algebras
*Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Dalian (China), June 2014.
285. Boundary conformal field theory and subfactors
*The 25th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), July 2014.
286. Subfactors, tensor categories and boundary conformal field theory
*16th Workshop: Non-commutative harmonic analysis: Random matrices, representation theory and free probability, with applications, Będlewo (Poland), July 2014.
287. Subfactos and phase boundaries in conformal field theory
*Subfactor Theory in Mathematics and Physics, Hawaii (U.S.A.), July 2014.
288. Conformal field theory and opearator algebras
Colloquium, Kyushu University (Japan), July 2014.
289. Boundary conformal field theory and subfactors
*ICM Satellite Conference on Operator Algebras and Applications, Cheongpung (Korea), August 2014.
290. Full and boundary conformal field theories and subfactors
*Operator and Geometric Analysis on Quantum Theory, Levico Terme (Italy), September 2014.
291. Anyon condensation and subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), September 2014.
292. Boundary conformal field theory and operator algebras
*RIKKYO MathPhys 2015 --- Gauge Theory, CFT and Integrability ---, Rikkyo University (Japan), January 2015.
293. Boundary conformal field theory and subfactors
*4th Conference of Settat on Operator Algebras and Applications, Marrakech (Morocco), January 2015.
294. From vertex operator algebras to operator algebras
Probabilistic Operator Algebra Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), February 2015.
295. Phase boundaries in conformal field theory and subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2015.
296. From vertex operator algebras to local conformal nets and back
Seminare über Quantenfeldtheorie, Universität Göttingen (Germany), March 2015.
297. From vertex operator algebras to local conformal nets and back
*International Conference on Subfactor Theory in Mathematics and Physics, Qinhuangdao (China), July 2015.
298. Vertex operator algebras, Moonshine and operator algebras
Colloquium, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (China), July 2015.
299. From vertex operator algebras to operator algebras and back
*Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics, Tsuda College (Japan), August 2015.
300. From vertex operator algebras to operator algebras and back
*Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Related Topics, University of Notre Dame (U.S.A.), August 2015.
301. A remark on gapped domain walls between topological phases
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), September 2015.
302. From vertex operator algebras to operator algebras and back
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Myoko Kogen (Japan), October 2015.
303. Moonshine, conformal field theory and operator algebras
Colloquium, the University of Iowa (U.S.A.), November 2015.
304. Gapped domain walls and subfactors
Operator Theory Seminar, the University of Iowa (U.S.A.), November 2015.
305. From vertex operator algebras to operator algebras and back
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), November 2015.
306. Moonshine, conformal field theory and operator algebras
TQFT seminar, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), February 2016.
307. From vertex operator algebras to local conformal nets and back
Station Q seminar, Microsoft Research Station Q (U.S.A.), March 2016.
308. Subfactors and gapped domain walls between topological phases
*Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras Spring Institute 2016, Universität Bonn (Germany), May 2016.
309. A relative tensor product of subfactors over a modular tensor category
*Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Frascati (Italy), June 2016.
310. Relative tensor products of heterotic full conformal field theories
*Recent Mathematical Developments in Quantum Field Theory, Oberwolfach (Germany), July 2016.
311. Subfactors, conformal field theory and modular tensor categories
*Modular Categories--Their Representations, Classification, and Applications, Casa Matemática Oaxaca (Mexico), August 2016.
312. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
Statistics, Quantum Information and Gravity, IPMU (Japan), September 2016.
313. Gapped domain walls between topological phases and subfactors
Mathematical Physics Seminar, Harvard University (U.S.A.), October 2016.
314. Topological phases and subfactors
*Subfactors and Mathematical Physics, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (China), December 2016.
315. Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theory (4 lectures)
*Primer on subfactors and applications, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (U.K.), January 2017.
316. Relative tensor products of full conformal field theories
Seminar, Cardiff University (U.K.), January 2017.
317. A relative tensor product of rational full conformal field theories
Seminar, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (U.K.), March 2017.
318. The relative Drinfeld commutant and alpha-induction
Seminar, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), April 2017.
319. Lectures on von Neumann algebras
Lecture series (four talks), Centre de Recerca Mathemàtica (Spain), May 2017.
320. Moonshine and operator algebras
Seminar, Centre de Recerca Mathemàtica (Spain), May 2017.
321. Vertex operator algebras and operator algebras
Algebra seminar, Ehime University (Japan), May 2017.
