過去の記録 ~02/11|次回の予定|今後の予定 02/12~
開催情報 | 金曜日 13:30~15:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) ハイブリッド開催/117号室 |
担当者 | 權業 善範、中村 勇哉、田中 公 |
15:30-17:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
Frédéric Campana 氏 (Université de Lorraine/KIAS)
Orbifold rational connectedness (English)
Frédéric Campana 氏 (Université de Lorraine/KIAS)
Orbifold rational connectedness (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
The first step in the decomposition by canonical fibrations with fibres of `signed' canonical bundle of an arbitrary complex projective manifolds $X$ is its `rational quotient' (also called `MRC' fibration): it has rationally connected fibres and non-uniruled base. In general, the further steps (such as the Moishezon-Iitaka fibration) of this decomposition will require the consideration of 'orbifold base' of fibrations in order to deal with the multiple fibres (as seen already for elliptic surfaces). One thus needs to work in the larger category of (smooth) `orbifold pairs' $(X,D)$ to achieve this decomposition. The aim of the talk is thus to introduce the notions of Rational Connectedness and 'rational quotient' in this context, by means of suitable equivalent notions of negativity for the orbifold cotangent bundle (suitably defined. When $D$ is reduced, this is just the usual Log-version). The expected equivalence with connecting families of `orbifold rational curves' remains however presently open.
The first step in the decomposition by canonical fibrations with fibres of `signed' canonical bundle of an arbitrary complex projective manifolds $X$ is its `rational quotient' (also called `MRC' fibration): it has rationally connected fibres and non-uniruled base. In general, the further steps (such as the Moishezon-Iitaka fibration) of this decomposition will require the consideration of 'orbifold base' of fibrations in order to deal with the multiple fibres (as seen already for elliptic surfaces). One thus needs to work in the larger category of (smooth) `orbifold pairs' $(X,D)$ to achieve this decomposition. The aim of the talk is thus to introduce the notions of Rational Connectedness and 'rational quotient' in this context, by means of suitable equivalent notions of negativity for the orbifold cotangent bundle (suitably defined. When $D$ is reduced, this is just the usual Log-version). The expected equivalence with connecting families of `orbifold rational curves' remains however presently open.