
過去の記録 ~05/18次回の予定今後の予定 05/19~

担当者 新井 敏康


13:00-14:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 156号室
池上 大祐 氏 (芝浦工業大学)
On supercompactness of $\omega_1$
[ 講演概要 ]
In ZFC, all the large cardinals are much bigger than $\omega_1$, the least uncountable cardinal,
while without assuming the Axiom of Choice, $\omega_1$ could have some large cardinal properties.
Jech and Takeuti independently proved that if the axiom system ZFC + There is a measurable cardinal is consistent,
then so is ZF + $\omega_1$ is a measurable cardinal.
Takeuti also proved that one can replace "measurable cardinal" above with "supercompact cardinal" as well as some other large cardinals.
Woodin proved that one can reduce the assumption, i.e., the consistency of ZFC + a supercompact cardinal,
to that of ZFC + There are proper class many Woodin cardinals which are limits of Woodin cardinals,
to obtain the consistency of ZF + $\omega_1$ is a supercompact cardinal.
Furthermore, the model he constructed also satisfies the Axiom of Determinacy (AD).
In this talk, after giving some background on the connections between large cardinals and determinacy, we discuss some consequences of the axiom system ZF + $\omega_1$ is a supercompact cardinal.
This is joint work with Nam Trang.