
過去の記録 ~05/15次回の予定今後の予定 05/16~

開催情報 金曜日 13:30~15:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) ハイブリッド開催/117号室
担当者 權業 善範、中村 勇哉、田中 公


12:45-13:45   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) ハイブリッド開催/117号室
Sung Rak Choi 氏 (Yonsei University )
ACC of plc thresholds (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
The notion of potential pairs was developed as a means to bound the singularities while running the anti-MMP. They behave similarly with the usual klt, lc pairs.
We introduce potential log canonical threshold and prove that the set of these thresholds also satisfies the ascending chain condition (ACC). We also study the relation with the complements. This is a joint work with Sungwook Jang.