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開催情報 木曜日 16:00~17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
担当者 石毛 和弘


16:00-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
Thomas Giletti 氏 (University of Paul Cezanne (Marseilles))
Study of propagation phenomena in some reaction-diffusion systems (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
This talk deals with the existence and qualitative properties of traveling wave solutions of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion system with losses inside the domain, which has numerous applications in various fields ranging from chemical and biological contexts to combusion. Under some KPP type hypotheses, the existence of a continuum of admissible speeds for traveling waves can be shown, thus generalizing the single equation case. Lastly, by considering losses concentrated near the edge of the domain, those results can be compared with those of the boundary losses case.