T. Kobayashi's Complete List of Invited Lectures (reverse chronological order)

[25f] Structure of Tempered Homogeneous Spaces. III. Limit Algebras. Minicourses. Institut Henri Poincaré, France, 21 February 2025. (Day 3 of the three lectures). [ full info | programme ]
[25e] Structure of Tempered Homogeneous Spaces. II. Combinatorics Approach. Minicourses. Institut Henri Poincaré, France, 19 February 2025. (Day 2 of the three lectures). [ full info | programme ]
[25d] Structure of Tempered Homogeneous Spaces. I. Dynamical Approach. Minicourses. Institut Henri Poincaré, France, 17 February 2025. (Day 1 of the three lectures). [ full info | programme ]
[25g] Symmetry Breaking under Translations. AIM-IHP seminar. Institut Henri Poincaré, France, 11 February 2025. [ full info ]
[25c] Hidden Symmetry and Spectral Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Symmetry Spaces. Intertwining Operators and Geometry during the thematic trimester Representation Theory and Noncommutative Geometry. Institut Henri Poincaré, France, 20-24 January 2025. [ full info ]
[25b] Branching in Representation Theory. Minicourses: branching problems and symmetry-breaking. Institut Henri Poincaré, France, 13-17 January 2025. (three lectures). [ full info ]
[25a] Basic Questions in Group-Theoretic Analysis on Manifolds. Introductory school at CIRM (Marseille): Methods in representation theory and operator algebras. Marseille, France, 6-10 January 2025. [ full info ]
[24j] Symmetry Breaking and Translation Functor. NCTS Workshop on Representation Theory and Lie Groups. Taiwan, 11-14 December 2024. [ full info ]
[24b] Basic Questions in Group-Theoretic Analysis on Manifolds. Colloquium at Hiroshima University. Hiroshima, Japan, 22 October 2024. [ full info ]
[24f] Geometry and Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces. Intensive lectures. Hiroshima, Japan, 21-25 October 2024. [ full info ]
[24d] Branching Problems and Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-Metric. Seminar at University of Trento. Trento, Italy, 19 September 2024. [ full info ]
[24c] Branching Problems and Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-Metric. International Congress of Basic Science. Beijing, China, 25 July 2024. [ full info ]
[24h] Overview of Branching Problems in the Real Setting. Branching Problems for Representations of Real, $p$-Adic and Adelic Groups. the University of British Columbia - Okanagan, Kelowna, Canada. BIRS, 7-12 July 2024. [ full info ]
[24i] Striving for Universal Truth: Discovery and Creation. The 138th Public Lecture Series at the University of Tokyo (Spring 2024): Constraints and Creativity in the Arts and Sciences. Yasuda Auditorium, The University of Tokyo, 22 June 2024. [ full info ]
[24a] Address by the Head of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science. Degree Conferment Ceremony for the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science. The University of Tokyo, Japan, 22 March 2024. [ full info ]
[24e] Congratulatory Address by the Head of the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences. Degree Conferment Ceremony for the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 21 March 2024. [ full info ]
[24g] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Zariski Dense Subgroups, Number Theory and Geometric Applications. ICTS, Bangalore, India, 1-12 January 2024. Originally scheduled on 6--17 April 2020, Re-rescheduled on April 17--28, 2023. [ full info ]
[23d] Harish-Chandra’s Admissibility Theorem and Beyond. 18th Discussion Meeting in Harmonic Analysis (In honour of centenary year of Harish Chandra). IIT Guwahati, India, 18-21 December 2023. [ full info ]
[23e] Harish-Chandra’s Tempered Representations and Geometry. 18th Discussion Meeting in Harmonic Analysis (In honour of centenary year of Harish Chandra): Workshop. IIT Guwahati, India, 12-16 December 2023. (4 lectures). [ full info ]
[23f] Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis, Branching Problems, and Discontinuous Groups. 7th Tunisian-Japanese Conference: Geometric and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Applications in Honor of Professor Toshiyuki Kobayashi. Monastir, Tunisia, 31 October-4 November 2023. [ full info ]
[23c] Harish-Chandra's Admissibility Theorem and Beyond. Harish-Chandra Centenary Celebrations 2023: Conference on Harish-Chandra. Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) in Allahabad, India, 9-14 October 2023. [ full info ]
[23b] A Generating Operator for Rankin-Cohen Brackets. 29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians with EMS. Aalborg, Denmark, 3-7 July 2023. [ full info ]
[23a] A Generating Operator for Rankin-Cohen Brackets. XV. International Workshop Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics (LT-15). Varna, Bulgaria, 19-25 June 2023. [ full info ]
[23g] Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces at minicourse. Noncommutative Geometry and Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces. Williamsburg, USA, 16-20 January 2023. Originally scheduled on 25--29 May 2020. [ full info ]
[22a] Basic Questions in Group-Theoretic Analysis on Manifolds. MATH-IMS Joint Pure Mathematics Colloquium Series. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 25 November 2022. [ full info ]
[22c] ''Visible actions” and ''only one” - Geometric structure that produces multiplicity-free representations. The 30th Anniversary Ceremony of the Foundation of the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences. The University of Tokyo, 15 October 2022. [ full info ]
[22d] On the Crossroads of Global Analysis and Representation Theory. Geometry, Analysis, and Representation Theory of Lie Groups (organized by Y. Oshima, H. Sekiguchi, T. Kubo, T. Okuda, Y. Tanaka, and M. Kitagawa). The University of Tokyo, 5-9 September 2022. [ full info ]
[22b] Harish-Chandra's admissibility theorem and beyond. Representations and Characters: Revisiting the Works of Harish-Chandra and Andr\eacute{} Weil --- A satellite conference of the virtual ICM 2022 (organized by Hung Yean Loke, Tomasz Przebinda, Angela Pasquale, and Binyong Sun). the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 9 July 2022. [ full info ]
[22f] Proper Actions and Representation Theory. Part I. Properness criterion. Pat II. Discontinuous group, Weil's local rigidity, and deformation. Part III. Tempered Subgroups and tempered homogeneous spaces. Representations and Characters: Revisiting the Works of Harish-Chandra and Andr\eacute{} Weil --- A satellite conference of the virtual ICM 2022 (organized by Hung Yean Loke, Tomasz Przebinda, Angela Pasquale, and Binyong Sun). the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 1-15 July 2022. [ full info ]
[22h] Tempered Homogeneous Spaces. Symmetry in Geometry and Analysis (organized by M. Pevzner and H. Sekiguchi). Reims University, France, 6-10 June 2022. [ full info ]
[22e] Proper Actions and Representation Theory. Mini-courses of Mini-lectures (Organizers: Pierre Clare (William & Mary), Nigel Higson (Penn State) and Birgit Speh (Cornell). AIM Research Community: Representation Theory & Noncommutative Geometry (online), 25 April-16 May 2022. [ full info ]
[22g] Schrödinger model of minimal representations and branching problems. Minimal Representations and Theta Correspondence: In honor of Gordan Savin for his 60th birthday (organized by Wee Teck Gan, Marcela Hanzer, Alberto Minguez, Goran Muic, and Martin Weissman). (online), The Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI), 11-15 April 2022. [ full info ]
[21a] Bounded Multiplicity in the Branching Problems of ''small” Infinite-dimensional Representations. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar at the University of Tokyo. (online), 5 October 2021. [ full info ]
[21j] Tempered Representations and Limit Algebras. (opening talk). Research Workshop: Seminar in Representation Theory (organized by J. Frahm and B. Ørsted. (online), 8-9 September 2021. [ full info | programme ]
[21d] Holographic Transform. Workshop on Actions of Reductive Groups and Global Analysis. (online Tambara), 17-21 August 2021. [ full info ]
[21c] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium, National University of Singapore. (online), 13 August 2021. [ full info ]
[21g] Limit Algebras and Tempered Representations. (opening lecture). RIMS Workshop: Lie Theory, Representation Theory and Related Areas. (online), 10 August 2021. [ full info ]
[21h] Sound of an anti-de Sitter manifold. (opening lecture). Inaugural Day of the French-Kazakhstan school of Mathematics. (online), 25 June 2021. [ full info ]
[21f] Limit Algebras and Tempered Representations. (plenary opening lecture). XIV. International Workshop: Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. Bulgaria (online), 20-26 June 2021. [ full info ]
[21e] Limit algebras and tempered representation. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. The University of Tokyo, 15 June 2021. [ full info ]
[21k] This is What I do: Limit algebras and tempered representations. Representation Theory & Noncommutative Geometry. AIM Research Community (online), 8 April 2021. [ full info ]
[21i] Tempered Homogeneous Spaces. Special lecture at the functional analysis session, MSJ Spring meeting 2021. Keio University (online), 16 March 2021. [ full info ]
[21b] A Foundation of Group-theoretic Analysis on Manifolds. Colloquium di dipartimento. Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma ''Tor Vergata” (online), 18 February 2021. [ full info ]
[20f] TBA. Periods and Branching Problems for Representations of Real, p-adic and Adeline Groups (organized by B. Speh and T. Kobayashi). The Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics, Hangzhou, China, 18-23 October 2020. promised. (will be rescheduled). [ full info ]
[20e] TBA. Noncommutative Geometry and Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces. Williamsburg, USA, 25-29 May 2020. promised. Rescheduled, January 16--20, 2023. [ full info ]
[20a] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Zariski Dense Subgroups, Number Theory and Geometric Applications. ICTS, Bangalore, India, 6-17 April 2020. promised. Re-rescheduled, April 17-28, 2023. Re-re-rescheduled, January 1-12, 2024. [ full info ]
