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16:30-17:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 002号室
Ronald C. King 氏 (Emeritus Professor, University of Southampton)
Affine Weyl groups, grids, coloured tableaux and characters of affine algebras
Ronald C. King 氏 (Emeritus Professor, University of Southampton)
Affine Weyl groups, grids, coloured tableaux and characters of affine algebras
[ 講演概要 ]
It is shown that certain coloured Young diagrams serve to specify not
only all the elements of the affine Weyl groups of the classical
affine Lie algebras but also their action on an arbitrary weight
vector. Through a judicious choice of coset representatives with
respect to the finite Weyl groups of the corresponding maximal rank
simple Lie algebras, both denominator and numerator formulae are
derived and exemplified, along with the explicit calculation of
characters of irreducible representations of the affine Lie algebras.
It is shown that certain coloured Young diagrams serve to specify not
only all the elements of the affine Weyl groups of the classical
affine Lie algebras but also their action on an arbitrary weight
vector. Through a judicious choice of coset representatives with
respect to the finite Weyl groups of the corresponding maximal rank
simple Lie algebras, both denominator and numerator formulae are
derived and exemplified, along with the explicit calculation of
characters of irreducible representations of the affine Lie algebras.