過去の記録 ~09/14|次回の予定|今後の予定 09/15~
開催情報 | 月曜日 16:00~17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室 |
担当者 | 佐々田槙子、中島秀太(明治大学) |
セミナーURL | https://sites.google.com/view/tokyo-probability-seminar23/2024年度 |
17:00-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 号室
東京工業大学(大岡山) 本館 H112講義室での開催となります(いつもと時間・場所が異なりますのでご注意ください). 主催 :東京工業大学 量子物理学・ナノサイエンス先端研究センター
Nikolaos Zygouras 氏 (University of Warwick)
Random polymer models and classical groups (ENGLISH)
東京工業大学(大岡山) 本館 H112講義室での開催となります(いつもと時間・場所が異なりますのでご注意ください). 主催 :東京工業大学 量子物理学・ナノサイエンス先端研究センター
Nikolaos Zygouras 氏 (University of Warwick)
Random polymer models and classical groups (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
The relation between polymer models at zero temperature and characters of the general linear group GL_n(R) has been known since the first breakthroughs in the field around the KPZ universality through the works of Johansson, Baik, Rains, Okounkov and others. Later on, geometric liftings of the GL_n(R) characters appeared in the study of positive temperature polymer models in the form of GL_n(R)-Whittaker functions. In this talk I will describe joint works with E. Bisi where we have established that Whittaker functions associated to the orthogonal group SO_{2n+1}(R) can be used to describe laws of positive temperature polymers when their end point is free to lie on a line. Going back to zero temperature, we will also see that characters of other classical groups such as SO_{2n+1}(R); Sp_{2n}(R); SO_{2n}(R) do play a role in describing laws of polymers in various geometries. This occurence might be surprising given the length of time these models have been studied.
[ 参考URL ]The relation between polymer models at zero temperature and characters of the general linear group GL_n(R) has been known since the first breakthroughs in the field around the KPZ universality through the works of Johansson, Baik, Rains, Okounkov and others. Later on, geometric liftings of the GL_n(R) characters appeared in the study of positive temperature polymer models in the form of GL_n(R)-Whittaker functions. In this talk I will describe joint works with E. Bisi where we have established that Whittaker functions associated to the orthogonal group SO_{2n+1}(R) can be used to describe laws of positive temperature polymers when their end point is free to lie on a line. Going back to zero temperature, we will also see that characters of other classical groups such as SO_{2n+1}(R); Sp_{2n}(R); SO_{2n}(R) do play a role in describing laws of polymers in various geometries. This occurence might be surprising given the length of time these models have been studied.