[20d] Regular Representations on Homogeneous Spaces. Journées SL_2 R - Théorie des représentations et analyse harmonique, in honor of Jacques Faraut's 80th birthday. Nancy, France, 12-13 March 2020. Conference was cancelled. [ full info ]
[20c] Regular Representations on Homogeneous Spaces. Representation Theory of Reductive Groups from Geometric and Analytic Methods. Kavli IPMU, Japan, 27-28 January 2020. [ full info ]
[20b] A Program for Branching Problems in the Representationtheory of Real Reductive Groups: Classification Problem of Symmetry Breaking Operators. Representation Theory inspired by the Langlands Conjectures (organized by B. Speh and P. Trapa), in connection with the AMS-AWM Noether lecture by Birgit Speh. Denver, USA, 17 January 2020. [ full info ]
[19f] Introduction to Representation Theory of Real Reductive Lie Groups and Branching Problems. (opening lecture/five plenary lectures). The 2nd International Undergraduate Mathematics Summer School. The University of Tokyo, Japan, 29 July-9 August 2019. [ full info ]
[19i] Regular Representations on Homogeneous Spaces. (opening lecture). RIMS Workshop: Developments in Representation Theory and Related Topics (organizer: Yoshiki Oshima). RIMS, Kyoto University, 9-12 July 2019. [ full info | programme ]
[19j] Symmetry Breaking Operators: General Theory and Concrete Construction for Reductive Groups. (opening lecture/2 lectures). Representation Theory of Lie Groups, Mathematical Physics, and Dynamical Systems. Université de Reims, France, 24-29 June 2019. [ full info ]
[19h] Regular Representations on Homogeneous Spaces. (opening lecture). 13-th edition of the International Workshop: Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics (LT-13). Varna, Blugaria, 17-23 June 2019. [ full info | programme ]
[19d] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Seminar. University of Padova, Italy, 3 June 2019. [ full info ]
[19g] Regular Representations on Homogeneous Spaces. Dynamics of Group Actions: a conference in honor of Yves Benoist. Cetraro, Italy, 27-31 May 2019. [ full info ]
[19c] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. Oklahoma State University, 3 May 2019. [ full info | announcement ]
[19a] Branching Problems and Symmetry Breaking Operators. Geometry, Symmetry and Physics. Yale University, USA, 23 April 2019. [ full info ]
[19b] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. Yale University, USA, 17 April 2019. [ full info ]
[19e] Homomorphisms between Verma Modules and Symmetry Breaking Operators. (opening lecture). Representation Theory of Reductive Lie Groups and Algebras: in honor of Hisayosi Matumoto on the occasion of his 60th birthday. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 27-29 March 2019. [ full info ]
[18j] Semisimple Symmetric Spaces and Discontinuous Groups: What I Learned from Professor Toshio Oshima. (closing lecture). Conference in honour of Professor Toshio Oshima's 70th birthday. Josai University, Tokyo, Japan, 26-27 December 2018. [ full info | programme ]
[18i] Global Geometry and Analysis on Pseudo-Riemannian Locally Symmetric Spaces. Symposium on Representation Theory 2018. Tottori, Japan, 13-16 November 2018. [ full info ]
[18k] Symmetry and Global Analysis. (series lectures). Hiroshima University, Japan, 5-9 November 2018. [ full info ]
[18e] From Local to Global-Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. Hiroshima University, Japan, 6 November 2018. [ full info ]
[18h] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. “Geometric Quantization and Applications” in honour of M. Vergne. Luminy, France, 8-12 October 2018. [ full info ]
[18g] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. (plenary lecture). The 65th Geometry Symposium. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 28-31 August 2018. [ full info ]
[18a] Branching Problems and Symmetry Breaking. Conference in honor of Joachim Hilgert. Paderborn, Germany, 23-27 July 2018. [ full info ]
[18c] Branching Problems and Symmetry Breaking Operators. (plenary lecture). the 32nd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group32). Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 July 2018. [ full info ]
[18f] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Glances at Manifolds: Conference in celebration of Aleksy Tralle for his 60th birthday. the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 2-6 July 2018. [ full info ]
[18b] Branching Problems and Symmetry Breaking Operators. Representation theory, geometry, and quantization: the mathematical legacy of Bertram Kostant. MIT, USA, 28 May-1 June 2018. [ full info ]
[18d] Conformally Covariant Symmetry Breaking Operators on Differential Forms and Some Applications. Journées SL2R de théorie des représentations et analyse harmonique (en l'honneur de Hubert Rubenthaler à l'occasion de son départ à la retraite). I.R.M.A., University of Strasbourg, France, 22-23 March 2018. [ full info ]
[17j] Symmetry Breaking Operators for Orthogonal Groups O(n, 1). Symposium on Representation Theory 2017. Isawa, Yamanashi, Japan, 28 November-1 December 2017. (special lecture). [ full info ]
[17f] F-method for Constructing Symmetry Breaking Operators V. Some Further Perspectives from the General Theory. The 20th Hakuba Workshop on Number Theory in 2017: Automorphic Differential Operators on Siegel Modular Forms (organized by T. Ibukiyama). Nagano, Japan, 3-7 September 2017. [ full info ]
[17e] F-method for Constructing Symmetry Breaking Operators I. Abstract Branching Laws for Unitary Highest Weight Modules and Localness Theorem. The 20th Hakuba Workshop on Number Theory in 2017: Automorphic Differential Operators on Siegel Modular Forms (organized by T. Ibukiyama). Nagano, Japan, 3-7 September 2017. [ full info ]
[17g] Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric - after 145 years of Klein's Erlangen Program. Colloquium. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 25 July 2017. [ full info ]
[17d] Conformally Covariant Symmetry Breaking Operators on Differential Forms and Some Applications. (plenary lecture), the XXXV Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics. Bialowieza, Poland, 2-8 July 2017. [ full info ]
[17l] Symmetry Breaking Operators in Conformal Geometry and Some Applications. Sophus Lie Seminar. Göttingen, Germany, 30 June-1 July 2017. [ full info ]
[17k] Symmetry Breaking Operators in Conformal Geometry. (opening lecture). Joint meeting of X. International Symposium: Quantum Theory and Symmetries and XII. International Workshop: Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. Varna, Bulgaria, 19-25 June 2017. [ full info ]
[17a] Analysis of minimal representations-an approach to quantize nilpotent orbits. Representation Theory at the Crossroads of Modern Mathematics: in honor of Alexandre Kirillov. Reims, France, 29 May-2 June 2017. [ full info ]
[17i] Symmetry Breaking Operators for Orthogonal Groups O(n, 1). Harmonic Analysis and the Trace Formula. Oberwolfach, Germany, 21-27 May 2017. [ full info ]
[17b] Analysis on locally pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces. The Kemeny lectures. Dartmouth College, USA, 5 May 2017. [ full info ]
[17h] Local to global-geometry of symmetric spaces with indefinite-metric. The Kemeny lectures. Dartmouth College, USA, 4 May 2017. [ full info ]
[17m] “Universal sounds” of anti-de Sitter manifolds. The Kemeny lectures. Dartmouth College, USA, 3 May 2017. [ full info ]
[17c] Conformally Covariant Symmetry Breaking Operators on Differential Forms and Some Applications. AMS Special Session on Harmonic Analysis (In Honor of Gestur Olafsson's 65th Birthday). Atlanta, USA, 4 January 2017. [ full info ]
[16d] Conformal Geometry and Branching Problems in Representation Theory. Symposium on Representation Theory 2016. Okinawa, Japan, 29 November-2 December 2016. (special lectures). [ full info ]
[16a] Birth of New Branching Problems. 70th anniversary lecture (featured invited talk), MSJ Autumn Meeting 2016. Kansai University, Japan, 15-18 September 2016. [ full info ]
[16e] Conformally Covariant Symmetry Breaking Operators on Differential Forms and Some Applications. Conference on Geometry, Representation Theory and the Baum-Connes Conjecture. The Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 18-22 July 2016. [ full info ]
[16g] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Analysis on Manifolds with Symmetries and Related Structures. University of Bath, UK, 28-29 June 2016. [ full info ]
[16b] Branching Problems and Symmetry Breaking Operators. (opening lecture). Journees SL2R (Strasbourg, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Reims): Théorie des Representations et Analyse Harmonique. Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, France, 9-10 June 2016. [ full info ]
[16h] Symmetry breaking operators for real reductive groups. Tutorials and Workshop on New Developments in Representation Theory. Singapore, 14 March 2016. [ full info ]
[16f] F-method for Symmetry Breaking Operators, 3. Geometry, Representation Theory, and Differential Equations. Kyushu University, 16-19 February 2016. [ full info ]
[16c] Branching Problems in Representation Theory of Reductive Lie Groups. Berkeley-Tokyo Winter School: Geometry, Topology and Representation Theory. University of California, Berkeley, USA, 8-19 February 2016. [ full info ]
[15e] Analysis on Non-Riemannian Locally Symmetric Spaces-An Application of Invariant Theory. Symposium on Representation Theory 2015. Izu-Nagaoka, Shizuoka, Japan, 17-20 November 2015. [ full info ]
[15b] Analysis on Non-Riemannian Locally Symmetric Spaces-An Application of Branching Laws. Workshop: Branching Laws, Quantum Ergodicity, Wave Front Sets \& Resonances (organized by M. Pevzner and P. Ramacher). Reims, France, 23-24 October 2015. (2 lectures). [ full info ]
[15d] Analysis on Non-Riemannian Locally Symmetric Spaces-An Application of Invariant Theory. Seminar. Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 15 October 2015. [ full info ]
[15a] Analysis of Minimal Representatinons-''Geometric Quantization” of Minimal Nilpotent Orbits. (2 lectures). Analytic Representation Theory of Lie Groups. Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 1-4 July 2015. [ full info ]
