
過去の記録 ~01/17次回の予定今後の予定 01/18~

開催情報 木曜日 16:00~17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
担当者 石毛 和弘


16:00-17:30   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
東海林 まゆみ 氏 (日本女子大学・理学部・数物科学科)
Particle trajectories around a running cylinder in Brinkman's porous-media flow
[ 講演概要 ]
Motion of fluid particles provides us with interesting problems of dynamical
systems. We consider here the movement of particles around a running cylinder.
Classically J. C. Maxwell (1870) considered the problem in irrotational flow of
inviscid fluid. He showed that the complete solution is given by the elliptic
functions and the trajectory forms one of the elastica curves. C. Darwin ('53)
considered a similar problem for a moving sphere. In this case, the solution
cannot be written in terms of elliptic functions but can be expressed by a
simple definite integral.
We consider a similar problem in Brinkman's porous-media flow which is proposed
by Brinkman ('49). Our numerical examinations reveals some new interesting
features of the particle trajectories which are not observed in the case of
irrotational flow. We will report them.