T. Kobayashi's Complete List of Publications (reverse chronological order)

[24] A global research hub for mathematics has been established at the Komaba campus: The graduate school of mathematical sciences, the University of Tokyo in collaboration with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). UTokyo Articles, 2024. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob24b] T. Kobayashi. Establishment of the French-Japanese Laboratory of Mathematics and its Interactions. Mathematical Sciences News, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 52(2024-1):3, 2024. [ full info ]
[Kob24c] T. Kobayashi. French-Japanese Laboratory of Mathematics and its Interactions. Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo (pamphlet), page 8, 2024. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob24e] T. Kobayashi. Graduate school and students from abroad. Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo (pamphlet), page 7, 2024. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob24j] T. Kobayashi. Preface. Annual Report 2023, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2024. issn: 1341-6278. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob24k] T. Kobayashi. Recent advances in branching problems of representations. Sugaku Expositions, 37:129-177, 2024. DOI: 10.1090/suga/485. Published electronically: October 23, 2024. Amer. Math. Soc.; a translation by Toshihisa Kubo of the Japanese original article. arXiv: 2112.00642. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob24f] T. Kobayashi. Learn Calculus, Expand Your Potentials [Jiriki wo tsukeru bibun to sekibun]. Iwanami Shoten, 2024. [ full info ]
[Kob24i] T. Kobayashi. Lie groups and Lie algebras: (3) Lie theory. Sugaku Seminar, 752(6):52-57, 2024. [ full info ]
[Kob24h] T. Kobayashi. Lie groups and Lie algebras: (2) Lie algebras. Sugaku Seminar, 751(5):49-55, 2024. [ full info ]
[Kob24g] T. Kobayashi. Lie groups and Lie algebras: (1) Lie groups. Sugaku Seminar, 750(4):52-57, 2024. [ full info ]
[Kob24a] T. Kobayashi. Words of farewell for Professor Hisayosi Matumoto [okuru kotoba: Matumoto Hisayosi sensei wo okuru]. Kyoyo Gakubu Ho, (652), 1 Feb. 2024. [ full info ]
[Kob24d] T. Kobayashi. Generating operators of symmetry breaking-from discrete to continuous. Indagationes Mathematicae, 2024. 18 pages. Published online 15 March 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.indag.2024.03.007. arXiv: 2307.16587. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KP23] T. Kobayashi and M. Pevzner. Generating operators and branching problems. In K. Kimoto and Y. Hashimoto, editors, Symposium on Representation Theory, pages 111-122, 2023. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob23d] T. Kobayashi. From a field of mathematical theory creation [sugaku riron no sozo no gemba kara] (University of Tokyo professors's recommended book for students to read now [Todai kyoju ga gakusei ni ima yonde hoshii hon]). The University of Tokyo Gazette [Tokyo Daigaku Shimbun], (2994 [4094]):22, 2023. October 10. [ full info ]
[Kob23b] T. Kobayashi. Conjectures on reductive homogeneous spaces. In J.-M. Morel and B. Teissier, editors, Mathematics Going Forward: Collected Mathematical Brushstrokes, volume 2313 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages 217-231. Springer, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-12244-6_17. Available also at arXiv: 2204.08854. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob23a] T. Kobayashi. Bounded multiplicity branching for symmetric pairs. Journal of Lie Theory, 33(1):305-328, 2023. Special Volume for Karl Heinrich Hofmann. Available also at arXiv: 2210.13146. [ full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob23c] T. Kobayashi. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo. In Rigaku-Ru, 2023. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob23e] T. Kobayashi. Graduate school and students from abroad. In Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo (pamphlet), page 8, 2023. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob23f] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity in restricting minimal representations. In V. Dobrev, editor, Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. LT 2021, volume 396 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pages 3-20. Springer-Nature, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-4751-3_1. Available also at arXiv: 2204.05079. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | SpringerLink ]
[BIK23] Y. Benoist, Y. Inoue, and T. Kobayashi. Temperedness criterion of the tensor product of parabolic induction for GLn. Journal of Algebra, 617:1-16, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2022.10.029. arXiv: 2108.12125. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[BK23] Y. Benoist and T. Kobayashi. Tempered homogeneous spaces IV. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 22(6):2879-2906, 2023. arXiv: 2009.10391. DOI: 10.1017/S1474748022000287. Published on line, First View: 07 June, 2022. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob22c] T. Kobayashi. The memory of Professor Nobuhiko Tatsuuma [Tatsuuma Nobuhiko sensei no omoide]. In The Editorial Committee for the Collection of Contributions, editor, Memories Associated with Professor Nobuhiko Tatsuuma [Tatsuuma Nobuhiko sensei ni chinamu omoide], pages 125-130. Oct. 2022. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob22a] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity in restricting small representations. Proceedings of Japan Academy, Ser. A, 98:19-24, 2022. DOI: 10.3792/pjaa.98.00. [ DOI | full info | full text(pdf) ]
[BK22] Y. Benoist and T. Kobayashi. Tempered homogeneous spaces II. In D. Fisher, D. Kleinbock, and G. Soifer, editors, Dynamics, Geometry, Number Theory: The Impact of Margulis on Modern Mathematics, pages 213-245. The University of Chicago Press, 2022. arXiv: 1706.10131. [ full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob22b] T. Kobayashi. Bounded Multiplicity Theorems for Induction and Restriction. Journal of Lie Theory, 32:197-238, 2022. arXiv: 2109.14424. [ full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob21b] T. Kobayashi. Branching laws of unitary representations associated to minimal elliptic orbits for indefinite orthogonal group O(p,q). Advances in Mathematics, 388:107862. 38 pages, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2021.107862. arXiv: 1907.07994. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[BK21] Y. Benoist and T. Kobayashi. Tempered homogeneous spaces III. Journal of Lie Theory, 31:833-869, 2021. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[KS21] T. Kobayashi and B. Speh. Distinguished representations of SO(n+1,1) ×SO(n,1), periods and branching laws. In W. Müller, S. W. Shin, and N. Templier, editors, Relative Trace Formulas, Simons Symposia, pages 291-319. Springer, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-68506-5_8. arXiv: 1907.05890. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob21c] T. Kobayashi. Tempered homogeneous spaces. In Proceedings of the MSJ Spring Meeting 2021 at Keio University, page 14 pages, 2021. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | lecture ]
[KP20] T. Kobayashi and M. Pevzner. Inversion of Rankin-Cohen operators via holographic transform. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 70(5):2131-2190, 2020. DOI: 10.5802/aif.3386. arXiv: 1812.09733. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KS20] T. Kobayashi and B. Speh. A hidden symmetry of a branching law. In V. Dobrev, editor, Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, volume 335 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pages 15-28. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 2020. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-7775-8_2. arXiv: 2006.16667. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob20e] T. Kobayashi. Topics on global analysis of manifolds and representation theory of reductive groups. In V. Dobrev, editor, Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, volume 335 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pages 3-13. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 2020. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-7775-8_1. arXiv: 2006.16680. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KK20] F. Kassel and T. Kobayashi. Spectral analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces. Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., 96(8):69-74, 2020. doi: 10.3792/pjaa.96.013. arXiv: 2001.03292. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob21a] T. Kobayashi. Admissible restrictions of irreducible representations of reductive Lie groups: Symplectic geometry and discrete decomposability. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 17(4):1321-1343, 2021. (special issue: in memory of Prof. Bertram Kostant). doi: 10.4310/PAMQ.2021.v17.n4.a5. arXiv: 1907.12964. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob20d] T. Kobayashi. On the postponement of the Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 25(3):63, 2020. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob20c] T. Kobayashi. On the postponement of the 25th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 25(1):74, 2020. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob20b] T. Kobayashi. On the 24th-25th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 24(4):86, 2020. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob20a] T. Kobayashi. Global analysis on manifolds and representation theory of reductive groups. In Yoshiki Oshima, editor, Developments in Representation Theory and Related Topics, volume 2139 of RIMS Kôkyûroku, pages 1-10, 2020. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob19e] T. Kobayashi. On the 24th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 24(3):60, 2019. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob19a] T. Kobayashi. Announcement of the 23rd-24th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 24(2):75, 2019. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob19g] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 24th Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kumagai, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 24, pages i-iii, 2019. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKK+19b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kumagai, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 24, 2019. iv+67 pages. [ full info ]
[Kob19d] T. Kobayashi. On the 23rd Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 24(1):78, 2019. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob19c] T. Kobayashi. On the 22nd-23rd Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 23(4):88, 2019. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob19f] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 23rd Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kumagai, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 23, pages i-iii, 2019. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKK+19a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kumagai, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 23, 2019. iv+97 pages. [ full info ]