[15g] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. The 11th International Workshop: Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics (LT-11). Varna, Bulgaria, 15-21 June 2015. [ full info ]
[15c] Analysis on Non-Riemannian Locally Symmetric Spaces-An Application of Invariant Theory. Harmonic Analysis, Group Representations, Automorphic Forms and Invariant Theory: in honour of Roger Howe celebrating his 70th birthday (organizers: James Cogdell, Ju-Lee Kim, David Manderscheid, Gregory Margulis, Jian-Shu Li, Cheng-Bo Zhu, and Gregg Zuckerman). Yale University, USA, 1-5 June 2015. [ full info ]
[15i] Rigidity in geometry and spectral analysis on non-Riemnnnian locally homogeneous manifolds. Workshop: Deformation of Discrete Groups and Related Topics. Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 17-18 February 2015. [ full info ]
[15h] Infinite Dimensional Representations of Lie Groups. (series lectures). Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 13-16 January 2015. [ full info ]
[15f] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces: Beyond Riemannian Geometry. Colloquium. Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 15 January 2015. [ full info ]
[14e] Group Actions and Representation Theory of Lie Groups: Visible Actions and Multiplicity-free Representations on Complex Manifolds. (4 lectures). Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 16-19 December 2014. [ full info ]
[14d] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 15 December 2014. [ full info ]
[14k] Symmetry Breaking Operators for Rank One Orthogonal Groups. Analysis, Geometry and Representations on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces (Conference in honor of Prof. Takeshi Kawazoe and Prof. Ahmed Intissar). Marrakech, Morocco, 8-12 December 2014. [ full info ]
[14i] Symmetry Breaking Operators and Branching Problems. Symposium on Representation Theory 2014. Awajishima, Japan, 25-28 November 2014. [ full info ]
[14h] Symmetry Breaking Operators and Branching Problems. Algebraic Geometry Seminar. Zurich University, Switzerland, 6 October 2014. [ full info ]
[14j] Symmetry Breaking Operators for Rank One Orthogonal Groups. Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces and Related Topics (organized by Slupinski, Soufaifi, Y. Hironaka, H. Ochiai; scientific advisors: Rubethaler and F. Sato). Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 1-5 September 2014. [ full info ]
[14a] Branching Problems of Representations of Real Reductive Groups. Representation Theory and Groups Actions. The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 12 July 2014. [ full info ]
[14c] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 11 July 2014. [ full info ]
[14l] Visible Actions and Multiplicity-free Representations. 5 lectures, XVIth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. Varna, Bulgaria, 6-11 June 2014. [ full info ]
[14b] Branching problems of representations of real reductive Lie groups. Representations of reductive groups: A conference dedicated to David Vogan on his 60th birthday (organized by Roman Bezrukavnikov, Pavel Etingof, George Lusztig, Monica Nevins, and Peter Trapa). MIT, USA, 19-23 May 2014. [ full info ]
[14g] Shintani Functions, Real Spherical Manifolds, and Symmetry Breaking Operators. Conference on the occasion of Professor Matsuki's 60th birthday. Tottori, Japan, 8-9, February 2014. [ full info ]
[14f] Shintani Functions, Real Spherical Manifolds, and Symmetry Breaking Operators. Representation Theory and Analysis of Reductive Groups: Spherical Spaces and Hecke Algebras (organized by Bernhard Kroetz, Eric M. Opdam, Henrik Schlichtkrull, and Peter Trapa). Oberwolfach, Germany, 19-25 January 2014. [ full info ]
[13k] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. JSPS-DST Asian Academic Seminar 2013: Discrete Mathematics \& its Applications. Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 3-10 November 2013. [ full info ]
[13l] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally pseudo-Riemannian Symmetric Spaces. Sophus Lie Days. Cornell, USA, 11 October 2013. [ full info ]
[13m] ''Universal sound” of anti-de Sitter manifold. Sophus Lie Days. Cornell, USA, 10 October 2013. [ full info ]
[13o] Symmetry Breaking for Representations of Rank One Orthogonal Groups. Workshop on Representations of Lie Groups and their Subgroups (organized by G. Chang). Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 19-20 September 2013. [ full info ]
[13j] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Japan--Netherlands Seminar. Nagoya University, Japan, 26-30 August 2013. [ full info ]
[13a] Analysis of Minimal Representations. International summer research school of CIMPA 2013: Hypergeometric functions and representation theory. Mongolia, 5-16 August 2013. [ full info | abstract(html) | programme ]
[13i] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Hayama Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables XVI. Kanagawa, Japan, 20-23 July 2013. [ full info ]
[13n] Multiplicities in the Restriction and Real Spherical Varieties. Representations of Reductive Groups (organized by Jeff Adams, Peter Trapa, and David Vogan Jr.). Salt Lake City, USA, 8-12 July 2013. [ full info ]
[13h] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Journée Mathématique de la Fédération de Recherche. Logis du Roy, Amiens, France, 2 July 2013. [ full info | poster ]
[13e] F-method to construct natural operators. X. International Workshop: Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics (LT-10). Varna, Bulgaria, 17-23 June 2013. [ full info ]
[13g] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Colloquium de Mathématiques de Rennes. Institut de Recherche mathématique de Rennes, France, 10 June 2013. [ full info ]
[13d] Branching, Multiplicities, and Real Spherical Varieties. Group Actions with applications in Geometry and Analysis: in honour of Toshiyuki Kobayashi 50th birthday. Reims, France, 3-6 June 2013. [ full info ]
[13f] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Colloquium. Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 20 May 2013. [ full info ]
[13b] Branching Laws and F-method for Constructing Natural Differential Operators in Parabolic Geometry. Analysis Seminar. Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 14 May 2013. [ full info ]
[13c] Branching Laws for Infinite Dimensional Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups. (5 lectures), Mathematical Panorama Lectures in celebration of 125th birthday of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Tata Institute, India, 18-22 February 2013. [ full info ]
[12k] On Japanese Journal of Mathematics. RIMS Workshop: Analysis of the Present and Future of Mathematics Journal Publishing. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 26-27 December 2012. [ full info ]
[12d] Finite Multiplicity Theorems and Real Spherical Varieties. Harmonic Analysis Seminar. Charles University in Prague, Czech, 14 December 2012. [ full info ]
[12j] Natural Differential Operators in Parabolic Geometry and Branching Problems. Symposium on Representation Theory 2012. Kagoshima, Japan, 4-7 December 2012. [ full info | proceedings ]
[12h] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Homogeneous Spaces. (2 lectures), Workshop d'analyse harmonique. Reims, France, 2 November 2012. [ full info ]
[12c] Finite Multiplicity Theorems and Real Spherical Varieties. Harmonic Analysis, Operator Algebras and Representations. Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy, France, 22-26 October 2012. [ full info ]
[12l] Spectrum on Locally Symmetric Spaces. Colloquium Lorrain. Université de Lorraine - Metz, France, 16 October 2012. [ full info ]
[12i] Natural Differential Operators in Parabolic Geometry and Branching Laws. The Interaction of Geometry and Representation Theory: Exploring New Frontiers (in honor of Michael Eastwood's 60th birthday) (organized by Andreas Cap, Alan Carey, A. Rod Gover, C. Robin Graham, and Jan Slovak). ESI, Vienna, 10-14 September 2012. [ full info ]
[12g] Geometry of Discontinuous Groups. Mathematics XB. The University of Tokyo, Japan, 17 July 2012. [ full info ]
[12f] Geometric Quantization of Minimal Nilpotent Orbits. Conference in honor of Souriau's 90th birthday. Aix-en-Provence, France, 25-29 June 2012. [ full info | lecture slides ]
[12e] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. Mathematical Physics and Representation Theory (in honor of Prof. Igor Frenkel's 60th birthday) (organized by P. Etingof, M. Khovanov, A. Kirillov Jr., A. Lachowska, A. Licata, A. Savage and G. Zuckerman). Yale University, USA, 12-16 May 2012. [ full info ]
[12b] Finite Multiplicity Theorems and Real Spherical Varieties. Branching Laws (11-31 March 2012). Institute for Mathematical Sciences, NUS, Singapore, 19 March 2012. [ full info ]
[12m] Stable Spectrum for non-Riemannian Locally Symmetric Spaces. Lie Groups: Structure, Actions and Representations (in honor of Prof. Joe Wolf's 75th birthday, organized by Alan Huckleberry, Ivan Penkov and Gregg Zuckermann). Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany, 11-14 January 2012. [ full info ]
[12a] Conformally Equivariant Differential Operators and Branching Problems of Verma Modules. Workshop on Geometric Analysis on Euclidean and Homogeneous Spaces (in honor of Sigurdur Helgason's 85th birthday, in conjuction with the AMS special session ''Radon Transforms and Geometric Analysis”, January 5-7, 2012). Tufts University, USA, 8-9 January 2012. [ full info ]
[11f] Discrete Spectrum for Non-Riemannian Locally Symmetric Spaces. Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups (on the occasion of Prof. MS Raghunathan turning 70 during the year). Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 28-31 December 2011. [ full info | programme ]
[11l] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Homogeneous Spaces. IPMU Colloquium. IPMU, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 14 December 2011. [ full info | announcement ]
[11g] Finite Multiplicity Theorems. (closing lecture), Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations (organized by Joseph Wolf). University of California, Berkeley, USA, 5-6 November 2011. [ full info ]
[11d] Analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces. Chern Centennial Conference. Mathematical Science Research Institute (MSRI) at Berkeley, California, USA, 30 October-5 November 2011. [ full info ]
