
過去の記録 ~05/17次回の予定今後の予定 05/18~

開催情報 月曜日 10:30~12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
担当者 平地 健吾, 高山 茂晴


10:30-12:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
志賀 啓成 氏 (東京工業大学)
Holomorphic motions and the monodromy (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
Holomorphic motions, which was introduced by Mane, Sad and Sullivan, is a useful tool for Teichmuller theory as well as for complex dynamics. In particular, Slodkowski’s theorem makes a significant contribution to them. The theorem says that every holomorphic motion of a closed set on the Riemann sphere parametrized by the unit disk is extended to a holomorphic motion of the whole Riemann sphere parametrized by the unit disk. In this talk, we consider a generalization of the theorem. If time permits, we will discuss applications of our results.