[Kob19h] T. Kobayashi. Recent advances in branching laws of representations [hyogen no bunki-soku no saikin no shinten]. Sugaku, 71(4):388-416, 2019. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KK19] F. Kassel and T. Kobayashi. Invariant differential operators on spherical homogeneous spaces with overgroups. Journal of Lie Theory, 29:663-754, 2019. arXiv: 1810.02803. [ full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob19b] T. Kobayashi. Conformal symmetry breaking on differential forms and some applications. In P. Kielanowski, A. Odzijewicz, and E. Previato, editors, Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVI workshop 2017, Trends in Mathematics, pages 289-308. Birkhäuser, Cham, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01156-7_32. arXiv: 1712.09212. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | SpringerLink ]
[KL19] T. Kobayashi and A. Leontiev. Double Gegenbauer expansion of |s- t|α. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 30(7):512-525, 2019. Published online: 26 Mar 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10652469.2019.1585433. arXiv: 1902.08064. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob18g] T. Kobayashi. On the 22nd Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 23(3):73, 2018. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob18e] T. Kobayashi. On the 21st-22nd Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 23(2):69, 2018. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob18i] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 22nd Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kumagai, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 22, pages i-iii, 2018. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKK+18b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kumagai, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 22, 2018. iv+84 pages. [ full info ]
[Kob18f] T. Kobayashi. On the 21st Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 23(1):83, 2018. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob18d] T. Kobayashi. On the 20t-21st Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 22(4):90, 2018. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob18h] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 21st Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kumagai, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 21, pages i-iii, 2018. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKK+18a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, T. Kumagai, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 21, 2018. iv+99 pages. [ full info ]
[KS18a] T. Kobayashi and B. Speh. Symmetry breaking for orthogonal groups and a conjecture by B. Gross and D. Prasad. In W. Müller, S. Shin, and N. Templier, editors, SSTF 2016: Geometric Aspects of the Trace Formula, Simons Symposium on the Trace Formula, pages 245-266. Springer, Cham, 2018. Published online: 12 October 2018. Print ISBN: 978-3-319-94832-4. Online ISBN: 978-3-319-94833-1. arXiv: 1702.00263. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94833-1_8. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | SpringerLink ]
[Kob18b] T. Kobayashi. Global geometry and analysis of locally symmetric spaces with indefiite metric. In H. Konno, editor, Proceedings of the 65th Geometry Symmposium, pages 1-10, 2018. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob18c] T. Kobayashi. Global geometry and analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces. In J. Inoue and Y. Mori, editors, Proceedings of the Symposium on Representation Theory 2018 held at Tottori, pages 89-98, 2018. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KL18b] T. Kobayashi and A. Leontiev. Image of conformally covariant, symmetry breaking operators for Rp,q. In V. Dobrev, editor, Quantum Theory and Symmetries with Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. Volume 1. LT-XII/QTS-X 2017, volume 263 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pages 3-31, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-2715-5_1. [ DOI | full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob18j] T. Kobayashi. Residue formula for regular symmetry breaking operators. In Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces, volume 714 of Contemporary Mathematics, pages 175-193. Amer. Math.Soc., 2018. arXiv: 1709.05035. 10.1090/conm/714/14380. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob17k] T. Kobayashi. Symmetry breaking operators for orthogonal groups O(n,1). Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report, (25):1572-1575, 2017. DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2017/25. Harmonic Analysis and the Trace Formula, Organised by Werner Müller, Sug Woo Shin, Birgit Speh, and Nicolas Templier. [ DOI | full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[KN18] T. Kobayashi and S. Nasrin. Geometry of coadjoint orbits and multiplicity-one branching laws for symmetric pairs. Algebras and Representation Theory, 21(5):1023-1036, 2018. Special Issue: Representation Theory at the Crossroads of Modern Mathematics - Special volume in honor of Alexandre Kirillov. DOI: 10.1007/s10468-018-9810-8. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KS18b] T. Kobayashi and B. Speh. Symmetry Breaking for Representations of Rank One Orthogonal Groups II, volume 2234 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer, 2018. eBook:978-981-13-2901-2. arXiv: 1801.00158. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-2901-2. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob18a] T. Kobayashi. Exposition: Recent advances in representation theory of lie groups. In Introduction to Unitary Representation Theory (by Mitsuo Sugiura), pages 214-242. Tokyo Tosho, 2018. [ full info ]
[KKP18] T. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, and M. Pevzner. Conformal symmetry breaking operators for anti-de Sitter spaces. In P. Kielanowski, A. Odzijewicz, and E. Previato, editors, Geometric Methods in Physics XXXV, Trends in Mathematics, pages 75-91. Birkhäuser, Springer, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63594-1_9. arXiv: 1610.09475. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | SpringerLink ]
[KKP17] T. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, and M. Pevzner. Conformal differential symmetry breaking operators for differential forms on spheres. In H. Sekiguchi and T. Taniguchi, editors, Proceedings of the Symposium on Representation Theory 2017 held at Isawa, Japan, pages 132-143, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob17j] T. Kobayashi. Symmetry breaking operators for indefinite orthogonal groups. In H. Sekiguchi and T. Taniguchi, editors, Proceedings of the Symposium on Representation Theory 2017 held at Isawa, Japan, pages 17-45, 2017. [ full info | lecture ]
[KL18a] T. Kobayashi and A. Leontiev. A certain integral formula containing two Gegenbauer polynoimals. In N. Abe, editor, Representation Theory and Related Areas, volume 2077 of RIMS Kôkyûroku, pages 22-35, 2018. [ full info ]
[Kob17f] T. Kobayashi. On the 20th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 22(3):64, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob17h] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 20th Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 20, pages i-iii, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+17b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 20, 2017. iv+102 pages. [ full info ]
[Kob17g] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 19th Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 19, pages i-iii, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+17a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 19, 2017. iv+117 pages. [ full info ]
[KL17b] T. Kobayashi and A. Leontiev. Symmetry breaking operators for the indefinite orthogonal groups O(p,q). In T. Matsumoto and M. Nagisa, editors, The Proceedings of the 56th Real Analysis and Functional Analysis Joint Symposium, pages 1-20, 2017. [ full info ]
[Kob17b] T. Kobayashi. International exchange [kokusai kooryuu]. In Overview 2017 [Gaiyoo 2017], page 18. Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob17a] T. Kobayashi. Global analysis by hidden symmetry. In Jim Cogdell, Ju-Lee Kim, and Chen-Bo Zhu, editors, Representation Theory, Number Theory, and Invariant Theory: In Honor of Roger Howe on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, volume 323 of Progress in Mathematics, pages 359-397, 2017. arXiv: 160808356. ISBN 978-3-319-59727-0. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59728-7_13. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | SpringerLink ]
[KL17c] T. Kobayashi and A. Leontiev. Symmetry breaking operators for the restriction of representations of indefinite orthogonal groups O(p,q). Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., 93(8):86-91, 2017. DOI: 10.3792/pjaa.93.86. [ DOI | full info ]
[Kob17d] T. Kobayashi. On the 19-20th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 22(2):51, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KL17a] T. Kobayashi and A. Leontiev. Symmetry breaking operators for conformal transformation groups O(p,q). In Abstract Book of MSJ Spring Meeting 2017 at Tokyo Metropolitan University, pages 81-82, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob17i] T. Kobayashi. Prefatory note. Sugaku Tsushin, 22(1):3-4, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob17e] T. Kobayashi. On the 19th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 22(1):118, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob17c] T. Kobayashi. On the 18th-19th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 21(4):80, 2017. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob16i] T. Kobayashi. On the 18th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 21(3):51, 2016. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob16k] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 18th Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 18, pages i-iii, 2016. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+16b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 18, 2016. iv+102 pages. [ full info ]
[KL16a] T. Kobayashi and A. Leontiev. Symmetry breaking operators for representations of indefinite orthogonal groups O(p,q). In M. Ishikawa and Y. Hashimoto, editors, Proceedings of the Symposium on Representation Theory 2016 held in Okinawa, pages 38-52, 2016. [ full info ]
[Kob16d] T. Kobayashi. Conformal geometry and branching problems in representation theory. In M. Ishikawa and Y. Hashimoto, editors, Proceedings of the Symposium on Representation Theory 2016 held in Okinawa, pages 16-37, 2016. [ full info | lecture ]
