
過去の記録 ~05/21次回の予定今後の予定 05/22~

担当者 阿部 紀行、Aaron Chan、伊山 修、行田 康晃、中岡 宏行、高橋 亮
セミナーURL http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~aaron.chan/TNAseminar.html


13:00-14:30   オンライン開催
大谷 拓己 氏 (大阪大学)
Full exceptional collections associated with Bridgeland stability conditions (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
The space of Bridgeland stability conditions on a triangulated category is important in mirror symmetry and many people develop various techniques to study it. In order to study the homotopy type of the space of stability conditions, Macri studied stability conditions associated with full exceptional collections. Based on his work, Dimitrov-Katzarkov introduced the notion of a full σ-exceptional collection for a stability condition σ.

In this talk, I will explain the relationship between full exceptional collections and stability conditions and some properties. I will also talk about the existence of full σ-exceptional collections for the derived category of an acyclic quiver.
[ 講演参考URL ]