
過去の記録 ~11/01次回の予定今後の予定 11/02~

担当者 時弘哲治, ウィロックス ラルフ


13:15-16:45   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
Joe Harrow 氏 (University of Kent) 13:15-14:45
Determinantal expressions for Ohyama polynomials (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
The Ohyama polynomials provide algebraic solutions of the D7 case of the Painleve III equation at a particular sequence of parameter values. It is known that many special function solutions of Painleve equations are expressed in terms of tau functions that can be written in the form of determinants, but until now such a representation for the Ohyama polynomials was not known. Here we present two different determinantal formulae for these polynomials: the first, in terms of Wronskian determinants related to a Darboux transformation for a Lax pair of KdV type; and the second, in terms of Hankel determinants, which is related to the Toda lattice. If time permits, then connections with orthogonal polynomials, and with the recent Riemann-Hilbert approach of Buckingham & Miller, will briefly be mentioned.
Andy Hone 氏 (University of Kent) 15:15-16:45
Discrete dynamics, continued fractions and hyperelliptic curves (English)
[ 講演概要 ]
After reviewing some standard facts about continued fractions for quadratic irrationals, we switch from the real numbers to the field of Laurent series, and describe some classical and more recent results on continued fraction expansions for the square root of an even degree polynomial, and other functions defined on the associated hyperelliptic curve. In the latter case, we extend results of van der Poorten on continued fractions of Jacobi type (J-fractions), and explain the connection with a family of discrete integrable systems (including Quispel-Roberts-Thompson maps and Somos sequences), orthogonal polynomials, and the Toda lattice. If time permits, we will make some remarks on current work with John Roberts and Pol Vanhaecke, concerning expansions involving the square root of an odd degree polynomial, Stieltjes continued fractions, and the Volterra lattice.