[11r] On Real Spherical Homogeneous Spaces. Analysis on Lie Groups. Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 27 September 2011. [ full info ]
[11b] Analysis of Minimal Representations. Harmonic Analysis, Deformation Quantization, Noncommutative Geometry. Scalea, Italy, 5-9 September 2011. [ full info | lecture slides ]
[11e] Conformally Equivariant Differential Operators and Branching Problems of Verma Modules. Lie Groups: Geometry and Analysis (JSPS/DFG seminar). Paderborn, Germany, 5-10 September 2011. [ full info ]
[11a] 1. Branching problems for unitary representations-analytic aspects; 2. Branching problems for unitary representations-algebraic aspects. (opening lecture), AIM Conference: Branching Problems for Unitary Representations. Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 25-29 July 2011. [ full info ]
[11n] Multiplicities of Irreducible Representations. (closing lecture), Seminar Sophus Lie. Erlangen, Germany, 15-16 July 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[11k] Geometry of Symmetry. Present, Past and Future of Mathematics (relay lectures). The University of Tokyo, Japan, 4, 11 July 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[11c] Analysis on Minimal Representations. IX. International Workshop: Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. Varna, Bulgaria, 20-26 June 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) | lecture slides ]
[11q] Restrictions of Verma Modules to Symmetric Pairs and Some Applications to Differential Geometry. (2 lectures), Representation Theory XII. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19-26 June 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[11p] Restrictions of Verma Modules to Symmetric Pairs and Some Applications to Differential Geometry. Special day on Lie groups. Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 17 May 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[11m] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces-Beyond the Riemannian Case. Colloquium. University of Chicago, USA, 6 May 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[11o] Restrictions of Verma Modules to Symmetric Pairs and Some Applications to Differential Geometry. Workshop on the Interaction of Representation Theory with Geometry and Combinatorics. Hausdorff Institute, Bonn, Germany, 28 March-1 April 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) | programme ]
[11j] Geometric Quantization of Coadjoint Orbits, Limits and Restrictions. (closing lecture), The 10th Workshop on Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory (NORTh10). Kyushu University, Japan, 19-23 February 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[11i] Geometric Quantization, Limits, and Restrictions-Some Examples for Elliptic and Nilpotent Orbits. Geometric Quantization in the Non-compact Setting (organized by L. Jeffrey, X. Ma and M. Vergne). Oberwolfach, Germany, 13-19 February 2011. [ full info ]
[11h] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. Geometry and Dynamics Seminar. Université Lille, France, 6 January 2011. [ full info | abstract(html) | announcement ]
[10a] Analysis on Minimal Representations. Special Seminar [Mathematics]. IPMU, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 9 December 2010. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[10e] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. 9th Oka Symposium. Nara Women's University, Japan, 4-5 December 2010. [ full info | proceedings | lecture notes ]
[10d] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. Colloquium. Université de Reims, France, 5 October 2010. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[10f] Minimal Representations and Generalized Fourier Transforms. Autour des Transformations de Fourier (Around the Fourier Transforms) (organized by D. Juteau, E. Letellier and P.-E. Paradan). Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy, France, 13-17 September 2010. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[10g] Stable Spectrum on Locally Homogeneous Spaces. Structure and Representations of Exceptional Groups (organized by Wulf Rossmann, Jedrzej Sniatycki, Shlomo Sternberg, David Vogan and Joseph Wolf). Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS), Canada, 4-9 July 2010. [ full info ]
[10c] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. Geometry and Quantum Theory. Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 28 June-2 July 2010. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[10b] From Local to Global-The World of Lie Groups and Discontinuous Groups. Mathematics XB. Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, 12 May 2010. [ full info ]
[10h] Visible Actions and Multiplicity-free Representations. (3 lectures). The 30th Winter School on Geometry and Physics. Srni, Czech, 16-23 January 2010. [ full info ]
[09c] Applications of Branching Laws to Certain Problems on Global Analysis. The Seventh Workshop in Lie Theory and its Applications. Córdoba, Argentina, 27 November-1 December 2009. [ full info ]
[09p] Restriction of Unitary Representations to Reductive Subgroups. Encuentro de Teoria de Lie (in honor of Prof. Jorge Vargas' 60th Birthday). Córdoba, Argentina, 26 November 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[09d] Branching Problems for Zuckerman's Derived Functor Modules. Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics: Conference in honor of Gregg Zuckerman's 60th birthday. Yale University, USA, 24-27 October 2009. [ full info ]
[09e] Breaking Symmetries and Locally Symmetric Spaces. Geometry and Analysis of Automorphic Forms: Conference in honor of Professor Takayuki Oda on the occasion of his 60th birthday. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 14-17 September 2009. [ full info ]
[09k] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. Workshop on Integral Geometry and Group Representations (organized by Fulton B. Gonzalez, Tomoyuki Kakehi, Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Toshio Oshima). Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 5-10 August 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[09j] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. Representation Theory of Real Reductive Groups (organized by Jeffrey Adams, Susana Salamanca, John Stembridge, Peter Trapa and David Vogan). University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, 27-31 July 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) | lecture notes ]
[09h] Discontinuous Groups on pseudo-Riemannian Spaces. Mathematische Arbeitstagung 2009. Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany, 5-11 June 2009. [ full info | proceedings | programme ]
[09a] 1. Conformal Geometry and Schrödinger Model of Minimal Representations; 2. Generalized Bernstein-Reznikov Integrals. (2 lectures), Representation Theory XI. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 14-21 June 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[09g] Conformal Geometry, Schrödinger Model of Minimal Representations, and Deformation of Fourier Transforms. 83ème Rencontre entre physiciens théoriciens et mathématiciens (Encounter between theoretical physicists and mathematicians). Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Strasbourg, France, 11-13 June 2009. [ full info ]
[09n] Lie Groups and Representation Theory. Mathematics XB. Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, 26 May 2009. [ full info ]
[09o] Minimal Representations. Research Seminar ''Lie Theory”. Universität Paderborn, Germany, 23 April 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[09f] Conformal Geometry and Schrödinger Model of Minimal Representations. (opening lecture). Conference in honor of Bent Ørsted's 60th birthday: Representations, Lie groups, and Conformal Geometry. Göttingen, Germany, 6-10 April 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[09i] Fundamental Groups of Locally Complex Symmetric Spaces-An Application of Symmetries of Nilpotent Orbits. The 8th Workshop on Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory (NORTh 8). Otsu, Japan, 8-11 March 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[09b] Analysis on Minimal Representations. Geometry, Symmetry and Physics. Yale University, USA, 26 March 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) | announcement ]
[09m] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces-Beyond the Riemannian case. colloquium. Yale University, USA, 25 March 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) | announcement ]
[09l] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces-Beyond the Riemannian case. Conference in honor of Toshio Oshima's 60th birthday ''Differential Equations and Symmetric Spaces”. University of Tokyo, Japan, 13-16 January 2009. [ full info | abstract(html) | lecture slides ]
[08e] Global Geometry on Locally Symmetric Spaces-beyond the Riemannian case. Representations of Lie groups and applications. Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, 15-18 December 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08d] Global Geometry of Locally Symmetric Spaces-beyond the Riemannian case. the Monna Lectures. Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 11 December 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08g] A journey into infinite dimension. Nada High School, Kobe, Japan, 15 November 2008. [ full info | lecture notes ]
[08f] Holomorphic semigroups for minimal representations of conformal groups. Harmonic Analysis, Operator Algebras and Representation Theory (organized by Jean Ludwig and Anthony To-Ming Lau). Centre International de Recherches Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy, France, 3-7 November 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08n] Visible actions and multiplicity-free theorems. colloquium. Université de Reims, France, 23 September 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08m] Visible Actions and Multiplicity-free Representations. (4 lectures), Functional Analysis X: Representation Theory (organized by Dražen Adamović, Damir Bakić, Davor Butković, Hrvoje Kraljević, Goran Muić, Mirko Primc, Murali Rao, David Renard, Hrvoje Šikić and David Vogan). Dubrovnik, Croatia, 30 June-5 July 2008.
