過去の記録 ~09/12|次回の予定|今後の予定 09/13~
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 270号室
O. Emanouilov 氏 (Colorado State University)
On reconstruction of Lame coefficients from partial Cauchy data (ENGLISH)
O. Emanouilov 氏 (Colorado State University)
On reconstruction of Lame coefficients from partial Cauchy data (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
For the isotropic Lame system, we prove that if the Lame coefficient ¥mu is a positive constant, then both Lame coefficients can be recovered from the partial Cauchy data.
For the isotropic Lame system, we prove that if the Lame coefficient ¥mu is a positive constant, then both Lame coefficients can be recovered from the partial Cauchy data.