[Kob16e] T. Kobayashi. Intrinsic sound of anti-de Sitter manifolds. In Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, volume 191 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pages 83-99. Springer, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2636-2_6. arXiv: 1609.05986. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KKP16b] T. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, and M. Pevzner. Conformal Symmetry Breaking Operators for Differential Forms on Spheres, volume 2170 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer Singapore, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2657-7. arXiv: 1605.09272. Softcover ISBN: 978-981-10-2656-0. eBook ISBN: 978-981-10-2657-7. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | SpringerLink ]
[KL16b] T. Kobayashi and O. Leontiev. Symmetry breaking operators for the indefinite orthogonal groups O(p,q). In Abstract of the Geometry Session at the MSJ 2016 Autumn Meeting, pages 101-102. Mathematical Society of Japan, 2016. [ full info ]
[KKP16c] T. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, and M. Pevzner. Construction and classification of differential symmetry breaking operators for differential forms on spheres. In Abstract of the Functional Analysis Session at the MSJ 2016 Autumn Meeting, pages 85-86. Mathematical Society of Japan, 2016. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob16c] T. Kobayashi. Birth of new branching problems. In Abstract of the 70th Anniversary Lecture at the MSJ 2016 Autumn Meeting, pages 65-92. Mathematical Society of Japan, 2016. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob16g] T. Kobayashi. On the 17-18th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 21(2):60-61, 2016. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob16j] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 17th Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 17, pages i-iii, 2016. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+16a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 17, 2016. [ full info ]
[Kob16h] T. Kobayashi. On the 17th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 21(1):90-91, 2016. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob16f] T. Kobayashi. On the 16th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 20(4):56, 2016. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob16b] T. Kobayashi. The 16th Takagi Lectures. Suri News 2015-2, 2016. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob16m] T. Kobayashi. Symmetries and global analysis [taisho-sei to taiiki kaiseki]. In T. Saito, Y. Kawahigashi, and T. Kobayashi, editors, Creating Mathematics [Sugaku no Genzai], π, pages 1-21. University of Tokyo Press, 2016. [ full info ]
[SKK16a] T. Saito, Y. Kawahigashi, and T. Kobayashi, editors. Creating Mathematics [Sugaku no Genzai], e. University of Tokyo Press, 2016. [ full info ]
[SKK16c] T. Saito, Y. Kawahigashi, and T. Kobayashi, editors. Creating Mathematics [Sugaku no Genzai], π. University of Tokyo Press, 2016. [ full info ]
[SKK16b] T. Saito, Y. Kawahigashi, and T. Kobayashi, editors. Creating Mathematics [Sugaku no Genzai], i. University of Tokyo Press, 2016. [ full info ]
[KKP16a] T. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, and M. Pevzner. Classification of differential symmetry breaking operators for differential forms. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I, 354:671-676, 2016. published online 17 May 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.crma.2016.04.012. [ DOI | full info ]
[Kob16l] T. Kobayashi. Sozoryoku no gensen, sugaku [mathematics-a source of creativity]. In Kyoyo-gakubu-ho Seisen shu [Selected Essays from Bulletin of College of Arts and Sciences], pages 159-160. University of Tokyo Press, 2016. [ full info ]
[Kob16a] T. Kobayashi. The 16th Takagi Lectures. Suri News 2015-2, pages 4-5, 2016. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob15i] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 16th Takagi Lectures - in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Kodaira's birth. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 16, pages i-iii, 2015. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+15b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Kodaira's birth, volume 16, 2015. v+232 pp. ISSN 2187-3267. [ full info ]
[Kob15b] T. Kobayashi. Analysis on non-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces: an application of invariant theory. In Symposium on Representation Theory 2015 held at Izu, Japan, pages 46-59, 2015. organized by S. Naito and K. Naoi. [ full info ]
[KNS16] T. Kobayashi, A. Nilsson, and F. Sato. Maximal semigroup symmetry and discrete Riesz transforms. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 100(2):216-240, 2016. Published Online, 14 December 2015. DOI: 10.1017/S144678871500049X. [ DOI | full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KP16b] T. Kobayashi and M. Pevzner. Differential symmetry breaking operators. II. Rankin-Cohen operators for symmetric pairs. Selecta Mathematica (N.S.), 22(2):847-911, 2016. Published OnLine 14 December 2015. 65 pages. DOI: 10.1007/s00029-015-0208-8. arXiv:1301.2111. [old title of the preprint version: Rankin-Cohen operators for symmetric pairs]. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KP16a] T. Kobayashi and M. Pevzner. Differential symmetry breaking operators. I. General theory and F-method. Selecta Mathematica (N.S.), 22(2):801-845, 2016. Published OnLine 11 December 2015. 45 pages. DOI: 10.1007/s00029-015-0207-9. arXiv:1301.2111. [old title of the preprint version: Rankin-Cohen operators for symmetric pairs]. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[BK15] Y. Benoist and T. Kobayashi. Temperedness of reductive homogeneous spaces. J. Eur. Math. Soc., 17:3015-3036, 2015. DOI: 10.4171/JEMS/578. arXiv: 1211.1203. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob15g] T. Kobayashi. On the 16th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 20(3):58, 2015. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KK16] F. Kassel and T. Kobayashi. Poincaré series for non-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces. Advances in Mathematics, 287:123-236, 2016. Published online: 20-NOV-2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2015.08.029. arXiv: 1209.4075. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob15j] T. Kobayashi. A program for branching problems in the representation theory of real reductive groups. In M. Nevins and P. Trapa, editors, Representations of Reductive Groups: In Honor of David A. Vogan, Jr. on his 60th Birthday, volume 312 of Progress in Mathematics, pages 277-322. Birkhäuser, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23443-4_10. arXiv: 1509.08861. ISBN: 978331923442. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | full text(pdf) ]
[DvdGH+15a] J.-P. Demailly, G. van der Geer, C. Hacon, Y. Kawamata, T. Kobayashi, Y. Miyaoka, and W. Schmid. Foreword: In commemoration of professor Kunihiko Kodaira's centennial birthday, March 16, 2015. J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, 22(1):iii-iv, 2015. Special issue. J.-P. Demailly, G. van der Geer, C. Hacon, Y. Kawamata, T. Kobayashi, Y. Miyaoka, W. Schmid (eds.). [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[DvdGH+15b] J.-P. Demailly, G. van der Geer, C. Hacon, Y. Kawamata, T. Kobayashi, Y. Miyaoka, and W. Schmid, editors. Special issue in commemoration of Professor Kunihiko Kodaira's centennial birthday, volume 22 of J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo. 2015. [ full info ]
[KOSS15] T. Kobayashi, B. Ørsted, P. Somberg, and V. Souček. Branching laws for Verma modules and applications in parabolic geometry. I. Advances in Mathematics, 285:1796-1852, 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2015.08.020. arXiv:1305.6040. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob15f] T. Kobayashi. On the 15th and 16th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 20(2):56, 2015. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob15h] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 15th Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 15, pages i-iii, 2015. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+15a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 15, 2015. iv+137 pp. ISSN 2187-3267. [ full info ]
[KS15a] T. Kobayashi and G. Savin. Global uniqueness of small representations. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 281(1-2):215-239, 2015. Published online first on 22 May 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s00209-015-1481-0. arXiv: 1412.8019. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob15e] T. Kobayashi. On the 15th and 16th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 20(1):103, 2015. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KS15b] T. Kobayashi and B. Speh. Symmetry Breaking for Representations of Rank One Orthogonal Groups, volume 238 of Memoirs of American Mathematical Society. 2015. Published electronically May 12, 2015. vi+112 pp. arXiv: 1310.3213. ISBN: 978-1-4704-1922-6. DOI: 10.1090/memo/1126. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[DvdGH+15c] J.-P. Demailly, G. van der Geer, C. Hacon, Y. Kawamata, T. Kobayashi, Y. Miyaoka, and W. Schmid, editors. Special issue in commemoration of Professor Kunihiko Kodaira's centennial birthday March 16, 2015, volume 22, 2015. [ full info ]
[Kob15a] T. Kobayashi. The 14th Takagi Lectures. Suri News 2014-2, 2015. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob15d] T. Kobayashi. On the 14th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 19(4), 2015. [ full info ]
[Kob15c] T. Kobayashi. Gimon o okoshite, kangae, soshite kangae-nuku [raising questions, thinking about them, and thinking them through]. In K. Kodaira, editor, Shin Sugaku no Manabi-kata [How to study mathematics. New edition], pages 91-115. Iwanami Shoten, 2015. [ full info ]
[Kob14k] T. Kobayashi. Visible actions on complex manifolds and multicity-free representations. Suri News, (1):4, 2014. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob14a] T. Kobayashi. Analysis on real spherical manifolds and their applications to Shintani functions and symmetry breaking operators. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report, 11(1):176-179, 2014. Representation Theory and Analysis of Reductive Groups: Spherical Spaces and Hecke Algebras (organised by B. Krötz, E. M. Opdam, H. Schlichtkrull and P. Trapa, 19-25 January 2014), DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2014/3. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KKP14] T. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, and M. Pevzner. Covariant differential operators and the Rankin-Cohen bracket. In J. Matsuzawa and N. Shimeno, editors, Proceedings of Symposium on Representation Theory 2014, held at Awajishima, November 25-28, 2014, pages 75-86, 2014. [ full info | full text(pdf) | lecture ]
