
過去の記録 ~05/09次回の予定今後の予定 05/10~

開催情報 月曜日 16:00~17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
担当者 佐々田槙子、中島秀太(明治大学)
セミナーURL https://sites.google.com/view/tokyo-probability-seminar23/2024年度


16:00-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
徐 路 氏 (九州大学 大学院数理学研究院)
Equilibrium fluctuation for a chain of anharmonic oscillators (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
A chain of oscillators is a particle system whose microscopic time evolution is given by Hamilton equations with various kinds of conservative noises. Mathematicians and physicians are interested in its macroscopic behaviors (ε → 0) under different space-time scales: ballistic (hyperbolic) (εx, εt), diffusive (εx, ε^2t) and superdiffusive (εx, ε^αt) for 1 < α < 2. In this talk, we consider a 1-dimensional chain of anharmonic oscillators perturbed by noises preserving the total momentum as well as the total energy. We present a result about the hyperbolic scaling limit of its equilibrium fluctuation as well as some further discussions. (A joint work with S. Olla, Université Paris-Dauphine)