
過去の記録 ~09/18次回の予定今後の予定 09/19~

開催情報 土曜日 13:00~18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
担当者 小林政晴(北海道大学), 筒井容平(信州大学), 澤野嘉宏(首都大学東京), 寺澤祐高(名古屋大学), 田中仁(東京大学), 古谷康雄(東海大学), 宮地晶彦(東京女子大学)
備考 このセミナーは,月に1度程度,不定期に開催されます.


13:30-17:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
田中仁 氏 (東京大学) 13:30-15:00
Two-weight Morrey norm inequality and the sequential testing
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk we extend Sawyer's two-weight theory to Morrey spaces and give a characterization of two-weight Morrey norm inequalities for the (general) Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators in terms of the sequential testing due to H\"{a}nninen, Hyt\"{o}nen and Li.
We also introduce the description of the K\"othe dual of Morrey type spaces generated by a basis of measurable functions.
The second topic is based on a joint work with Professors Sawano (Tokyo Metropolitan University) and Masty{\l}o (Adam Mickiewicz University and Institute of Mathematics).
澤野嘉宏 氏 (首都大学東京) 15:30-17:00
The topology of the dual space of ${\mathcal S}_0$
[ 講演概要 ]
Based on the notation of my Japanese book, I will consider the topology of ${\mathcal S}_0'$, the dual of ${\mathcal S}_0$.
In view of the linear isomorphism ${\mathcal S}_0' \sim {\mathcal S}/{\mathcal P}$, we can consider two different topologies;

1) the weak-* topology
2) the quotient topology in ${\mathcal S}/{\mathcal P}$.

We aim to show that these two topologies are the same. This will be an errortum of my Japanese book.
This work is done jointly with Takahiro Noi and Shohei Nakamura in Tokyo Metropolitan University.