[Kob14j] T. Kobayashi. Symmetry breaking operators and branching problems. In J. Matsuzawa and N. Shimeno, editors, Proceedings of Symposium on Representation Theory 2014, held at Awajishima, November 25-28, 2014, pages 37-62, 2014. [ full info | lecture ]
[KKN+14] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 14, 2014. iv+97 pp. ISSN 2187-3267. [ full info ]
[Kob14f] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the fourteenth Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 14, pages i-iii, 2014. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKP15] T. Kobayashi, T. Kubo, and M. Pevzner. Vector-valued covariant differential operators for the Möbius transformation. In V. Dobrev, editor, Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, volume 111 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pages 67-86, 2015. arXiv: 1406.0674. DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-55285-7_6. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | conference ]
[Kob14g] T. Kobayashi. Shintani functions, real spherical manifolds, and symmetry breaking operators. In G. Mason, I. Penkov, and Joseph A. Wolf, editors, Developments and Retrospectives in Lie Theory Geometric and Analytic Methods, volume 37 of Developments in Mathematics, pages 127-159, 2014. arXiv: 1401.0117. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09934-7_5. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | SpringerLink ]
[Kob14e] T. Kobayashi. On the 14th-15th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 19(3):76, 2014. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob14i] T. Kobayashi. Symmetric pairs with finite-multiplicity property for branching laws of admissible representations. Proc. Japan Acad., Ser. A, Mathematical Sciences, 90(6):79-83, 2014. DOI: 10.3792/pjaa.90.79. [ DOI | full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KM14] T. Kobayashi and T. Matsuki. Classification of finite-multiplicity symmetric pairs. Transformation Groups, 19:457-493, 2014. Special Issue in honour of Professor Dynkin for his 90th birthday. DOI: 10.1007/s00031-014-9265-x. arXiv: 1312.4246. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob14d] T. Kobayashi. On the 13th-14th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 19(2):81, 2014. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob14c] T. Kobayashi. From ''local” to ''global”: Beyond the Riemannian geometry. Kavli IPMU News, (25 (March 2014)):4-11, 2014. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KS14] T. Kobayashi and B. Speh. Intertwining operators and the restriction of representations of rank one orthogonal groups. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 352:89-94, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.crma.2013.11.018. [ DOI | full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob14b] T. Kobayashi. F-method for symmetry breaking operators. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 33:272-289, 2014. Special Issue “Interaction of Geometry and Representation Theory: Exploring New Frontiers” (in honor of Michael Eastwood's 60th birthday). arXiv:1303.3541. DOI:10.1016/j.difgeo.2013.10.003. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[HKM14] J. Hilgert, T. Kobayashi, and J. Möllers. Minimal representations via Bessel operators. J. Math. Soc. Japan, 66:349-414, 2014. DOI: 10.2969/jmsj/06620349. arXiv:1106.3621. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob14h] T. Kobayashi. Special functions in minimal representations. In Pavel Etingof, Miikhail Khovanov, and Alistair Savage, editors, Perspectives in Representation Theory in honor of Igor Frenkel on his 60th birthday, volume 610 of Comtemporary Mathematics, pages 253-266. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2014. DOI: 10.1090/conm/610/12103. arXiv:1301.5505. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[HKNR13] J. Hilgert, T. Kobayashi, K. Neeb, and T. Ratiu, editors. Representations of Lie Groups and Supergroups, volume 10 of Oberwolfach Reports, 2013. DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2013/13. [ DOI | full info ]
[Kob13f] T. Kobayashi. On the 13th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 18(3):77, 2013. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+13b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 13, 2013. iv+81 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob13g] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the 13th Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 13, pages i-iii, 2013. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob13e] T. Kobayashi. On the 12th-13th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 18(2):97, 2013. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob13h] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the twelfth Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 12, pages i-iii, 2013. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+13a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 12, 2013. iv+114 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob13d] T. Kobayashi. On the 12th-13th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 18(1):147, 2013. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[KC13] T. Kobayashi and F. Cho. A dialogue between a mathematician and Toyota’s chairman: Think, think, and think again. In Y. Giga and T. Kobayashi, editors, What Mathematics Can Do for You: Essays and Tips from Japanese Industry Leaders, pages 1-6. Springer, 2013. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[GK13] Y. Giga and T. Kobayashi, editors. What Mathematics Can Do for You: Essays and Tips from Japanese Industry Leaders. Springer, 2013. viii+144 pp. ISBN 978-4-431-54345-9. An enlarged English edition of the Japanese version. [ full info | SpringerLink ]
[Kob13a] T. Kobayashi. The 11th Takagi Lectures. Suri News 2013-2, 2013. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob13c] T. Kobayashi. On the 11th-13th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 17(4):55, 2013. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[KP] T. Kobayashi and M. Pevzner. Rankin-Cohen operators for symmetric pairs. preprint, 53 pp. arXiv:1301.2111. [ full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob13b] T. Kobayashi. F-method for constructing equivariant differential operators. In E. T. Quinto, F. B. Gonzalez, and J. Christensen, editors, Geometric Analysis and Integral Geometry, volume 598 of Contemporary Mathematics, pages 141-148. Amer. Math. Soc., 2013. arXiv: 1212.6862. DOI: 10.1090/conm/598/11998. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob13j] T. Kobayashi. Varna lecture on L2-analysis of minimal representations. In V. Dobrev, editor, Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics: IXth International Workshop, volume 36 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pages 77-93. Springer, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-54270-4_6. arXiv: 1212.6871. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) | SpringerLink ]
[KO15] T. Kobayashi and Y. Oshima. Classification of symmetric pairs with discretely decomposable restrictions of (g,K)-modules. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2015(703):201-223, 2015. published online 2013 July 13. 19 pp. DOI:10.1515/crelle-2013-0045. arXiv: 1202.5743. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KO13] T. Kobayashi and T. Oshima. Finite multiplicity theorems for induction and restriction. Advances in Mathematics, 248:921-944, 2013. DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2013.07.015. arXiv:1108.3477. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob13i] T. Kobayashi. Propagation of multiplicity-free property for holomorphic vector bundles. In A. Huckleberry, I. Penkov, and G. Zuckerman, editors, Lie Groups: Structure, Actions, and Representations (In Honor of Joseph A. Wolf on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday), volume 306 of Progress in Mathematics, pages 113-140. 2013. ISBN: 978-1-4614-7192-9. DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-7193-6_6. arXiv:math/0607004. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | SpringerLink | related papers ]
[Kob12a] T. Kobayashi. Natural differential operators in parabolic geometry and branching problems. In M. Itoh and H. Ochiai, editors, Proceedings of Symposium on Representation Theory 2012, held at Kagoshima, December 4-7, 2012, pages 31-55, 2012. ISBN 978-4-9902328-8-7. [ full info | lecture ]
[tk212] IPMU News, 17, 2012. cover photo. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob12c] T. Kobayashi. On the 11th and 12th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 17(3), 2012. p.77. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+12b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 11, 2012. iv+102 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob12e] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the eleventh Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 11, pages i-iii, 2012. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob12b] T. Kobayashi. On the 10th and 11th Takagi lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 17(2), 2012. p.99. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob12f] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the tenth Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 10, pages i-iii, 2012. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+12a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 10, 2012. iv+90 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob12d] T. Kobayashi. On the ninth and tenth Takagi lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 17(1), 2012. p.87. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[HKMØ12] J. Hilgert, T. Kobayashi, J. Möllers, and B. Ørsted. Fock model and Segal-Bargmann transform for minimal representations of Hermitian Lie groups. Journal of Functional Analysis, 263(11):3492-3563, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2012.08.026. arXiv:1203.5462. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KO12] T. Kobayashi and Y. Oshima. Classification of discretely decomposable A q(λ) with respect to reductive symmetric pairs. Advances in Mathematics, 231:2013-2047, 2012. arXiv:1104.4400. DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2012.07.006. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob12g] T. Kobayashi. Restrictions of generalized Verma modules to symmetric pairs. Transformation Groups, 17(2):523-546, 2012. (published online first 5 April 2012). DOI: 10.1007/s00031-012-9180-y. arXiv:1008.4544 [math.RT]. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) ]
[BSKØ12] S. Ben Saïd, T. Kobayashi, and B. Ørsted. Laguerre semigroup and Dunkl operators. Compositio Mathematica, 148:1265-1336, 2012. DOI: 10.1112/S0010437X11007445. arXiv:0907.3749 [math.RT]. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | related papers ]
[Kob11i] T. Kobayashi. Our team. IPMU News, 16:10, 40, 2011. [ full info ]
