
過去の記録 ~09/18次回の予定今後の予定 09/19~

開催情報 火曜日 17:00~18:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
担当者 河澄 響矢, 北山 貴裕, 逆井卓也
セミナーURL http://park.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/MSF/topology/TuesdaySeminar/index.html


17:00-18:00   オンライン開催
四之宮 佳彦 氏 (静岡大学)
Period matrices of some hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk, we give new examples of period matrices of hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces. For generic genus, there were few examples of period matrices. The period matrix of a Riemann surface depends only on the choice of symplectic basis of the first homology group. It is difficult to find a symplectic basis in general. We construct hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces of generic genus from some rectangles and find their symplectic bases. Moreover, we give their algebraic equations. The algebraic equations are of the form $w^2=z(z^2-1)(z^2-a_1^2)(z^2-a_2^2) \cdots (z^2-a_{g-1}^2)$ ($1 < a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_{g-1}$). From them, we can calculate period matrices of our Riemann surfaces. We also show that all algebraic curves of this types of equations are obtained by our construction.
[ 参考URL ]