
過去の記録 ~07/26次回の予定今後の予定 07/27~

開催情報 金曜日 13:30~15:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) ハイブリッド開催/117号室
担当者 權業 善範、中村 勇哉、田中 公


16:30-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
永井 保成 氏 (早稲田大学理工学術院基幹理工学部数学科)
Birational Geometry of O'Grady's six dimensional example over the Donaldson-Uhlenbeck compactification (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
O'Grady constructed two sporadic examples of compact irreducible symplectic Kaehler manifold, by resolving singular moduli spaces of sheaves on a K3 surface or an abelian surface. We will give a full description of the birational geometry of O'Grady's six dimensional example over the corresponding Donaldson-Uhlenbeck compactification, using an explicit calculation of certain kind of GIT quotients.
If time permits, we will also discuss an involution of the example induced by a Fourier-Mukai transformation.