[Kob11j] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the ninth Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 9, pages i-iii, 2011. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+11] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 9, 2011. iv+52 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob11b] T. Kobayashi. Analysis on infinite dimensional symmetries [mugen jigen no taisho-sei no sugaku] (an interview). Bulletin of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Scienes [Kyoyo Gakubu Ho], (540 (6 July 2011)), 2011. [ full info ]
[Kob11g] T. Kobayashi. Japanese Journal of Mathematics (JJM). Gakuto, 108(2):56, 2011. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob11h] T. Kobayashi. On the eighth and ninth Takagi lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 16(1), 2011. p.107. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob11e] T. Kobayashi. Geometric analysis on minimal representations. In J. Matsuzawa and S. Tsunoda, editors, Ninth Oka Symposium Lecture Notes, pages 27-61. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Nara Women's University, 2011. [ full info | full text(pdf) | lecture ]
[Kob11c] T. Kobayashi. Analysis on infinite dimensional symmetries [mugen jigen no taishosei no kaiseki]. Suri News 2010-2, 2011. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob11f] T. Kobayashi. Geometric quantization, limits, and restrictions-some examples for elliptic and nilpotent orbits. In Lisa Jeffrey, Xiaonan Ma, and Michèle Vergne, editors, Geometric Quantization in the Non-compact Setting, volume 8 of Oberwolfach Reports, pages 466-469, 2011. DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2011/09. [ full info | full text(pdf) | workshop ]
[Kob11d] T. Kobayashi. Branching problems of Zuckerman derived functor modules. In Jeffrey Adams, Bong Lian, and Siddhartha Sahi, editors, Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics (in honor of Gregg Zuckerman), volume 557 of Contemporary Mathematics, pages 23-40. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2011. ISBN: 9780821852460, arXiv:1104.4399. [ full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | abstract(html) | AMS ]
[KK11] F. Kassel and T. Kobayashi. Stable spectrum for pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 349(1-2):29-33, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.crma.2010.11.023. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) ]
[KM11b] T. Kobayashi and J. Möllers. An integral formula for L2-eigenfunctions of a fourth order Bessel-type differential operator. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 22(7):521-531, 2011. (published online first, on 27 January 2011) DOI: 10.1080/10652469.2010.533270. arXiv:1003.2699 [math.CA]. [ full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) ]
[KØP11] T. Kobayashi, B. Ørsted, and M. Pevzner. Geometric analysis on small unitary representations of GL(n,R). J. Funct. Anal., 260(6):1682-1720, 2011. (published online first, on 28 December 2010). DOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2010.12.008. arXiv:1002.3006 [math.RT]. [ full info | arXiv | IHES-preprint | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) ]
[Kob11a] T. Kobayashi. Algebraic analysis of minimal representations. Publ. RIMS (Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences), 47(2):585-611, 2011. Special issue in commemoration of the golden jubilee of algebraic analysis. DOI: 10.2977/PRIMS/45.arXiv:1001.0224 [math.RT]. [ full info | arXiv | preprint version(pdf) | abstract(html) | related papers ]
[HKMM11a] J. Hilgert, T. Kobayashi, G. Mano, and J. Möllers. Orthogonal polynomials associated to a certain fourth order differential equation. Ramanujan Journal, 26:295-310, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s11139-011-9338-6. arXiv:0907.2612 [math.CA]. [ full info | arXiv | MPIM-preprint | preprint version(pdf) | abstract(html) | related papers ]
[HKMM11b] J. Hilgert, T. Kobayashi, G. Mano, and J. Möllers. Special functions associated to a certain fourth order differential equation. Ramanujan Journal, 26(1):1-34, 2011. (published online August 31, 2011). DOI: 10.1007/s11139-011-9315-0. arXiv:0907.2608 [math.CA]. [ full info | arXiv | MPIM-preprint | preprint version(pdf) | abstract(html) | related papers ]
[CKØP11] J.-L. Clerc, T. Kobayashi, B. Ørsted, and M. Pevzner. Generalized Bernstein-Reznikov integrals. Mathematische Annalen, 349(2):395-431, 2011. (published online first, on 4 May 2010). DOI: 10.1007/s00208-010-0516-4. arXiv:0906.2874 [math.CA]. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | MPIM-preprint | preprint version(pdf) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink ]
[KM11a] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano. The Schrödinger model for the minimal representation of the indefinite orthogonal group O(p, q). Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 212(1000):vi+132 pp., 2011. (accepted for publication on 31 July, 2008; published online first, on 4 February 2011). DOI: 10.1090/S0065-9266-2011-00592-7. arXiv:0712.1769 [math.RT]. [ full info | arXiv | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | related papers ]
[KC10] T. Kobayashi and F. Cho. A dialogue between a mathematician and Toyota's chairman: Think, think, and think again. In Y. Giga and T. Kobayashi, editors, Sugaku wa yaku ni tatte iru ka? [Has mathematics been useful?]. Springer Japan, 2010. [ full info ]
[GK12] Y. Giga and T. Kobayashi, editors. Sugaku wa yaku ni tatte iru ka? [Has mathematics been useful?]. Springer Japan/Maruzen Publishing, 2010/2012. ISBN10: 4-431-10239-6; ISBN13: 978-4-431-10239-7; ISBN-10: 4621061305; ISBN-13: 978-4621061305. [ full info | Amazon.co.jp ]
[Kob10b] T. Kobayashi. On the 7th-8th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 15(2):89, 2010. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+10] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 8, 2010. iv+90 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob10c] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the eighth Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 8, pages i-iii, 2010. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Ki10] T. Kobayashi (interview). Shin-riron wo soshi-suru [creating new theories]. In Rigakuru 02, pages 48-49. Nikkei BP, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-4901823371. [ full info | Amazon.co.jp ]
[Kob10e] T. Kobayashi. The seventh Takagi Lectures: 50th annual Teiji Takagi memorial [dai 7-kai Takagi Lectures: Takagi Teiji 50-nen sai kinen]. Suri News 2009-2, page 2, 2010. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob10a] T. Kobayashi. From the editorial board of the Japanese Journal of Mathematics [Japanese Journal of Mathematics henshu iinkai yori]. Sugaku Tsushin, 14(4):98, 2010. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob10d] T. Kobayashi. Prefatory note [kanto-gen]. Sugaku Tsushin, 14(4):3-6, 2010. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob09h] T. Kobayashi. On the 6th-7th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 14(3):66, 2009. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob09i] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the seventh Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 7, pages i-iii, 2009. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+09b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 7, 2009. iv+157 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob09b] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous groups on pseudo-Riemannian spaces. In Mathematische Arbeitstagung 2009, 2009. MPIM2009-40n, 15 pp. [ full info | MPIM-preprint | lecture | related papers ]
[Kob09g] T. Kobayashi. On the 5th-6th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 14(1):116, 2009. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob09j] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the sixth Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 6, pages i-iii, 2009. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+09a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 6, 2009. iv+51 pp. [ full info ]
[BSKØ09] S. Ben Saïd, T. Kobayashi, and B. Ørsted. Generalized Fourier transforms Fk,a. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 347:1119-1124, 2009. (published online first, on 21 August 2009). [ full info | MPIM-preprint | preprint version(pdf) | abstract(html) | ScienceDirect | full paper ]
[Kob09a] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous group theory beyond the classical Riemannian setting/infinite dimensional representation theory across algebra, geometry and analysis. In The Research and Training Center for New Development in Mathematics (Global COE Program pamphlet), page 14. Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, 2009. [ full info | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) ]
[Kob09f] T. Kobayashi. On receiving Humboldt Research Award in Mathematics for 2008 [2008 nen Humboldt sho sugaku bumon jusho]. Suri News 2009-3, 2009. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob09c] T. Kobayashi. The fifth Takagi Lectures-commemorating the 50th anniversary of the IHES's foundation [dai 5 kai Takagi Lectures-IHES 50 shunen wo kinen shite]. Suri News 2009-3, 2009. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob08a] T. Kobayashi. A journey into infinite dimension. 2008. Summary of the lecture at Nada High School, Kobe, Japan, 15 November 2008. [ full info | full text(pdf) | lecture ]
[KØPU09] T. Kobayashi, B. Ørsted, M. Pevzner, and A. Unterberger. Composition formulas in the Weyl calculus. J. Funct. Anal., 257:948-991, 2009. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | ScienceDirect ]
[Kob09d] T. Kobayashi. Hidden symmetries and spectrum of the Laplacian on an indefinite Riemannian manifold. In M. Kotani, H. Naito, and T. Tate, editors, Spectral Analysis in Geometry and Number Theory (in honor of Professor Sunada), volume 484 of Contemp. Math., pages 73-87. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4269-0. [ full info | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | related papers ]
[KN09] T. Kobayashi and A. Nilsson. Indefinite higher Riesz transforms. Arkiv för Matematik, 47:331-344, 2009. (published online first, on 3 March 2008). [ full info | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | related papers ]
[Kob09e] T. Kobayashi. On discontinuous group actions on non-Riemannian homogeneous spaces. Sugaku Expositions, 22(1):1-19, 2009. Amer. Math. Soc., a translation by Miles Reid of the Japanese original article. math.DG/0603319. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) ]
