
過去の記録 ~04/26次回の予定今後の予定 04/27~

開催情報 金曜日 13:30~15:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) ハイブリッド開催/117号室
担当者 權業 善範、中村 勇哉、田中 公


15:30-17:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
同じ日の13:30--15:00, 126室で、同講師による標数0の特異点解消の講義があります. We have a complimentary lecture by Matsuki-sensei on the resolution in characteristic 0 (from 13:30-15:00 at room#126).
Kenji Matsuki 氏 (Purdue/RIMS)
Hypersurfaces of maximal contact and jumping phenomenon in the problem of resolution of singularities in positive characteristic (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
According to our approach for resolution of singularities in positive characteristic (called the Idealistic Filtration Program, alias the I.F.P.) the algorithm is divided into the following two steps:

Step 1. Reduction of the general case to the monomial case.

Step 2. Solution in the monomial case.

While we have established Step 1 in abritrary dimension, Step 2 becomes very subtle and difficult in positive characteristic. This is in clear contrast to the classical setting in characteristic zero, where the solution in the monomial case is quite easy.

The talk consists of the two parts.

・Part I [13:30--15:00]: This part is mainly for the students, who are not familiar with the classical results in characteristic zero. Through Hironaka's reformulation of the problem of resolution of singularities, we will see how the notion of a hypersurface of maximal contact provides an inductive structure on dimension to the problem, and hence leading to a solution. Since our I.F.P. is closely modelled upon the classical algorithm in characteristic zero, this part should also give some background material and motivation for our approach in positive characteristic.


・Part II [15:30--17:00]: This is the main body of my talk. I will proceed according to the following menu.

{\bf Framewrok of the I.F.P.}: First I will explain the framewrok of the I.F.P., which further extends Hironaka's refomulation. The biggest obstacle to establish Step 1 is the fact that, in positive characteristic, a smooth hypersurface of maximal contact does not exist in general. In order to overcome this obstacle, we introduce the notion of the Leading Generator System, which is the collection of multiple singular hypersurfaces of maximal contcat.

{\bf Monomial Case}: As metioned above, then the problem is reduced to the one in the monomial case.

・ {\bf Inductive scheme on the invariant \boldmath$\tau$}: We firstly observe that, by the inductive scheme on the invariant $\tau$, we have only to consider the case with $\tau = 1$, i.e., the case where there is only one single singular hypersurface of maximal contact.

・ {\bf Tight Monomail Case}: We secondly observe that, if we reach the so-called Tight Monomial Case, then we can easily solve the problem.

・ {\bf Introduction of the invariant `` \boldmath$\mathrm{inv}_{\mathrm{MON},real}$''}: Thus our final task is, after arriving at the monimial case with $\tau = 1$, to reach the Tight Monomial Case, which is characterized by $\mathrm{inv}_{\mathrm{MON},real} = 0$.

・ {\bf Moh-Hauser Jumping phenomenon}: The invariant $\mathrm{inv}_{\mathrm{MON},real}$ usually behaves well, i.e., decreases after each blow up. But under some circustances, it strictly increases. I will explain this well-known Moh-Jumping phenomenon by giving a simple example.

・ {\bf Eventual decrease of the jumping peaks}: At last, the problem boils down to analyzing and overcoming the Moh-Hauser Jumping phenomenon. For this purpose, we will present the conjecture of ``Eventual decrease of the jumping peaks'', which is affirmatively solved in dimension 3, and is the current focus of our research in dimension 4.
[ 参考URL ]