過去の記録 ~09/13|次回の予定|今後の予定 09/14~
開催情報 | 月曜日 10:30~12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室 |
担当者 | 平地 健吾, 高山 茂晴 |
10:30-12:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
赤堀隆夫 氏 (兵庫県立大学)
On the CR Hamiltonian flows
赤堀隆夫 氏 (兵庫県立大学)
On the CR Hamiltonian flows
[ 講演概要 ]
The deformation theory of CR structures was initiated by Kuranishi and the versal family of CR structures were constructed by Garfied, Lee and myself "in the sense of Kuranishi". Miyajima also discussed the versal family by the completely different method. While, our method relies on the contact geometry(this suggest that there is a deep relation between Hamiltonian geometry and CR structures). Today, I report that our family is also versal "in the sense of CR Hamiltonian flows".
The deformation theory of CR structures was initiated by Kuranishi and the versal family of CR structures were constructed by Garfied, Lee and myself "in the sense of Kuranishi". Miyajima also discussed the versal family by the completely different method. While, our method relies on the contact geometry(this suggest that there is a deep relation between Hamiltonian geometry and CR structures). Today, I report that our family is also versal "in the sense of CR Hamiltonian flows".