過去の記録 ~01/17|次回の予定|今後の予定 01/18~
開催情報 | 水曜日 16:30~18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室 |
担当者 | 河東 泰之 |
セミナーURL | https://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yasuyuki/tokyo-seminar.htm |
16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 122号室
Dave Penneys 氏 (UC Berkeley)
Killing weeds with annular multiplicities $*10$ via quadratic tangles (ENGLISH)
Dave Penneys 氏 (UC Berkeley)
Killing weeds with annular multiplicities $*10$ via quadratic tangles (ENGLISH)
[ 講演概要 ]
In recent work with Morrison, Peters, and Snyder, we eliminate two
families of possible principal graphs with graph norms less than 5 using
techniques derived from Jones' work on quadratic tangles.
In recent work with Morrison, Peters, and Snyder, we eliminate two
families of possible principal graphs with graph norms less than 5 using
techniques derived from Jones' work on quadratic tangles.