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16:30-18:00 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 118号室
Luc Illusie 氏 (パリ南大学)
On Gabber's refined uniformization theorem and applications
Luc Illusie 氏 (パリ南大学)
On Gabber's refined uniformization theorem and applications
[ 講演概要 ]
Gabber has announced the following theorem : if X is a noetherian quasi-excellent scheme, Z a nowhere dense closed subset, and l a prime number invertible on X, then, locally for the topology on schemes of finite type over X generated, up to thickenings, by proper surjective maps which are generically finite of degree prime to l and by Nisnevich covers, the pair (X,Z) can be uniformized, i. e. replaced by a pair (Y,D), where Y is regular and D a strict normal crossings divisor. The whole proof is not yet written. I will give an overview. The plan is :
1. Statement and reduction to the complete local case (techniques of approximation)
2. Refined partial algebraization of complete local noetherian rings
3. Reduction to the equivariant log regular case (de Jong's techniques)
4. Making actions very tame, end of proof.
If time permits, I will show how the above theorem provides a short proof of Gabber's finiteness theorem for higher direct images of constructible sheaves of torsion prime to the characteristics by morphisms of finite type between quasi-excellent noetherian schemes.
Gabber has announced the following theorem : if X is a noetherian quasi-excellent scheme, Z a nowhere dense closed subset, and l a prime number invertible on X, then, locally for the topology on schemes of finite type over X generated, up to thickenings, by proper surjective maps which are generically finite of degree prime to l and by Nisnevich covers, the pair (X,Z) can be uniformized, i. e. replaced by a pair (Y,D), where Y is regular and D a strict normal crossings divisor. The whole proof is not yet written. I will give an overview. The plan is :
1. Statement and reduction to the complete local case (techniques of approximation)
2. Refined partial algebraization of complete local noetherian rings
3. Reduction to the equivariant log regular case (de Jong's techniques)
4. Making actions very tame, end of proof.
If time permits, I will show how the above theorem provides a short proof of Gabber's finiteness theorem for higher direct images of constructible sheaves of torsion prime to the characteristics by morphisms of finite type between quasi-excellent noetherian schemes.