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17:00-18:00   数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 470号室
Ying Tan 氏 (The University of Melbourne)
Extremum Seeking Control: history and recent developments (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
A control system which is to determine and maintain the extremum value of a function is called extremum seeking control. The first extremum seeking control application appeared in 1922, in which the extremum seeking control was applied to electric railways. The first rigorous local stability analysis for an ESC scheme was recently proved in 2000 and later extended to semi-global stability analysis 2006.. This has spurred a renewed interest in this research area, leading to numerous practical implementations of the scheme. This talk will first revisit the history of extremum seeking control. It is followed by an explanation how the extremum seeking works. Finally, it will focus on the latest unifying framework that combines arbitrary continuous optimization algorithms with an estimator for derivatives of the unknown reference-to-output steady state map that contains an extremum.