過去の記録 ~11/01|次回の予定|今後の予定 11/02~
開催情報 | 月曜日 10:30~12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室 |
担当者 | 平地 健吾, 高山 茂晴 |
10:30-12:00 オンライン開催
鍋島 克輔 氏 (東京理科大学)
Computing logarithmic vector fields along an isolated singularity and Bruce-Roberts Milnor ideals (Japanese)
鍋島 克輔 氏 (東京理科大学)
Computing logarithmic vector fields along an isolated singularity and Bruce-Roberts Milnor ideals (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
The concept of logarithmic vector fields along a hypersurface, introduced by K. Saito (1980), is of considerable importance in singularity theory.
Logarithmic vector fields have been extensively studied and utilized by several researchers. A. G. Aleksandrov (1986) and J. Wahl (1983) considered quasihomogeneous complete intersection cases and gave independently, among other things, a closed formula of generators of logarithmic vector fields. However, there is no closed formula for generators of logarithmic vector fields, even for semi-quasihomogeneous hypersurface isolated singularity cases. Many problems related with logarithmic vector fields remain still unsolved, especially for non-quasihomogeneous cases.
Bruce-Roberts Milnor number was introduced in 1988 by J. W. Bruce and R. M. Roberts as a generalization of the Milnor number, a multiplicity of an isolated critical point of a holomorphic function germ. This number is defined for a critical point of a holomorphic function on a singular variety in terms of logarithmic vector fields. Recently, Bruce-Robert Milnor numbers are investigated by several researchers. However, many problems related with Bruce-Roberts Milnor numbers remain unsolved.
In this talk, we consider logarithmic vector fields along a hypersurface with an isolated singularity. We present methods to study complex analytic properties of logarithmic vector fields and illustrate an algorithm for computing logarithmic vector fields. As an application of logarithmic vector fields, we consider Bruce-Roberts Milnor numbers in the context of symbolic computation.
[ 参考URL ]The concept of logarithmic vector fields along a hypersurface, introduced by K. Saito (1980), is of considerable importance in singularity theory.
Logarithmic vector fields have been extensively studied and utilized by several researchers. A. G. Aleksandrov (1986) and J. Wahl (1983) considered quasihomogeneous complete intersection cases and gave independently, among other things, a closed formula of generators of logarithmic vector fields. However, there is no closed formula for generators of logarithmic vector fields, even for semi-quasihomogeneous hypersurface isolated singularity cases. Many problems related with logarithmic vector fields remain still unsolved, especially for non-quasihomogeneous cases.
Bruce-Roberts Milnor number was introduced in 1988 by J. W. Bruce and R. M. Roberts as a generalization of the Milnor number, a multiplicity of an isolated critical point of a holomorphic function germ. This number is defined for a critical point of a holomorphic function on a singular variety in terms of logarithmic vector fields. Recently, Bruce-Robert Milnor numbers are investigated by several researchers. However, many problems related with Bruce-Roberts Milnor numbers remain unsolved.
In this talk, we consider logarithmic vector fields along a hypersurface with an isolated singularity. We present methods to study complex analytic properties of logarithmic vector fields and illustrate an algorithm for computing logarithmic vector fields. As an application of logarithmic vector fields, we consider Bruce-Roberts Milnor numbers in the context of symbolic computation.