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開催情報 | 土曜日 13:00~18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室 |
担当者 | 小林政晴(北海道大学), 筒井容平(信州大学), 澤野嘉宏(首都大学東京), 寺澤祐高(名古屋大学), 田中仁(東京大学), 古谷康雄(東海大学), 宮地晶彦(東京女子大学) |
備考 | このセミナーは,月に1度程度,不定期に開催されます. |
13:00-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 128号室
Batbold Tserendorj 氏 (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-15:00
Some Hilbert-type inequalities involving the Hardy operator (ENGLISH)
弱空間に於ける条件付き平均作用素の一様有界性とその応用 (JAPANESE)
Batbold Tserendorj 氏 (National University of Mongolia) 13:30-15:00
Some Hilbert-type inequalities involving the Hardy operator (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
In this talk,
we give some new Hilbert-type inequalities with a homogeneous kernel,
involving the Hardy operator. As an application,
we define related Hilbert-type integral operator
and consider its norm.
The problem of determining the norm of such operator is equivalent to
the problem of the best possible constant factor
involved in the right-hand side of related inequality.
In such a way,
we obtain the norm and the best possible constant factor in some general
with conjugate exponents. In particular,
we obtain generalizations of some recent results,
from the literature.
菊池 万里 氏 (富山大学) 15:30-17:00In this talk,
we give some new Hilbert-type inequalities with a homogeneous kernel,
involving the Hardy operator. As an application,
we define related Hilbert-type integral operator
and consider its norm.
The problem of determining the norm of such operator is equivalent to
the problem of the best possible constant factor
involved in the right-hand side of related inequality.
In such a way,
we obtain the norm and the best possible constant factor in some general
with conjugate exponents. In particular,
we obtain generalizations of some recent results,
from the literature.
弱空間に於ける条件付き平均作用素の一様有界性とその応用 (JAPANESE)
[ 講演概要 ]
Fatou property を持つ確率変数(可測関数)の Banach lattice を
Banach 関数空間と呼ぶ.Banach 関数空間 X から自然な方法で弱空間
w-X を定義するとき,あらゆる条件付き平均作用素が X から w-X への
として,Doob の弱型不等式が成立する為の必要十分条件を導く.また,
Fatou property を持つ確率変数(可測関数)の Banach lattice を
Banach 関数空間と呼ぶ.Banach 関数空間 X から自然な方法で弱空間
w-X を定義するとき,あらゆる条件付き平均作用素が X から w-X への
として,Doob の弱型不等式が成立する為の必要十分条件を導く.また,