[08l] Visible Action, Polar Action and Coisotropic Action. Conference in honor of Prof. Jean-Louis Clerc ''Hermitian Symmetric Spaces, Jordan Algebras and Related Problems'' (organized by Wolfgang Bertram and Khalid Koufany). Centre International de Recherches Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy, France, 23-27 June 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08k] Restriction of Unitary Representations of Real Reductive Groups. Number Theory Seminar. Harvard University, 28 May 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08j] Restriction of Unitary Representations of Real Reductive Groups. Locally Symmetric Spaces (organized by Stephen Kudla, Juergen Rohlfs, Leslie Saper and Birgit Speh). Banff International Research Station, Canada, 18-23 May 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08a] Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces-non-Riemannian case. colloquium. Tufts University, USA, 25 April 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08c] Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. colloquium. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, 27 March 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08b] Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. colloquium. Harvard University, USA, 17 March 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) | lecture slides ]
[08i] Propagation Theorem of Multiplicity-Free Representations and Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. AMS 2008 Spring Southeastern Meeting. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, 28-30 March 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[08h] Multiplicity-Free Representations: Complex Geometric Methods in Representation Theory. (37 lectures). Harvard University, USA, spring term (January-May) 2008. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[07e] Fourier Transform on the Isotropic Cone for the Indefinite Quadratic Form. Analysis Seminar. Aarhus University, Denmark, 23 August 2007. [ full info ]
[07b] Branchings to Symmetric Pairs and Analysis on Symmetric Spaces. International Conference on Integral Geometry, Harmonic Analysis and Representation Theory in honor of Sigurdur Helgason on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Reykjavik, Iceland, 15-18 August 2007. [ full info | abstract(html) | lecture notes ]
[07g] On a Conjecture of Sunada and Theory of Discretely Decomposable Restrictions of Unitary Representations. International Conference ''Spectral Analysis in Geometry and Number Theory” on the occasion of Toshikazu Sunada's 60th birthday. Nagoya University, Japan, 6-10 August 2007. [ full info | proceedings ]
[07h] On Locally Symmetric Spaces. (closing lecture), Representation Theory, Complex Analysis and Integral Geometry (organized by Simon Gindikin and Bernhard Krötz). Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany, 25-27 July 2007. [ full info ]
[07f] Multiplicities in the Decomposition of Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups. (opening lecture), Lie Groups, Algebraic Groups and Transformation Groups: A conference in honor of Ernest B. Vinberg's 70th birthday (organized by Herbert Abels, Vladimir Chernousov, Gregory Margulis, Detlev Poguntke, and Katrin Tent). Universität Bielefeld, Germany, 20-24 July 2007. [ full info | abstract(html) | programme ]
[07l] Visible Actions on Symmetric Spaces and Multiplicity-free Representations. Bonn--Cologne algebra seminar (organized by Peter Littelmann). Universität zu Köln, Germany, 3 July 2007. [ full info ]
[07k] The unitary inversion operator on the L2 model of a minimal representation. Journée-GAG. Poitiers, France, 25 June 2007. [ full info ]
[07d] Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. Journées Solstice d'été 2007:Théorie de Lie, Géométrie et Représentations (organized by B. Keller, B. Klingler, R. Rentschler and O. Schiffmann). Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, 21-23 June 2007. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[07a] Branching Problems of Unitary Representations. (2 lectures), Sackler Distinguished Lectures in Pure Mathematics. Tel Aviv University, Israel, 7, 9 May 2007. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract | announcement ]
[07c] Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. Tuesday Seminar on Topology. University of Tokyo, Japan, 17 April 2007. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[07j] Topics on Discontinuous Groups. colloquium. Nagoya University, Japan, 29 January 2007. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[07i] Topics on Discontinuous Groups. (5 lectures). Nagoya University, Japan, 29 January-1 February 2007. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06n] On Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Applications. Sousse, Tunisia, 6-11 November 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06a] The 24th Osaka Science Prize Lecture. Osaka Science & Technology Center, Japan, 1 November 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06l] Multiplicity-free Representations and Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. Analysis Seminar. University of Aarhus, Denmark, 18 September 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06u] Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. Workshop on Representation Theory and Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces (organized by Yumiko Hironaka, Iris Muller, Hiroyuki Ochiai, Hubert Rubenthaler, Fumihiro Sato). Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (IRMA), Strasbourg, France, 11-14 September 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06m] On Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. RIMS Workshop on Representation Theory and Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces (organized by Hideko Sekiguchi). RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 21-24 August 2006. [ full info | proceedings ]
[06k] Multiplicity-free Representations and Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. The 53rd Geometry Symposium (organized by Kenji Fukaya, Takao Yamaguchi, Atsushi Kasue and Akito Futaki). Kanazawa University, Japan, 5-8 August 2006. [ full info | proceedings | abstract(html) ]
[06e] Conformally Invariant Hilbert Structure on the Solution Space of the Ultrahyperbolic Laplace Equation on Rp+q. Tsukuba Conference on Integral Geometry and Harmonic Analysis (organized by Fulton Gonzalez, Tomoyuki Kakehi and Toshio Oshima). University of Tsukuba, Japan, 7-10 August 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06d] Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Non-Riemannian Symmetric Spaces. Mini-Workshop on Lie groups, Algebraic Groups and Transformation Groups (organized by H. Abels and E. Vinberg). Universität Bielefeld, Germany, 15-16 July 2006. [ full info | programme ]
[06c] Clifford-Klein Forms of Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. (4 lectures), International Conference and Instructional Workshop: Geometry Topology, Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spacesand Discrete Groups (organized by Shing-Tung Yau (chair), Lizhen Ji, Kefeng Liu, Nanhua Xi Hongwei Xu, Lo Yang, Zhu-Jun Zheng and Xiangyu Zhou). Beijing, Republic of China, 17 July-4 August 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06r] Unitary Representations, Restrictions, and their Applications. (8 lectures), Summer School: Microlocal and Geometric Methods in Representation Theory. Günzburg, Germany, 17-28 July 2006. [ full info | programme ]
[06h] Is the Universe Closed?-Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. colloquium. Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, 12 July 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) | poster ]
[06b] Branching Problems of Unitary Representations. ''Perspectives in Representation Theory” Strategic Workshop and Round Table Discussion (organized by Steffen Koenig, Henning Krause, Peter Littelmann, and Gunter Malle). Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 7-9 July 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) | programme ]
[06g] Is the Universe Closed?-Existence Problem of Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Symmetric Spaces. colloquium. Universität Paderborn, Germany, 4 July 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) | announcement ]
[06i] Mathematics of Symmetry. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan. 26 May 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract | announcement ]
[06q] Topics on Unitary Representation Theory by Complex Analytic Methods. (5 lectures). the University of Tokyo, Japan, 8-12 May 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract ]
[06t] Visible Actions and Multiplicity-free Representations. colloquium. Hiroshima University, Japan, 25 April 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06f] Group Actions and Representations of Lie Groups. (5 lectures). Hiroshima University, Japan, 24-28 April 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06s] What Are Possible Global Forms of Locally Symmetric Spaces? colloquium. Kyoto University, Japan, 12 April 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) | announcement ]
[06o] On Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. Geometric Aspects of Homogeneous Spaces(on the Occasion of Professor Soji Kaneyuki's 70th Birthday). Meijo University, Japan, 2-4 March 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[06j] Multiplicity-free Representations and Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. (opening lecture), International Conference on Harmonic Analysis, Group Representations,Automorphic Forms and Invariant Theory(on the Occasion of Professor Roger Howe's 60th Birthday). Singapore, 9-11 January 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) | programme ]
[06p] Restrictions of Unitary Representations of Real Reductive Groups. International Conference on Representations of Real Reductive Groups,in honor of R. Parthasarathy. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 2-5 January 2006. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[05f] Multiplicity-free Representations and Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. (expository lecture), Symposium on Representation Theory. Kakegawa, Japan, 15-18 November 2005. [ full info | proceedings | programme ]
[05k] Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds and Multiplicity-free Representations. RIMS Symposium on Development of Cartan Geometry and Related Mathematical Problems(organized by Tohru Morimoto). RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 24-27 October 2005. [ full info | proceedings | programme ]
[05g] Multiplicity-free Representations and Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds:1. Multiplicity-free theorem; 2. Visible actions on symmetric spaces;3. Visible actions on non-symmetric spaces. (3 lectures), Workshop on Integral Transformations on Homogeneous Spaces(organized by Toshio Oshima). Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 21-25 August 2005. [ full info ]
[05h] Multiplicity-free Theorem and Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. The Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC2005). Singapore, 20-23 July 2005. [ full info | programme ]
[05i] Introduction to Lie Groups and Representation Theory. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan. 8 July 2005. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[05c] Integral Formulas for the Minimal Representation of the Conformal Group. Seminar organized by Professor Faraut. Analyse Algébrique,Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France, 22 June 2005. [ full info ]
[05a] Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces Revisited-From Viewpoint of Branching Laws of Unitary Representations. Harmonic Analysis on Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces in honor of Jacques Faraut,Joint meeting of Seminar Sophus Lie. Nancy, France, 10-11 June 2005. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[05j] Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds and Multiplicity-free Representations. Séminaire Théorie de Lie et applications. Université de Poitiers, France, 2 June 2005. [ full info ]
[05b] Analysis on Minimal Representation of Indefinite Orthogonal Groups. Séminaire Théorie de Lie et Applications, Groupe de travail. Université de Poitiers, France, 26 May 2005. [ full info | announcement ]
[05l] Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds and Multiplicity-free Theorems. (2 lectures), International Symposium on Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms. Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 14-17 February 2005. [ full info | proceedings | abstract(html) ]