[Kob08b] T. Kobayashi. On the 4th-5th Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 13(1):99, 2008. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+08b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 5, 2008. iv+108 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob08c] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the fifth Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 5, pages i-iii, 2008. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob08f] T. Kobayashi. The third Takagi Lectures were held. Suri News 2007-2, 2008. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob08g] T. Kobayashi. What I thought on returning to Komaba [Komaba ni modotte kanjita koto]. Suri News 2007-2, 2008. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+08a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 4, 2008. iv+64 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob08d] T. Kobayashi. Preface to the fourth Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 4, pages i-iii, 2008. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob08e] T. Kobayashi. Rigidity and deformation of discontinuous groups for non-Riemannian symmetric spaces. In H. Sekiguchi, editor, Representation Theory and Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces, volume B7 of RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, pages 1-12, 2008. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | workshop ]
[KN08] T. Kobayashi and A. Nilsson. Group invariance and Lp-bounded operators. Math. Z., 260:335-354, 2008. (published online first, on 22 November 2007). [ full info | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | related papers ]
[Kob07d] T. Kobayashi. On the 2nd-3rd Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 12(3):96, 2007. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKLT07] T. Kobayashi, B. Krötz, E. Lapid, and C. Torossian, editors. Harmonische Analysis und Darstellungstheorie Topologischer Gruppen, number 49 in Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report, 2007. [ full info | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) ]
[Kob07g] T. Kobayashi. On the establishment of the Takagi Lectures. In Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors, The Takagi Booklet, volume 3, pages i-iii, 2007. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+07b] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Takagi Booklet, volume 3, 2007. viii+92 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob07i] T. Kobayashi. Sozoryoku no gensen, sugaku [mathematics-a source of creativity]. Kyoyo-gakubu-ho, University of Tokyo, (506):2, 7 November 2007. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[KKN+07a] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The Second Takagi Lectures, 2007. [ full info ]
[Kob07h] T. Kobayashi. On the Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Tsushin, 12(1):49-51, 2007. [ full info | full text(pdf) ]
[Kob07a] T. Kobayashi. Discoveries at the age of twenty-five, and mathematics expanding beyond oneself. Japanese Scientific Monthly, 60(5):311-313, 2007. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob07f] T. Kobayashi. On the establishment of the Takagi Lectures. Sugaku Seminar, 6(549):50-51, 2007. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob07e] T. Kobayashi. On the establishment of the Takagi Lectures. Japan. J. Math., 2(1):145-148, 2007. [ full info | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink ]
[KM07a] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano. Integral formula of the unitary inversion operator for the minimal representation of O(p,q). Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A, 83:27-31, 2007. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | Project Euclid | ZMath ]
[KM07b] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano. The inversion formula and holomorphic extension of the minimal representation of the conformal group. In Jian-Shu Li, Eng-Chye Tan, Nolan Wallach, and Chen-Bo Zhu, editors, Harmonic Analysis, Group Representations, Automorphic Forms and Invariant Theory: In Honour of Roger E. Howe, pages 159-223. Singapore University Press and World Scientific Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-9812770783. math.RT/0607007. DOI:10.1142/9789812770790_0006. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp | related papers ]
[Kob07b] T. Kobayashi. A generalized Cartan decomposition for the double coset space (U(n1U(n2U(n3))\U(n)/(U(pU(q)). Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan, 59(3):669-691, 2007. math.RT/0607006. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | Project Euclid | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob07j] T. Kobayashi. Visible actions on symmetric spaces. Transformation Groups, 12(4):671-694, 2007. math.DG/0607005. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | ZMath | related papers ]
[KSY07] T. Kobayashi, W. Schmid, and J.-H. Yang, editors. Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms, volume 255 of Progr. Math. Birkhäuser, 2007. ISBN 0817645055. [ full info | ZMath | Amazon.com ]
[Kob07c] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity-free theorems of the restrictions of unitary highest weight modules with respect to reductive symmetric pairs. In Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms, volume 255 of Progr. Math., pages 45-109. Birkhäuser, 2007. math.RT/0607002. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | related papers ]
[KKN+06] Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, and T. Saito, editors. The First Takagi Lectures, 2006. [ full info ]
[Kob06b] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity-free representations and visible actions on complex manifolds. In Proceedings of The 53rd Geometry Symposium (edited by Kenji Fukaya), pages 119-133, 2006. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | symposium | related papers ]
[Kob06a] T. Kobayashi. Introduction to visible actions on complex manifolds and multiplicity-free representations. In T. Morimoto, editor, Developments of Cartan Geometry and Related Mathematical Problems, volume 1502, pages 82-95, 2006. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | workshop | related papers ]
[Kob06c] T. Kobayashi. Various prompts. In Sugaku Manabi Hajime [When I Started Studying Mathematics], volume 2, pages 198-221. Nippon-Hyoron-Sha, 2006. ISBN 4-535-78516-3. [ full info | Amazon.co.jp ]
[KN06a] T. Kobayashi and S. Nasrin. Deformation of properly discontinuous actions of Zk on Rk+1. Internat. J. Math., 17(10):1175-1193, 2006. math.DG/0603318. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | WorldSciNet | ZMath ]
[KN06b] T. Kobayashi and S. Nasrin. Deformation space of discontinuous groups Zk for a nilmanifold Rk+1. In T. Kawazoe, editor, Representation Theory of Groups and Extension of Harmonic Analysis, volume 1467, pages 101-111, 2006. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) ]
[KM06] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano. The inversion operator for the minimal representation of O(p,q). In T. Kawazoe, editor, Representation Theory of Groups and Extension of Harmonic Analysis, volume 1467, pages 51-61, 2006. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(dvi) ]
[Kob05c] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity-free representations and visible actions on complex manifolds. In S. Aoki, S. Kato, and H. Oda, editors, Proceedings of Symposium on Representation Theory 2005, held at Kakegawa, November 15-18, 2005, pages 33-66, 2005. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | related papers ]
[KN05] T. Kobayashi and A. Nilsson. Invariant multipliers and O(p,q)-action. In S. Aoki, S. Kato, and H. Oda, editors, Proceedings of Symposium on Representation Theory 2005, held at Kakegawa, November 15-18, 2005, pages 10-21, 2005. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | abstract(html) | symposium ]
[Kob05a] T. Kobayashi. Fourier transform of a minimal K-type vector in the minimal representation of O(p+1,q+1). In T. Oda, editor, Automorphic Forms on Sp(2,R) and SU(2,2), III, volume 1421, pages 1-11, 2005. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | workshop ]
[KM05b] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano. The minimal representation of O(p,2) and an integral formula for the inversion operator. In J. Inoue, editor, Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces, volume 1410, pages 173-187, 2005. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) ]
[KY05] T. Kobayashi and T. Yoshino. Compact Clifford-Klein forms of symmetric spaces-revisited. Pure and Appl. Math. Quarterly, 1:603-684, 2005. Special Issue: In Memory of Armand Borel. math.DG/0509543. DOI: 10.4310/PAMQ.2005.v1.n3.a6. [ DOI | full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob05d] T. Kobayashi. On discontinuous group actions on non-Riemannian homogeneous spaces. Sugaku, 57:267-281, 2005. An English translation: Sugaku Expositions 22 (2009), Amer. Math. Soc., 1-19. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[Kob05f] T. Kobayashi. Theory of discrete decomposable branching laws of unitary representations of semisimple Lie groups and some applications. Sugaku Expositions, 18:1-37, 2005. a translation of the original article in Japanese. [ full info | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(dvi) | related papers ]
[Kob05b] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity-free representations and visible actions on complex manifolds. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 41:497-549, 2005. special issue commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the founding of RIMS. [ full info | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | full text(pdf) | Project Euclid | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob05e] T. Kobayashi. Restrictions of unitary representations of real reductive groups. In J.-P. Anker and B. Ørsted, editors, Lie Theory: Unitary Representations and Compactifications of Symmetric Spaces, pages 139-207. Progress in Mathematics 229, Birkhäuser, 2005. ISBN 0817635262. [ full info | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | full text(pdf) | SpringerLink | ZMath | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp ]
[KO05] T. Kobayashi and T. Oshima. Lie Groups and Representations. Iwanami, 2005. 638 pp. ISBN 4-00-006142-9. [ full info | Amazon.co.jp ]
[KM05a] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano. Integral formulas for the minimal representations for O(p, 2). Acta Appl. Math., 86:103-113, 2005. [ full info | DocuRights | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | ZMath | MathSciNet ]
[KOT04] T. Kobayashi, H. Ochiai, and H. Tagawa, editors. Symposium on Representation Theory 2004, Awajishima, 2004. 164 pp., ISBN 4-9902328-0-1. [ full info ]
[Kob04] T. Kobayashi. Geometry of multiplicity-free representations of GL(n), visible actions on flag varieties, and triunity. Acta Appl. Math., 81:129-146, 2004. [ full info | DocuRights | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob03c] T. Kobayashi. On discontinuous groups for non-Riemannian homogeneous spaces. In Proceedings of Geometry Session, the Mathematical Society of Japan, September 2003, pages 75-89, 2003. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) ]
[KN03b] T. Kobayashi and A. Nilsson. Characterizing multipliers by relative invariance. In S. Ariki, editor, Expansion of Lie Theory and New Advances, volume 1348, pages 10-22, 2003. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(dvi) ]
