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開催情報 火曜日 17:00~18:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
担当者 河澄 響矢, 北山 貴裕, 逆井卓也
セミナーURL http://park.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/MSF/topology/TuesdaySeminar/index.html


17:00-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Tea: 16:40 - 17:00 コモンルーム
栗林 勝彦 氏 (信州大学)
On the (co)chain type levels of spaces
[ 講演概要 ]
Avramov, Buchweitz, Iyengar and Miller have introduced
the notion of the level for an object of a triangulated category.
The invariant measures the number of steps to build the given object
out of some fixed object with triangles.
Using this notion in the derived category of modules over a (co)chain
we define a new topological invariant, which is called
the (co)chain type level of a space.
In this talk, after explaining fundamental properties of the invariant,
I describe the chain type level of the Borel construction
of a homogeneous space as a computational example.

I will also relate the chain type level of a space to algebraic
approximations of the L.-S. category due to Kahl and to
the original L.-S. category of a map.