[05e] Multiplicity-free Representations and Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds. (4 lectures). Osaka City University, Japan, 31 January-4 February 2005. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract ]
[05d] Multiplicity-free Representations. colloquium. Osaka City University, Japan, 2 February 2005. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract ]
[04b] A Fourier-Transform Formula of the Minimal K-type of the Minimal Representation. RIMS Workshop on Automorphic Forms of Sp(2,R) and SU(2,2), III. Kyoto, Japan, sep 2004. [ full info | proceedings ]
[04f] Restriction of Unitary Representations of Real Reductive Groups. (closing lecture), Conference on Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory 2004. Kawaguchiko, Japan, 6-10 September 2004. [ full info | programme | .pdf ]
[04a] Conformal Geometry and Analysis on Minimal Representation of O(p,q). PACOM2004, Parallel Session: Lie Groups and Representation Theory. Tunis, Tunisia, sep 2004. [ full info | abstract(html) | programme ]
[04e] Restriction of Unitary Representations-Discrete and continuous spectrum. (plenary lecture), Sixth Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians (PACOM2004). Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de la Technologie (INSAT), Tunis, Tunisia, sep 2004. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract | programme ]
[04h] Schrödinger Model of the Minimal Representation of the Lorentz Group O(p,q). Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Homogeneous Spaces (in honor of Professor G. van Dijk). Lorentz Center, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 23-26 August 2004. [ full info | programme ]
[04k] Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds and Multiplicity-free Representations. (closing lecture), Conference on Lie Groups and Representation Theory. Odense, Denmark, 10-13 August 2004. [ full info | programme ]
[04g] Restriction of Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups. International Symposium on Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis. Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, 2-8 August 2004. [ full info | programme ]
[04i] Symmetry and Geometry---Continuous Groups and Discontinuous Groups. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan. 28 May 2004. [ full info ]
[04c] On Complex Geometry and Multiplicity-free Representations. Fourth Workshop on Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory. Nagoya University, Japan, 21-24 February 2004. [ full info ]
[04l] Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds and Multiplicity One Theorems. (opening lecture), Finite and Infinite Dimensional Complex Geometry and Representation Theory(organized by Alan T. Huckleberry, Karl-Hermann Neeb and Joseph A. Wolf). Oberwolfach, Germany, 1-7 February 2004. [ full info | report ]
[04m] Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds, and their Applications to Representation Theory. Mathematisches Kolloquium. Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany, 30 January 2004. [ full info | announcement ]
[04j] Visible Actions on Complex Homogeneous Manifolds and their Application to Representation Theory. (5 lectures). the University of Tokyo, Japan, 19-23 January 2004. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract | announcement ]
[04d] On the Double Coset Space U(n1U(n2U(n3)\U(n)/U(pU(q)-Visibility of the Action,and a Generalization of the Cartan Decomposition. Makuhari Workshop. Chiba, Japan, 6-8 January 2004. [ full info ]
[03c] Group Action on Homogeneous Spaces Having Indefinite Metric. (series lectures). Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 8-12 December 2003. [ full info ]
[03g] On Discontinuous Groups for Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. colloquium. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 8 December 2003. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[03h] On Multiplicity-free Representations. colloquium. Kyoto University, Japan, 26 November 2003. [ full info | abstract ]
[03k] Survey Lecture on Representation Theory of Lie Groups; Restriction of Unitary Representations. (2 lectures). Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, nov 2003. [ full info | report ]
[03i] Restriction of Unitary Representations. JSPS-DFG Seminar, Lie Groups: Analysis and Geometry. Kyoto University, 6-11 October 2003. [ full info | programme ]
[03f] On Discontinuous Groups for Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. (invited address at Geometry Session), Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan. Chiba University, Japan, sep 2003. [ full info | proceedings | programme ]
[03d] Multiplicity One Theorem on Branching Laws and Geometry of Complex Manifolds. (opening lecture), RIMS Workshop on Expansion of Lie Theory and New Advances. Kyoto, Japan, 22-25 July 2003. [ full info | proceedings | programme ]
[03e] A Multiplicity Theorem in the Branching Laws of Representations. Théorie des Représentations, Théorie des Groupes. Université de Paris VII, France, 16 June 2003. [ full info | announcement ]
[03b] Branching Problems of Representations of Lie Groups. colloquium. Université de Reims, France, 12 June 2003. [ full info ]
[03a] Analysis on Minimal Representations and Conformal Geometry. Séminaire d'Analyse Harmonique. Institut de Mathématiques Élie Cartan, Université Henri Poincaré, France, 15 May 2003. [ full info | programme ]
[03j] The Schrödinger Model of the Minimal Representation of the Lorentz Group. Makuhari Workshop. Chiba, Japan, 6-8 January 2003. [ full info ]
[02o] The Schrödinger Model of the Minimal Representation of O(p,q). (closing lecture), Workshop on Automorphic Forms on Bounded Symmetric Domains of Type IV (organized by T. Oda). RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 24-26 December 2002. [ full info | proceedings ]
[02h] Conformal Geometry and Analysis on Minimal Representations of O(p,q). The 2002 Twente Conference on Lie Groups. Twente University, the Netherlands, dec 2002. [ full info ]
[02j] Multiplicity One Theorem in the Branching Laws. Workshop on Representations of Lie Groups, Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Quantization(organized by G. van Dijk and V. F. Molchanov). Lorentz Center, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 9-13 December 2002. [ full info ]
[02b] Branching Problems of Unitary Representations. (series lectures), Symposium on Representation Theory. Shizuoka, Japan, 12-15 November 2002. [ full info | proceedings ]
[02e] Complex Geometry and Multiplicity One Theorem in Branching Laws. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. National University of Singapore, Singapore, 22 October 2002. [ full info ]
[02n] Restriction of Unitary Representations. Special Year Program on Representation Theory of Lie Groups (organized by Eng-Chye Tan and Chen-Bo Zhu). Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS), Singapore, 1 October 2002. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract | programme ]
[02i] Conformal Geometry and Global Solutions to the Yamabe Equations on Classical Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds. Special Year Program on Representation Theory of Lie Groups (organized by Eng-Chye Tan and Chen-Bo Zhu). Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS), Singapore, 24 September 2002. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract | programme ]
[02a] Branching Problems of Unitary Representations. (invited lecture), International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2002). Beijing, China, 20-28 August 2002. [ full info | proceedings | abstract(html) | abstract | programme ]
[02g] Conformal Geometry and Analysis on Minimal Representations of O(p,q). Workshop on Representation Theory of Lie Groups, Special Year Program on Representation Theory of Lie Groups (organized by Jeffrey Adams, Jian-Shu Li, Kyo Nishiyama, Dipendra Prasad, Gordan Savin, Eng-Chye Tan and Chen-Bo Zhu). Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS), Singapore, 13 August 2002. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract | programme ]
[02m] On the Invariant Inner Product on the Space of Global Solutions of the Yamabe Operator. Workshop on Representations of Noncommutative Algebraic Systems and Harmonic Analysis. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 23-26 July 2002. [ full info | proceedings ]
[02d] Canonical Hilbert Spaces of Ultrahyperbolic Solutions. colloquium. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 21 June 2002. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract | announcement ]
[02k] On the Branching Laws of Infinite Dimensional Representations. (5 lectures). the University of Tokyo, Japan, 17-21 June 2002. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract ]
[02l] On the Canonical Inner Product on the Solution Space of the Yamabe Operator. Symposium on Various Geometric Structures. Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan, 6-8 March 2002. [ full info | proceedings ]
[02f] Conformal Geometry and Analysis on Minimal Representations. (3 plenary lectures), The 22nd Winter School on Geometry and Physics. Srni, Czech Republic, 12-19 January 2002. [ full info | lecture notes ]
[02c] Canonical Hilbert Space of Ultrahyperbolic Solutions. (closing lecture), Makuhari Workshop (organized by Kumahara and Nomura). Chiba, Japan, 6-8 January 2002. [ full info ]
[01f] Multiplicity One Theorem of Branching Laws. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 18 December 2001. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract ]
[01d] Multiplicity-free Branching Theorem. (3 lectures). the University of Tokyo, Japan, 5, 12, 19 December 2001. [ full info ]
[01e] Multiplicity One Theorem of Branching Laws. MSRI seminar (organized by Gindikin). Berkeley, USA, 20 November 2001. [ full info ]
[01a] Conformal Geometry and Analysis on Minimal Representations. Workshop on Integral Geometry in Representation Theory. MSRI, Berkeley, USA, 8-12 October 2001. [ full info ]
[01c] Discretely Decomposable Restriction of Unitary Representationsand a Vanishing Theorem for Modular Symbols. 2001 Midwest Workshop in Lie Theory, Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms (organized by Moy). University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA, 11-13 May 2001. [ full info ]
[01g] Restriction of Representations to Reductive Subgroups. (24 lectures). Harvard University, USA, April-May 2001. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[01b] Conformal Geometry and Analysis on the Minimal Representation of O(p,q). MIT Lie Groups Seminar (organized by David Vogan). USA, 4 April 2001. [ full info | programme ]
[00c] Discontinuous Groups for Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifoldsand Deformations of Clifford-Klein Forms. (2 lectures), The 2000 Twente Conference on Lie Groups. University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, 18-20 December 2000. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[00g] Discrete Groups for Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Lie Group Seminar (organized by Korany, cosponsored by Baruch). City University of New York, USA, 12 December 2000. [ full info ]
[00f] Discrete Decomposable Restrictions of Unitary Representations. colloquium. Oklahoma State University, USA, 1 December 2000. [ full info ]
[00d] Discontinuous Subgroups for Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. MIT Lie Groups Seminar (organized by David Vogan). USA, 25 October 2000. [ full info | programme ]
[00b] Branching Problems and Unitary Representations. (8 lectures), European School on Group Theory. SDU-Odense University, Denmark, 14-26 August 2000. [ full info ]
[00e] Discrete Decomopsable Restrictions and Geometry of Locally Symmetric Spaces. Workshop in Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms (organized by J.-S. Li). Hangzhou, China, jun 2000. [ full info ]
[00a] Branching Laws of Unitary Highest Weight Modules with Respect to Semisimple Symmetric Pairs. (opening lecture), Representation Theory and Complex Analysis. Oberwolfach, Germany, 23-29 April 2000. [ full info | proceedings | report ]
[00h] A Generalization of the Kostant-Schmid Formula. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 18 April 2000. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract ]
[00i] Geometric Approach to Discretely Decomposable Restrictions. Workshop on the Geometry of Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory. Kyoto University, Japan, 31 January-3 February 2000. [ full info ]
[00j] A Note on Caratheodory Metric. Workshop on Representation Theory. Wakayama, Japan, 6-8 January 2000. [ full info ]
[99c] Discontinuous Groups for Homogeneous Spaces. (plenary lecture), Symposium on Representation Theory. Chiba, Japan, 15-18 November 1999. [ full info | proceedings | lecture notes ]