[Kob03b] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity one theorem on branching laws and geometry of complex manifolds. In S. Ariki, editor, Expansion of Lie Theory and New Advances, volume 1348, pages 1-9, 2003. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(dvi) | workshop | related papers ]
[Kob03d] T. Kobayashi. Schrödinger model of the minimal representation of O(p,q). In T. Oda, editor, Automorphic Forms on Type IV Symmetric Domains, volume 1342, pages 107-116, 2003. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | workshop ]
[KN03a] T. Kobayashi and S. Nasrin. Multiplicity one theorem in the orbit method. Amer. Math. Soc. Transl., Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Series 2, 210:161-169, 2003. Special volume in memory of Professor F. Karpelevič. [ full info | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob03a] T. Kobayashi. Conformal geometry and global solutions to the Yamabe equations on classical pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. Supplemento di Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, 71:15-40, 2003. Lecture Notes of the 22nd Winter School 2002 on Geometry and Physics, Czech Republic. [ full info | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | ZMath | lecture ]
[KØ03c] T. Kobayashi and B. Ørsted. Analysis on the minimal representations of O(p,q), III.-Ultra-hyperbolic equations on Rp-1,q-1. Adv. Math., 180:551-595, 2003. math.RT/0111086. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | ScienceDirect | ZMath | related papers ]
[KØ03b] T. Kobayashi and B. Ørsted. Analysis on the minimal representations of O(p,q), II.-Branching laws. Adv. Math., 180:513-550, 2003. math.RT/0111085. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | ScienceDirect | ZMath | related papers ]
[KØ03a] T. Kobayashi and B. Ørsted. Analysis on the minimal representations of O(p,q), I.-Realization and conformal geometry. Adv. Math., 180:486-512, 2003. math.RT/0111083. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | ScienceDirect | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob02b] T. Kobayashi. Branching problems of unitary representations. In S. Sano, editor, Proceedings of Symposium of Representation Theory, held at Fuji Haitsu, November 2002, pages 39-52, 2002. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | symposium ]
[Kob02c] T. Kobayashi. The canonical inner product on the space of solutions of the Yamabe operator. In T. Ohta, editor, Representations of Noncomutative Algebraic Systems and Harmonic Analysis, volume 1294, pages 76-86, 2002. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | workshop ]
[Kob02f] T. Kobayashi. On the canonical inner product on the space of global solutions of the Yamabe operator. In Proceedings of Differential Geometry Symposium on ''Various Geometric Structures”, pages 4-5, 2002. [ full info | abstract(dvi) | workshop ]
[Kob02g] T. Kobayashi. Various prompts-when I started studying mathematics. In Sugaku no Tanoshimi, volume 29, pages 9-19. Nippon-Hyoron-Sha, 2002. Reproduced in ''Sugaku Manabi Hajime”, vol. 2, Nippon-Hyoron-Sha, 2006. [ full info ]
[Kob02e] T. Kobayashi. Introduction to actions of discrete groups on pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous manifolds. Acta Appl. Math., 73:115-131, 2002. [ full info | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | ZMath ]
[Kob02d] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous groups for non-Riemannian homogeneous spaces (translation from English). In Sugaku no Saisentan, challenge to the 21th century, volume 1, pages 18-73. Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 2002. [ full info | Amazon.co.jp ]
[Kob02a] T. Kobayashi. Branching problems of unitary representations. In Proc. of ICM 2002, Beijing, volume 2, pages 615-627, 2002. math.RT/0304326. [ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | abstract(html) | ZMath | conference | related papers ]
[Kob01a] T. Kobayashi. Book review on ''Continuous groups”, L. S. Pontryagin. In Sugaku no Tanoshimi, volume 23, pages 110-119. Nippon-Hyoron-Sha, 2001. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) ]
[Kob01b] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous groups for non-Riemannian homogeneous spaces. In B. Engquist and W. Schmid, editors, Mathematics Unlimited-2001 and Beyond, pages 723-747. Springer-Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3540669132. [ full info | ZMath | MathSciNet | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp ]
[KKM+00] T. Kobayashi, M. Kashiwara, T. Matsuki, K. Nishiyama, and T. Oshima, editors. Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Representation Theory of Lie Groups, Okayama-Kyoto, volume 26 of Adv. Stud. Pure Math. Mathematical Society of Japan, 2000. 359 pp. ISBN 4-314-10138-5. [ full info | AMS | ZMath | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp | symposium | .pdf ]
[Kob00a] T. Kobayashi. Branching laws of unitary highest weight modules with respect to semisimple symmetric pairs. Tangunsbericht, Representation Theory and Complex Analysis, 18:15-16, 2000. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | workshop | related papers ]
[Kob00b] T. Kobayashi. Discretely decomposable restrictions of unitary representations of reductive Lie groups-examples and conjectures. In T. Kobayashi, M. Kashiwara, T. Matsuki, K. Nishiyama, and T. Oshima, editors, Advanced Study in Pure Mathematics, Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Representation Theory of Lie Groups, Okayama-Kyoto, volume 26, pages 98-126, 2000. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | AMS | ZMath | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp ]
[Kob] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity-free restrictions of unitary highest weight modules for reductive symmetric pairs. preprint UTMS 2000-1. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | related papers ]
[Kob99c] T. Kobayashi. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras II. Iwanami, 1999. xix+314 pp. Reproduced in ''Lie Groups and Representations”, Iwanami, 2005. [ full info | errata ]
[KO99] T. Kobayashi and T. Oshima. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I. Iwanami, 1999. xvi+293 pp. Reproduced in ''Lie Groups and Representations”, Iwanami, 2005. [ full info | errata ]
[Kob99b] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous groups for homogeneous spaces. In H. Matumoto, editor, Symposium on Representation Theory, at Tateyama, pages 99-110, 1999. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | symposium ]
[Kob99a] T. Kobayashi. Adjoint action. In Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, pages 15-16. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | SpringerLink ]
[Kob99e] T. Kobayashi. Theory of discretely decomposable restrictions of unitary representations of semisimple Lie groups and its developments. Sugaku, 51(4):337-356, 1999. an English translation. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | related papers ]
[Kob99d] T. Kobayashi. Theory of discretely decomposable restrictions of unitary representations and its development. In Proceedings of Plenary Lectures of the Mathematical Society of Japan, held at Gakushuin University, Tokyo, March, 1999, pages 1-19, 1999. [ full info | full text(pdf) | conference ]
[Kob98a] T. Kobayashi. Deformation of compact Clifford-Klein forms of indefinite-Riemannian homogeneous manifolds. Math. Ann., 310(3):395-409, 1998. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | SpringerLink | ZMath | related papers ]
[KØ98] T. Kobayashi and B. Ørsted. Conformal geometry and branching laws for unitary representations attached to minimal nilpotent orbits. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 326:925-930, 1998. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | ScienceDirect | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob98d] T. Kobayashi. Discrete decomposability of the restriction of Aq(λ) with respect to reductive subgroups III-restriction of Harish-Chandra modules and associated varieties. Invent. Math., 131:229-256, 1998. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | abstract(dvi) | SpringerLink | ZMath | related papers ]
[KO98] T. Kobayashi and T. Oda. A vanishing theorem for modular symbols on locally symmetric spaces. Comment. Math. Helv., 73:45-70, 1998. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | ZMath ]
[Kob98c] T. Kobayashi. Discrete decomposability of the restriction of Aq(λ) with respect to reductive subgroups II-micro-local analysis and asymptotic K-support. Annals of Math., 147(3):709-729, 1998. DOI: 10.2307/120963. [ DOI | full info | preprint version(dvi) | JSTOR | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob98e] T. Kobayashi. Discrete series representations for the orbit spaces arising from two involutions of real reductive Lie groups. J. Funct. Anal., 152:100-135, 1998. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | ScienceDirect | ZMath ]
[Kob98f] T. Kobayashi. Harmonic analysis on homogeneous manifolds of reductive type and unitary representation theory. In K. Nomizu, editor, Translations, Series II, Selected Papers on Harmonic Analysis, Groups, and Invariants, volume 183, pages 1-31. Amer. Math. Soc., 1998. ISBN 0-8218-0840-0. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | ZMath | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp ]
[Kob98b] T. Kobayashi. Discrete and continuous-Branching laws of infinite dimensional representations and their applications. In Proceedings of plenary lectures, the Mathematical Society of Japan, held at Meijo University, March, 1998, pages 35-54, 1998. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | conference ]
[Kob97a] T. Kobayashi. Invariant measures on homogeneous manifolds of reductive type. J. Reine Angew. Math., 490:37-53, 1997. DOI: 10.1515/crll.1997.490.37. [ DOI | full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | GDZ | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob97e] T. Kobayashi. Multiplicity free theorem in branching problems of unitary highest weight modules. In K. Mimachi, editor, Proceedings of Representation Theory held at Saga, Kyushu, 1997, pages 9-17, 1997. [ full info | preprint version(ps) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | symposium | related papers ]
[Kob97b] T. Kobayashi. Lp-analysis on homogeneous manifolds of reductive type and representation theory. Proc. Japan Acad., 73:62-66, 1997. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | Project Euclid | ZMath ]
[Kob97c] T. Kobayashi. Monastir Seminar on proper actions, discontinuous groups, and uniform lattices for pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous manifolds. In P. Torasso, editor, Proceedings of the CIMPA School, held in Tunisia, July-August 1996, 1997. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | lecture ]
