加 藤 晃 史 (KATO Akishi)

講   座 数理解析学大講座  准教授
研究分野 数理物理学


  1. Quantum Dilogarithms and Partition q-Series
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 338 (2015) 457-481
    (with Yuji Terashima)
  2. Quiver Mutation Loops and Partition q-Series
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 336 (2015) 811-830
    (with Yuji Terashima)
  3. Zonotopes and four-dimensional superconformal field theories
    Journal of High Energy Physics 06(2007)037
  4. Modular invariance of string theory on AdS3
    Physics Letters B486 (2000) 306-31
    (with Yuji Satoh)
  5. D-brane Actions on Kahler Manifolds
    Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 (1997) 237-258
    (with Michael R. Douglas and Hirosi Ooguri)
  6. E7 type modular invariant Wess-Zumino theory and Gepner's string compactification
    Nuclear Physics B319 (1989) 474-490
    (with Yoshihisa Kitazawa)
  7. Classification of Modular Invariant Partition Functions in Two Dimensions
    Modern Physics Letters A2 (1987) 585-600

日本数学会 日本物理学会