[99d] Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces and Discontinuous Groups. (5 lectures). Hokkaido University, Japan, 1-5 November 1999. [ full info | abstract ]
[99e] Multiplicity-free Theorem in Branching Problems of Unitary Highest Weight Modules. the Copenhagen Workshop (organized by M. Flensted-Jensen and H. Schlichtkrull). Denmark, 26-27 August 1999. [ full info ]
[99h] On Discontinuous Groups for Homogeneous Spaces. (plenary lecture), Geometry Symposium. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 2-5 August 1999. [ full info ]
[99j] Restriction of Unitary Representations of Reductive Groups. (4 lectures), Summer School on Representation Theory of Lie Groups. Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 20-22 July 1999. [ full info ]
[99i] The Restriction of Unitary Highest Representations of Reductive Lie Groups and its Multiplicities. International Conference, Summer Solstice Days. Université de Paris VI & VII, France, jun 1999. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[99g] On Discontinuous Groups Acting on Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Joint seminar of Topology-Lie Groups and Representation Theory. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 11 May 1999. [ full info | abstract(html) | abstract ]
[99b] Conformal Geometry and Branching Laws of O(p,q) Attached to Minimal Nilpotent Orbits. Groupe de travail, Analyse sur les Espaces Symétriques. Université de Paris VI, France, 8 April 1999. [ full info ]
[99l] Theory of Discretely Decomposable Restrictions of Unitary Representationsof Semisimple Lie Groups, and Some Applications. plenary address (Award Lecture), Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan. Gakushuin University, Japan, mar 1999. [ full info | proceedings | lecture notes ]
[99a] Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds. colloquium. University of Göttingen, Germany, 11 February 1999. [ full info ]
[99n] A Vanishing Theorem for Modular Symbols of Locally Riemannian Symmetric Spaces. Joint seminar of University of Göttingen-Clausthal University. Germany, 8 February 1999. [ full info ]
[99k] Restriction of Unitary Representations with Respect to Reductive Subgroups. Seminar Sophus Lie. Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany, 5-6 February 1999. [ full info | programme ]
[99f] On a Phenomenon that a Non-compact Group Behaves as if it were a Compact Group. colloquium. Nagoya University, Japan, 13 January 1999. [ full info ]
[99m] Unitary Highest Weight Modules and Multiplicity-free Branching Laws. (series lectures). Nagoya University, Japan, 11-14 January 1999. [ full info ]
[98c] Conformal Geometry and Minimal Unipotent Representations. Symposium on Lie Groups and Geometry. Yokohama, Japan, dec 1998. [ full info | lecture notes ]
[98g] Restriction of Unitary Representations and Discrete Series Representations for Non-symmetric Spaces. Groupe de travail, Analyse sur les Espaces Symétriques (organized by Faraut). Université de Paris VI, France, 10 June 1998. [ full info ]
[98b] Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds. Arthur L. Besse Round Table in Global Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry. Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France, 6 June 1998. [ full info | abstract ]
[98e] Discrete Branching Laws of Unitary Representations. Séminaire d'Algèbre. Institut Girard Desargues, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, 28 May 1998. [ full info ]
[98a] Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds. Séminaire de Mathématiques Pures. École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, 13 May 1998. [ full info ]
[98d] Discrete and Continuous-Branching Laws of Infinite Dimensional Representations and their Applications. (plenary lecture), Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan. Meijo University, Japan, mar 1998. [ full info | proceedings | lecture notes ]
[98f] Introduction to Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds, and Discontinuous Groups. Geometry Seminar (organized by Masahiko Kanai and Koji Fujiwara). Keio University, Japan, 11 March 1998. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[98h] Survey on the Theory of Infinite Dimensional Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups,with Focus on the Classification and Construction of Irreducible Representations. (2 lectures), Geometry Seminar (organized by Masahiko Kanai and Koji Fujiwara). Keio University, Japan, 9, 10 March 1998. [ full info ]
[98i] Unitary Highest Weight Modules and Multiplicity Free Branching Laws. (3 lectures). the University of Tokyo, Japan, 26-28 January 1998. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[97k] Invariant Measures on (Non-symmetric) Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. Workshop on Geometry and Lie Groups. Yamaguchi University, Japan, dec 1997. [ full info | abstract ]
[97m] Multiplicity Free Branching Laws for Unitary Highest Weight Modules. Symposium on Representation Theory (organized by K. Mimachi and S. Takenaka). Saga, Japan, 17-20 November 1997. [ full info | proceedings ]
[97n] Non-Riemannian homogeneous manifolds and discontinuous groups. colloquium. Osaka University, Japan, 10 November 1997. [ full info ]
[97b] Compact Indefinite Kähler Manifolds as Clifford-Klein forms of reductive homogeneous spaces. Workshop on Complex Geometry and Group Actions. Gifu University, Japan, 1-3 November 1997. [ full info ]
[97e] Conformal Geometry and Unipotent Branching Laws of O(p,q) Attached to Minimal Nilpotent Orbits. Workshop on Invariant Differential Operators, Special Functions and Representation Theory (organized by Toshio Oshima). RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 20-31 October 1997. [ full info | programme ]
[97f] Conformal Geometry, Minimal Representations, and the Dual Pair Correspondences. Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan. the University of Tokyo, Japan, oct 1997. [ full info | abstract ]
[97i] Discrete Series Representations for (Non-symmetric) Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan. the University of Tokyo, Japan, oct 1997. [ full info | abstract ]
[97j] Invariant Measure on (Non-symmetric) Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan. the University of Tokyo, Japan, oct 1997. [ full info | abstract ]
[97g] Discrete Branching Laws of Unitary Representations. Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan. the University of Tokyo, Japan, oct 1997. [ full info | abstract ]
[97q] Restriction of Unitary Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups. Workshop on Analysis on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces. Department of Mathematics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-23 August 1997. [ full info ]
[97r] Restriction of Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups. International Symposium on Representation Theory and Homogeneous Spaces, Hayashibara Forum. Okayama, Japan, 27 July-1 August 1997. [ full info | proceedings | abstract ]
[97l] Minimal Representations of SO(p,q), Conformal Geometry, and the 'Dual Pair' Correspondences. Saturday Seminar on Automorphic Forms. the University of Tokyo, Japan, jul 1997. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[97h] Discrete Branching Laws of Unitary Representations and their Applications. colloquium. Kobe University, Japan, 6 June 1997. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[97o] On the Discontinuous Groups for Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces and its Deformation Theory. Joint seminar of Geometry Colloquium-Lie Groups and Representation Theory. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 22 May 1997. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[97a] Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Homogeneous Manifolds. AMS 1997 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, University of Maryland at College Park, USA, 12-13 April 1997. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[97d] Conformal Geometry and Branching Laws for Unitary Representations Attached to Minimal Nilpotent and Elliptic Orbits. The Gelfand Seminar. Rutgers University, USA, apr 1997. [ full info ]
[97c] Conformal Geometry and Branching Laws for Unitary Representations Attached to Minimal Nilpotent and Elliptic Orbits. Lie Group Seminar, organized by Simon Gindikin. Rutgers University, USA, apr 1997. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[97p] On the 'Dual Pair Correspondence' for the minimal Representation of O(p,q). Tottori Symposium on Representation Theory. Tottori University, Japan, 5-8 January 1997. [ full info ]
[96m] Restriction of Unitary Representations and Some Applications. seminar. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, 16 December 1996. [ full info ]
[96e] Discrete Series Representations for (Non-symmetric) Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 10 December 1996. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[96l] The Restriction of Unitary Representations and its Applications. Symposium on Representation Theory. Aichi, Japan, 19-22 November 1996. [ full info | proceedings ]
[96o] Vanishing Theorem of Modular Symbols on Locally Symmetric Spaces. Workshop on Representation Theory and Related Topics. Kurashiki, Japan, 5-8 November 1996. [ full info | proceedings | lecture notes ]
[96g] On the Restriction of Unitary Representations and its Applications. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 8 October 1996. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[96n] Restriction of Unitary Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups. Analysis Seminar. Aarhus University, Denmark, 16 August 1996. [ full info ]
[96k] Restriction of Unitary Representations. CIMPA School. Monastir, Tunisia, 14 July-2 August 1996. [ full info | proceedings ]
[96a] Clifford-Klein Forms of Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Lie Groups. CIMPA School. Monastir, Tunisia, 14 July-2 August 1996. [ full info | proceedings ]
[96i] Restriction of Irreducible Unitary Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups and its Applications toModular Symbols. International Conference ''Analysis, Arithmetic and Geometry on Reductive Groups”,Summer Solstice Days. Université de Paris VI & VII, France, 17-21 June 1996. [ full info ]
[96b] Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Symmetric Spaces. Politecnico di Torino (Seminar organized by Prof. Fulvio Ricci). Italy, 14 June 1996. [ full info ]
[96h] Representations on Dolbeault Cohomologies and Restriction Problems. CIME Session ''Integral Geometry, Radon Transforms, and Complex Analysis”. Venice, Italy, 3-12 June 1996. [ full info ]
[96c] Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Semisimple Symmetric Spaces. Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 May 1996. [ full info ]
[96d] Discrete Series for Certain Spherical Homogeneous Spaces. Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, 13 February 1996. [ full info ]
[96f] The Middle Hodge Components of Certain Modular Symbols on Arithmetic Quotients of Type IV Bounded Symmetric Domains. Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, 6 February 1996. [ full info ]
[96j] Restriction of the Irreducible Unitary Representation Aq(λ) with Respect to Reductive Subgroups. Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, 1 February 1996. [ full info ]
[95l] A Universal Formula in Integral Geometry. Institute seminar. Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, 30 November 1995. [ full info ]
[95f] Harmonic Analysis on Noncompact Complex Homogeneous Manifolds and Integral Geometry. Annual Meeting of Swedish Mathematical Society. Lund University, Sweden, 20 October 1995. [ full info ]
[95c] Discontinuous Groups and Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds. Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, 3 October 1995. [ full info ]
[95i] Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Spherical Homogeneous Spaces. Summer School on Number Theory. Nagano, Japan, July 1995. [ full info | proceedings | lecture notes | programme ]
[95g] Integral Geometry of Submanifolds. colloquium. Kyoto University, Japan, 28 June 1995. [ full info | abstract ]
[95k] Restriction of Irreducible Unitary Representations to Reductive Subgroups and their Applications. Functional Analysis Seminar, organized by Professor Hirai. Kyoto University, Japan, 27 June 1995. [ full info ]
[95d] Discontinuous Groups for Homogeneous Spaces and Non-Riemannian Geometry. (4 lectures). Kyoto University, Japan, 26, 27, 29, 30 June 1995. [ full info ]
[95b] Discontinuous Groups and Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds. colloquium. Rutgers University, USA, 7 April 1995. [ full info ]
[95e] Discrete Decomposability of Aq(λ) with Respect to Reductive Subgroups and its Applications. Seminar on Lie groups. Rutgers University, USA, 7 April 1995. [ full info ]
