過去の記録 ~09/18|次回の予定|今後の予定 09/19~
開催情報 | 水曜日 17:00~18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 117号室 |
担当者 | 今井 直毅,ケリー シェーン |
16:00-17:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
Ildar Gaisin 氏 (東京大学数理科学研究科)
Fargues' conjecture in the GL_2-case (ENGLISH)
Ildar Gaisin 氏 (東京大学数理科学研究科)
Fargues' conjecture in the GL_2-case (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
Recently Fargues announced a conjecture which attempts to geometrize the (classical) local Langlands correspondence. Just as in the geometric Langlands story, there is a stack of G-bundles and a Hecke stack which one can define. The conjecture is based on some conjectural objects, however for a cuspidal Langlands parameter and a minuscule cocharacter, we can define every object in the conjecture, assuming only the local Langlands correspondence. We study the geometry of the non-semi-stable locus in the Hecke stack and as an application we will show the Hecke eigensheaf property of Fargues conjecture holds in the GL_2-case and a cuspidal Langlands parameter. This is joint work with Naoki Imai.
Recently Fargues announced a conjecture which attempts to geometrize the (classical) local Langlands correspondence. Just as in the geometric Langlands story, there is a stack of G-bundles and a Hecke stack which one can define. The conjecture is based on some conjectural objects, however for a cuspidal Langlands parameter and a minuscule cocharacter, we can define every object in the conjecture, assuming only the local Langlands correspondence. We study the geometry of the non-semi-stable locus in the Hecke stack and as an application we will show the Hecke eigensheaf property of Fargues conjecture holds in the GL_2-case and a cuspidal Langlands parameter. This is joint work with Naoki Imai.