322. The relative Drinfeld commutant and alpha-induction
*Subfactors, K-theory and conformal field theory, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (U.K.), June 2017.
323. The relative Drinfeld commutant of a fusion category and alpha-induction
Recent Developments in Operator Algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), September 2017.
324. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*Advances in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Rome (Italy), September 2017.
325. From vertex operator algebras to operator algebras and back
Seminar, Harvard University (U.S.A.), October 2017.
326. From vertex operator algebras to conformal nets and back
Seminar, MIT (U.S.A.), October 2017.
327. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*Reflection Positivity, Oberwolfach (Germany), November 2017.
328. Representation theories of vertex operator algebras and operator algebras
Research on algebraic combinatorics and representation theory of finite groups and vertex operator algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), December 2017.
329. Moonshine, conformal field theory and operator algebras
*East Asian Core Doctoral Forum on Mathematics 2018, Tsinghua University (China), January 2018.
330. Topological phases of matter, modular tensor categories and gapped domain walls (three talks)
Mathematical Study of Topological Phases, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), January 2018.
331. Moonshine, conformal field theory and operator algebras
Colloquium, National University of Singapore (Singapore), February 2018.
332. The relative Drinfeld commutant of a fusion category and alpha-induction
Probabilistic Operator Algebra Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), March 2018.
333. Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory
Colloquium, Kyoto University (Japan), April 2018.
334. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras in conformal field theory
*10th CFT Seminar: A Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), April 2018.
335. Conformal field theory, vertex operator algebras and operator algebras
*Operator Algebras at UCLA: A celebration of Masamichi Takesaki, UCLA (U.S.A.), April 2018.
336. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
*Noncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory, Sichuan University (China), May 2018.
337. The relative Drinfeld commutant of a fusion category, orbifold subfactors and alpha-induction
*AQFT: Where Operator Algebra Meets Microlocal Analysis, Cortona (Italy), June 2018.
338. Algebraic quantum field theory and subfactors
*The 14th Korean Operator Algebras Seminar, Busan (Korea), June 2018.
339. Conformal field theory, operator algebras and vertex operator algebras
*XXXVII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Białowieża (Poland), July 2018.
340. Conformal field theory, vertex operator algebras and operator algebras
Seminar of Discrete Harmonic Analysis, University of Wrocław (Poland), July 2018.
341. The relative Drinfeld commutant of a fusion category, orbifold subfactrors and alpha-induction
*18th Workshop: Noncommutative Probability, Operators Algebras, Random Matrices and Related Topics, with Applications, Będlewo (Poland), July 2018.
342. Conformal field theory, vertex operator algebras and operator algebras
*International Congress of Mathematicians 2018, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), August 2018. (video) (slides)
343. Topological phases of matter, modular tensor categories and operator algebras
*Quantum Computing Materials Challenges, IPAM (U.S.A.), August 2018.
344. Relative boundary-bulk duality and orbifold subfactors
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), September 2018.
345. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras in conformal field theory
Seminar, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), September 2018.
346. Topological phases of matter and subfactors
Seminar, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), September 2018.
347. The relative Drinfeld commutants and the relative Verlinde formula
*Fusion Categories and Subfactors, Banff International Research Station (Canada), October 2018.
348. The relative Drinfeld commutants and the relative Verlinde formula
Subfactor Seminar, Vanderbilt University (U.S.A.), November 2018.
349. Operator algebras, tensor categories and topological phases I, II
Theoretical studies of topological phases of matter, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University (Japan), December 2018.
350. Topological phases of matter and subfactors
*AMS Special Session on Quantum Symmetries: Subfactors and Fusion Categories, Joint Mathematics Meeting 2019, Baltimore (U.S.A.), January 2019.
351. Topological phases of matter, subfactors and the relative Verlinde formula
*Subfactors in Sydney: Operator algebras, representation theory, quantum field theory, Sydney (Australia), February 2019.
352. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras in conformal field theory
*Higher structures in algebra, geometry, topology and quantum field theory, Preparatory workshop for a planned IRTG Hamburg-Tokyo, Hamburg (Germany), February 2019.
353. Operator algebras and vertex operator algebras in conformal field theory
*Silver Workshop: Complex Geometry and Non-Commutative Geometry, Okinawa (Japan), February-March 2019.
354. Topological phases of matter and operator algebras
Quantum Mathematics, Okinawa (Japan), March 2019.
355. Topological phases of matter and operator algebras
Colloquium, Kyushu University (Japan), April 2019.
356. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
Mini-course (three talks), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), May 2019.
357. Moonshine and operator algebras
Mathematical Physics Seminar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), May 2019.
358. Anyons, matrix product operator algebras and subfactors
*Interactions between Noncommutative Analysis and Quantum Information Theory, Harbin (China), June 2019.
359. Anyons, matrix product operator algebras and subfactors
*The Mathematical Foundations of Conformal Field Theory and Related Topics, Chern Institute of Mathematics (China), June 2019.
360. Anyons, matrix product operator algebras and subfactors
*Operator Algebras and Applications, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (U.S.A.), June 2019.
361. Matrix product operator algebras, anyons and subfactors
*In and around Topological Physics, Beijing (China), July 2019.
362. Matrix product operator algebras, anyons and subfactors
*C*-algebras, Oberwolfach (Germany), August 2019.
363. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
Lecture series (four talks), National Institute of Science Education and Research (India), September 2019.
364. Topological phases of matter and operator algebras
Colloquium, Riken (Japan), October 2019.
365. Matrix product operator algebras, anyons and subfactors
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), October 2019.
366. Matrix product operator algebras, anyons and subfactors
Operator algebra seminar, Fields Institute (Canada), November 2019.
367. Mathematics of Topological Quantum Computing and Operator Algebras
*Indo-Japan Joint Workshop on Quantum Computing and Quantum Information, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (India), January 2020.
368. Conformal field theory and operator algebras
Seminar, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (India), January 2020.
369. Topological phases of matter, tensor categories and operator algebras
*Noncommutative Geometry and its Applications, National Institute of Science, Education and Research (India), January 2020.
370. Topological phases of matter and operator algebras (5 lectures)
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), February 2020.
371. Topological order, tensor networks and subfactors
*Topological Orders and Higher Structures, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna (Austria) [Online], August 2020.
372. Topological order, tensor networks and subfactors
Mathematical Picture Language Project Seminar, Harvard University (U.S.A.) [Online], December 2020.
373. Topological order, operator algebras and topological quantum field theory
Category seminar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) [Online], December 2020.
374. Topological order, tensor networks and operator algebras
*Quantum Math, Singularities and Applications, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Japan) [Online], February 2021.
375. Connections, subfactors and tensor networks
*Fusion categories and tensor networks, American Institute of Mathematics (U.S.A.) [Online], March 2021.
376. Tensor networks, commuting squares and higher relative commutants of subfactors
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.) [Online], April 2021.
377. Tensor networks, commuting squares and higher relative commutants of subfactors
*Special Week on Operator Algebras 2021, East China Normal University (China) [hybrid], June 2021.
378. Tensor networks, commuting squares and higher relative commutants of subfactors
*Special Session: Quantum groups and algebraic quantum field theory, International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, Lancaster University, U.K. [Online], August 2021.
379. Topological order, tensor categories and operator algebras
*MSJ-KMS Joint Meeting 2021, [online], September 2021.
380. Tensor networks, commuting squares and higher relative commutants of subfactors
*Subfactors, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Tensor Categories, Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (China) [online], September 2021.
381. Tensor networks, commuting squares and higher relative commutants of subfactors
Recent Developments in Operator Algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan) [online], September 2021.
382. Theory of topological quantum computers and mathematics
Present and Future of Topological Science, Japan Science and Technology Agency [online], September 2021.
383. Tensor networks and operator algebras
*Complex geometry and related topics, International House of Japan [hybrid], January 2022.
384. A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.) [Online], February 2022.
385. A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth
Quantum Information Seminar, Tsinghua University and Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China) [Online], March 2022.
386. A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth
*Topological Quantum Groups, C*-Tensor Categories, and Subfactors, University of Waterloo (Canada), May 2022.
387. A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth
*New Frontiers: Interactions between Quantum Physics and Mathematics, Harvard University (U.S.A.), June 2022.
388. A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth
*Operator Theory 28, Timişoara (Romania), June 2022.
389. A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth
*Operator Algebras: Subfactors, K-theory, Conformal Field Theory, Gregynog Hall (U.K.), July-August, 2022,
390. Mathematics of topological phases of matter and operator algebras
*Pan-Pacific Workshop on Topology and Correlation in Exotic Materials, Moorea (French Polynesia), October 2022.
391. A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Osaka Kyoiku University (Japan), December 2022.
392. α-induction for bi-unitary connections
Relations between group actions and mathematical physics in operator algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan), January 2023.