[95h] Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Spherical Homogeneous Manifolds. Workshop on Homogeneous Spaces and Automorphic Forms. Rikkyo University, Japan, jan 1995. [ full info | proceedings ]
[95a] Cohomology Groups of Locally Symmetric Spaces and Vogan-Zuckeman's Derived Functor Modules. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 9-13 January 1995. [ full info ]
[95j] On the Criterion for Discrete Group Actions on Homogeneous Spacesto be Properly Discontinuous. Fifth Workshop on Representation of Lie Groups. Tottori University, Japan, 8-10 January 1995. [ full info ]
[94i] Properly Discontinuous Actions on Homogeneous Spaces, and Clifford-Klein Forms. (series lectures), Surveys in Lie Groups and Representation Theory. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 19-22 December 1994. [ full info ]
[94d] Integral Geometry for Submanifolds in Complex Manifolds, and Plancherel Formula for Complex Homogeneous Spaces. Symposium on Representation Theory. Toyama, Japan, 16-19 November 1994. [ full info | proceedings ]
[94f] On the Criterion of Proper Actions and the Discontinuous Duality Theorem. Survey Seminar in Lie Groups and Representation Theory. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 15 November 1994. [ full info ]
[94b] The Criterion for Properly Discontinuous Actions of Discrete Subgroups and for Proper Actions of SubgroupsActing on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Lie Groups. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 25 October 1994. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[94a] Clifford-Klein Forms of Homogeneous Spaces. International Conference by Kanai and Zimmer. Keio University, Japan, August 1994. [ full info ]
[94c] Discontinuous Groups Acting on Homogeneous Spaces. (4 lectures), European School on Group Theory. Denmark, 15-26 August 1994. [ full info | lecture notes ]
[94h] Plancherel Theorem for Complex Homogeneous Spaces II. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 28 June 1994. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[94g] Plancherel Theorem for Complex Homogeneous Spaces. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 21 June 1994. [ full info | abstract(html) ]
[94e] On Discontinuous Groups. informal seminar by Aomoto. Nagoya University, Japan, jun 1994. [ full info ]
[93i] Introduction to Unitary Representation Theory of Semisimple Lie Groups-Vogan-Zuckerman's Derived Functor Modules, and Discretely Decomposable Unitary Representations. (plenary lecture), Symposium on Representation Theory. Izu-Atagawa, Japan, 23-26 November 1993. [ full info ]
[93e] Discontinuous Groups Acting on Homogeneous Spaces with Indefinite Metric. Symposium on Topology from Transformation Group Theoretic Approaches. Atami, Japan, nov 1993. [ full info ]
[93f] Discontinuous Groups for Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces-Calabi-Markus Phenomenon, Uniform Lattice and Local Rigidity. NUS-JSPS Seminar on Representation Theory and Number Theory. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 1-4 November 1993. [ full info ]
[93j] Irreducible Restriction of Aq(λ) to Reductive Subgroups. Lecture at Summer Workshop on Representation Theory. Polytechnic University, Japan, 24 August 1993. [ full info ]
[93d] Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Semisimple Symmetric Spaces. Problems on Structure and Representations of Lie Groups. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 26-29 November 1993. [ full info ]
[93h] Introduction to Holomorphic Discrete Series Representations I, II. Workshop on Representation Theory of Classical Groups,Quantum Groups, and Hecke Algebras, and Combinatorial Theory. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 24-28 May 1993. [ full info ]
[93b] Actions of Discrete Groups on Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Geometry Seminar. Keio University, Japan, 10 May 1993. [ full info ]
[93g] Discrete Decomposability of Aq(λ) with Respect to Reductive Subgroups. colloquium. Kyoto University, Japan, 6 April 1993. [ full info ]
[93c] Branching Rules of Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups and Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis. colloquium. Tottori University, Japan, mar 1993. [ full info ]
[93a] New Year Free Talk. the University of Tokyo, Japan, jan 1993. [ full info ]
[92c] Branching Rules of Unitary Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups and Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis. Monday colloquium. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 21 December 1992. [ full info ]
[92i] On a Criterion for Cohomologically Induced Unitary Representations to Decompose DiscretelyWhen Restricted to Reductive Subgroups. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 7 December 1992. [ full info ]
[92g] Discrete Groups and Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds-On the Existence of Clifford-Klein Forms. Geometry colloquium. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 19 November 1992. [ full info ]
[92h] Hirzebruch's Proportionality Principle, Discontinuous Groups and Proper Actions on Indefinite Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Aarhus University, Denmark, 29 September 1992. [ full info ]
[92k] Some Topics in Integral Geometry Related to the Pompeiu Problem. colloquium. Odense University, Denmark, 17 September 1992. [ full info ]
[92j] Some Features in Harmonic Analysis on Non-symmetric Homogeneous Spaces and Unitary Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups. Conference on Fourier and Radon Transformations on Symmetric Spaces,in honor of Prof. S. Helgason's 65th birthday. Roskilde University, Denmark, sep 1992. [ full info ]
[92b] Bounded Domains and the Zero Sets of Fourier Transform. Workshop on Integral Geometry on Homogeneous Manifolds(in Conference ''75 years of Radon transform”). University of Vienna, Austria, sep 1992. [ full info | proceedings ]
[92e] Discontinuous Groups Acting on Homogeneous Spaces with Noncompact Isotropy Subgroups. Special Geometry Seminar. State University of Pennsylvania, USA, apr 1992. [ full info ]
[92a] Actions of Discrete Groups on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. colloquium. State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA, 9 April 1992. [ full info ]
[92d] Discontinuous Groups Acting on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. seminar on Lie Groups. University of Maryland, USA, 2 April 1992. [ full info ]
[92f] Discontinuous Groups Acting on Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. colloquium. Columbia University, USA, 15 January 1992. [ full info ]
[91e] Proper Actions on Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA, 4 November 1991. [ full info ]
[91a] Actions on Discrete Groups on Symmetric Spaces. seminar on Lie groups (Odense, Roskilde, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural Universities). Roskilde University, Denmark, 5 September 1991. [ full info ]
[91f] Singular Unitary Representations and Discrete Series for Indefinite Stiefel Manifolds U(p,q;F)/U(p-m,q;F). Conference at Sandbjerg Estate on Harmonic Analysis on Lie groups. Denmark, aug 1991. [ full info | proceedings ]
[91b] Convex Domains and Fourier Transform on a Space of Constant Curvature. (12 lectures),Spring school on Invariant Differential Operators on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces(CIMPA-UNESCO School cosponsored by China and the France Mathematics Centre). Wuhan University, China, 21 April-11 May 1991. [ full info | lecture notes ]
[91c] On Discontinuous Groups Acting on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. colloquium. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 11 April 1991. [ full info ]
[91d] On the Structure of the Group Consisting of Elliptic Elements. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 26 January 1991. [ full info ]
[90c] A Necessary Condition for the Existence of a Uniform Lattice for Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. Seminar on Lie Groups and Representation Theory. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 22 December 1990. [ full info ]
[90e] The Non-vanishing Condition of Certain Family of Cohomologically Induced (g, K)-modules. special colloquium. Kyoto University, Japan, 16 November 1990. [ full info ]
[90b] Discontinuous Group in a Homogeneous Space of Reductive Type. (opening lecture), International Conference on Representation Theories of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Kawaguchi, Japan, 30 August-3 September 1990. [ full info | proceedings ]
[90f] Properly Discontinuous Group in a Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Space. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 28-31 May 1990. [ full info | proceedings ]
[90a] Criterion of the Vanishing of a Certain Family of (g, K)-modules. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 8 March 1990. [ full info ]
[90d] New Examples of Branching Laws of Infinite Dimensional Representations That Arise from Isomorphisms of Homogeneous Spaces. Second Workshop on Representation of Lie Groups. Tottori University, Japan, 8-10 January 1990. [ full info ]
[89e] New Examples of Branching Laws of Infinite Dimensional Representations That Arise from Isomorphisms of Homogeneous Spaces. Seminar on Lie Groups and Representation Theory. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 16 November 1989. [ full info ]
[89b] Discontinuous Groups for Homogeneous Spaces. Friday Colloquium. the University of Tokyo, Japan, 20 October 1989. [ full info ]
[89a] Analysis on Homogeneous Vector Bundles and Unitary Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups. (invited address at Functional Analysis Session), Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan. Sophia University, Japan, sep 1989. [ full info ]
[89c] Homogeneous Spaces with Indefinite Metric and their Discontinuous Groups. Geometry Symposium. Tohoku University, Japan, aug 1989. [ full info | proceedings ]
[89i] Unitary Representations Realized as Sections for Vector Bundles over Semisimple Symmetric Spaces. Joint Symposium on Real Analysis and Functional Analysis. Hirosaki University, Japan, 20-22 July 1989. [ full info | proceedings ]
[89d] How Can We VIEW From Silhouettes? Relay Lecture at the May Festival. the University of Tokyo, Japan, may 1989. [ full info | lecture notes ]
[89g] A Remark on Hirzebruch's Proportionality Principle. Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan. Nihon University, Japan, apr 1989. (with Kaoru Ono). [ full info ]
[89f] Properly Discontinuous Actions on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan. Nihon University, Japan, apr 1989. [ full info ]
[89h] Towards Harmonic Analysis on a (Non-symmetric) Homogeneous Space of Reductive Type. Symposium on Fields of Functional Analysis and their Developments (on the occasion of Professor I. M. Gel'fand's visit to Japan). RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 24 March 1989. [ full info ]
[88b] On Uniform Lattice for an Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Space. lecture on Lie Groups. Okayama University of Science, Japan, 15-16 December 1988. [ full info ]
[88c] Properly Discontinuous Actions on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type. Symposium on Unitary Representation Theory. Kawaguchiko, Japan, 19-22 November 1988. [ full info | proceedings ]
[88a] Note on Hirzebruch's Proportionality Principle. Workshop on Representation Theory and its Application to Physics. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 18-21 July 1988. (with Kaoru Ono). [ full info | proceedings ]
[87a] Construction of Discrete Series for Vector Bundles over Semisimple Symmetric Spaces. Workshop on Eigenspaces on Symmetric Spaces and Representations of Lie Groups. RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan, 27-30 July 1987. [ full info | proceedings ]
[87d] On the Null Variety of the Fourier-Laplace Transform of the Characteristic Function of a Domain. seminar. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, jun 1987. [ full info ]
[87b] On Discrete Series for Vector Bundles over Semisimple Symmetric Spaces. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar. the University of Tokyo, Japan, may 1987. [ full info ]
[87c] On the Null Variety of the Fourier-Laplace Transform of the Characteristic Function of a Domain. colloquium. the University of Tokyo, Japan, may 1987. [ full info ]
[86] On the Null Variety of the Fourier-Laplace Transform of the Characteristic Function of a Domain. Symposium on Unitary Representation Theory. Toba, Japan, 20-22 November 1986. [ full info | proceedings | lecture notes ]

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Updated: 22 Feb 2025