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開催情報 火曜日 16:30~18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
担当者 齊藤宣一、柏原崇人
セミナーURL https://sites.google.com/g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/utnas-bulletin-board/


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
福島登志夫 氏 (国立天文台)
Precise and fast computation of elliptic integrals and elliptic functions (日本語)
[ 講演概要 ]
Summarized is the recent progress of the methods to compute (i) Legendre's normal form complete elliptic integrals of all three kinds, $K(m)$, $E(m)$, and $\Pi(n|m)$, (ii) Legendre's normal form incomplete elliptic integrals of all three kinds, $F(\phi|m)$, $E(\phi|m)$, and $\Pi(\phi,n|m)$, (iii) Jacobian elliptic functions, $\mathrm{sn}(u|m)$, $\mathrm{cn}(u|m)$, $\mathrm{dn}(u|m)$, and $\mathrm{am}(u|m)$, (iv) the inverse functions of $K(m)$ and $E(m)$, $m_K(K)$ and $m_E(E)$, (v) the inverse of a general incomplete elliptic integral in Jacobi's form, $G(\mathrm{am}(u|m),n|m)$, with respect to $u$, and (vi) the partial derivatives of $\mathrm{sn}(u|m)$, $\mathrm{cn}(u|m)$, $dn(u|m)$, $E(\mathrm{am}(u|m)|m)$, and $\Pi(\mathrm{am}(u|m),n|m)$ with respect to $u$ and those of $F(\phi|m)$, $E(\phi|m)$, and $\Pi(\phi,n|m)$ with respect to $\phi$. In order to avoid the information loss when $n\ll 1$ and/or $m \ll 1$, focused are the associate incomplete elliptc integrals defined as $B(\phi|m)=[E(\phi|m)-(1-m)F(\phi|m)]/m$, $D(\phi|m)=[F(\phi|m)-E(\phi|m)]/m$, and $J(\phi,n|m)=[\Pi(\phi,n|m)-F(\phi|m)]/n$, and their complete versions, $B(m)=[E(m)-(1-m)K(m)]/m$, $D(m)=[K(m)-E(m)]/m$, and $J(n|m)=[\Pi(n|m)-K(m)]/n$. The main techniques used are (i) the piecewise approximation for single variable functions as $K(m)$, and (ii) the combination of repeated usage of the half and double argument transformations and the truncated Maclaurin series expansions with respect to $u = F(\phi|m)$. The new methods are of the full double precision accuracy without any chance of cancellation against small input arguments. They run significantly faster than the existing methods: (i) 2.5 times faster than Cody's Chebyshev polynomial approximations for $K(m)$ and $E(m)$, (ii) 2.5 times faster than Bulirsch's cel for $\Pi(n|m)$, (iii) slightly faster than Bulirsch's el1 for $F(\phi|m)$, (iv) 3.5 times faster than Carlson's $R_D$ for $E(\phi|m)$, (v) 3.5 times faster than Carlson's $R_C$, $R_D$, $R_F$, and $R_J$ for $\Pi(\phi,n|m)$, and (vi) 1.5 times faster than Bulirsch's \texttt{sncndn} for $\mathrm{sn}(u|m)$, $\mathrm{cn}(u|m)$, and $\mathrm{dn}(u|m)$.