[Kob97d] T. Kobayashi. Monastir Seminar on the restriction of unitary representations and their applications. In P. Torasso, editor, Proceedings of the CIMPA School, held in Tunisia, July-August 1996, 1997. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | lecture ]
[Kob96c] T. Kobayashi. On the restriction of unitary representations and their applications. In Proceedings of Symposium on Representation Theory, Mikawa, pages 131-141, 1996. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | symposium ]
[KO96] T. Kobayashi and T. Oshima. Multiplicities of induced representations of semisimple Lie groups. unpublished notes, 1996. [ full info ]
[Kob96d] T. Kobayashi. A vanishing theorem of modular symbols on locally symmetric varieties, (notes taken by S. Ishikawa). In N. Shimeno, editor, Proceedings of Representation Theory and Related Topics, Kurashiki 1996, pages 1-16, 1996. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | workshop ]
[Kob96b] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous groups and Clifford-Klein forms of pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous manifolds. In H. Schlichtkrull and B. Ørsted, editors, Algebraic and Analytic Methods in Representation Theory, volume 17 of Perspectives in Mathematics, pages 99-165. Academic Press, 1996. ISBN 0-12-625440-0. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(dvi) | ZMath | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp ]
[Kob96a] T. Kobayashi. Criterion for proper actions on homogeneous spaces of reductive groups. J. Lie Theory, 6(2):147-163, 1996. [ full info | abstract(html) | ZMath ]
[Kob95a] T. Kobayashi. Introduction to harmonic analysis on spherical homogeneous spaces. In F. Sato, editor, Proceedings of 3rd Summer School on Number Theory ''Homogeneous Spaces and Automorphic Forms” held at Rikkyo University, January 1995 and at Yamagata-mura in Nagano, July 1995, pages 22-41, 1995. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | lecture | workshop ]
[Kob95b] T. Kobayashi. The restriction of Aq(λ) to reductive subgroups II. Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A, 71:24-26, 1995. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | Project Euclid | ZMath ]
[Kob94e] T. Kobayashi. Integral geometry for submanifolds and Plancherel formulas of complex homogeneous manifolds. In Proceedings of Symposium on Representation Theory at Toyama (November 16-19, 1994), pages 16-25, 1994. [ full info | symposium ]
[Kob94b] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous groups acting on homogeneous spaces-Calabi-Markus phenomenon, compact Clifford-Klein forms. Lecture notes of European School on Group Theory held at Sandbjerg Gods', August 15-26, 1994, 1994. 30 pp. [ full info | lecture ]
[Kob94c] T. Kobayashi. Discrete decomposability of the restriction of Aq(λ) with respect to reductive subgroups and its applications. Invent. Math., 117:181-205, 1994. DOI: 10.1007/BF01232239. [ DOI | full info | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | abstract(html) | SpringerLink | GDZ | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob94d] T. Kobayashi. Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces of reductive type and representation theory. Sugaku, 46:124-143, 1994. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) ]
[Kob94a] T. Kobayashi. Bounded domains and the zero sets of Fourier transforms. In S. Gindikin and P. Michor, editors, 75 Years of Radon Transform, pages 223-239. International Press, Hongkong, 1994. Conference Proceedings and Lecture Notes in Mathematical Physics, IV. ISBN 157146008X. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | ZMath | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp | workshop ]
[Kob93a] T. Kobayashi. Introduction to unitary representation theory of semisimple Lie groups-Vogan-Zuckerman's derived functor modules, and discretely decomposable unitary representations. In Proceedings of Symposium on Representation Theory at Izu-Atagawa, 1993, pages 32-51, 1993. [ full info | full text(pdf) | symposium ]
[Kob93b] T. Kobayashi. On discontinuous groups acting on homogeneous spaces with noncompact isotropy subgroups. J. Geom. Physics, 12:133-144, 1993. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(html) | ScienceDirect | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob93d] T. Kobayashi. The restriction of Aq(λ) to reductive subgroups. Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A, 69:262-267, 1993. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | full text(pdf) | Project Euclid | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob93c] T. Kobayashi. Perturbations of domains in the Pompeiu problem. Comm. Anal. Geom., 1:29-55, 1993. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | ZMath ]
[Kob92b] T. Kobayashi. A necessary condition for the existence of compact Clifford-Klein forms of homogeneous spaces of reductive type. Duke Math. J., 67:653-664, 1992. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | Project Euclid | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob92a] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous groups acting on homogeneous spaces of reductive type. In T. Kawazoe, T. Oshima, and S. Sano, editors, Proceedings of Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Fuji-Kawaguchiko, 1990, pages 59-75. World Scientific, 1992. ISBN 9810210906. [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | ZMath | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp | conference | related papers ]
[Kob92c] T. Kobayashi. Singular Unitary Representations and Discrete Series for Indefinite Stiefel Manifolds U(p,q;F)/U(p-m,q;F), volume 462 of Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. Amer. Math. Soc., 1992. v+106 pages, ISBN-10: 0-8218-2524-0; ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-2524-2 (print); ISBN-13: 978-1-4704-0888-6 (electric). [ full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(pdf) | abstract(dvi) | AMS | ZMath | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.jp ]
[Kob91a] T. Kobayashi. Convex domains and Fourier transform on spaces of constant curvature. In P. Torasso, editor, Lecture Notes of the UNESCO-CIMPA School on ''Invariant differential operators on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces”, at WuHan University in P. R. China, 1991, 1991. 112 pp. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | abstract(dvi) | lecture ]
[Kob91b] T. Kobayashi. Singular unitary representations and discrete series for the indefinite Stiefel manifolds U(p,q;F)/U(p-m,q;F). In abstracts of a Conference held in Sandbjerg Gods', August 26-30, 1991, edited by N. V. Pedersen, Mathematical Institute, Copenhagen University, Report, volume 3, pages 30-33, 1991. [ full info | conference ]
[Kob90a] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous group in a homogeneous space of reductive type. Seminar Reports of Unitary Representation, 10:41-45, 1990. at the International Conference on Representation Theories of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras at Lake-Kawaguchi. [ full info | conference ]
[KO90] T. Kobayashi and K. Ono. Note on Hirzebruch's proportionality principle. Journal of the Faculty of Science. University of Tokyo. Section IA. Mathematics, 37(1):71-87, 1990. [ full info | preprint version(dvi) | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob90b] T. Kobayashi. Discontinuous groups acting on non-Riemannian homogeneous spaces. In I. Satake, editor, Workshop on Algebraic Groups and Related Topics, volume 737, pages 6-29, 1990. [ full info | workshop | related papers ]
[Kob90c] T. Kobayashi. Proper action on a homogeneous space of reductive type. PhD thesis, the University of Tokyo, 1990. DOI: 10.11501/3087251. [ DOI | full info | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) ]
[Kob89a] T. Kobayashi. Analysis on homogeneous vector bundles and unitary representations of semisimple Lie groups. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan held at Sophia University, September 1989, pages 84-93, 1989. [ full info | full text(pdf) | symposium ]
[Kob89c] T. Kobayashi. Homogeneous spaces with indefinite-metric and discontinuous groups. In 36th Geometry Symposium, pages 104-116, 1989. [ full info | full text(pdf) | symposium ]
[Kob89f] T. Kobayashi. Unitary representations realized in L2-sections of vector bundles over semisimple symmetric spaces. In Proceedings of the Joint Sympoium of Real Analysis and Functional Analysis (cosponsored by the Mathematical Society of Japan), pages 39-54, 1989. [ full info | symposium ]
[Kob89d] T. Kobayashi. How can we VIEW from silhouettes? Sugaku Seminar, 9:82-87, 1989. reproduced in ''Gendai Sugaku no Ayumi 4”. [ full info | full text(dvi) | full text(pdf) | full text(ps) | lecture ]
[Kob89e] T. Kobayashi. Proper action on a homogeneous space of reductive type. Math. Ann., 285(2):249-263, 1989. [ DOI | full info | full text(pdf) | SpringerLink | GDZ | ZMath | related papers ]
[Kob89b] T. Kobayashi. Asymptotic behaviours of the null variety for a convex domain in a non-positively curved space form. Jour. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, 36(3):389-478, 1989. [ full info | ZMath ]
[KOS89] T. Kobayashi, K. Ono, and T. Sunada. Periodic Schrödinger operators on a manifold. Forum Math., 1(1):69-79, 1989. [ DOI | full info | ZMath | MathSciNet ]
[KO89] T. Kobayashi and K. Ono. Note on Hirzebruch's proportionality principle. In Y. Kanie, editor, Representation Theory and its Applications to Physics, volume 700, pages 103-126, 1989. [ full info | workshop ]
[Kob88c] T. Kobayashi. Some examples of the branching rule of unitary representations associated to isomorphisms of homogeneous spaces. unpublished notes, 1988. [ full info ]
[Kob88b] T. Kobayashi. Properly discontinuous actions on reductive homogeneous spaces. Seminar Reports of Unitary Representation, 8:17-22, 1988. at the annual conference on unitary representation theory at Lake-Kawaguchi (organized by H. Yamada), November 1988. [ full info | conference | related papers ]
[Kob88a] T. Kobayashi. Construction of discrete series for vector bundles over semisimple symmetric spaces. In K. Minemura, editor, Characteristic Function on a Symmetric Space and Representation of Lie Group, volume 642, pages 134-156, 1988. [ full info | Kyoto Univ Res Inf Repository | workshop ]
[Kob87a] T. Kobayashi. Discrete series representation for vector bundles over semisimple symmetric spaces. Master Dissertation II, the University of Tokyo, 1987. 56 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob87b] T. Kobayashi. The null variety of the Fourier transform of the characteristic function of a convex domain. Master Dissertation I, the University of Tokyo, 1987. 98 pp. [ full info ]
[Kob86] T. Kobayashi. The null variety of the Fourier-Laplace transform of the characteristic function of a bounded domain. Seminar Reports of Unitary Representation, 6:1-18, 1986. at the annual conference on unitary representation theory at Toba (organized by K. Kumahara). [ full info | full text(pdf) | conference ]

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