過去の記録 ~03/06|次回の予定|今後の予定 03/07~
開催情報 | 金曜日 10:00~11:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室 |
担当者 | 植田一石,金井雅彦,二木昭人 |
備考 | 開始時間と開催場所などは変更されることがあるので, セミナーごとにご確認ください. |
10:00-11:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 126号室
西納武男 氏 (立教大学)
Realization of tropical curves in complex tori (Japanese)
西納武男 氏 (立教大学)
Realization of tropical curves in complex tori (Japanese)
[ 講演概要 ]
Tropical curves are combinatorial object satisfying certain harmonicity condition. They reflect properties of holomorphic curves, and rather precise correspondence is known between tropical curves in real affine spaces and holomorphic curves in toric varieties. In this talk we extend this correspondence to the periodic case. Namely, we give a correspondence between periodic plane tropical curves and holomorphic curves in complex tori. This is a joint work with Tony Yue Yu.
Tropical curves are combinatorial object satisfying certain harmonicity condition. They reflect properties of holomorphic curves, and rather precise correspondence is known between tropical curves in real affine spaces and holomorphic curves in toric varieties. In this talk we extend this correspondence to the periodic case. Namely, we give a correspondence between periodic plane tropical curves and holomorphic curves in complex tori. This is a joint work with Tony Yue Yu.