393. α-induction and bi-unitary connections
Probabilistic Operator Algebra Seminar, UC Berkeley (U.S.A.), February 2023.
394. α-induction for bi-unitary connections
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2023.
395. Topological order, tensor networks and subfactors
Quantum Groups Seminar, (France) [Online], March 2023.
396. Tensor networks, two-dimensional topological order and operator algebras
*Emerging Platforms for Quantum Computing, Tohoku University (Japan), April 2023.
397. Quantum symmetries in operator algebras and mathematical physics
Colloquium, Texas A&M University (U.S.A.), April 2023.
398. α-induction, tensor categories and operator algebras
BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar (China) [Online], June 2023.
399. α-induction for bi-unitary connections
*Where Mathematics Meets Quantum Physics: a workshop on the occasion of Roberto Longo's 70th birthday, Enrico Fermi Research Center (Italy), June 2023.
400. α-induction for bi-unitary connections
OAS Follow on: Operator Algebras: Subfactors and Applications, Isaac Newton Institute (U.K.), June 2023.
401.Operator algebras, tensor categories and quantum field theory
*Workshop on Operator Algebras, Deformation Quantization and Related Field Theories, International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (Vietnam), July 2023.
402. Quantum symmetries in operator algebras and mathematical physics
*International Congress on Basic Science, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China), July 2023.
403. Mathematics for topological quantum computers
Present and Future of Topological Devices, Japan Science and Technology Agency [online], October 2023.
404. Two-dimensional topological order and operator algebras
*Topological Quantum Computation, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh (U.K.), October 2023.
405. Two-dimensional topological order, tensor networks and operator algebras
Seminar, IPAM, UCLA (U.S.A.), October 2023.
406. Bi-unitary connections, modular tensor categories and α-induction
*Subfactors and Fusion (2-)Categories, Banff International Research Station (Canada), December 2023.
407. Two-dimensional topological order, tensor categories and operator algebras
Catch-all Math Colloquium of Japan [online], December 2023.
408. Topological quantum computing, tensor networks and operator algebras
Topology Tuesday Seminar, the University of Tokyo, December 2023.
409. Quantum symmetries in operator algebras and mathematical physics
*East Asian Core Doctoral Forum on Mathematics, Fudan University (China), January 2024.
410. Tensor categories, subfactors and α-induction
Seminar, East China Normal University (China), January 2024.
411. Topological quantum computing, tensor categories and operator algebras
Geometry Seminar, Tohoku University, February 2024.
412. Quantum 6j-symbols and braiding
Infinite-dimensional algebra seminar, MIT (U.S.A.), February 2024.
413. Quantum 6j-symbols and braiding
Seminar, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), March 2024.
414. Operator algebras, bi-unitary connections and tensor networks (4 lectures)
Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China), April 2024.
415. Flatness for α-induced bi-unitary connections and locality of Frobenius algebras
*Quantum Topology, Quantum Information, and Connections to Mathematical Physics, Texas A&M University (U.S.A.), May 2024.
416. Operator algebras, tensor categories and tensor networks
*International Congress on Basic Science, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China), July 2024.
417. Flatness of α-induced bi-unitary connections and commutativity of Frobenius algebras
Seminar, Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (U.S.A.), July 2024.
418. Subfactors, tensor categories and tensor networks
*China-Japan-Korea Conference on Functional Analysis, Harbin (China), August 2024.
419. Quantum 6j-symbols and α-induction
*Conference on Recent Developments in Topological Quantum Field Theory, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China), September 2024.
420. Quantum 6j-symbols, tensor categories and operator algebras
*Operator Algebras in High Energy Physics, NORDITA (Sweden), October 2024.
421. Commuting squares producing subfactors of finite depth
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA (U.S.A.), October 2024.
422. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
Seminar, Perimeter Institute (Canada), November 2024.
423. Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols and alpha-induction
Analysis Seminar, University of Waterloo (Canada), November 2024.
424. Operator algebras and conformal field theory
Colloquium, Washington University in St. Louis (U.S.A.), November 2024.
425. Operator algebras, tensor categories and mathematical physics
Colloquium, Nara Women's University (Japan), December 2024.
426. Operator algebras, tensor networks and quantum 6j-symbols
*Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Theory 2025, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China), January 2025.
427. Topological physics and operator algebras
*East Asian Core Doctoral Forum on Mathematics, Tsinghua University (China), January 2025.
428. Modular invariance in conformal field theory
*100 Years of Matrix Mechanics, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (China), January 2025.
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