植 田 一 石(UEDA Kazushi)

講   座 大域幾何学大講座 准教授
研究分野 代数幾何,シンプレクティック幾何,数理物理


  1. Dimer models and the special McKay correspondence,with Akira Ishii,Geometry and Topology,to appear.
  2. Tropical coamoeba and torus-equivqriant homological mirror symmetry for the projective space,with Masahiro Futaki,Communications in Mathematical Physics,Volume 332(2014),53-87
  3. Homological mirror symmetry for the quintic 3-fold, with Yuichi Nohara, Geometry and Topology, Volume 16 (2012), 1967-2001.
  4. Homological mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds of toric del Pezzo surfaces, with Masahito Yamazaki, Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, Volume 680 (2013), 1-22.
  5. Stability conditions on A_n-singularities, with Akira Ishii and Hokuto Uehara, Journal of Differential Geometry, Volume 84 (2010), 87-126.
学会 日本数学会