
過去の記録 ~05/18次回の予定今後の予定 05/19~

開催情報 火曜日 16:00~17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 156号室
担当者 石毛 和弘, 坂井 秀隆, 伊藤 健一
セミナーURL https://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/seminar/analysis/


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Ivana Alexandrova 氏 (East Carolina University)
Resonances for Magnetic Scattering by Two Solenoidal Fields at Large Separation (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
We consider the problem of quantum resonances in magnetic scattering by two
solenoidal fields at large separation in two dimensions, and we study how a trajectory
oscillating between the two fields gives rise to resonances near the real axis when
the distance between two centers of fields goes to infinity. We give a sharp lower
bound on resonance widths in terms of backward amplitudes calculated explicitly for
scattering by each solenoidal field. The study is based on a new type of complex
scaling method. As an application, we also discuss the relation to semiclassical
resonances in scattering by two solenoidal fields. This is joint work with Hideo Tamura.