Annual meeting on operator theory and operator algebras
December 10-12, 2022, Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan

Saturday, December 10
14:00-14:50 Mayuko Yamashita Fully extended non-topological invertible QFTs and differential Anderson duals
15:00-15:50 Tomohiro Hayashi ある種の完全正値写像の不動点空間について
16:00-16:50 Jun Ichi Fujii 強ユニタリ同値サポートを持つ正作用素の平均
Sunday, December 11
9:30-10:20 Miho Mukohara C*-simplicity of relative profinite completions of generalized Baumslag-Solitar groups
10:30-11:20 Kengo Matsumoto 本質的正規作用素の分類から記号力学系に付随するC*-環の分類へ
13:30-14:20 Hiroyuki Osaka On subclass of norm attaining operators and related topics
14:30-15:20 Takeaki Yamazaki Extensions of the Aluthge transformations
15:30-16:20 Yasuyuki Kawahigashi A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth
Monday, December 12
9:00-9:50 Mao Hoshino Equivariant covering spaces of quantum homogeneous spaces
10:00-10:50 Yuki Seo 量子Tsallis相対エントロピーに関する行列トレース不等式について
11:00-11:50 Yasuo Watatani Operator theory and non-linear positive maps on C*-algebras